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[VoD/Vid] 2v2 Power Mirage - One Dodge God (incl audio/subtitle+giveaway)

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@viquing.8254 said:

@ArlAlt.1630 said:I really wish I had recorded my 3333 condi thief so I can showcase how successful and easy it is.

Then record it, and if need be nerf it more. I really doubt anybody reasonably aware is going to let someone death blossom them to deat, but if you can make it work as reliably as staff condi did, I'm definitely up for shaving it.

@Lincolnbeard.1735 said:What I was trying to say is give thieves half the initiative and probably Sind will still win some matches. I'm fine with claiming that mesmers are fine based on the best mesmer around as long as every other profession on game is nerfed so hard into oblivion that only the best players can still play.

People are absolutely fine with pushing for nerfing thief builds based on Sind's performance, or based on how the build performs at high level. We just experienced that with the pistol whip nerf AND the shadow arts nerf. It got hamstrung, and the bandwagoners left it alone.

Whether or not that is always a good idea is debatable, but that's beside the point.

We are only talking about an elite spec of a class (the core of which still functions well enough), and not core mechanics here, mind you. Mirage having one less dodge to work with/My assertion that Mirage is still viable because a top player is doing well with it doesn't carry over specifically to core or Chrono. Those are different arguments entirely.

@ArlAlt.1630 said:Jazz is arguably the best Mesmer to have ever played the game. Coming from a not too shabby Mesmer here. The arguments go more of her trying to push a rather fortunate streak of encounters as status quo.

They're not status quo for mirage. Not now. But they could be if people hit the lab more instead of being upset they cant run staff and have a winning MU against most classes.

It's kind of silly how, when people push for nerfing a class, the first defense against it is "That class doesnt see use or viability in high end play" but when it does see use and viability in high end play the defense becomes "we shouldn't be balancing around high end play."

Now. If the nerf of -1 dodge is
too much
for mirage as a whole across, then I'm up for debating that as well. Don't go around trying to discredit players making it work though, or claim that because one of mesmer's elite specs has a weird handicap that mesmer as a whole is handicapped or that other core classes deserve to be handicapped.

Ok guy so :1) like I said on your whine on the patch anouncement about how fine mirage will be post pacth, I'm waiting to see your mirage performing. (ops, you need to create a mesmer first...).2) People don't whine on thief based on sind performance but, come on, if there was ever a leaderboard with the same amount of mersmers than we get thief last season, you would see a mesmer nerf mid-season like it was in the past. Thieves weren't nerfed during mid-season and EU leaderboard top 20 were around 50% thief ratio. Which is more of an argument than sind performance with thief. So just lol about your silliness seriously. Did we ever get a season with more than 25% mes top 20 ?

3) In
vid, Jazz play with the most performing combo mesmer can play currently thanks to the hudge condiclear, boon removal and CC pressure his mate put which make his build work. Even with that,
burst fail regulary to random opponent aoe/proc/CC. And despite the above explanation, there is many match where
don't get focused like it should be.With every other mate (work little with ele/fb.), you end up like in misha vid where opponent eat full burst and still win the fight because reasons.

@ArlAlt.1630 said:I didn’t see a single comp that made sense. Ripping on solo queue players and pushing it as content is just... low?

Did we watch the same video? I count 5 out of 8 Matchups were broken and clearly favored meta comps. The last one was not 100% meta with a DH instead FB but still favored as a whole. Means at least 6 MU they should have lost by comp vs ppl playing not bad. They also looked like playing somehow coordinated, at least they played together well. I would think there clearly were some duo teams on opponents side.As someone having an agenda vs nonsense changes to classes/specs, making them unnecessary clunky, killing skill ceiling more than adding some without even solving the balance issues of broken builds (like Condimirage still passive, still low skill ceiling) just overnerf not broken and high skill ceiling builds like Powermirage as a spin-off, i get your point of being afraid that video will be used as "prove" from our forum heroes that the nonsense one dodge change was good. But in the end the video is only showing that skill still matters and not that Powermirage is viable.

