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Boneskinner Mount Set

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@Ubi.4136 said:Until I get my rollerbeetle that is pocket raptors inside a hamster ball, I am boycotting buying new mounts.

Hadn't heard this suggestion before. Clever!

I also like this idea. Though that's at first blush. At further consideration, I wonder how one feeds the pocket raptors, and how they feel about being cooped up in the ball, and if they get hurt during rocket boost tumbles ... :)

I do agree that for right now the Bonestalker needs to be a unique thing. It could turn out there are tons of them in the new map, and lore about how they're created, and a variant of the design could be translated into player mounts (and would be amazing as a release for next Halloween). But until then I categorize it with Aurene. A lore-significant unique being shouldn't be copy pasted into full cavalry units.

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@JUN YANG.4328 said:christmas wish: can i have Zhaitan skin on skyscale? he is the coolest dragon i ever since. :)

There might be a little problem with that - Zhaitan is such a mess of wings, limbs and other parts that placing a saddle and actually climbing to it would be a quest on it's own... :D

And I'd like to have a Shadow of the Dragon-ish skin for the skyscale, although riding that one would be pretty adventurous too.

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