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A little sad,


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Among the multiple other reasons in terms of how the game has felt kind of dull the past few months, I wanted to do Arah the other night but there was nobody there.

I know it's been like that for awhile, but I used to see a group every now and then just wanting to do it for fun.

If they're not going to put in anymore fractals/raids/dungeons anymore it would be cool if they could add in some other incentives for doing the current ones. Whether it's cosmetic items like infusions you can buy with tokens, armor/weapon skins, tonics. For fractals maybe a way to obtain different color variations of Ascencion like gold, black, or white or something.

Maybe even some more welfare legendary armor involving dungeon tokens or something? I don't know. There has to be something they can do to breathe life into these gamemodes for the veterans that would increase interest and maybe even encourage a positive experience for new players that haven't experienced them before.

I guess the same could be said about a lot in this game though, like guild missions and systems. At least we still get a guild decoration every now and then though, and they added the guild capes recently so that's a small victory.

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@Rasimir.6239 said:Have you tried putting up your own lfg instead of looking for other people's? I regularly play all dungeons, with Arah being among the favorites, and I rarely have problems to fill a group.

I have in the past and didn't get any bites. The last time I didn't but it was late and I didn't feel like being that patient or expect anyone to. I might try that again next time though if it's earlier on in the night.

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If you don't see a group (or if there isn't one which fits your requirements) it's definitely better to put one up than wait and hope someone else does it. A lot of people are reluctant to start a group for various reasons so there's often many more people looking than creating listings.

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Unfortunately some dead game content of the game can be done almost on weekends only, when theres more completionists and AP hunters around... some more specific fractals achievs i got on sundays.

About dungeons the problem is their mechanics are almost unintuitive, if the mechanics was more i ntuitive, surely theres more newbs pugging into it. but some of them is locked behind a 'dude that know the mechanics'.

i myself was used to runs dungeons on past, but i cant even remind the most trivial ones like Ascalonian catacombs or Caudecus "tricks" anymore.

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@"ugrakarma.9416" said:Unfortunately some dead game content of the game can be done almost on weekends only, when theres more completionists and AP hunters around... some more specific fractals achievs i got on sundays.

About dungeons the problem is their mechanics are almost unintuitive, if the mechanics was more i ntuitive, surely theres more newbs pugging into it. but some of them is locked behind a 'dude that know the mechanics'.

i myself was used to runs dungeons on past, but i cant even remind the most trivial ones like Ascalonian catacombs or Caudecus "tricks" anymore.

The mechanics 90% of the time dont need to be done, you can DPS everything down so quickly thanks to the uncontrolled power creep from the two expansions. Outside of a few that -require- mechanics to continue that is.

But yes, with the festival and the fact that dungeons are abandoned outside of weekends you might not get bites.

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¨Nope last we heard was we wont see a new fractal in the next couple of living world releases was close to then end of 2019

They did add halloween collections into dungeons last year so there is still a chance they will add more stuff over time.Check the middle item in mad armory: carpace of chaos for an example.

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Adding new rewards to dungeons would be kinda cool

One thing i'd love to see added as a buyable reward would be a lore book for each dungeon that details the backstory for the dungeon and the conclusion of events that lead to it being overcome by a group of heroes.

Would be a good thing to have once Anet finally add a collection for lorebooks XD

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