Don't forget that
get many opportunities to burst and lock thanks to his duo boon removal and condiclear. Mean if you aren't in this situation you would take way more blind/weakness/cripple/condi pressure + opponent on stab/aegis. Ofc the lock timer and Jazz position are pretty awesome but even with that, when you see how difficult it is for a player who time
skill versus opponents who spamplay. Well we may all just enjoy the vids and get tips about synergy etc but we can't conclude that mesmer is viable post patch.

FTFY. :smiley:

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@"Jazz.4639" said:oof didnt expect me posting the vid here will cause that much trouble... -.- anyway thx to all of you posting in this thread and for the mostly positive feedback, im happy most of you could enjoy the vid and my gameplay <3 ( @Azure The Heartless.3261 , @Daishi.6027 , @bravan.3876 , @ArlAlt.1630 , @apharma.3741 @Lincolnbeard.1735 etc).

I don’t want you to think I’m dissing you in any way. Because I’m not. It’s more a matter of how the Mesmer haters interpret your vid. I’m sure you can understand where I’m going with this.

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@ArlAlt.1630 said:

@"Jazz.4639" said:oof didnt expect me posting the vid here will cause that much trouble... -.- anyway thx to all of you posting in this thread and for the mostly positive feedback, im happy most of you could enjoy the vid and my gameplay <3 ( @Azure The Heartless.3261 , @Daishi.6027 , @bravan.3876 , @ArlAlt.1630 , @apharma.3741 @Lincolnbeard.1735 etc).

I don’t want you to think I’m dissing you in any way. Because I’m not. It’s more a matter of how the Mesmer haters interpret your vid. I’m sure you can understand where I’m going with this.

i got that, no worries, all good! :) even tho i still think the statement of my vid (intro, audio) is rly clear

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@"hotte in space.2158" said:Good music, good gameplay, happy ppl having fun, thats what its all about^^German undercover agents on the rise =)

:lol: :lol: glad you like it! oh damn i forgot to add the song names again… (edit: youtube listed them for me meanwhile, you can find them when clicking on "show more" to see whole vid description, then you find the youtube list with the song names, artists, album and copyright owner)

@"Leonidrex.5649" said:Watch from 4:30 to 5:00.Pay attention to endurance bar.Thats how you use your endurance now on mirage :Dwhere the haters at saying this nerf " increases the skill cap of dodges " xd

wait, you will say me perma spamming dodge buttton, then forgetting that i am even be able to dodge during the long time i cant dodge, then when finally dodging being too surprised that i finally dodged that i forget to use my own ambush (either being lucky it was a bad time to use them anyway or not) and just hope my clones will do something good with it is not skilled mirage dodging? dare you! kappa

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:@JazzI just ment that spamming mirage dodge off cooldown is the way to go 95% of the time to not waste endurance.and if you get focused then f4/blink/daze mantra or you die.

yes i understood you right and was refering to it myself just bit overdoing it for some joke (ye i know im not funny, good that im happy with only me laughing already). one dodge clearly makes dodging less skilled, esp on mirage.

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@"Jazz.4639" said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:@JazzI just ment that spamming mirage dodge off cooldown is the way to go 95% of the time to not waste endurance.and if you get focused then f4/blink/daze mantra or you die.

yes i understood you right and was refering to it myself just bit overdoing it for some joke (ye i know im not funny, good that im happy with only me laughing already). one dodge clearly makes dodging less skilled, esp on mirage.

It's that German sense of humor :lol:

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@ArlAlt.1630 said:

@"Jazz.4639" said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:@JazzI just ment that spamming mirage dodge off cooldown is the way to go 95% of the time to not waste endurance.and if you get focused then f4/blink/daze mantra or you die.

yes i understood you right and was refering to it myself just bit overdoing it for some joke (ye i know im not funny, good that im happy with only me laughing already). one dodge clearly makes dodging less skilled, esp on mirage.

