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Stun, Knockback etc etc .. no way i keep playing melee


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@HnRkLnXqZ.1870 said:Note: About the Signet of Resolve of Guardian. That is the most powerful of your heal skills which recovers more than half of your maximum HP. The cooldowns usually depend on how powerful the healing skills are. There are heal-skills with recovery times of 14-20 seconds. But those have to be either traited to be that short or to recover more than 1/4 of your maximum HP. The Signet of Resolve can be empowered via Radiance Grandmaster: Perfect Inscriptions, to reduce the cooldown to 24 seconds.

Litany of Wrath on the other hand can be traited and empowered to heal for almost 6k with a cooldown of 20 seconds. There is always a price to pay, either by picking a certain elite specialization, classes or using certain traits.

I can understand your frustration, but keep in mind you return after a break of three years. Take your time.

Litany of Wrath can heal 80k+ on a 25sec cd thats a bit better than the signet.

@Tuccos.8592 said:I bought PoF played Revenant to 80.... its a finger acrobatic Class and has no mentionable stability ....The jalis road can be permanent stability with boon duration and alacrity.

My Guardian has no Auto Stability like Warriors... weird... a pure Tank doesnt get it but a fighter ?Guardian has so much access to stability that I don't even know if you,ve read the skills. Hallowed ground, stand your ground, all of firebrands f3 tome skills and all that without even touching the traits.

Mesmer Elite Mirage could be fun with stability..Mirage can dodge without interrupting its skills. The stability mantra is a core skill + you are supposed to dodge on mirage rather than getting hit.

Necro Elite the same...... and all other classes too.Reaper shroud 3 is pulsing stability.

So all that is left is my GS Mesmer and my Scepter Necromancer......You are simply not used to action combat. Have you tried other action games? GW open world is way easier than any single player action rpg.

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@Dante.1508 said:That said yeah op play ranged or melee that can telelport in and out of combat, the mechanics in this game vastly side to ranged characters, every boss needs a ranged option, melee is just a death sentence most times.. The game mechanics have only gotten worse in the last four years, every character i own has a ranged option as a backup because this games mechanics are terrible on melee.

There are just very few bosses you cant really melee. Actually only the hot release once in last story mission and ds meta since they tried to nerf melee stacking there and made it just impossible. Almost all my chars are 100% melee and it works perfectly fine except for maybe 2-3 champions.

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@Tuccos.8592 said:I returned after 3 years break and i am shocked that this games combat is still based on annyoing CC on almost every PVE enemy.I bought PoF played Revenant to 80.... its a finger acrobatic Class and has no mentionable stability ....My Guardian has no Auto Stability like Warriors... weird... a pure Tank doesnt get it but a fighter ?

Sorry but all the CC NPC Enemies in this game got ist simply to much....

Never mind what class i play Melee i usually get knocked back a few times per fight...

Mesmer Elite Mirage could be fun with stability..Necro Elite the same...... and all other classes too.

So all that is left is my GS Mesmer and my Scepter Necromancer......

3-4 weeks have passed and i am already close to quit again.... what a poor sign for a game that should have improved gameplay while i was 3 years off ...

Give melee classes never mind which, more stability and reduce the amount of CC on all and every NPC Enemy in this game....

the $29.99 for PoF + HoT were fair, i had a few nice moments while exploring but thats all positiv i can say...

All the classes are unbalanced and weird to config.

GS Mesmer without any Elite just old skill lines is the best in this game...

Sorry for this Rant but i expected way more fun increasing improvement in 3 years than just expansions but still the same old skills and boring powers....

Not to forget the endless long SkillCooldowns for many powers. A simple power like a Heal or Signet with 30-60 sec cooldown in almost 2020 ?

I keep playing a bit but i lost the motivation to achieve anything. The landscape is nice so i explore the maps then quit again..

(yea no native english sorry)get better all i can tell you. Never in my life i thought gw2 open world pve is hard. Its easy

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@Dante.1508 said:That said yeah op play ranged or melee that can telelport in and out of combat, the mechanics in this game vastly side to ranged characters, every boss needs a ranged option, melee is just a death sentence most times.. The game mechanics have only gotten worse in the last four years, every character i own has a ranged option as a backup because this games mechanics are terrible on melee.

Instanced PVE heavily leans towards melee. Stack in melee even if ranged.Story I don't know really. Never had a problem with anything. My first class was a warrior and I played through the whole content (including hot and pof) as a melee noob with rare gear. Story bosses have really visible telegraphs.Open world PVE if you like to solo post HOT champions you have to adapt. Most can be soloed but there is really no overall rule that applies to all. Some needs to be kited and have really deadly melee attacks that will eat half of your hp bar or just plain one shot KO you. For those you need ranged kiter. Some are attrition battles that are best face tanked with a tank/heal build (I bring my melee Sword/Dagger tank weaver), some you just need to break that breakbar or you die for which I bring my melee cc monster warrior ...If you want an overall one to fit all open world PVE build for some relaxing play a ranged weapon is nice which is fine imo. It is not mandatory though.

