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Diversity is back !

hotte in space.2158

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@Chaith.8256 said:Diversity is back until people figure out that everything is subpar outside FB, Necro, Condi Rev, and I'm hearing rumors of bunker staff thief

@Genesis.5169 I guess this is what I meant. My win rate is very high vs teams without firebrands - yet there have been a lot of close games. But once firebrand gets into the mix ranger feels absolutely useless. Maybe its overturned compared to some baseline you're thinking of, but compared to rev and firebrand, its actually bronze tier.

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@ProverbsofHell.2307 said:

@OddFinrir.6801 said:It's almost the same, it's just a few things got moved up a tier in viability because Spellbreakers and Heralds can't one shot you with a macro anymore.

Spellbreaker couldn’t really make use of a macro to one shot though.

Neither could herald, if you wanted to complain about one shot macros it was all mes/ele aka that classes with numerous instant damage sources that could be used all simultaneously and even then the combos could be done quite quickly without macros.

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@"Genesis.5169" said:Scrapper was never bad lmao.What am i reading.Tempest isnt performing at all what are we living in alternate universes?

Druids working yeah but the entire ranger class is quite over tuned right now.We have less build diversity in favor of nolonger having to buy the expansions to be competitive thats what your feeling less specs work now then before.

Dude who quit for forever and just came back says "Scrapper was never bad lmao."Ok pal.

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@"ZhouX.8742" said:thief in 2v2 against good players or in 2v2 in general = just not optimal

nice troll

druid? LOL ... why be an incompetent bunker to sponge dmg and just "be a target" when you can just run FB and be 20x more efficient in offense and support?

FB / Condi rev is best duo and will continue to be ... This patch didn't do much except shift a few things into more meta roles and make bunker / condi more optimal. Not saying it's not a breath of fresh air either because the change is nice, but forcing 2v2 in ranked is silly and the meta will be even more noticeably boring esp if they keep necro the way it is.

You saying thief is bad?

What happened to that pistol whip build? Then again haven't played thief in ages.

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@Axl.8924 said:

@"ZhouX.8742" said:thief in 2v2 against good players or in 2v2 in general = just not optimal

nice troll

druid? LOL ... why be an incompetent bunker to sponge dmg and just "be a target" when you can just run FB and be 20x more efficient in offense and support?

FB / Condi rev is best duo and will continue to be ... This patch didn't do much except shift a few things into more meta roles and make bunker / condi more optimal. Not saying it's not a breath of fresh air either because the change is nice, but forcing 2v2 in ranked is silly and the meta will be even more noticeably boring esp if they keep necro the way it is.

You saying thief is bad?

What happened to that pistol whip build? Then again haven't played thief in ages.

No, I'm not saying thief is bad I'm saying it's not optimal for 2v2, theres much better classes for this mode... In conquest 5v5 thief is obvious option.

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@Mbelch.9028 said:

@"Genesis.5169" said:Scrapper was never bad lmao.What am i reading.Tempest isnt performing at all what are we living in alternate universes?

Druids working yeah but the entire ranger class is quite over tuned right now.We have less build diversity in favor of nolonger having to buy the expansions to be competitive thats what your feeling less specs work now then before.

Dude who quit for forever and just came back says "Scrapper was never bad lmao."Ok pal.

Scrapper was never bad and when did i say i quit forever?I quit mesmers for sure.Find me a quote somewhere i may quit completely if they lock duos out of 2v2 queue tho for sure. Because you didn't know how to a scrapper in the previous meta is on you man, personal responsibility take it, thats all you really have in pvp.

Okay pal.

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@Genesis.5169 said:

@Genesis.5169 said:Scrapper was never bad lmao.What am i reading.Tempest isnt performing at all what are we living in alternate universes?

Druids working yeah but the entire ranger class is quite over tuned right now.We have less build diversity in favor of nolonger having to buy the expansions to be competitive thats what your feeling less specs work now then before.

Dude who quit for forever and just came back says "Scrapper was never bad lmao."Ok pal.

Scrapper was never bad and when did i say i quit forever?I quit mesmers for sure.Find me a quote somewhere i may quit completely if they lock duos out of 2v2 queue tho for sure. Because you didn't know how to a scrapper in the previous meta is on you man, personal responsibility take it, thats all you really have in pvp.

Okay pal.

Okay, pal, I'll find you a quote where you said you had quit PvP for years.