It's that German sense of humor :lol:

not sure, germans mostly dont laugh either :lol:

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@"Jazz.4639" said:

@"Jazz.4639" said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:@JazzI just ment that spamming mirage dodge off cooldown is the way to go 95% of the time to not waste endurance.and if you get focused then f4/blink/daze mantra or you die.

yes i understood you right and was refering to it myself just bit overdoing it for some joke (ye i know im not funny, good that im happy with only me laughing already). one dodge clearly makes dodging less skilled, esp on mirage.

It's that German sense of humor :lol:

not sure, germans mostly dont laugh either :lol:

They are too busy hogging the siege In wvw anyway

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@"Jazz.4639" said:wait, you will say me perma spamming dodge buttton, then forgetting that i am even be able to dodge during the long time i cant dodge, then when finally dodging being too surprised that i finally dodged that i forget to use my own ambush (either being lucky it was a bad time to use them anyway or not) and just hope my clones will do something good with it is not skilled mirage dodging? dare you! kappa

That is how Condimirage works since PoF release, so you Mesmer mains should be happy and not crying that Anet finally closed the gap in skill cap between Condimirage and Powermirage (they closed it in the wrong direction, means instead making Condimirage harder to play they made Powermirage easier, but who cares) xD.Skill ceiling reduced heavily for the costs of a little bit higher skill floor (it is harder to survive, nothing Powermirage was that good at pre patch already but who cares). You guys should be thankful, Powermirage overall is easier to play now at least at maximum potential. Just dodge brain off. Welcome to casual GW2.

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@"Jazz.4639" said:

@"Jazz.4639" said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:@JazzI just ment that spamming mirage dodge off cooldown is the way to go 95% of the time to not waste endurance.and if you get focused then f4/blink/daze mantra or you die.

yes i understood you right and was refering to it myself just bit overdoing it for some joke (ye i know im not funny, good that im happy with only me laughing already). one dodge clearly makes dodging less skilled, esp on mirage.

It's that German sense of humor :lol:

not sure, germans mostly dont laugh either :lol:

There is a saying/joke here in sweden that goes somehing like this:The two shortest books in the world are "a list of norweigan innovations" and "german comedy through the ages"

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@Quadox.7834 said:

@"Jazz.4639" said:

@"Jazz.4639" said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:@JazzI just ment that spamming mirage dodge off cooldown is the way to go 95% of the time to not waste endurance.and if you get focused then f4/blink/daze mantra or you die.

yes i understood you right and was refering to it myself just bit overdoing it for some joke (ye i know im not funny, good that im happy with only me laughing already). one dodge clearly makes dodging less skilled, esp on mirage.

It's that German sense of humor :lol:

not sure, germans mostly dont laugh either :lol:

There is a saying/joke here in sweden that goes somehing like this:
The two shortest books in the world are "a list of norweigan innovations" and "german comedy through the ages"

german humor is not an laughing matter

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Hey, I just got into GW2 and chose mesmer. I pretty much only PvP in these games and am used to getting destroyed off the start till I figure things out, but I'm getting much more destroyed than usual on my mesmer, and have very few resources since every build online was deemed outdated with the last patch. I see a lot of crying on the forums that they are "underpowered and completely destroyed, reroll now" kind of thing, but your video seems to show they can still hold their own, and I don't mind putting in a bit of effort to get there.

Do you have any recommendations for guides or resources online that get into the smaller details of mesmer PvP that is relatively current? Watching GW2 PvP is so fast paced it is really hard to keep up just watching videos of people doing well, not understanding the nuance to their actions.

Or should I just keep throwing my face at PvP till I figure it out?


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@viquing.8254 said:@"Azure The Heartless.3261" :You write about thieves hate in your last post. And I'm convinced that it's more the 50% thief representation in top 20 than sind performance that explain some adjustements (which make sense.).

