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Should there be more granularity to stat selection?


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I know the way it currently is, is for balance. As someone who enjoys build crafting though would it be too "broken" to have more granular stat selection? Like, bring down the amount of stats all the amulets give then add a "backpiece" that is a lesser version of all the amulets. Idk, that might not work. I just think it would add some more build flavor to be able to decide my stat distribution a little more.

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@"Zexanima.7851" said:I know the way it currently is, is for balance. As someone who enjoys build crafting though would it be too "broken" to have more granular stat selection? Like, bring down the amount of stats all the amulets give then add a "backpiece" that is a lesser version of all the amulets. Idk, that might not work. I just think it would add some more build flavor to be able to decide my stat distribution a little more.

It sounds good, but keep in mind the whole reason we lost and suffered reworks to a bunch of the addons is because some of that granularity let people make some really busted builds. remember vampirism thieves?

Some granularity is fine. Probably not to equipment though. The equipment pool should be small enough that, after a skirmish, you should be able to tell what amulet /rune set your opponent might be running and be able to form a strategy to play around that.

If you want granularity, I think a better focus would be on the traits that are right now useless for pvp on most classes/the weapon sets that are useless in pvp for some classes. that reduces the chance people find niche combinations that turn out to be overpowered and get the class nerfed significantly while Anet tries to figure out what the problem is.

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Amulets are the way they are because it was easier to balance around. People don't like bunker support tempest? No clerics. Cele too strong? Remove it for a while then water it down. Remember Mercenary's? Tyc remembers. I remember it all! But maybe after this giant split things will be toned down enough that they will experiment. But it's Anet so probably not.

Tbh I'm expecting this split to give rise to old demons. Are you ready for the current underdogs to rule the meta? Because I for one welcome our drood overlords.

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@Tycura.1982 said:Tbh I'm expecting this split to give rise to old demons. Are you ready for the current underdogs to rule the meta? Because I for one welcome our drood overlords.

WDYM druid? Currently renegade is better than druid.

It can be an unkillable tank with jalis kalla or a sustained but mediocre damage bunker with shiro kalla. It can even be a mallyx kalla which can output pretty high (and mostly aoe) condi pressure.

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@Tayga.3192 said:

@Tycura.1982 said:Tbh I'm expecting this split to give rise to old demons. Are you ready for the current underdogs to rule the meta? Because I for one welcome our drood overlords.

WDYM druid? Currently renegade is better than druid.

It can be an unkillable tank with jalis kalla or a sustained but mediocre damage bunker with shiro kalla. It can even be a mallyx kalla which can output pretty high (and mostly aoe) condi pressure.

People are indeed sleeping on renegade because of how strong herald is. the moment herald gets pushed down though, expect Kalla renegades to start showing up everywhere.

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@Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

@Tycura.1982 said:Tbh I'm expecting this split to give rise to old demons. Are you ready for the current underdogs to rule the meta? Because I for one welcome our drood overlords.

WDYM druid? Currently renegade is better than druid.

It can be an unkillable tank with jalis kalla or a sustained but mediocre damage bunker with shiro kalla. It can even be a mallyx kalla which can output pretty high (and mostly aoe) condi pressure.

People are indeed sleeping on renegade because of how strong herald is. the moment herald gets pushed down though, expect Kalla renegades to start showing up everywhere.

I already see a good handful of renegades and mallyx builds running around.

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@Tayga.3192 said:

@Tycura.1982 said:Tbh I'm expecting this split to give rise to old demons. Are you ready for the current underdogs to rule the meta? Because I for one welcome our drood overlords.

WDYM druid? Currently renegade is better than druid.

It can be an unkillable tank with jalis kalla or a sustained but mediocre damage bunker with shiro kalla. It can even be a mallyx kalla which can output pretty high (and mostly aoe) condi pressure.

Maybe time for condi necro overlord time again, depending on what changes come through since core condi can be solid.

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Ye, I would very much like more "stat slots" as well.Doesnt necessary mean more stats, just more customizable options.

Like, if an amulet now gives a total of 3000 stats for 1 slot, they might as well split that total over more slots.Like 3 slots with 1k total stats each.Or one with 1500 total stats and another two with 750 respectively.

Definitely would allow for more build diversity and enable more theorycrafting, since the current system kinda pigeonholes you.With a 3 slot system that splits the 3000 stat total into 50%/25%/25% segments one could craft their own stat combos.(like 50% zerker and 2 x 25% paladins or whatever).

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