@Genesis.5169 said:Nearly two years later, condition is definitely dead and pvp is no better for it. All we have done is force condition users out of the game thus further reducing the player population. If you disagree with this notion state why i've just returned back to pvp been playing for a week now about 20 or so hours and looks like we are ruled by power burst meta and all mesmer builds have been gutted.

Now that the dust has settled do you guys really think it was a good idea to destroy condition in pvp?If so why? How has pvp gotten any better?

Your post history is absent from 2017/18 to 2020.

Scrappers weren't truly viable, save for one balance patch period where they overperformed and were nerfed back down. It's not even arguable.

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@Alatar.7364 said:Druid, Tempest, Scrapper? I see them performing, but not performing well. While diversity in 2v2 is somewhat ... diverse, the top spots will be (already are) occupied by 3 professions only; Nec, FB, Rev.Props to anyone who will make their way through FB + Nec/Rev or Nec + Nec to top by playing any other specs.

What about rev rev you forgot that one.

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@Mbelch.9028 said:

@Genesis.5169 said:Scrapper was never bad lmao.What am i reading.Tempest isnt performing at all what are we living in alternate universes?

Druids working yeah but the entire ranger class is quite over tuned right now.We have less build diversity in favor of nolonger having to buy the expansions to be competitive thats what your feeling less specs work now then before.

Dude who quit for forever and just came back says "Scrapper was never bad lmao."Ok pal.

Scrapper was never bad and when did i say i quit forever?I quit mesmers for sure.Find me a quote somewhere i may quit completely if they lock duos out of 2v2 queue tho for sure. Because you didn't know how to a scrapper in the previous meta is on you man, personal responsibility take it, thats all you really have in pvp.

Okay pal.

Okay, pal, I'll find you a quote where you said you had quit PvP for years.

@Genesis.5169 said:Nearly two years later, condition is definitely dead and pvp is no better for it. All we have done is force condition users out of the game thus further reducing the player population. If you disagree with this notion state why i've just returned back to pvp been playing for a week now about 20 or so hours and looks like we are ruled by power burst meta and all mesmer builds have been gutted.

Now that the dust has settled do you guys really think it was a good idea to destroy condition in pvp?If so why? How has pvp gotten any better?

Your post history is absent from 2017/18 to 2020.

Scrappers weren't truly viable, save for one balance patch period where they overperformed and were nerfed back down. It's not even arguable.

Good no where did it say i quit forever i did quit for 2 years and i came back and played atleast 200 games in feburary im pretty sure ive fought enough scrappers to realize they dont suck in that month

Outside of that what a strawman you do realize that post is a about a month old and its pretty easy for some one to figure out a meta if a class is good or bad specially with prior exprience in said game mode in like 80hours of playing said game mode.

Wow what a strawman...10/10

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@Genesis.5169 said:

@Genesis.5169 said:Scrapper was never bad lmao.What am i reading.Tempest isnt performing at all what are we living in alternate universes?

Druids working yeah but the entire ranger class is quite over tuned right now.We have less build diversity in favor of nolonger having to buy the expansions to be competitive thats what your feeling less specs work now then before.

Dude who quit for forever and just came back says "Scrapper was never bad lmao."Ok pal.

Scrapper was never bad and when did i say i quit forever?I quit mesmers for sure.Find me a quote somewhere i may quit completely if they lock duos out of 2v2 queue tho for sure. Because you didn't know how to a scrapper in the previous meta is on you man, personal responsibility take it, thats all you really have in pvp.

Okay pal.

Okay, pal, I'll find you a quote where you said you had quit PvP for years.

@Genesis.5169 said:Nearly two years later, condition is definitely dead and pvp is no better for it. All we have done is force condition users out of the game thus further reducing the player population. If you disagree with this notion state why i've just returned back to pvp been playing for a week now about 20 or so hours and looks like we are ruled by power burst meta and all mesmer builds have been gutted.

Now that the dust has settled do you guys really think it was a good idea to destroy condition in pvp?If so why? How has pvp gotten any better?

Your post history is absent from 2017/18 to 2020.

Scrappers weren't truly viable, save for one balance patch period where they overperformed and were nerfed back down. It's not even arguable.

Good no where did it say i quit forever i did quit for 2 years and i came back and played atleast 200 games in feburary im pretty sure ive fought enough scrappers to realize they dont suck in that month

Outside of that what a strawman you do realize that post is a about a month old and its pretty easy for some one to figure out a meta if a class is good or bad specially with prior exprience in said game mode in like 80hours of playing said game mode.

