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Reapers are too tanky for the dmg they can do


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@"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:Op some days ago "stop the nerfs".Now "nerf reaper".

kitten hypocrite.

The thread states clearly that nerfs run in circle and mostly they're due to personal vendetta and bias , I stated that there are no winners..I get nerfed today...you will get nerfed tomorrow or some other day eventually..then the cycle repeats itself. I get nerfed today..you must get nerfed too now because your class becomes unbearable how is that hypocrite?

I am no more hypocrite than you lot asking to nerf everything but your only main like this @Odik guy salty mesmer

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@Arheundel.6451 said:

@"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:Op some days ago "stop the nerfs".Now "nerf reaper".

kitten hypocrite.

The thread states clearly that nerfs run in circle and mostly they're due to personal vendetta and bias , I stated that there are no winners..I get nerfed today...you will get nerfed tomorrow or some other day eventually..then the cycle repeats itself. I get nerfed today..you must get nerfed too now because your class becomes unbearable how is that hypocrite?

I am no more hypocrite than you lot asking to nerf everything but your only main like this @Odik guy salty mesmer

It is hypocrite because you were asking, a few days ago, people to stop nerf threads (because ranger was on the line).

Me asking to nerf everything? You can count by the fingers of one hand the skills/traits I posted that should be nerfed since the game released.

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Look, necros can facetank 2v2 at low ranks. I'm a nooby-noob here, and I hate being told the answer is to "git gud," but it really is the answer here. Good players will kite you all day long and then cc and slap you to death as soon as you leave shroud. Or focus pummel you. They have a low floor, but seem better balanced in higher levels of play.

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@Brimstone Jack.3462 said:

@Virdo.1540 said:they just forgot to nerf the healing from Life siphon. again.And the life-force healing/regeneration after timer is up. IT COUNTS AS HEALING TOO DEVS

Being able to spec sigil passives into shroud is also pretty sweet.

thats ok. Other classes have such too likeRev legend swap; Elementalis Attunes; Shroud; Ingi Kits; Soulbeast Merging and so on...

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@Virdo.1540 said:

@Virdo.1540 said:they just forgot to nerf the healing from Life siphon. again.And the life-force healing/regeneration after timer is up. IT COUNTS AS HEALING TOO DEVS

Being able to spec sigil passives into shroud is also pretty sweet.

thats ok. Other classes have such too likeRev legend swap; Elementalis Attunes; Shroud; Ingi Kits; Soulbeast Merging and so on...

Yep. I just really like how it synergizes so easily with the core necro spec.

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@Fantasylife.7981 said:I say decrease the shroud on all specifilization and core a big nerf to it actually. also nerf condition dmg on like all classes. condition dmg is just overshadowing power. to do decent dmg with power you have to go glass cannon. do to high dmg with condition you can build tank so thats crazy.

I agree about condi being very powerful now and overshadowing power damage, namely by the nerf to healing, which negate's power's viability by being forced to bring ample condi clears. However the comment about Necros is very unspecific, dangerous thinking. Shroud max capacity does not need a nerf itself in any way, and Reaper is absolutely fine where it is as an elite spec, but rather the rapid regeneration of it on specifically core necro traits could be looked into again. Thankfully it isn't as bad as before.

I would rather argue that Lich form's 1 spam is insanely overpowered and needs about 10% shaved off at the moment. Two necros in Lich Form can DPS through a character's heals, down them, and finish them in downstate in a matter of seconds, even through an attempted rez.

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If you fight a reaper with something that spams a lot of face tanking AI, yes they will get lifeforce fast. If you kite/dodge/block their skills that generate lifeforce they are extremely weak and will never get a full shroud bar. Blinds, reflects, blocks pretty much delete litch attacks, but it is still does too much damage IMO.

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