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Display Name change Suggestion


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Hi,I've been playing GW2 on and off since it got released and one thing has always bothered me. The display name.

I understand 100% why the display name cannot be changed, but I don't understand why there has not been a compromise to the problem.

I like many players like to have the ability to change their IGN when needed and I find it a real shame nothing has been done about it. It's just a matter of a "quality of life" change but I think it's very overdue.

--‐------------------------------------------------------------------Edit: To clarify

  1. Account name: email (unchanged)
  2. Display name: Example.1234 (unchanged)
  3. NEW IGN: replaces/masks display name (purely cosmetic) and can be changed by user.
  4. Character name (unchanged)
  5. Nickname (unchanged)


The main purpose for this suggested new IGN would be to conveniently and easily identify friends and guild members under that names they wish to be known for.This would make identifying players much easier when players have multiple characters in a game that is very much tailored for multiple alternative characters.

I need to clarify:This suggestion will not remove the already present display nameThis suggestion is purely for cosmetic and convenient identification for guild members/friends WHILE also addressing the issue that the current display name can not be changed.

Effectively it's just a case of nicknaming your own account.The only current thing you can do that's close to this is to add everyone onto the friends list and individually assign nicknames and even this does not fully solve the issue when it comes to ease of identification in guild chat.

I made this into a Poll just to easily identify the community's opinion on the matter.I'm certain this has been something that keeps getting brought up but despite my searches I have not come across one that offers any sort of compromise to the issue.

Thanks for your time.

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The current system does let you set a nickname, but then you can easily forget what someone's actual handle is when you need to manually invite them to something, send a mail, or invite them to a guild. This gets worse the larger your friends list is.

I think I'd like something similar to what Discord offers: A stationary account name (GW2 handle), a display name you can change depending on what server you're in (GW2 character name), and a field for you to add notes/nicknames/details (Like the nickname feature we have, except it wouldn't replace the account name in the friend list). It'd be nice to be able to mouse over a name in my contacts and see all the nicks and other deets I've put on someone.

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@AgentMoore.9453 said:I think I'd like something similar to what Discord offers: A stationary account name (GW2 handle), a display name you can change depending on what server you're in (GW2 character name)

I don't think I've been very clear, it's really early in morning so I apologise.

But this is kinda what I'm suggesting.

  1. Account name (unchanged)
  2. Display name (new IGN, effectively masks account name)
  3. Character name.

Display name (2) displayed in guild chat for easy recognition of player. Display name also shown on friends list for easy recognition.

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:Account Names can be changed, just contact the CS Team.Display Names, on the other hand, can not.You can assign a Nickname to any account, and it will show up wherever a Display Name would.

I'm not talking about adding a player and assigning a nickname to user.I'm talking about adding a personal new name that masks the account name of the user to have other players easily identify.

As another person here mentioned, like how discord does it.

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:It's been asked, many times, to change Display Names. The answer is always no, for a number of reasons.The most important being: it tends to break the game.

(Also, Account Names are email addresses [no one ever sees these, but are easily changed]. Display Names are the names you see in-game, on the forums, etc.)

I apologise not being clear the first time round.Regardless of my mistakes, you have missed the point.

Display names can not be changed, I have stated that I do understand why and I am not asking for it to be changed.I'm suggesting a compromise of a new name field the IGN that would mask the display name.The display name would stay intact and would be still used for the purposes that it is needed for.The new IGN I'm suggesting is purely cosmetic to yourself and guild members/friends to have better recognition in chat and when switching characters.

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Add a temporary bracket [ ] ( ) to recently changed name to show change.Example: player-name (was changed today)

Bracket lasts for one week each change.Names can be only changed once per week.(Adjust as necessary)

Requiring a third party approval to change ones name is too intrusive;unnecessary.

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@Zaklex.6308 said:Totally unnecessary...what do you have to hide that you need to use a false identifier.

You are missing the point, Players like to change their account names.And it's a matter of convenience for things like Guild chat when players have multiple characters all with different names and it names it difficult to differentiate who is who.

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@AgentMoore.9453 said:The current system does let you set a nickname, but then you can easily forget what someone's actual handle is when you need to manually invite them to something, send a mail, or invite them to a guild. This gets worse the larger your friends list is.