K, understand what you mean now. I don't necessarily agree that's the cause for every nerf as opposed to bandwagons of something considered easy perpetuated by a streamer using the build , but whatever

Your mesmer hasn't enough pink on it, your prove is rejected :p .

wow rude


I am the pinkest

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@"aserian.1734" said:Hey, I just got into GW2 and chose mesmer. I pretty much only PvP in these games and am used to getting destroyed off the start till I figure things out, but I'm getting much more destroyed than usual on my mesmer, and have very few resources since every build online was deemed outdated with the last patch. I see a lot of crying on the forums that they are "underpowered and completely destroyed, reroll now" kind of thing, but your video seems to show they can still hold their own, and I don't mind putting in a bit of effort to get there.

Do you have any recommendations for guides or resources online that get into the smaller details of mesmer PvP that is relatively current? Watching GW2 PvP is so fast paced it is really hard to keep up just watching videos of people doing well, not understanding the nuance to their actions.

Or should I just keep throwing my face at PvP till I figure it out?


Go on metabattle.com click conquest scroll down to "test" find the build "carrion axe" then watch misha play it at twitch.tv/kanyeeastxd

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@"aserian.1734" said:Hey, I just got into GW2 and chose mesmer. I pretty much only PvP in these games and am used to getting destroyed off the start till I figure things out, but I'm getting much more destroyed than usual on my mesmer, and have very few resources since every build online was deemed outdated with the last patch. I see a lot of crying on the forums that they are "underpowered and completely destroyed, reroll now" kind of thing, but your video seems to show they can still hold their own, and I don't mind putting in a bit of effort to get there.

Do you have any recommendations for guides or resources online that get into the smaller details of mesmer PvP that is relatively current? Watching GW2 PvP is so fast paced it is really hard to keep up just watching videos of people doing well, not understanding the nuance to their actions.

Or should I just keep throwing my face at PvP till I figure it out?


Just basic mesmer is fine. Mirage and to a lesser extent Chrono have growing pains atm.Mesmer and Thief have high skill floors, but also high skill ceilings. you'll get beat up a lot more if you do not play accurately on mesmer.What you're doing is a good start, but don't just copy people. try to understand why they chose to do a particular action in a particular situation so you can uinderstand why they ended up winning (or losing, if they downed). Practice quick decision making on your own. if a class with heavy melee damage is about to burst you, you should be able to respond with a blink or stunbreak immediately, that puts you wherever you want.

So a combination of both of those. Metabattle is already rebuilding/testing new mesmer builds. Try out what they have and adjust it based on what you want to do. Then...yeah. throw your face at it until you start responding quicker.

I think a long time ago, Lord Helseth put up a video explaining how he bound his keys to do crazy things like portal gambits. It might be worth looking for that too.

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@bravan.3876 said:

@"Jazz.4639" said:wait, you will say me perma spamming dodge buttton, then forgetting that i am even be able to dodge during the long time i cant dodge, then when finally dodging being too surprised that i finally dodged that i forget to use my own ambush (either being lucky it was a bad time to use them anyway or not) and just hope my clones will do something good with it is not skilled mirage dodging? dare you! kappa

That is how Condimirage works since PoF release, so you Mesmer mains should be happy and not crying that Anet finally closed the gap in skill cap between Condimirage and Powermirage (they closed it in the wrong direction, means instead making Condimirage harder to play they made Powermirage easier, but who cares) xD.Skill ceiling reduced heavily for the costs of a little bit higher skill floor (it is harder to survive, nothing Powermirage was that good at pre patch already but who cares). You guys should be thankful, Powermirage overall is easier to play now at least at maximum potential. Just dodge brain off. Welcome to casual GW2.

I know you know this, as does most everyone who's commented here so far. But in case those with... anti-mes agendas arrive:

I think it's better not to throw around the word "easier" as that can be misconstrued as "improved" or "buffed". Easier is not equivalent to more effective. In fact, it is definitely harder for most people to play Mirage effectively now, due to the increased skill floor.

"Dumbed-down" is probably more fitting. It's "easier" to reach the lowered skill ceiling/maximum potential if only because there's less to work with. Painting a picture with only two available colors is "easier" than with three. But that doesn't mean the result is a better painting.

