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how do u beat double FB


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Just roll thief and 15k backstab it, go perma invisibile and stomp than resume perma stealth and backstab HS combo the 2nd FB, perma blind and stomp. Dont know why u guys are having issues with them just ask the forums they'll tell yeah theif can just backstab HS and down anyone easy peezy. Roll a staff valkyrie thief and do 15k vaults after vaults and due to perma condi cleanse on escapist fortitude the fb condi's can't touch u. So get gud scrubs :)

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@GewRoo.4172 said:

@"Axl.8924" said:Play rev? revenant herald has massive AOE Bombs

Another proof of your genius. What kind of "AOE bombs"? CC? Dmg? Power? Condi? Why Herald? Is it Glint? Why do they work against double FB? Herald beats FB? Post patch?

Condi herald obviously they got CC and condi bomb super strong.

Reason? because herald has tons of aoe bombs that work well with fire. They got that big carpet of fire they literally drop on top of you before you can ever get out, and the face thing that drops aoe bombs on you and that black fissure whatever it was.How do I know? I've seen it used on twitch vs guardians. Condi herald and power necro vs guardian thief or guardian necro, really really strong.

I saw a teef player log off his thief log onto condi herald start condi bombing the necro and completely wreck him, and i also know this tactic can work vs guardian too if its enough condi bomb.

You could also try playing necro too and enrage guardian players by refusing to die.

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@Axl.8924 said:

@Axl.8924 said:Play rev? revenant herald has massive AOE Bombs

Another proof of your genius. What kind of "AOE bombs"? CC? Dmg? Power? Condi? Why Herald? Is it Glint? Why do they work against double FB? Herald beats FB? Post patch?

Condi herald obviously they got CC and condi bomb super strong.

Reason? because herald has tons of aoe bombs that work well with fire. They got that big carp et of fire they literally drop on top of you before you can ever get out, and the face thing that drops aoe bombs on you and the rip or whatever it looks like black thing that throws condis. They got real strong aoes.

How do I know? I've seen it used on twitch vs guardians. Condi herald and power necro vs guardian thief or guardian necro, really really strong.

I saw a teef player log off his thief log onto condi herald start condi bombing the necro and completely wreck him, and i also know this tactic can work vs guardian too if its enough condi bomb.

You could also try playing necro too and enrage guardian players by refusing to die.

I am so triggered by reading this lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

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@otto.5684 said:Necro and rev should be able to counter. They are not a strong counter though.

No not really, I mean their close but just don't cut it, not like.......THIEF backstab ------>HS = game over everyone no matter who it is or how many.Forums say so so it's true, get in the kno and u guys might start improving. Geez!

Ok ok I'm done lol

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FB were always the best anti-condi class in the game. Even with the nerfs, that hasn't changed. Power was always their weakness, and that was pretty heavily nerfed. Most of FBs heals are ~2k. While they can keep them up for a long while, they are rather small and require a bunch of cast times.

I have had success with zerker reaper. You still put out a ton of damage, have access to a good quantity of stun breaks. That a lot of your attacks also throw out conditions like poison and vuln is a good plus so you don't have to invest animation time into knocking down their condi cleanses. Focus 5 hits for ~3k and pulls off 3 boons, dagger 3 and axe 3 both do 1 (GS is a trap on reaper. Way too slow and damage isn't competitive anymore. Shroud is all your main damage and dagger gets you back into it faster).

FB also don't have a lot of on-demand stun breaks and its not too hard to overwhelm them with cc. Most are taking Renewed Focus, but that has a very visible animation and you can CC the instant it ends. If they can't get into F3 and cast a 1 (about a 3/4s overall cast time) then you can keep them pinned down.

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