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Merchandise Collector. What better do whit Khan-Ur helms?


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@"Gop.8713" said:I agree placing the cheeve out of the story tab, as anet did with Ember Bay's patron cheeve, might have prevented a lot of this.As for me there i s BIG differences between apple collection and current charr skin items.

In Ember Bay you once per day whit 100% grantee go to complete. Here we have magic low drop item whit no any progress.Why not progress?? If on open "Recovered" Charr Artifact we have choose get chance item or 100% choose some "charr coin" and for 5, or 10, or no matter how much coins buy it - I say ok. But here is no any vision of progress.

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@lare.5129 said:

@Gop.8713 said:I agree placing the cheeve out of the story tab, as anet did with Ember Bay's patron cheeve, might have prevented a lot of this.As for me there i s BIG differences between apple collection and current charr skin items.

The Patron achievement is completely different from the Apple achievement.

It's also not about making certain progress or not, but making sure an achievement that most will not want to pursue isn't part of the meta for the episode.

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@"Gop.8713" said:If they dropped at the rate of the items in this collection, that would have made them more difficult to acquire not less.? why? do think what many people do current side story meta only for that charr skin? I don't believe.

Either way, it's not a very good guess as to the root cause of the discrepancy. More likely explanations would be that the original explanation given for there being no colleciton for the ascended dragonsblood weapons was bogus, that anet's thinking on the topic has changed over time, or most likely that the person responsible for making the decision on this collection was simply unaware of the previous decision and its rationale . . .I think what it was only mistake, they don't think - impossible think about everything, and this is not problem. Problems comes problems only if people say this this is OK and don't do changes. Now we will see how they fix that.

Also, for compare, about ascended dragonsblood

! I close ALL ascended dragonsblood weapons exept shield, because achievement is not fixed yet, You can read about it more detail on
this is not hard and you can see progress.

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@Gop.8713 said:(...) but I don't really like the way it would affect players who paid big for the few that were listed on tp . . .The same way those who paid vendor price for Chilli home node at launch felt hurt when they figured that thing could be looted and bought for MUCH less on TP. Or those like me who got the new emote by getting all achievements felt hurt when figured WvW'ers could get it by simply finishing a track (alright, that's a rant).

What was good incoming in past shouldn't be good forever. I'd totally support idea #3

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@magnusthorek.8027 said:

@Gop.8713 said:(...) but I don't really like the way it would affect players who paid big for the few that were listed on tp . . .The same way those who paid vendor price for Chilli home node at launch felt hurt when they figured that thing could be looted and bought for MUCH less on TP. Or those like me who got the new emote by getting all achievements felt hurt when figured WvW'ers could get it by simply finishing a track (alright, that's a rant).

What was good incoming in past shouldn't be good forever. I'd totally support idea #3

Just bc bad things happened in the past is no excuse to do more bad things now tho . . .

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Selecting one helmet from the Visage of the Khan-Ur now unlocks the skins for all three armor classes. Players who have unlocked one of the three skins can unlock the others by traveling to Lion's Arch, Grothmar Valley, or Bjora Marches.

Congrats to those people who spend tons of gold for their 3 helmets :)You also don't need to buy that helmet at all to complete the achievement :)

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  • The Merchandise Collector achievement is now slightly easier to complete.

I am utterly confused. It shows as "unlocked" now in my achievement's item list, but not in my Wardrobe. The latter makes sense, because I've never acquired the item, so I am wondering about the logic here about the former...

Was this itended, and if so, why the discrepancy?

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In the meantime I have opened a chest every day and not gotten a single skin. I'm not surprised of course, the drop rate is incredibly low and getting a single drop on its own is to be considered insanely lucky. I couldn't care less if it was just about the skin, but the whole thing makes no sense to me:

  • The skins aren't merchandise items, so why are they in this achievement?
  • If the idea truly was to have an achievement that was hard to complete, then why doesn't it come with any title or something else that makes it a "prestige" thing?(You can wear only one helmet skin at once, so that doesn't count) EDIT: You can achieve it with 12/15 skins now, so ignore this one.
  • Why is the T-Shirt included in this achievement when you can buy it super easy from the vendor, meaning that most likely everyone will acquire it this way, since the achievement is nearly impossible to complete? EDIT: You can achieve it with 12/15 skins now, so ignore this one.
  • It's 3 skins that all look the same and since they are extremely rare one can easily see how it's supposed to be a mean of making money for ANet, but then again, why is it in an achievement? (invisible boots have the same effect and are NOT part of an achievement)
  • I can understand that somehow there is an intent to replay the map when there is something rare to get, but if you are required to play 4 metas when each new episode will replace most of the players into a new map this solution isn't very optimal. Of course you can just buy the legion keys from TP (as long as available) and open the vault, but then again that is terrible design in the means of gameplay. Killing the choya pinata over and over at least gives you something real to do and is free.

By the way, if you want to convert gems and pay 10000g for each skin it will cost you around 1500$ at the moment. I'm not trying to make a point with this, but given this fact and the fact the achievement otherwise will most likely never be completed by 99% of the community I think the best solution for Anet would be to let everyone buy the chest for 10000g from the vendor.

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@"Clyan.1593" said:

  • The skins aren't merchandise items, so why are they in this achievement?so we have first step done, charr mask skins a merged like other "specific story items". This is was always in story and will believe that it will be continue.But yes, the question "why this charr mask included" very logic. This logic increased then we see strange reward, and drop rate.
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@Gop.8713 said:You only need twelve of the fifteen skins now to complete the cheeve. The weapon skins spiked a little as a result, but assuming they normalize and don't spiral out of control I'd say this qualifies as a complete fix . . .

To correct this I think that tp prices don't matter at all now? With both the wvw and pvp reward tracks, plus the items available at the chili vendor you can now finish the achievement without buying any weapon skins off tp I think. You only need the shoulders (or the helm :p ). It didn't occur to me at first bc I don't pvp. So I may be wrong, someone pls correct me if so . . .

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@Gop.8713 said:

@Gop.8713 said:You only need twelve of the fifteen skins now to complete the cheeve. The weapon skins spiked a little as a result, but assuming they normalize and don't spiral out of control I'd say this qualifies as a complete fix . . .

To correct this I think that tp prices don't matter at all now? With both the wvw and pvp reward tracks, plus the items available at the chili vendor you can now finish the achievement without buying any weapon skins off tp I think. You only need the shoulders (or the helm :p ). It didn't occur to me at first bc I don't pvp. So I may be wrong, someone pls correct me if so . . .

Don't check yet, but anyway very strange see that charr helm in story collection. By current vision and changes this charr helm should be reward for 12 items.

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With both the wvw and pvp reward tracks, plus the items available at the chili vendor you can now finish the achievement without buying any weapon skins off tp I think. You only need the shoulders (or the helm :p ).

1 weapon from wvw track, 1 from pvp track, 1 from 'Grothmar Tribune' achievement. Still need to buy one more :-( Or do I miss something? Also I had no luck with shoulders.

Anyway the latest changes made this much more obtainable.

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i wish i get this drop or the infusion.because i need gold for all those nice stuff ingame. cost gems. it’s long ago i got rewarded, so it would be time to loot something nice for easy gold. i want so many things but i don’t clear my wallet just for pixels. i want pixels drop and buy other pixels for it that looks nice. some ppl are lucky and rich and never have to spend a single euro on gems. i work daily for gold, but to reach those prices takes me few months. a mount 2k gems. 600+ gold.

enough whined. nothing will change:(

oh i like dhuum helm more then this one. and i don’t play charr much

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