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@Fat Disgrace.4275 said:

@"Jazz.4639" said:

@"Jazz.4639" said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:@JazzI just ment that spamming mirage dodge off cooldown is the way to go 95% of the time to not waste endurance.and if you get focused then f4/blink/daze mantra or you die.

yes i understood you right and was refering to it myself just bit overdoing it for some joke (ye i know im not funny, good that im happy with only me laughing already). one dodge clearly makes dodging less skilled, esp on mirage.

It's that German sense of humor :lol:

not sure, germans mostly dont laugh either :lol:

They are too busy hogging the siege In wvw anyway

isnt that a more international standard of wvw communication?

@Quadox.7834 said:

@"Jazz.4639" said:

@"Jazz.4639" said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:@JazzI just ment that spamming mirage dodge off cooldown is the way to go 95% of the time to not waste endurance.and if you get focused then f4/blink/daze mantra or you die.

yes i understood you right and was refering to it myself just bit overdoing it for some joke (ye i know im not funny, good that im happy with only me laughing already). one dodge clearly makes dodging less skilled, esp on mirage.

It's that German sense of humor :lol:

not sure, germans mostly dont laugh either :lol:

There is a saying/joke here in sweden that goes somehing like this:
The two shortest books in the world are "a list of norweigan innovations" and "german comedy through the ages"

lool ok good to know ist not just me, i simply never had a chance of being funny as german! :lol:

@bravan.3876 said:

@"Jazz.4639" said:wait, you will say me perma spamming dodge buttton, then forgetting that i am even be able to dodge during the long time i cant dodge, then when finally dodging being too surprised that i finally dodged that i forget to use my own ambush (either being lucky it was a bad time to use them anyway or not) and just hope my clones will do something good with it is not skilled mirage dodging? dare you! kappa

That is how Condimirage works since PoF release, so you Mesmer mains should be happy and not crying that Anet finally closed the gap in skill cap between Condimirage and Powermirage (they closed it in the wrong direction, means instead making Condimirage harder to play they made Powermirage easier, but who cares) xD.Skill ceiling reduced heavily for the costs of a little bit higher skill floor (it is harder to survive, nothing Powermirage was that good at pre patch already but who cares). You guys should be thankful, Powermirage overall is easier to play now at least at maximum potential. Just dodge brain off. Welcome to casual GW2.

i wouldnt say the gap is closed, condi is still clearly easier (and stronger), but ye the gap got smaller when looking at skill ceiling.

@"aserian.1734" said:Hey, I just got into GW2 and chose mesmer. I pretty much only PvP in these games and am used to getting destroyed off the start till I figure things out, but I'm getting much more destroyed than usual on my mesmer, and have very few resources since every build online was deemed outdated with the last patch. I see a lot of crying on the forums that they are "underpowered and completely destroyed, reroll now" kind of thing, but your video seems to show they can still hold their own, and I don't mind putting in a bit of effort to get there.

Do you have any recommendations for guides or resources online that get into the smaller details of mesmer PvP that is relatively current? Watching GW2 PvP is so fast paced it is really hard to keep up just watching videos of people doing well, not understanding the nuance to their actions.

Or should I just keep throwing my face at PvP till I figure it out?


hi welcome to gw2! :)you chose a hard time to main mesmer tho, also mesmer (at least power) is rly hard to get into. so you will suffer for a while. if you want to have an easier start better try condimirage first, so you can get used to the game itself without getting punished hard for every little mistake. in case you wanna try condi you can do what already was mentioned: go metabattle, used the axe condi build and watch misha stream. can someone link the stream here? as far as i remember mishas stream is not called misha and for that not that easy to find.

if you insist on starting with powermes, an inspiration core mesmer would be a better pick for a new player for the same reasons i mentioned for condimirage. it forgives a few more mistakes while you get used to the game and what all classes do.