I've set nicknames for multiple accounts in my friend list...but I have to hover to see the nicknames set in map/party/guild chat...It would be better..if it just showed it.Seeing individual character names is often confusing.

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@"Trise.2865" said:This sounds like a great idea, until someone starts constantly changing their display name to troll, spam, or otherwise harass people.

But that's the thing, the Display Name will still be there.This new name would only be for Guild members & Friends.If someone is being toxic, the guild or the friends of the player can just remove/block them.

Not only that, but I'm sure already established rules are a bit of a no-brainer like no restricted words can be used, etc.And the best way to stop an issue of someone constantly changing their new name would be restricted after a certain amount of time:"You can only change your name once ever 3/6/12months"

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@Xhalvia.5029 said:

@Zaklex.6308 said:Totally unnecessary...what do you have to hide that you need to use a false identifier.

You are missing the point, Players like to change their account names.And it's a matter of convenience for things like Guild chat when players have multiple characters all with different names and it names it difficult to differentiate who is who.

@Zaklex.6308 said:Totally unnecessary...what do you have to hide that you need to use a false identifier.

You are missing the point, Players like to change their account names.And it's a matter of convenience for things like Guild chat when players have multiple characters all with different names and it names it difficult to differentiate who is who.

Interesting...because when looking at the Guild Roster, not only does it show the character the person is playing, but it shows your account name right along side of it...I think it's only a problem if...I honestly can't think of one, I prefer to know the person by their account name and not their character names and I get that information from both the friends list and guild roster.

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@Zaklex.6308 said:

@Zaklex.6308 said:Totally unnecessary...what do you have to hide that you need to use a false identifier.

You are missing the point, Players like to change their account names.And it's a matter of convenience for things like Guild chat when players have multiple characters all with different names and it names it difficult to differentiate who is who.

@Zaklex.6308 said:Totally unnecessary...what do you have to hide that you need to use a false identifier.

You are missing the point, Players like to change their account names.And it's a matter of convenience for things like Guild chat when players have multiple characters all with different names and it names it difficult to differentiate who is who.

Interesting...because when looking at the Guild Roster, not only does it show the character the person is playing, but it shows your account name right along side of it...I think it's only a problem if...I honestly can't think of one, I prefer to know the person by their account name and not their character names and I get that information from both the friends list and guild roster.

You are missing the point.Not only have you clearly not understood my extensive explanation, you have clearly overlooked parts of it... willingly or not.

Furthermore you are being quite selfish in your approach. It is not fair to assume that because it does not effect you then it should not effect other people.

I have stated that this suggestion I have presented could be completely optional.

I have also stated that one of the issues that could be solved is the issue that the current Display name is not used in the text box to help identify players when multiple characters are considered.You have conveniently ignored this point despite me clarifying this multiple times over the course of the thread.Regardless, even if you do not like this feature I have suggested my alternative as optional.

Some players are not particularly happy with the display name they originally desired with.All other games/programs allows their users to change their display name after a period of time.What I have suggested is not something out of the ordinary.

My suggestion DOES NOT SUGGEST a removal of the current Display Name and acknowledges the reasoning behind why ANET does not allow for it to be changed unless under certain circumstances.I have outlined exactly that the function of the current Display name would continue as it currently is and could be accessible still if desired.

My suggestion OUTLINES precisely that it would effectively be a nickname that you place on your OWN account.And only visable towards people in your own guilds or friends list.This is another aspect of my suggestion you have either overlooked or willingly ignoring.

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@"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:For guild lists and friends lists, why would one need a nickname if the Display Name (and character name) already shows?

Again, changes to the UI are problematic, according to the Devs. Perhaps, though, they will put it on their 'things to someday do' list.

Good luck.

Honestly, I'm sorry if this comes off as rude.But do people like you read and understand what has been written?

I have explained extensively and and at multiple length exactly that other players are unhappy with their current Display name and this is a case of "killing 2 birds with 1 stone" because the guild/friends part is to be easily identifiable in the text box and guild/friends list.

Honestly, I dont mind a diffrence of opinion backed up with actual criticism but it's now getting ridiculous when people like you share ridiculous thoughts when you have clearly not read what has been written.

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