Wow what a strawman...10/10

Your post makes no sense. You quit for two years (confirmed) and have come back to spew nonsensical posts about condis and power, and viable classes.I call you out on it to tell people who might be reading this not to listen to you.Good day.Edit to add: My "quit for forever" was to say... two years is an eternity in this game. Scrapper was not good for most of that time you were gone. Your saying it was never not bad is erroneous. This is just the first time I've personally called you out on your bad posts.

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@Mbelch.9028 said:

@Genesis.5169 said:Scrapper was never bad lmao.What am i reading.Tempest isnt performing at all what are we living in alternate universes?

Druids working yeah but the entire ranger class is quite over tuned right now.We have less build diversity in favor of nolonger having to buy the expansions to be competitive thats what your feeling less specs work now then before.

Dude who quit for forever and just came back says "Scrapper was never bad lmao."Ok pal.

Scrapper was never bad and when did i say i quit forever?I quit mesmers for sure.Find me a quote somewhere i may quit completely if they lock duos out of 2v2 queue tho for sure. Because you didn't know how to a scrapper in the previous meta is on you man, personal responsibility take it, thats all you really have in pvp.

Okay pal.

Okay, pal, I'll find you a quote where you said you had quit PvP for years.

@Genesis.5169 said:Nearly two years later, condition is definitely dead and pvp is no better for it. All we have done is force condition users out of the game thus further reducing the player population. If you disagree with this notion state why i've just returned back to pvp been playing for a week now about 20 or so hours and looks like we are ruled by power burst meta and all mesmer builds have been gutted.

Now that the dust has settled do you guys really think it was a good idea to destroy condition in pvp?If so why? How has pvp gotten any better?

Your post history is absent from 2017/18 to 2020.

Scrappers weren't truly viable, save for one balance patch period where they overperformed and were nerfed back down. It's not even arguable.

Good no where did it say i quit forever i did quit for 2 years and i came back and played atleast 200 games in feburary im pretty sure ive fought enough scrappers to realize they dont suck in that month

Outside of that what a strawman you do realize that post is a about a month old and its pretty easy for some one to figure out a meta if a class is good or bad specially with prior exprience in said game mode in like 80hours of playing said game mode.

Wow what a strawman...10/10

Your post makes no sense. You quit for two years (confirmed) and have come back to spew nonsensical posts about condis and power, and viable classes.I call you out on it to tell people who might be reading this not to listen to you.Good day.Edit to add: My "quit for forever" was to say... two years is an eternity in this game. Scrapper was not good for most of that time you were gone. Your saying it was never not bad is erroneous. This is just the first time I've personally called you out on your bad posts.

Dueled a scrapper at far for 7mins couldn't kill him as an so called OP mirage pre patch quite a few times bunker scrapper is has been great for some time if you haven't discovered it, its on you i've also been back for a month and have played many games and have gone thru the classes duel all the classes multiple times i have been sick over the past month i have been in game maybe maybe 30hours a week just pvping.

You can have your opinion but there were scrappers in gold 3 and plat if you werent they and they were thats on you man, i can't speak on any higher up as i'm not that good yet.

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@hotte in space.2158 said:We all knew that FB/guard, necro and thief will be strong after patch. But I see classes like scrapper, tempest or druid performing really well in 2v2. Who would have expected this ?Weaver, rev and warrior do their business as usaual and also mesmer is still on the list.In my impression, its not anymore that important what class you play, but how you play it. Thats the way it should be !Of course there is still a lot of work to be done for the dev-team, but I am very optimistic that the announced balancing will bring even more improvement in terms of equal leveled classes.Go dev-team go, make BALANCE KILL META =)

After years of depression I am close to be hyped again^^PS : 2v2 is great but we want 3v3 deathmatch as well :)

I agree with this. Of course there are a few specs that're stronger than others but this new shift allows more room for people to be diverse and still play/not get stomped as quickly as before.

Any skilled player can make something work to their advantage and it doesn't mean just getting kills-- And people just don't want to admit that things are becoming more skill based or they might not have as much skill as they THINK they do now that people don't die as fast.

That's how I feel like it should be. Hopefuily the changes stay as they are now and people can either learn to play with what they have now, allow meta's to rise and fall and just see how things play out.

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@Rouien.5234 said:

I agree with this. Of course there are a few specs that're stronger than others but this new shift allows more room for people to be diverse and still play/not get stomped as quickly as before.

