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200g for a reward track


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5 minutes ago, Manasa Devi.7958 said:

I never felt anything of the 1983 crash, though I have read about it. I was too young to be bothered with economic trends anyway. I think it was mostly to do with 1st generation consoles, primarily the Atari 2600, losing consumer appeal. I used to have one and switched to "home computers" early on. First, a VIC-20, and soon after a Commodore 64. I got my C64 in the very same 1983, coincidentally, or perhaps not. Many people I knew were buying it at the time so maybe we were part of the cause for the crash.


The quality of games for the Atari had become quite terrible over the years and I had stopped buying them well before 1983. I was fortunate to have a video rental store near me that also rented out Atari games so I never fell victim to buying a dud, but I played plenty of rented ones for just a week, and made do with the ones I collected over the early years. The C64 pretty much conquered the world and the games on offer were so much better than late Atari stuff, it was frankly no contest.


So, I don't think there is much similarity between then and now. One of the problems in '83 I remember seeing covered in a documentary was an enormous amount of unsold stock. That's a problem that will probably rarely exist again in the age of software downloads.


You guys had the best of times really. Could only caught late 80's myself. Thanks for the insight!

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2 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

It's not relevant how you think here because there isn't any subjective about what you are getting for 200g.  It's VERY clear what you get for 200g ... and it's not reward. It's access to a reward track, which is the same as any other content Anet would sell you. 


right,  not a reward. it's the only thing that is objective about it 

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3 minutes ago, artharon.9276 said:


right,  not a reward. it's the only thing that is objective about it 

Great, so you admit you aren't being sold a reward finally. That's all we need because there isn't anything dishonest or dishonourable about Anet selling access to content. If you think that content isn't worth the cost to access it, the option is there to not buy it. 



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3 hours ago, artharon.9276 said:


And that's totally subjective. 

Sure ... and it's not a problem because you have choice to buy it or not ... but no one was questioning your opinion of Anet's business practices anyways, so let's not deflect onto some other random topic to make it appear like you had a point to begin with. 


The issue here is with the posts you have been making and wrongly saying Anet is selling rewards. They aren't. They are selling access to content. Yes, content has rewards ... that's typical and even expected. So let's get back on track now we established the truth about NOT paying for a reward for 200g.


So what is the outrageous element here that's enraging you to claim Anet has 'dishonourabe' business practice going on? Selling access to content is dishonourable? Care to explain that? I mean, why WOULDN'T you want Anet sell you access to content ... unless you felt so entitled to content that you should get it for free? Who doesn't want choice to purchase access to content? Seems to me your rage here is massively displaced for ... who knows what. What you appear to be upset about is actually a very reasonable practice that's very common, not just in online gaming but the entertainment industry in general. So what gives?

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22 minutes ago, Zikory.6871 said:

Anet forget the haters. Release more reward tracks with more WvW specific cosmetic stuff. 200g 400g whatever. 

+1 😁

  • Siege skins
  • Claimed structures skins
  • Guard skins


Xenesis did a thread about this before I think


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3 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

Sure ... and it's not a problem because you have choice to buy it or not ... but no one was questioning your opinion of Anet's business practices anyways, so let's not deflect onto some other random topic to make it appear like you had a point to begin with.


Doesn't make any sense to me. You sound extremely confused. First you question my opinions, then saying no one's questioning it, which is it?  Seriously, cut to the chase. Had enough platitudinarians making me read nonsense between the lines in the forums of games.


3 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:


The issue here is with the posts you have been making and wrongly saying Anet is selling rewards. They aren't. They are selling access to content. Yes, content has rewards ... that's typical and even expected. 


There is no issue with the posts I've been making, What I said about rewards wasn't wrong. Yes, they are selling a reward. 


3 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

So what is the outrageous element here that's enraging you to claim Anet has 'dishonourabe' business practice going on? 

I explained it, you didn't read it.


3 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

 I mean, why WOULDN'T you want Anet sell you access to content ... unless you felt so entitled to content that you should get it for free? 


I told this before, again you didn't read. I don't care if they sell it in the gemstore, If you're going to sell it, remove anything that mentions a reward, I can't stand watching people treated like 'diots. Even if they like it to be that way.



Edited by artharon.9276
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8 minutes ago, artharon.9276 said:


Doesn't make any sense to me. You sound extremely confused. 


Yes, they are selling a reward. 

No one is confused except you, since you are having a hard time understanding what the 200g are buying. Anet is not selling a reward for 200g, they are selling access to content that results in getting a reward ... just like every other bit of content they have ever sold us.


If 200g bought a reward, then you would get the reward when you spent the 200g ... but you don't, so you aren't. 

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7 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

If 200g bought a reward, then you would get the reward when you spent the 200g ... but you don't, so you aren't. 


Except you are getting it. If they were sellng it directly, as a skin, someone calculated it which is like 30g solo I think, that'd be ok. And if it would require you to reach a certain rank to unlock the purchase, it would be perfect.


