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While you're working on Warclaw balance, PLEASE consider removing the mount stomp.


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@Chorazin.4107 said:Warclaw should be there to act as a store for your siege equipment to get it out of your inventory slots, maybe add to your carry capacity, and get you from spawn to battles a little faster. Three dodges is too many, it should have one leap-dodge that moves you a little further than the current leap.

To be honest I dont feel like WvW needed a mount at all, I would be happy if they just deleted it from WvW. You have way points all over the place to teleport to, a lot of classes have a run speed buff. If they don't they generally are part of a group who do provide a run speed buff or they are running something like travellers. Worried about gankers? Well that is the job of solo's and small groups, to cut reinforcements to the main zerg from spawn.

How about 1st jump only provides the evade but the jump is only half the distance, and then the other 2 jumps on endurance bar has no evade but has the normal current dodge jump range to create distance. In theory they can just jump and wait for 1st jump on endurance bar to regen if they play carefully to chain evade jumps, but if they spam the jumps then they get no evade on 2nd/3rd dodge jump.So on endurance bar it looks like this:[==3rd jump--] [==2nd jump==] [==1st jump (this bar is the only one that provides an evade but half distance of the other 2)==]If they just jump on 1st jump when endurance bar is full, they always get an evade but the jump is only half distance of current dodge jump range. If endurance bar is not full, any dodges they attempt do not give an evade, but the jump gives the distance that the current dodge jump gives, whatever range units that is.

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Uhm.... OP has got things mixed up sounds like. Alot (if not most) of us long term wvw players feel downstate shouldnt even be in wvw (we have lots of fun with the no-down-state event that sometimes pops). Therefor, imo Warclaw "Instastomp" is a nice compensation.

Another problem from before was that if u try a 2vs5, its was almost silly impossible against ppl who knew how to work the mechanics in small groups & downstate and their OP Combat-Rezes. These days u can eliminate a downed player fast if u have a lucky roamer on a mount closeby. I can understand those small guilds who used the older "downstate combat rez havoc tactics" to cap every minor objective with little or no opposition would complain about warclaw stompers :)

Also, I dont like the idea of too much nerfing of exp pack features (its fine as it is imo), because its obvious that there are a bunch of players that keep switch to the winning team on alt accounts etc, and they ofcourse want mostly everything from exp packs nerfed to oblivion (as the exp-packs features make their non-exp-enabled alt accounts weaker in comparisson).

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I'm of the opinion that they have already OVER nerfed Warclaw. As for the Mount Stomp. It can be removed once Downstate is removed. Add a PvE WvW/PvP split to the downstate traits so that they do something else in WvW/PvP.

I do not think the evades, nor the run speed needs nerfing. They gave you a lance to take care of catching them, go use it.

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@"hugeboss.5432" said:Uhm.... OP has got things mixed up sounds like. Alot (if not most) of us long term wvw players feel downstate shouldnt even be in wvw (we have lots of fun with the no-down-state event that sometimes pops). Therefor, imo Warclaw "Instastomp" is a nice compensation.

Another problem from before was that if u try a 2vs5, its was almost silly impossible against ppl who knew how to work the mechanics in small groups & downstate and their OP Combat-Rezes. These days u can eliminate a downed player fast if u have a lucky roamer on a mount closeby. I can understand those small guilds who used the older "downstate combat rez havoc tactics" to cap every minor objective with little or no opposition would complain about warclaw stompers :)

Also, I dont like the idea of too much nerfing of exp pack features (its fine as it is imo), because its obvious that there are a bunch of players that keep switch to the winning team on alt accounts etc, and they ofcourse want mostly everything from exp packs nerfed to oblivion (as the exp-packs features make their non-exp-enabled alt accounts weaker in comparisson).

The overall problem of mount stomp is that not everyone is effected by it in a fight, big time if you are the outnumbered one already and they have people streaming in as you are downing others, you are in combat and can't mount for instant stomp, you can be CCed or denied the stomp by many things, including stealthing of the downed. However, warclaw can't be CCed, and the stomp is instant and AOE on top of that, so you are winning a outnumbered fight, you are downing them but one of your team goes down....That's fine because you are going to finish the other downs first, but then more run in but on a mount and insta finish, turning the fight in favor even more of those with greater numbers.

With no downstate, the others that were downed (defeated) would not need to be finished and the outnumbered players would stand a chance. Downstate is fine.....So long as the numbers are even (like in sPvP), however due to how the mechanic works, the more stacked one side gets, the bigger advantage it is to the larger group, and it keeps getting worse up to the point that you can't ever get a down. If you want to remove downstate, I will be standing right beside you, however mount stomp is not the same and in most cases will favor the side with more numbers or fights in their territory due to the smaller size having far less of a chance that some "random roamer" will come along and mount stomp someone you downed unless you leave someone out of the fight on a mount for finishing, but being out numbered you can't afford to do that as they are more valuable for dmg or support in the fight, however the larger side can afford to do this and will have a far greater chance that one of their players will come along and mount stomp the smaller servers team. This would be less of a problem if mounts could be CCed, you see them coming for a mount stomp? CC them and stop it, it also makes game play more skillful as everything should have a counter, not run into a fight you had nothing to do with, immune to all CC, with 3 extra dodges, and use an AOE attack to finish all downed AND do dmg to others in the area.

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