Any skilled player can make something work to their advantage and it doesn't mean just getting kills-- And people just don't want to admit that things are becoming more skill based or they might not have as much skill as they THINK they do now that people don't die as fast.

That's how I feel like it should be. Hopefuily the changes stay as they are now and people can either learn to play with what they have now, allow meta's to rise and fall and just see how things play out.Hey you are the first one who agrees with this thread =) Its a subjective first impression, not more not less, but maybe I was just too positive.Apart from the fact that criticism is something very important, it seems like bashing and complaining is much more popular than agreeing and approval

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lol Diversity.


Picking the most gimmicky cc spammable builds you can find. Or rolling bunker condi.

Difference from the previous metas does not equal diversity.

People are just acting pleased about the patch right now because the season hasn't started yet. When it does you can bet you'll be seeing the same 3-4 builds over and over again all season, they just won't be the same builds we had last season.

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@"cptaylor.2670" said:lol Diversity.


Picking the most gimmicky cc spammable builds you can find. Or rolling bunker condi.

Difference from the previous metas does not equal diversity.

People are just acting pleased about the patch right now because the season hasn't started yet. When it does you can bet you'll be seeing the same 3-4 builds over and over again all season, they just won't be the same builds we had last season.

With "diversity is back" I didnt mean that everything is fine, but in my opinion its better now than before patch. And of course 2v2 is something different than 5v5.Classes like mesmer or thief might be better in 5v5 while classes like necro or guard might be better in 2v2. My impression is based more on 2v2.I am optimistic (if announced balance gets realized) that there could (maybe eventually but not sure) be more than just 3-4 builds taking a role next season.Maybe I will be proven wrong but my first impression is positive

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@Genesis.5169 said:Scrapper was never bad lmao.What am i reading.Tempest isnt performing at all what are we living in alternate universes?

Druids working yeah but the entire ranger class is quite over tuned right now.We have less build diversity in favor of nolonger having to buy the expansions to be competitive thats what your feeling less specs work now then before.

Can you link/share this Druid build. I haven't pvped in awhile cause the 5v5 and holding points idea was boring/repetitive, but I'm probably going to join in for 2v2 as it's a lot more appealing.

With that being said, just a quick glance at the druid set currently, they lack any meaningful resistance to CC especially with the removal of the stunbreak on entering celestial avatar (the elite stability has too long of a cooldown as well), their condi removal is meh, more burst removal of condis and the damage is mediocre at best.

I'm genuinely asking this because after all the continuous nerfs to druid over the years, and the heavy hitting recent ones, I honestly can't figure out how to make an impactful build on druid that can rival any other support in the game. I also have not had any issues fighting them in WvW. They are literally a free kill to me there (saying this as a ranger main, who would primarily play it up until the nerf to pet damage and removal of evade on staff, which killed it for me).

If you don't know, perhaps someone else can chime in for the build, as I'm just scratching my head as to how it can be useful. As for the entire ranger class being overtuned, I'm not sure what to say. I've heard boonbeast was an issue in PvP before, and soulbeast makes for a good roamer in WvW. However I have to strongly disagree that it's overtuned. I feel that Chrono and druid are two specs that could use some improvements right now as they are over-nerfed. If I'm wrong, I'd like to try this build out as I miss playing my druid.

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I'm going to go on a limb and say diversity was higher before the patch.

This meta is WAY too safe and forgiving. Like damage is so low there are bunker builds that can literally afk facetank people on node.

It's such a snoozefest, there's such little risk of dying unless there's like 3 people on you.

I played for a few hours and I'm incredibly bored. Fights feel like a slog and it's soooooo slow (compounded with longer cooldowns lmao). It doesn't matter if I land every single one of my CCs because my followup damage isn't actually high enough to guarantee the kills...

Plus, there are like 3-4 classes that are just way better than everything else atm. There's your diversity for you.

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Anyone running condi with a necro is viable. Certain thief builds are doing well like daredevil. Full signet thief can 2 shot you.

Warriors are okay.All ranger builds are okay.All ele builds are okay.Dh and core guard is okayCondi rev is op if you dont have lots of cleanse

Engi is under performingMesmer is underperforming

Biggest things that need addressing is lich form and life force. Being.able to apply 10 or more stacks of burn is not okay. Burn honestly needs a cap of like 8 stacks in pvp.