Forcing people to buy overpriced gemstore trash just to obtain a wvw reward through a sold reward mechanic in a game you can buy currency with real money, is selling the game in bits and pieces there's only one reason people can support it, because they fall to that trap and don't want to look fooled. 

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3 hours ago, artharon.9276 said:


Except you are getting it. If they were sellng it directly, as a skin, someone calculated it which is like 30g solo I think, that'd be ok. And if it would require you to reach a certain rank to unlock the purchase, it would be perfect.


Forcing people to buy overpriced gemstore trash just to obtain a wvw reward through a sold reward mechanic in a game you can buy currency with real money, is selling the game in bits and pieces there's only one reason people can support it, because they fall to that trap and don't want to look fooled. 

That's how all content works though, so what is the outrage about? Anet sells you content that has rewards, you complete the content and you get the reward. That's not unique to this game either. Anet isn't selling a reward here, so when you say they are, you are wrong ... CONTINUALLY. 


No one is being forced to buy anything ... so again, you are wrong. You don't like the price clearly ... so don't buy it. You weren't forced into doing anything you didn't want to.


The whole game is sold in bits and pieces ... so again, what is the 'trap' we all fall into here? You DON'T want Anet to sell you content? If the only outrage you have is the price, then there isn't any dishonourable business practice going on here ... you're just acting out. 

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His disconnect is that the WvW Warclaw Reward Track skin is a "PvP achievement." As in, you pay gold to unlock the skin at the end of the track, meaning you can't earn the skin unless you pay the gold. Because you aren't just paying for the skin he feels like the option should be there for all players to earn the skin (I.e. not be locked out of the reward track). 

I get the impression that he would prefer to just have the skin sold in the gem store, although it isn't clear from his disingenuous claim earlier to simply be gathering feedback rather than making any specific requests. 

I'd suggest to him that the feedback shows his criticism is not well received.

For one, people tend to view it as akin to buying a skin from the gemstore. There isn't any RNG involved (pay 200 gold and earn reward track progress to get the skin and other rewards along the way) so it isn't like a "loot box," which is characterized by being akin to gambling due to only having a small chance at getting the item.

Further, the critique breaks down because the currency for the unlock is gold, not gems, and any player can fairly quickly save up the amount to unlock it (again if they want). Any player (pvp or PvE or mixed) can save the currency by playing the game and using it to unlock the content. The game has plenty of examples of optional content (the "I'm rich, you know" title comes to mind) where gold is exchanged for a reward. And, the entirely Legendary Crafting System is similarly set up to unlock progressive achievement collections behind (significant) gold sinks.


TLDR: The Warclaw Reward Track is neither exceptional nor unwelcome by the vast majority of the player base. Nor does it fit into the category of "gambling" or "pay to win" as commonly understood. These complaints are substantively baseless—and because the complaint isn't paired with realistic suggestions (i.e. the suggestion the government has any cause or right to intervene) there isn't further merit in continuing the discussion.


Edited by saerni.2584
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It is dumb because it has nothing to do with WvW progress--the term 'reward track' is a misnomer anyway because of how the system rewards passive 'pipping out', but the warclaw one takes that to another level.  You can farm the 200g in any mode or straight up just credit card it (would be great if gems to gold conversion was removed but that's another topic), there is really no 'reward' there. 


It's similar to how most 'achievements' aren't 'achievements' at all--practically get them for turning the game on and other stupid things.  


I'd prefer these things be rank unlocks; you can of course follow a blob around for those ranks and not do anything super meaningful, but it's better than paying gold and running back and forth between your home camp every 10 min to get it.  

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15 hours ago, saerni.2584 said:



His disconnect is that the WvW Warclaw Reward Track skin is a "PvP achievement." As in, you pay gold to unlock the skin at the end of the track, meaning you can't earn tbla bla bla bla

I get the impression that he would prefer to just have the skin sold in the gem store, although it isn't clear from his disingenuous claim earbla bla bla 

I'd suggest to him blablablabla


Paragraphs of nonsense, irrelevant tldr and between line insults, thanks for nothing. I made my points clear, I have no disconnect. WvW is a pvp mode, and you have no place to call anything I say disingenuous or sincere. It's not a reward when it's sold. This is a fact, and there's nothing you can do about it.

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On 7/13/2021 at 2:26 PM, Obtena.7952 said:

That's how all content works though, so what is the outrage about? Anet sells you content that has rewards, you complete the content and you get the reward. That's not unique to this game either. Anet isn't selling a reward here, so when you say they are, you are wrong ... CONTINUALLY. 


No one is being forced to buy anything ... so again, you are wrong. You don't like the price clearly ... so don't buy it. You weren't forced into doing anything you didn't want to.


The whole game is sold in bits and pieces ... so again, what is the 'trap' we all fall into here? You DON'T want Anet to sell you content? If the only outrage you have is the price, then there isn't any dishonourable business practice going on here ... you're just acting out. 