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@Cuks.8241 said:

@Dante.1508 said:That said yeah op play ranged or melee that can telelport in and out of combat, the mechanics in this game vastly side to ranged characters, every boss needs a ranged option, melee is just a death sentence most times.. The game mechanics have only gotten worse in the last four years, every character i own has a ranged option as a backup because this games mechanics are terrible on melee.

Instanced PVE heavily leans towards melee. Stack in melee even if ranged.Story I don't know really. Never had a problem with anything. My first class was a warrior and I played through the whole content (including hot and pof) as a melee noob with rare gear. Story bosses have really visible telegraphs.Open world PVE if you like to solo post HOT champions you have to adapt. Most can be soloed but there is really no overall rule that applies to all. Some needs to be kited and have really deadly melee attacks that will eat half of your hp bar or just plain one shot KO you. For those you need ranged kiter. Some are attrition battles that are best face tanked with a tank/heal build (I bring my melee Sword/Dagger tank weaver), some you just need to break that breakbar or you die for which I bring my melee cc monster warrior ...If you want an overall one to fit all open world PVE build for some relaxing play a ranged weapon is nice which is fine imo. It is not mandatory though.

I've never seen anyone in game solo those champions.. I read it here a lot but i've never once seen anyone solo Hot Champs or skill points.

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@Dante.1508 said:

@Dante.1508 said:That said yeah op play ranged or melee that can telelport in and out of combat, the mechanics in this game vastly side to ranged characters, every boss needs a ranged option, melee is just a death sentence most times.. The game mechanics have only gotten worse in the last four years, every character i own has a ranged option as a backup because this games mechanics are terrible on melee.

Instanced PVE heavily leans towards melee. Stack in melee even if ranged.Story I don't know really. Never had a problem with anything. My first class was a warrior and I played through the whole content (including hot and pof) as a melee noob with rare gear. Story bosses have really visible telegraphs.Open world PVE if you like to solo post HOT champions you have to adapt. Most can be soloed but there is really no overall rule that applies to all. Some needs to be kited and have really deadly melee attacks that will eat half of your hp bar or just plain one shot KO you. For those you need ranged kiter. Some are attrition battles that are best face tanked with a tank/heal build (I bring my melee Sword/Dagger tank weaver), some you just need to break that breakbar or you die for which I bring my melee cc monster warrior ...If you want an overall one to fit all open world PVE build for some relaxing play a ranged weapon is nice which is fine imo. It is not mandatory though.

I've never seen anyone in game solo those champions.. I read it here a lot but i've never once seen anyone solo Hot Champs or skill points.

I do it all the time... if i have nothing to do and not feeling like tryharding i hop in AB or TD to kill some shroom queen or balthazar

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@vyncius.6105 said:

@Dante.1508 said:That said yeah op play ranged or melee that can telelport in and out of combat, the mechanics in this game vastly side to ranged characters, every boss needs a ranged option, melee is just a death sentence most times.. The game mechanics have only gotten worse in the last four years, every character i own has a ranged option as a backup because this games mechanics are terrible on melee.

Instanced PVE heavily leans towards melee. Stack in melee even if ranged.Story I don't know really. Never had a problem with anything. My first class was a warrior and I played through the whole content (including hot and pof) as a melee noob with rare gear. Story bosses have really visible telegraphs.Open world PVE if you like to solo post HOT champions you have to adapt. Most can be soloed but there is really no overall rule that applies to all. Some needs to be kited and have really deadly melee attacks that will eat half of your hp bar or just plain one shot KO you. For those you need ranged kiter. Some are attrition battles that are best face tanked with a tank/heal build (I bring my melee Sword/Dagger tank weaver), some you just need to break that breakbar or you die for which I bring my melee cc monster warrior ...If you want an overall one to fit all open world PVE build for some relaxing play a ranged weapon is nice which is fine imo. It is not mandatory though.

I've never seen anyone in game solo those champions.. I read it here a lot but i've never once seen anyone solo Hot Champs or skill points.

I do it all the time... if i have nothing to do and not feeling like tryharding i hop in AB or TD to kill some shroom queen or balthazar

Like i said a lot of people say it here, i'm yet to see anyone actually do it.

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@Dante.1508 said:

@Dante.1508 said:That said yeah op play ranged or melee that can telelport in and out of combat, the mechanics in this game vastly side to ranged characters, every boss needs a ranged option, melee is just a death sentence most times.. The game mechanics have only gotten worse in the last four years, every character i own has a ranged option as a backup because this games mechanics are terrible on melee.

