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Guardian is over tuned, top DPS + Heal every match


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@Tayga.3192 said:

I had 8 FBs in 10 games.It's definitely a problem right now.

/s ?Less than 1 as an average? Unless you mean there was 8 FBs per match for 10 games?! In which case something else is broken?

@"Sunshine.5014" said:So far, all my matches that have a Guardian, the class always took both the Highest Damage and Highest Healing (on both sides). They numbers are overtuned. If a spec consistently can get both title in PvP, that means they can get best of both world in the same build.

I don't expect this to be hotfixed, so go play Guard and enjoy the wins :).

Those stats don't prove anything.

If there is no support, Guardians are pretty good at getting top healing anyway due to Resolves constant tick, vs evade spam or OOC stealth healing doesn't even count.Re damage, also dependent on teams, as guardians have pretty decent AoE potential allowing then to tag/damage multiple targets constantly (note, they may never even kill these targets) ie, hitting 4 targets for 3k in a team fight is "more damage" than hitting 1 for 10k.

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@Thorstienn.1642 said:

I had 8 FBs in 10 games.It's definitely a problem right now.

/s ?Less than 1 as an average? Unless you mean there was 8 FBs per match for 10 games?! In which case something else is broken?

@"Sunshine.5014" said:So far, all my matches that have a Guardian, the class always took both the Highest Damage and Highest Healing (on both sides). They numbers are overtuned. If a spec consistently can get both title in PvP, that means they can get best of both world in the same build.

I don't expect this to be hotfixed, so go play Guard and enjoy the wins :).

Those stats don't prove anything.

If there is no support, Guardians are pretty good at getting top healing anyway due to Resolves constant tick, vs evade spam or OOC stealth healing doesn't even count.Re damage, also dependent on teams, as guardians have pretty decent AoE potential allowing then to tag/damage multiple targets constantly (note, they may never even kill these targets) ie, hitting 4 targets for 3k in a team fight is "more damage" than hitting 1 for 10k.

You just admitted the spec is overtuned.

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@Sunshine.5014 said:

I had 8 FBs in 10 games.It's definitely a problem right now.

/s ?Less than 1 as an average? Unless you mean there was 8 FBs per match for 10 games?! In which case something else is broken?

@Sunshine.5014 said:So far, all my matches that have a Guardian, the class always took both the Highest Damage and Highest Healing (on both sides). They numbers are overtuned. If a spec consistently can get both title in PvP, that means they can get best of both world in the same build.

I don't expect this to be hotfixed, so go play Guard and enjoy the wins :).

Those stats don't prove anything.

If there is no support, Guardians are pretty good at getting top healing anyway due to Resolves constant tick, vs evade spam or OOC stealth healing doesn't even count.Re damage, also dependent on teams, as guardians have pretty decent AoE potential allowing then to tag/damage multiple targets constantly (note, they may never even kill these targets) ie, hitting 4 targets for 3k in a team fight is "more damage" than hitting 1 for 10k.

You just admitted the spec is overtuned.

Pretty sure I didnt. I stated that depending on team composition, those 2 stats (probably the 2 least important I might add) CAN be reasonably achieved. I also pointed out that simply avoiding damage isn't counted in healing, and that a class that just scores single target kills efficiently wont equate to top damage.

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@ollbirtan.2915 said:

@ollbirtan.2915 said:oh for the love of .....here we go again ---l2p, nothing else.

ahh, we found the FB main


Thief's tears ---- why so salty? Funny how I have only met 1 FB in 10 games - the rest were either tempest/core guard or condi herald /engi. Again - L2P lpease

Do you have any resentment pending? This is a game, they are likely to come back from their ashes and fly over you at some point. You, like any other mortal, will not be able to revive once you are in your final grave. Without acrimony. Have fun until you'll be there too.

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@Tayga.3192 said:

@"Thorstienn.1642" said:Wait!? Is this thread about 2v2?

First post didn't say anything about game mode so I assumed it is a general complaint.

You're right it doesn't specify mode, but it does mention top damage and healing, and in a team of 2, I mean does that really show ANYTHING?In regards to 2v2, I'm sure FB can be very strong as it has dedicated access to various "stances", for use of a better term, to cover themselves. But I think it's too early to be crying OP in such a brand new mode which has never received any form of balancing. I also imagine other classes if built right could be very effective too, much less if they stack them.I do think your experience so far was expected though. Many felt FB would be strong, therefore many are trying FB out to start, expecting it to be strong: kinda a self fulfilling prophecy on a community level.

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Berserker got a "tradeoff" nerf. A spec barely used. Soulbeast just got a tradeoff. Mirage has tradeoff. Why the fuck does FB have 0 tradeoffs? It's just an upgrade that is undeniably stronger than any core spec.

It's not even about "l2p", it's about getting the same treatment as other classes.

Ofc the moment fb gets nerfed, all the newbies getting hard carried by cheese will start losing and what will they do? QQ on forums that they nerfed fb too much when in reality they just got toned down to be on par with every other spec.

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@"bigo.9037" said:Berserker got a "tradeoff" nerf. A spec barely used. Soulbeast just got a tradeoff. Mirage has tradeoff. Why the kitten does FB have 0 tradeoffs? It's just an upgrade that is undeniably stronger than any core spec.

Basically the problem is that guardian virtues are very lackluster, so giving them up on the especs doesn't actually feel like a tradeoff. From all core specs… I find their mechanic to be the most pointless.

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@FtoPScrub.5476 said:Not only is FB overtuned, the 2v2 maps encourage this type of pepega gameplay. Really disappointing imo, because 2v2 could be amazing if FBs/Core Necs/Condi revs were deleted.

I agree. It's incredibly braindead. Fb has perma boons.. ton of AOE DAZE... aegis spam.. condi cleanse.. cc.. deals insane burn dmg with even running condi dmg amulet. I mean cmooooon.

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