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Thank you for this balance update. ??


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There are a lot of people super upset about the new pacing, of course. But what's happened with the reduction in power was a MUCH MUCH needed turn and is better (IMO) for the health and longevity of GW2 PvP. Of course, you can still get face rolled if you're completely new, but at least it's not NEARLY as unforgiving as it has been and I hope this not only brings in new people but makes them want to stay... It may look super tanky/slow now, but that's mostly because we've been dealing with one-shot wars for years.

This slower gameplay allowing for much more counterplay, making people think about who to focus, where to go and what to do and giving people a little more time to learn their class mechanics in combat during PvP that's not just "This is your CC and this is your burst" and it's almost nostalgic to see it like this. It's why I even started sPvP in the first place back in 2013-14.

I missed those long lasting battles against two (or more) high skilled opponents. Each person reading the others moves and trying to time interrupts, not to just mindlessly burst but to set up for another combo or throw the other off rotation.

I agree that a FEW healing and damage mitigation abilities/passives need to be looked at as well as other things, but I feel like nothing needs to be increased in terms of damage and to be honest, the meta/game will never perfect for everyone, but it's MUCH better than what it has been for a while and is heading back to the path that guild wars 2 had initially started. People, even me, are just going to have to come to terms that there are a lot of better players/teams than them. And, that doesn't just mean getting killed 1v1, it could be, getting out rotated, out supported/bunkered, kill deny'd. ETC.

All in all, it's not perfect, but it's a LEAP forward and I hope we keep this momentum.

I hope the power creep of the past stays in the past, the toxicity it brought is lessened during the weeks or months to come and the GW2 team makes modifications to better the basis of balance we have right now.

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@DoRi Silvia.4159 said:Honestly it's just mostly people on forums that are upset and posting . There are lots of players online happy about the patch and includes me too.

Loving the new patch

This is the way

I like it too and others like it too, just that people would like to fully enjoy the game mode with their favorite profession without having to change into an OP profession to be competitive. :)

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@"Rouien.5234" said:There are a lot of people super upset about the new pacing, of course. But what's happened with the reduction in power was a MUCH MUCH needed turn and is better (IMO) for the health and longevity of GW2 PvP. Of course, you can still get face rolled if you're completely new, but at least it's not NEARLY as unforgiving as it has been and I hope this not only brings in new people but makes them want to stay... It may look super tanky/slow now, but that's mostly because we've been dealing with one-shot wars for years.

This slower gameplay allowing for much more counterplay, making people think about who to focus, where to go and what to do and giving people a little more time to learn their class mechanics in combat during PvP that's not just "This is your CC and this is your burst" and it's almost nostalgic to see it like this. It's why I even started sPvP in the first place back in 2013-14.

I missed those long lasting battles against two (or more) high skilled opponents. Each person reading the others moves and trying to time interrupts, not to just mindlessly burst but to set up for another combo or throw the other off rotation.

I agree that a FEW healing and damage mitigation abilities/passives need to be looked at as well as other things, but I feel like nothing needs to be increased in terms of damage and to be honest, the meta/game will never perfect for everyone, but it's MUCH better than what it has been for a while and is heading back to the path that guild wars 2 had initially started. People, even me, are just going to have to come to terms that there are a lot of better players/teams than them. And, that doesn't just mean getting killed 1v1, it could be, getting out rotated, out supported/bunkered, kill deny'd. ETC.

All in all, it's not perfect, but it's a LEAP forward and I hope we keep this momentum.

I hope the power creep of the past stays in the past, the toxicity it brought is lessened during the weeks or months to come and the GW2 team makes modifications to better the basis of balance we have right now.


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@NorthernRedStar.3054 said:As things are currently, I do not think this is better than pre-patch.

Sorry, but I like my games where reflexes and setting things up properly in order to avoid getting punished, or in order to punish people, matters.

One thing I'm happy about is the lack of stealth OS cheese, though. Give that to the devs.

I dont think this patch had ANY chance of creating better balance.this is their #groundwork.now they gotta keep buffing and nerfing and changing and reworking.We will see how they do it, how fast they do it, and how effective that will be.And to yall Black Desert Online is free on steam now. Wink Wink, might be a cool place to wait out the clown fiesta that pvp turned out to be.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@NorthernRedStar.3054 said:As things are currently, I do not think this is better than pre-patch.

Sorry, but I like my games where reflexes and setting things up properly in order to avoid getting punished, or in order to punish people, matters.

One thing I'm happy about is the lack of stealth OS cheese, though. Give that to the devs.

I dont think this patch had ANY chance of creating better balance.this is their #groundwork.now they gotta keep buffing and nerfing and changing and reworking.We will see how they do it, how fast they do it, and how effective that will be.And to yall Black Desert Online is free on steam now. Wink Wink, might be a cool place to wait out the clown fiesta that pvp turned out to be.

BDO pvp is even more of a clown fiesta... oh yea, and you need to invest years of nonstop grinding and tons of IRL $$ just to even remotely compete in PvP.

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@"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:As things are currently, I do not think this is better than pre-patch.

Sorry, but I like my games where reflexes and setting things up properly in order to avoid getting punished, or in order to punish people, matters.

One thing I'm happy about is the lack of stealth OS cheese, though. Give that to the devs.

That's still here, you can get interrupted and thrown off rotation and punished which can lead you to your death, it's just a bit slower and formulated. You having the reflexes to catch someone in animation and dodge is still a thing. Guild wars PvP before powercreep was like a slow tug of war (If both players are at relatively equal skill level). Their idea was to add more counterplay also means more ways for people to recover, learn and adapt.

Like, I had to fight another person like five times- Each fight was at least like two minutes. I lost each time till I finally saw their rotation, understood the movements, when they're going to heal, how much they're going to heal, attacks and when I need to use my debuffs and stuns accordingly to hamper them and won like twice. Now, I've got a better idea on how to handle that spec, class, ETC ETC

If you want something pure reactive and face paced then try a shooter. Or if you want something less forethought then try Black Desert Online.

Not a lot of people want to admit it but that type of DPS focused combat of "I let my burst out first thus I should win" gameplay harbors a LOT of toxicity.

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@ZhouX.8742 said:

@"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:As things are currently, I do not think this is better than pre-patch.

Sorry, but I like my games where reflexes and setting things up properly in order to avoid getting punished, or in order to punish people, matters.

One thing I'm happy about is the lack of stealth OS cheese, though. Give that to the devs.

I dont think this patch had ANY chance of creating better balance.this is their #groundwork.now they gotta keep buffing and nerfing and changing and reworking.We will see how they do it, how fast they do it, and how effective that will be.And to yall Black Desert Online is free on steam now. Wink Wink, might be a cool place to wait out the clown fiesta that pvp turned out to be.

BDO pvp is even more of a clown fiesta... oh yea, and you need to invest years of nonstop grinding and tons of IRL $$ just to even remotely compete in PvP.

Yeah. I was gonna say. BDO before the egregious pay to win and powercreep and them speeding up the combat super fast-- It used to be competitive. It had counter-play and almost felt like a balanced fighting game. But now, you've got people in the game who spend both years and thousands of dollars in that game just to get CC'd once and blown up in half a second and then go

"Haha xDD this combat is so good"

You literally don't learn anything from that aside from "my numbers need to be bigger than theirs so I can spam more and die half a second later"

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