Instanced PVE heavily leans towards melee. Stack in melee even if ranged.Story I don't know really. Never had a problem with anything. My first class was a warrior and I played through the whole content (including hot and pof) as a melee noob with rare gear. Story bosses have really visible telegraphs.Open world PVE if you like to solo post HOT champions you have to adapt. Most can be soloed but there is really no overall rule that applies to all. Some needs to be kited and have really deadly melee attacks that will eat half of your hp bar or just plain one shot KO you. For those you need ranged kiter. Some are attrition battles that are best face tanked with a tank/heal build (I bring my melee Sword/Dagger tank weaver), some you just need to break that breakbar or you die for which I bring my melee cc monster warrior ...If you want an overall one to fit all open world PVE build for some relaxing play a ranged weapon is nice which is fine imo. It is not mandatory though.

I've never seen anyone in game solo those champions.. I read it here a lot but i've never once seen anyone solo Hot Champs or skill points.

I do it all the time... if i have nothing to do and not feeling like tryharding i hop in AB or TD to kill some shroom queen or balthazar

Like i said a lot of people say it here, i'm yet to see anyone actually do it.

streamer MightyTeapot yesterday went in open world and solo'ed some of the hardest champs and hp bosses. He died to underwater champ, but underwater is garbage anyways.

Also you need specific builds to actualy kill stuff solo, but most casuals have no idea what their abilities actualy do, not even talking that they still have some green gear

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@Hashberry.4510 said:

@"Ayakaru.6583" said:Sometimes you just gotta relax and "
shake it off

I live to full counter pocket raptors. So satisfying.

Oh man. Pocket raptors can be so much fun to fight, and at the same time so infuriating if you're just trying to avoid them. I love enemies like that, they make you take notice and pay attention.

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@Melech.4308 said:

@Tuccos.8592 said:I returned after 3 years break and i am shocked that this games combat is still based on annyoing CC on almost every PVE enemy.I bought PoF played Revenant to 80.... its a finger acrobatic Class and has no mentionable stability ....My Guardian has no Auto Stability like Warriors... weird... a pure Tank doesnt get it but a fighter ?

Sorry but all the CC NPC Enemies in this game got ist simply to much....

Never mind what class i play Melee i usually get knocked back a few times per fight...

You can dodge?

I want to hit and kill the enemies without having to dodge and roll 60% of the time. We are talking about trash mobs here not champions and bosses.

Try HoT maps. The number of trash mobs there, their super quick respawning time and all the knock downs and stun they throw at you is ridiculous.

Sure, anyone could take them down eventually but the interrptions in between took away the flow and fun.

Not everyone play this game for the dodge...

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@Tyncale.1629 said:

@"kharmin.7683" said:You've been away for three years. It may take time to learn the "tells" of the AI and then know when to dodge/block/evade to prevent knock-back or other hard CC effects.If we could turn off all the flashy stuff, then I could actually see the monster preparing for some big attack. Often the mob is not visible at all under a pile of players with their flashy skills. I haven't had a good look at most of the Bounty mobs in PoF, they get buried in specialfx.

Ground signals are often obscured also by the flashy stuff: if I could turn off everything exept the orange and red ground signals, then I would probably start to pay a lot more attention.

I play on the lowest settings anyway, so players themselves disappear but not their FX. I really find it weird that Anet has no setting for this.

This. The red circles are not nearly obvious enough through all the effects, other players, and so forth. Not to mention the circles are often inaccurate (the effect is actually bigger than the circle) and your ability to get out of the circle is very much subject to lag. Many are the times I have been hit instantly just as or even before the circle renders on my screen. The system really is not as well refined as it could be.

For starters, get rid of all circle colors except red or green. Red = get out, green = get in. That's genuinely all we need to know. Next, make the lines of the circles thicker and brighter so they are more obvious. Then work on the timing and making sure the circles actually match the area affected.

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@Mil.3562 said:

@Tuccos.8592 said:I returned after 3 years break and i am shocked that this games combat is still based on annyoing CC on almost every PVE enemy.I bought PoF played Revenant to 80.... its a finger acrobatic Class and has no mentionable stability ....My Guardian has no Auto Stability like Warriors... weird... a pure Tank doesnt get it but a fighter ?

Sorry but all the CC NPC Enemies in this game got ist simply to much....

Never mind what class i play Melee i usually get knocked back a few times per fight...

You can dodge?

I want to hit and kill the enemies without having to dodge and roll 60% of the time. We are talking about trash mobs here not champions and bosses.

Try HoT maps. The number of trash mobs there, their super quick respawning time and all the knock downs and stun they throw at you is ridiculous.

Sure, anyone could take them down eventually but the interrptions in between took away the flow and fun.

Not everyone play this game for the dodge...

Okay, no dodging...

Distort?Stealth?Kill them from range before they kill you?

As someone who always frequent HoT maps, who soloes some champions and then some, I guarantee you that if you die to trash mobs, you have a lot to learn about your professsion and should adjust your play style so you do not die to trash mobs.

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When I started playing as a Reaper, I suffered a lot with this. Our Shroud Skill #4 is one of the strongest non-DoT skill we have, but if you press it and get knocked back, you're doomed. In time, I learned that Shroud Skill #3 grants stability for roughly the same amount of time as skill #4. Since I started using it whenever skill #4 was available, I never had this issue again.

Now flying creatures... ugh

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