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@shadowpass.4236 said:there's such little risk of dying unless there's like 3 people on you.That seems a bit exaggerated. Ok my experiance is more based on 2v2 miniseason, but there everbody gets killed when +1.Classes like FB or weaver still are too tanky and should be looked at of course.When playing tempest before patch, there was nearly no chance to beat certain classes like for example warrior. No matter of played skillful or not.Now I have a chance against every class, it depends on skillful playing now again. Thats my diversity.

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@FrownyClown.8402 said:Anyone running condi with a necro is viable. Certain thief builds are doing well like daredevil. Full signet thief can 2 shot you.

Warriors are okay.All ranger builds are okay.All ele builds are okay.Dh and core guard is okayCondi rev is op if you dont have lots of cleanse

Engi is under performingMesmer is underperforming

Biggest things that need addressing is lich form and life force. Being.able to apply 10 or more stacks of burn is not okay. Burn honestly needs a cap of like 8 stacks in pvp.

I agree with this. Although I would say that engi and mesmer (when played well) are not that bad

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I main warrior for 4 years... I dont think i'm a skillful player and my first impression of this patch is that condi tank are too powerful right now and no counter play to their healing/block/invulnerable. Also some classes that gives more damage based not in pure damage but in traits(core guardian, example) seems it could burst as usual.BUUUUUT, i think this patch can be good. I hope so. I preffer fast fights than fight against someone for 1-2 minutes straight, but the patch has just 2/3 days. I looking foward to this

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Patch is out for 3 days and people still didin't figure out that berserker is the new marauder and it's capable of killing bunkers.

And please take at look at your traits. Some of them you ignored for years as "just for pve dps peasants" are pretty valuable now to decrease TTK to acceptable levels.

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@Genesis.5169 said:

@Genesis.5169 said:Scrapper was never bad lmao.What am i reading.Tempest isnt performing at all what are we living in alternate universes?

Druids working yeah but the entire ranger class is quite over tuned right now.We have less build diversity in favor of nolonger having to buy the expansions to be competitive thats what your feeling less specs work now then before.

Dude who quit for forever and just came back says "Scrapper was never bad lmao."Ok pal.

Scrapper was never bad and when did i say i quit forever?I quit mesmers for sure.Find me a quote somewhere i may quit completely if they lock duos out of 2v2 queue tho for sure. Because you didn't know how to a scrapper in the previous meta is on you man, personal responsibility take it, thats all you really have in pvp.

Okay pal.

Okay, pal, I'll find you a quote where you said you had quit PvP for years.

@Genesis.5169 said:Nearly two years later, condition is definitely dead and pvp is no better for it. All we have done is force condition users out of the game thus further reducing the player population. If you disagree with this notion state why i've just returned back to pvp been playing for a week now about 20 or so hours and looks like we are ruled by power burst meta and all mesmer builds have been gutted.

Now that the dust has settled do you guys really think it was a good idea to destroy condition in pvp?If so why? How has pvp gotten any better?

Your post history is absent from 2017/18 to 2020.

Scrappers weren't truly viable, save for one balance patch period where they overperformed and were nerfed back down. It's not even arguable.

Good no where did it say i quit forever i did quit for 2 years and i came back and played atleast 200 games in feburary im pretty sure ive fought enough scrappers to realize they dont suck in that month

Outside of that what a strawman you do realize that post is a about a month old and its pretty easy for some one to figure out a meta if a class is good or bad specially with prior exprience in said game mode in like 80hours of playing said game mode.

Wow what a strawman...10/10

Your post makes no sense. You quit for two years (confirmed) and have come back to spew nonsensical posts about condis and power, and viable classes.I call you out on it to tell people who might be reading this not to listen to you.Good day.Edit to add: My "quit for forever" was to say... two years is an eternity in this game. Scrapper was not good for most of that time you were gone. Your saying it was never not bad is erroneous. This is just the first time I've personally called you out on your bad posts.

Dueled a scrapper at far for 7mins couldn't kill him as an so called OP mirage pre patch quite a few times bunker scrapper is has been great for some time if you haven't discovered it, its on you i've also been back for a month and have played many games and have gone thru the classes duel all the classes multiple times i have been sick over the past month i have been in game maybe maybe 30hours a week just pvping.

You can have your opinion but there were scrappers in gold 3 and plat if you werent they and they were thats on you man, i can't speak on any higher up as i'm not that good yet.

Sorry your dueling skills aren't great. I understand you're rusty coming back from a break, but you're wrong. Scrapper was not good pre-patch. It's objective, not opinion.

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