That's the problem you still think I outrage, this isn't true. Your favourite clothing company increases it's prices then puts a discount tag on it. And you feel happy about it. Similar stuff. Paradigm shift and profit. I like to see people happy that's why you should stop digging it. But if you're into it let's find some guy with bigger marketing background, deffinitely not a from forum and comment section nobody, and encourage him/her to make a video about it. so maybe you can understand how brainwashed people come to a point that they defend buying a reward is fine.



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On 2/26/2020 at 12:48 AM, kathy.8291 said:

Wait.. did i really read it right, 200g to start the Warclaw Skin reward track. Is Anet joking with us again. Why do the WvW people always get it in the end. Are we not good enough. You know we dont make money playing WvW and we are lucky to get a precursor drop, now to spend 200g on a reward track for a warclaw skin. NO THANK YOU. This is really horrible for the WvW players. I will probably get a warning for this post.


On 7/9/2021 at 11:21 AM, artharon.9276 said:

Another Anet's dishonourable business practice case swept under the mat in time.


Let me remind you:

You can't call it a reward when you sell it!



First, players complain that there are too few playable "skins" in the game. Then ANet integrates a possibility, for a "ridiculous" 200G to invest, and there are still players who think they have to complain about it. The 200G may be a bit daunting at first, but not worthy of any real complaint! Pay and earn the skin (and it's not just a skin), or don't do it (this applies generally, not just to you).


There are certainly plenty of things to complain about or things to question, but this is certainly not one of them.

Take it or leave it - pretty simple!


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On 7/12/2021 at 9:55 PM, Sobx.1758 said:

Ah yes, people pretending "wvw", "pvp" and "pve" modes are separate games, so if you play one, you're magically locked out of the other. Trying to use "pve players can, but wvw can't!" in place of an argument is hilarious 🙃 


As a WvW player, I am not locked out of PvE. The issue is that for me WvW is really fun, but I would rather do anything else than play PvE. I don't really like PvP but I don't hate it like I do with PvE. So while I can go and farm in PvE, I would rather just quit the game again.

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3 hours ago, artharon.9276 said:

so maybe you can understand how brainwashed people come to a point that they defend buying a reward is fine.



Except in this case, you aren't buying a reward. 


"The outrage is strong with this one"

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5 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

Except in this case, you aren't buying a reward. 


"The outrage is strong with this one"

To be fair, whether it is a reward depends on the subjective value the buyer places on the skin.


If you value it at 200 gold + effort to do the reward track + 1, the value is greater than the cost and it is a reward. Implicitly, those who already bought it view it as more valuable than the cost (plenty of people have bought the skin). 

Since he still refuses to engage with people's actual points it's again hard to say exactly what his complaint is, but maybe he thinks the skin is over-priced based on his obsession with the word "reward." (I'd point out that it's a "reward track" unlock and not a "reward unlock." But I doubt he wants to play a game of semantics despite engaging in nitpicking himself). 

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1 hour ago, saerni.2584 said:

To be fair, whether it is a reward depends on the subjective value the buyer places on the skin.


If you value it at 200 gold + effort to do the reward track + 1, the value is greater than the cost and it is a reward. Implicitly, those who already bought it view it as more valuable than the cost (plenty of people have bought the skin). 

Since he still refuses to engage with people's actual points it's again hard to say exactly what his complaint is, but maybe he thinks the skin is over-priced based on his obsession with the word "reward." (I'd point out that it's a "reward track" unlock and not a "reward unlock." But I doubt he wants to play a game of semantics despite engaging in nitpicking himself). 

Well, let me be clear ... in this discussion, it's reasonable to define reward to mean something you get for completing a goal. Whether that reward is 'rewarding' to people or not, isn't what is being discussed as far as I'm concerned or from what I can tell, primarily because it's a subjective assessment. If the reward isn't 'rewarding' to some people, they already have the option to NOT spend the gold to get it, so that's not a problem. 

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On 7/15/2021 at 7:35 PM, Obtena.7952 said:

Well, let me be clear ... in this discussion, it's reasonable to define reward to mean something you get for completing a goal. Whether that reward is 'rewarding' to people or not, isn't what is being discussed as far as I'm concerned or from what I can tell, primarily because it's a subjective assessment. If the reward isn't 'rewarding' to some people, they already have the option to NOT spend the gold to get it, so that's not a problem. 



REWARD | meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary

Look at these people with blind faith defending selling a reward is ok,

I simply love customers like you. 



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1 hour ago, artharon.9276 said:



REWARD | meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary

Look at these people with blind faith defending selling a reward is ok,

I simply love customers like you. 



So, when you spend the 200G do you get the mount skin?  Oh right, you don't, what you get is a reward track which is content you need to complete to receive a reward. Sounds very similar to how you can buy a living story episode and get rewards when you complete it. HMM

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