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Show Male Charr some love!

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Female charr have got better looking faces, less goofy hairstyles and armour made specificly for female charr look better than the male version. Why????? Can Male Charr get some love too any time soon!

Can we please get:

  • Male charr faces that are not ugly or dog like (make them look similar to Bangars, slender) Teeth can be visible, but if they are, dont make it look like they have eaten a grenade!

  • Give us male charr hairstyles that are not oversized, goofy or anime looking. Make it less volumy (is that even a word), make thin braids or dreadlocks a mix of both or together with loose hanging hair, use feathers, beads etc.

  • Add some more horns as so few helmets actually look good on charr. I still miss deer/reindeer antler inpired horns (using the backward pointing part of deer horns for inspiration for charr horns would look awesome imo)

  • Make armour (especially chest armour) for all weight classes show more skin in male charr. There is fur patterns for a reason but only female charr and heavy armoured charr ever get a chanse to show their fur.

What else can you think of that Male Charr need?

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Can i have some of the male hairstyles and you can have some of the female ones? cause uh, we have quiet a few that are bad too.

By the way, the fur showing is an issue across both. theres a few skins here and there, but female charr usually get the male version of the armor.

Charr in general need more love, so i gib +1

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@Me Kill You.9035 said:Charrs have so many customization options though, you can have basically normal but pointier teeth if you want. There are like, the super saiyan haircuts and stuff, but a lot are pretty 'normal' imo

Many of the normal looks are old and low quality detail-wise and poor resolution. Compare with humans last edition of hairstyles. Also, the last added female face (and Bangars too) has very soft, rounded natural-looking shapes compared to older faces with poor resolution and no love for details. Same goes for horns.

  • Also, it would be awesome to choose color for your horns, colors that exists already plus black., but make all colors avaliable for all horns. That would increase the posibilities for variation tremendesley! Charr horns are both central and very visible for the race! Claws would automaticly match horns as well!
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@Frostfang.5109 said:

@Me Kill You.9035 said:Charrs have so many customization options though, you can have basically normal but pointier teeth if you want. There are like, the super saiyan haircuts and stuff, but a lot are pretty 'normal' imo

Many of the normal looks are old and low quality detail-wise and poor resolution. Compare with humans last edition of hairstyles. Also, the last added female face (and Bangars too) has very soft, rounded natural-looking shapes compared to older faces with poor resolution and no love for details. Same goes for horns.
  • Also, it would be awesome to choose color for your horns, colors that exists already plus black., but make all colors avaliable for all horns. That would increase the posibilities for variation tremendesley! Charr horns are both central and very visible for the race! Claws would automaticly match horns as well!

It doesnt help that about half the newer faces have some weird bug or something that prevents eye colors from showing, or are covered in obnoxious face paint that cant be coloured, thus limiting ones options.

We are still missing fur colours, patterns and faces that exist on NPCs in game. I dunno why we cant have them, but i want them so much. especially Crecias face, its perfect for the look i had in mind for my Charr when i first made her.

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@Dante.1763 said:

@Me Kill You.9035 said:Charrs have so many customization options though, you can have basically normal but pointier teeth if you want. There are like, the super saiyan haircuts and stuff, but a lot are pretty 'normal' imo

Many of the normal looks are old and low quality detail-wise and poor resolution. Compare with humans last edition of hairstyles. Also, the last added female face (and Bangars too) has very soft, rounded natural-looking shapes compared to older faces with poor resolution and no love for details. Same goes for horns.
  • Also, it would be awesome to choose color for your horns, colors that exists already plus black., but make all colors avaliable for all horns. That would increase the posibilities for variation tremendesley! Charr horns are both central and very visible for the race! Claws would automaticly match horns as well!

It doesnt help that about half the newer faces have some weird bug or something that prevents eye colors from showing, or are covered in obnoxious face paint that cant be coloured, thus limiting ones options.

We are still missing fur colours, patterns and faces that exist on NPCs in game. I dunno why we cant have them, but i want them so much. especially Crecias face, its perfect for the look i had in mind for my Charr when i first made her.

You dont even see Crecia and Bangar that much! I dont understand why we cant have those or similar faces too!!!

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@Frostfang.5109 said:

@Me Kill You.9035 said:Charrs have so many customization options though, you can have basically normal but pointier teeth if you want. There are like, the super saiyan haircuts and stuff, but a lot are pretty 'normal' imo

Many of the normal looks are old and low quality detail-wise and poor resolution. Compare with humans last edition of hairstyles. Also, the last added female face (and Bangars too) has very soft, rounded natural-looking shapes compared to older faces with poor resolution and no love for details. Same goes for horns.
  • Also, it would be awesome to choose color for your horns, colors that exists already plus black., but make all colors avaliable for all horns. That would increase the posibilities for variation tremendesley! Charr horns are both central and very visible for the race! Claws would automaticly match horns as well!

It doesnt help that about half the newer faces have some weird bug or something that prevents eye colors from showing, or are covered in obnoxious face paint that cant be coloured, thus limiting ones options.

We are still missing fur colours, patterns and faces that exist on NPCs in game. I dunno why we cant have them, but i want them so much. especially Crecias face, its perfect for the look i had in mind for my Charr when i first made her.

You dont even see Crecia and Bangar that much! I dont understand why we cant have those or similar faces too!!!

They could give us a modified variant of the Crecia and Bangar faces, the way they gave us a modified Rox face. Also, Efram's horns. Plus, they should add some of the Flame Legion exclusive faces--those lava shamans have some nice soft male features. Would make even more sense, now that we're buddies with Flame.

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Yeah. We need more vicious, threatening and scary male faces. Something worthy of a warring culture race. None of those kawaii uguu faces and boy-band hairstyles. Rough, scarred and battle-hardened please.

When you see a Charr you're supposed to think "Oh crap, that big cat is going to murder me!" not "Oh he's cute and fluffy! I wonder if I could pet him..."

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@Weindrasi.3805 said:

@Me Kill You.9035 said:Charrs have so many customization options though, you can have basically normal but pointier teeth if you want. There are like, the super saiyan haircuts and stuff, but a lot are pretty 'normal' imo

Many of the normal looks are old and low quality detail-wise and poor resolution. Compare with humans last edition of hairstyles. Also, the last added female face (and Bangars too) has very soft, rounded natural-looking shapes compared to older faces with poor resolution and no love for details. Same goes for horns.
  • Also, it would be awesome to choose color for your horns, colors that exists already plus black., but make all colors avaliable for all horns. That would increase the posibilities for variation tremendesley! Charr horns are both central and very visible for the race! Claws would automaticly match horns as well!

It doesnt help that about half the newer faces have some weird bug or something that prevents eye colors from showing, or are covered in obnoxious face paint that cant be coloured, thus limiting ones options.

We are still missing fur colours, patterns and faces that exist on NPCs in game. I dunno why we cant have them, but i want them so much. especially Crecias face, its perfect for the look i had in mind for my Charr when i first made her.

You dont even see Crecia and Bangar that much! I dont understand why we cant have those or similar faces too!!!

They could give us a modified variant of the Crecia and Bangar faces, the way they gave us a modified Rox face. Also, Efram's horns. Plus, they should add some of the Flame Legion exclusive faces--those lava shamans have some nice soft male features. Would make even more sense, now that we're buddies with Flame.

Also, shoulder spikes, so people can make flame legion characters!

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