if you want to go with a full glass greatsword powermes than you can check my guides on my youtube channel. they are all pre patch , means with 2 dodges on mirage and with old stun on daze (or at least stun on f3) confounding suggestion trait (this trait doesnt exist anymore, we use the new trait bountiful blades at same place now). but that isnt rly important to get the base mechanics on mesmer from my explanations. like when i explain the standard greatsword burst combo on chrono than it is the same for all greatsword power mesmers (just without f5 included, funny thing is, that now chrono is the only spec cannot do this combo at all anymore because chrono doesnt have instant shatters anymore without the baseline trait makes yourself count as clone). so when you watch this guide

you still will understand how to do the standard greatsword burst on core and mirage power builds and why it makes more sense to do that when near the target. you also will understand that you should not just repeat any shown combo like a cooking recipe but that you need to vary your combos depending on your cds and depending on what your target is doing. powermes (if not just stealth-oneshot) is a very reactive playstyle needs to punish mistakes from enemies and needs to vary combos and skill rotations very hard depending on situation in the fight.

for mirage i made a guide explaining the basics of the spec as it was when pof came out but i also made a specific combo guide (same here: they are no cooking recipes, just examples to get an idea) for the build im running in this new 2v2 vid too (just with 2 dodges, and portal and stun on daze trait). also here it doesnt matter that much, that some stuff changed after few balance patches to understand my explainings. for example even tho your clones do not stun on their sword ambush anymore you still can make the combos for the vulnerability stacks and a daze. so for powermirage (interrupt) check these vids:

i also made some duelling/ matchup guides where you can find a lot of tips on how to fight vs other classes. and even tho the builds changed, the base explanations will still be helpful to understand mesmer and the other class i fight against a bit better:

i also made a lot of guides about general game mechanics (also here they are still helpful without being totally up to date anymore, remarkable changes i listed in the pinned comment under the vid, like that you cannot shorten leaps with camera work anymore for example):

for pvp i made a comprehensive rotation guide in 6 parts (english and german voice), starting with part 1.1 explaining the very first steps into pvp (incl what npcs you find in the mists, difference between hotjoin and ranked/unranked, pvp and pve/wvw gear etc). the first part is kinda outdated in a way it matters, because the mists now look totally different, hotjoin is pretty much dead (servers still exist but are empty) and new build templates changed how you get access to your pvp/wvw/pve build. still the basic explainings are still good to know, like that you dont need pve gear in pvp , except for 3 base pieces and that you dont need to lvl your char in pve to max lvl to join pvp without having disadvantage are still relevant and good to know. part 1.2 talking about where to find good builds, it is more or less still up to date. part 1.3 talks about keybinds (only the new retargeting option is missing but that got an extra guide you find in the playlist i linked just before and the new dynamic ui is missing too).part 2.1-2.3 talk about roles, matchups and rotation strategies in 5v5 conquest. also here it doesnt rly matter that the meta changed, the explanations are still true/ up to date, just the examples for roles and matchups would be different now. it will still help to understand what to look out for and how to make rotation decisions in conquest.

also every single one of my pvp montages includes a lot of explainings about how to play mesmer and how to rotate with powermes in conquest.

if you then do not have enough of watching guides you also can check other youtube channels, i made a link in every video description giving you a playlist with guides on other channels (like already mentioned shorts for powermes guides, jawgeous for pvp rotation guides, helseths keybind guide, guides about safe spots, kite spots etc for each pvp map):

AAAAND last but not least (you still here? muha) you can join the pvp discord to ask questions about pvp but also each class you like to know something about:https://discord.gg/yt5GpeV

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@"Jazz.4639" said:oof didnt expect me posting the vid here will cause that much trouble... -.- anyway thx to all of you posting in this thread and for the mostly positive feedback, im happy most of you could enjoy the vid and my gameplay <3 ( @Azure The Heartless.3261 , @Daishi.6027 , @bravan.3876 , @ArlAlt.1630 , @apharma.3741 @Lincolnbeard.1735 etc).

Wow this did turn weird fast, anyway thanks for the video, see ya around in WvW. What server are you on atm?

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