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Tutorial Achievements Feedback

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I think the OP has the wrong idea. This isn't meant to teach people how to play end game. No one needs to know how to break a bar at level 10. Pretty sure you won't even run into a bar at level 10. This is an end game activity that needs training.

The idea here is that a lot of players, and I do mean a lot, have no idea what to do when they come to this game. I know this because I spend a lot of time in low level zones helping new players. I even have a character named New Player Helper. People are used to games with breakcrumb trails and NPCs sending them from quest hub to quest hub in a linear path. By providing this tutorial Anet is showing people how to play this MMO as opposed to other MMOs. Believe me, the question I get asked most often is what am I supposed to do. This tutorial answers that question.

This doesn't mean their shouldn't be a break bar tutorial and a combo tutorial later on, but those things aren't useful for a player just starting out.

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The important part about the tutorial achievements is they give something to do between level 2 and level 10, when the personal story begins. There has been an issue at that point with players being told "go level up, here is the nearest heart", and nothing else to guide them. Will it be enough of a guidance? Who knows. But those few initial levels have been a problem with the game since the NPE so many years ago.

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@Vayne.8563 said:I think the OP has the wrong idea. This isn't meant to teach people how to play end game. No one needs to know how to break a bar at level 10. Pretty sure you won't even run into a bar at level 10. This is an end game activity that needs training.

This doesn't mean their shouldn't be a break bar tutorial and a combo tutorial later on, but those things aren't useful for a player just starting out.

The whole point I was making was that the tutorial collections should include all that stuff eventually if not sooner. Plenty of things in the game long before it gets hard has break bars including overworld champions.

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@Eloc Freidon.5692 said:

@Vayne.8563 said:I think the OP has the wrong idea. This isn't meant to teach people how to play end game. No one needs to know how to break a bar at level 10. Pretty sure you won't even run into a bar at level 10. This is an end game activity that needs training.

This doesn't mean their shouldn't be a break bar tutorial and a combo tutorial later on, but those things aren't useful for a player just starting out.

The whole point I was making was that the tutorial collections should include all that stuff eventually if not sooner. Plenty of things in the game long before it gets hard has break bars including overworld champions.

Actually what I'd rather see is a seperate tutorial for something like break bars and combos. They're too important to lump into a cataegory like that.

Maybe break it down into beginning, intermediate and advanced categories with a special cool title for completeing each one.

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@Eloc Freidon.5692 said:

@Vayne.8563 said:I think the OP has the wrong idea. This isn't meant to teach people how to play end game. No one needs to know how to break a bar at level 10. Pretty sure you won't even run into a bar at level 10. This is an end game activity that needs training.

This doesn't mean their shouldn't be a break bar tutorial and a combo tutorial later on, but those things aren't useful for a player just starting out.

The whole point I was making was that the tutorial collections should include all that stuff eventually if not sooner. Plenty of things in the game long before it gets hard has break bars including overworld champions.

Maybe if these are successful they will keep on adding tutorial achievements, otherwise the idea will be abandoned (it won't be the first time). Do keep in mind that the current ones are finished in the first part (sub level 10) of the 5 starter zones. There are no break bars there. The foundation is there and maybe they will expand upon it.

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Should be something around level 30-50 being offered you to learn about fighting big baddies, some stuff you won't do without breaking their bars and and showing advantages from doing so. I also didn't have a damn clue how breakbars worked for probably hundreds of hours before i had an actual need of it and had to wiki it. Till then i had just plowed them down and occasionally would break the bar and not really knowing if i did good or what.

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@Vayne.8563 said:

@Vayne.8563 said:I think the OP has the wrong idea. This isn't meant to teach people how to play end game. No one needs to know how to break a bar at level 10. Pretty sure you won't even run into a bar at level 10. This is an end game activity that needs training.

This doesn't mean their shouldn't be a break bar tutorial and a combo tutorial later on, but those things aren't useful for a player just starting out.

The whole point I was making was that the tutorial collections should include all that stuff eventually if not sooner. Plenty of things in the game long before it gets hard has break bars including overworld champions.

Actually what I'd rather see is a seperate tutorial for something like break bars and combos. They're too important to lump into a cataegory like that.

Maybe break it down into beginning, intermediate and advanced categories with a special cool title for completeing each one.

I think this is a really good idea. There is plenty of things that need to be taught to newer players, but they shouldn't be thrown at them all at once. Levels 1-10 should be about them learning basics of the the game, so things like running around and equipping items.

Then once they have gotten to another level milestone they get another set of achievements that encourage them to look more in depth into the game. That's where they can learn things like CC.

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So update from me too:

Yes, the chests do drop again only on a very low drop rate. I farmed around 3 hours total over multiple days and got my boots chest again (after destroying the initial one).

I still think the second drop rate is to low after the initial drop, but I can confirm the chests can drop.

