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GW2 Console?

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@DoRi Silvia.4159 said:Saw this same post by someone just last week.

Anet has no plans for console and most likely never will as it will be too much effort for too little $ to be made from it

In today's gaming market it is not a matter of if a game will be available on console or mobile the issue is when it will occur. It isn't really viable that it could be condensed down to mobile even though the gaming market is way more profitable with the mobile gaming market than anything else. Although compared to PC the console market itself where mmorpg's are porting their games to console versions its not too much effort. If it can be done with Star Trek Online which has already happened awhile ago now it can be done with this game and even more so being that this game has far less skill bars and no where near the thousands of items between versions of the game.

So the bigger question is when is it happening and how long will any mmorpg or any gaming company go before they cease making games like gw2 for PC players because its becoming a thing of the past where most likely 10-15 years from now you won't find any games coming out for PC.

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@Klypto.1703 said:If it can be done with Star Trek Online which has already happened awhile ago now it can be done with this game and even more so being that this game has far less skill bars and no where near the thousands of items between versions of the game.

Excuse me, but STO have managed to pull it off by adding auto-activation of (multiple)abilities.... and movement/positioning in STO is slightly bit of different matter than that of GW2's. And I recall of huge metric ton of hate flowing about STO console's release....

also be carefull with statements like that:

because its becoming a thing of the past where most likely 10-15 years from now you won't find any games coming out for PC.

Last time a big company made similar claim about single player games they were - and still are ridiculed for it ;)

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@Klypto.1703 said:

@DoRi Silvia.4159 said:Saw this same post by someone just last week.

Anet has no plans for console and most likely never will as it will be too much effort for too little $ to be made from it

In today's gaming market it is not a matter of if a game will be available on console or mobile the issue is when it will occur. It isn't really viable that it could be condensed down to mobile even though the gaming market is way more profitable with the mobile gaming market than anything else. Although compared to PC the console market itself where mmorpg's are porting their games to console versions its not too much effort. If it can be done with Star Trek Online which has already happened awhile ago now it can be done with this game and even more so being that this game has far less skill bars and no where near the thousands of items between versions of the game.

So the bigger question is when is it happening and how long will any mmorpg or any gaming company go before they cease making games like gw2 for PC players because its becoming a thing of the past where most likely 10-15 years from now you won't find any games coming out for PC.

Uh, try the other way around. Games will still be coming out for pc, whereas they might as well just stop wasting their time on consoles that are already out of date on release and timelocked to the tech of their release.

Mobile and gaming aren't a market, it's a farming tool for people who play farmville.

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@kharmin.7683 said:Because people refuse to use the forums search function.

Well and because people still discuss what would draw new players and why consoles ever became a thing. Consoles were the industries answer to how do we get more hardware infront of people at a lower cost and that creates less variables to game designers where they have to code for a lot of diverse components. There was a time where software was outpacing hardwares abilities and you had to replace that gaming PC quite often, every couple of years per say. Console is still facing that rute but PCs over the last decade have further advanced ands it not unheard of to have an 8 year old PC that can play current games. So to some the question rises, would allowing a port to console increase the playerbase. Not everyone has both platforms.

To me, fine with it as long as it doesn't dumb down the game play. If coding for the limits of a controler detracts from having more skills that I can access, then no. If it doesn't and can increase the playerbase, it might be worth its money.

But why people bring it back up, again people have friends that may not have both platforms and in any MMO, it all the better with more people.

2 cents.

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@ImTheMate.4681 said:Hey, just wondering if it would be possible to bring GW2 to console (PS4, XBOX)Personally, I think it would be pretty awesome if it were to happen.

What about it being on console appeals to you?

I only ask because a built myself a mini PC and have it sitting next to my TV in the living room. I then have the option to use a keyboard/mouse or program a controller to play the game.

There isn’t anything a console can do that a PC can’t but there’s plenty that a PC can do that a console can’t.

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