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@Vayne.8563 said:

@Vayne.8563 said:I think the OP has the wrong idea. This isn't meant to teach people how to play end game. No one needs to know how to break a bar at level 10. Pretty sure you won't even run into a bar at level 10. This is an end game activity that needs training.

This doesn't mean their shouldn't be a break bar tutorial and a combo tutorial later on, but those things aren't useful for a player just starting out.

The whole point I was making was that the tutorial collections should include all that stuff eventually if not sooner. Plenty of things in the game long before it gets hard has break bars including overworld champions.

Actually what I'd rather see is a seperate tutorial for something like break bars and combos. They're too important to lump into a cataegory like that.

Maybe break it down into beginning, intermediate and advanced categories with a special cool title for completeing each one.

Yeah, it really shouldn't have been put under general and made into its own group to allow sub groups.

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@Eloc Freidon.5692 said:

@Vayne.8563 said:I think the OP has the wrong idea. This isn't meant to teach people how to play end game. No one needs to know how to break a bar at level 10. Pretty sure you won't even run into a bar at level 10. This is an end game activity that needs training.

This doesn't mean their shouldn't be a break bar tutorial and a combo tutorial later on, but those things aren't useful for a player just starting out.

The whole point I was making was that the tutorial collections should include all that stuff eventually if not sooner. Plenty of things in the game long before it gets hard has break bars including overworld champions.

Actually what I'd rather see is a seperate tutorial for something like break bars and combos. They're too important to lump into a cataegory like that.

Maybe break it down into beginning, intermediate and advanced categories with a special cool title for completeing each one.

Yeah, it really shouldn't have been put under general and made into its own group to allow sub groups.

If I could thumbs up this twice I would. Stuff like this tutorial and more, the lfg tool should not be hidden from new players.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I managed to find a character that didn't have dodging and through juggling my characters to find ones with different starting zones I started with for map comp I was able to get all but one achievement: getting to level 10.

I have seventeen level 80 characters. There needs to be some way for people to get this achievement that doesn't require a brand new character. Right now it is locked behind gems for a new character slot or deleting a character and losing all their birthday gift progress.

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@Mewcifer.5198 said:I managed to find a character that didn't have dodging and through juggling my characters to find ones with different starting zones I started with for map comp I was able to get all but one achievement: getting to level 10.

I have seventeen level 80 characters. There needs to be some way for people to get this achievement that doesn't require a brand new character. Right now it is locked behind gems for a new character slot or deleting a character and losing all their birthday gift progress.

I made a new character and made him level 10. I didn't get the achievement. Anyone know if it's bugged out?

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@videoboy.4162 said:

@Mewcifer.5198 said:I managed to find a character that didn't have dodging and through juggling my characters to find ones with different starting zones I started with for map comp I was able to get all but one achievement: getting to level 10.

I have
level 80 characters. There needs to be some way for people to get this achievement that doesn't require a brand new character. Right now it is locked behind gems for a new character slot or deleting a character and losing all their birthday gift progress.

I made a new character and made him level 10. I didn't get the achievement. Anyone know if it's bugged out?

Did you use a scroll or tomes to level it? Or was it 'organic' leveling?

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@Mewcifer.5198 said:

@Mewcifer.5198 said:I managed to find a character that didn't have dodging and through juggling my characters to find ones with different starting zones I started with for map comp I was able to get all but one achievement: getting to level 10.

I have
level 80 characters. There needs to be some way for people to get this achievement that doesn't require a brand new character. Right now it is locked behind gems for a new character slot or deleting a character and losing all their birthday gift progress.

I made a new character and made him level 10. I didn't get the achievement. Anyone know if it's bugged out?

Did you use a scroll or tomes to level it? Or was it 'organic' leveling?

I used those tomes. Does that mess it up?

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@videoboy.4162 said:

@Mewcifer.5198 said:I managed to find a character that didn't have dodging and through juggling my characters to find ones with different starting zones I started with for map comp I was able to get all but one achievement: getting to level 10.

I have
level 80 characters. There needs to be some way for people to get this achievement that doesn't require a brand new character. Right now it is locked behind gems for a new character slot or deleting a character and losing all their birthday gift progress.

I made a new character and made him level 10. I didn't get the achievement. Anyone know if it's bugged out?

Did you use a scroll or tomes to level it? Or was it 'organic' leveling?

I used those tomes. Does that mess it up?

I am not sure, but it might. I wonder if not being on a proper map (like being in mistlock or something) might also prevent it. It's not something I can test out, but those are my theories.

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I, too, had some issues with this implementation. New players won't know about achievements, how to use the watch list, what gear they need to pick from the enhanced armor, and how to do stat selection. I made a video that explains it in more detail for newer players... so, any of you new guys wondering what this thread is about... here you go!

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