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Comprehensive Changes to Warrior Skills


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I'm only going to be listing skills I think should be changed, so if they're not listed I think they're currently fine as is. I'm also going to post a different topic later for warrior Traits, because I didn't want things to become too bloated and indigestible. I'm posting this here in PvP because these are coming from a PvP (but also WvW) perspective.

Weapon Skills

GreatswordHundred Blades - This skill is currently too slow, too low damage and too hard to land. So one of three things can happen here - either the skill is given a decrease in cast time, the damage coefficient is raised, or the skill is given an increased range to perhaps say 330 range in a cone infront of the caster (could add some shockwaves to animation to reflect the extended range).

HammerBackbreaker - For a start I suggest adding innate Unblockable to this skill, considering the cast time and cooldown.Secondly, and I may be opening a can of worms here, but I suggest restoring damage coefficients to CC, but with a catch. Make the coefficient generally around 1.0, but unable to crit. I say generally because, to use Backbreaker and Headbutt as examples, these skills could have perhaps say even 1.8 coefficients but again, like all CC, be unable to crit. The coefficient should scale sensibly with cast and cooldown times.

LongbowCredit to @"Lan Deathrider.5910" for coming up with these great longbow changes on the Warrior subforums, although I amended his original ideas somewhatDual Shot - Add innate burning to the auto, add 33% chance for extra burning to Crack Shot trait.Fan of Fire - Significantly reduce the width of the cone so it doesn't need to be used like a shotgun.Arcing Arrow - Remove the skill entirely. Replace it with Rain of Fire (essentially a mirror'd version of the ranger longbow skill Barrage, but applying burning and having a low power coefficient).

AxeEviscerate, Decapitate - Restore the 5 might on hit to these skills back up from 1 might.

MaceCrushing Blow - Replace the animation on this to mimic Skullgrinder, so it is now gap closing with 300 range.Tremor - Remove Projectile status. Make it function like an actual shockwave similar to Coalescence of Ruin. Width should be much much much wider (imagine a wave infront of the Warrior). Reduce target cap to 3, increase cast to 1 second, reduce CC duration to 2 seconds.

SwordFlurry - Remove the self-root, just please.Impale, Rip - This should be very rewarding and a fun combo. Keep the hybrid potential. Add 3 bleeding stacks and cripple to match the torment duration for Impale. For Rip, keep the coefficient as is, but also add 3-4 stacks of Burning to reward condi sword users. And speaking thematically, I suppose it's not that much of a stretch to say it would "burn" to have an impaled sword ripped from your body.

WarhornCharge - Remove the stack system from this, make it 10% damage in general, but for a reduced duration of 6 seconds. It's hard to coordinate those stacks in the middle of combat, and 10% isn't a large enough modifier to warrant such small stacks. This skill made sense when the modifier was 25%.

TorchBlazebreaker - I feel like this deserves at least some more stacks of Burning. Increase to 2-3 stacks.

Utility Skills

HealingHealing Signet - Raise healing per second from 230 to 280.Natural Healing - This is quite a big cast, and doesn't offer much over other healing skills. The heal is already quite big, but I actually suggest restoring the value back to 11670 up from 8519, and then adding a small barrier, 2500 base or so, that activates at the beginning of the cast as a buffer. Increase the cast to 1 and 1/2 second to compensate somewhat. This is the Least used Warrior heal so it needs some big love to see play.

ShoutsFear Me - Add an ammo system, give it two charges, 5 seconds activation cooldown, and 40 seconds to recharge ammo.

StancesBerserker Stance - Doesn't offer that much outside of Resistance. Doesn't break stun. I suggest reducing the cooldown back to 30 seconds. If we would rather keep the longer cooldown, I would suggest pulsing Protection to go with the Resistance. Could potentially remove the adrenaline gain, it's hard to capitalize on 4 seconds of an odd amount of adrenaline gained (7?).

RageOutrage - Reduce cooldown back to 15 seconds. This skill is weak and only helped by the niche thing it does - fast breaks.Wild Blow - Remove CC from this skill. Make the coefficient 1.9 and then make it 100% crit on a disabled foe.Sundering Leap - Add 1 second of a single stability stack to this leap.

MeditationsSight Beyond Sight - Rework this, make it so for 5 seconds, your attacks have 100% crit chance, and you can see stealthed foes. Remove ammo count, set cooldown to 30 seconds. This is a niche skill so it should be fairly strong at least.Imminent Threat - Almost completely unused and needs a rework. Remove the taunt, and make it an PBAoE pull with a radius of 600 around the caster on 5 targets. Keep the adrenaline and retaliation, reduce cooldown to 30 seconds. Increase cast to 1/2 second up from 1/4.

Elite SkillsSignet of Rage - Decrease cast time to 1/2 second.Headbutt - Remove the self-stun and stability removal gimmick.Winds of Disenchantment - Reduce cooldown to 60 seconds.

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Thanks for the callout!

Full disclosure here is what I recommended for LB:

AA)Increase the projectile speed on AA, make Burning default on AA, update crack shot so that LB has a 33% chance to cause 1s of burning on a crit.2)Fan of Fire, add 1 more arrow along with burn on it. Tighten the cone so that at least 2 arrows will hit the same target at max range if the target is in the middle of the cone (I guess the spread would be 240 width at max range?).3)Pin Down as suggested above, 12s cd 6 stacks of bleed for 6s, 1s immob. (moved to slot 3 from 5)4)Smoldering arrow, increase radius to 240.5)Rain of Fire 20s CD, channel while being mobile, 12 hits with a damage interval of 0.6s burn Duration 4s/2s per hit, duration split for PvE/Comp. If Cripple is put onto it like Barrage, then I'll be okay with being immobile during the channel as Leg Specialist exists.

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@UNOwen.7132 said:

@Sunshine.5014 said:Uhm, how about
to power creep?

It’s not power creep, just polishing warriors underused and underpowered skills to a place they’re actually legit choices.

Except youre buffing up Greatsword, already one of the best Warrior weapons, roaming Warriors still use Healing Signet and Signet of Rage.

That greatsword skill is bad right now. And Healing Signet got cut too severely, especially when MMR was nerfed, Warriors healing was reduced doubly when factoring in this. Rage signet has an absurd cast time for the short duration it provides, far too obvious and easy to punish.

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These changes look great. One problem is ur asking for improvements to ur class.Folks in these parts don't like seeing another player post improvement ideas on their class. U see in all their minds the only class that's reasonable to ask for improvements on is the classes they happen to play so, the nerve of u.Now a bunch of players of other class are gonna pop in here to tell u warriors fine(their far from fine) and or that they actually need nerfs( even tho warrior isn't in a great spot post patch).

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Reducing hundred blades cast to 3s or 2 3/4s will make it much better. I think Rain of fire on longbow will be too similar to the burst skill. I'll rather have a cc maybe daze added to the skill with lower damage and cast time. Remove cast time on rage signet all together and Headbutt should be doing full damage if it removes stability. Also 1s might on shield master trait is really stupid. Make it 4s at least.

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@Tayga.3192 said:About natural healing: if it gives barrier before casting, would interrupting it put it to full cd instead of 5s? Because it should. Otherwise you could self interrupt for 2500 barrier per 5 second.

Yeah it would go on full CD. I feel like it should be a burst heal, high reward high risk, to be honest I even considered making the heal even higher, in the 14k region, but I didn't want to scare people too much.

@Leonidrex.5649 said:NO to buffing healing signet, its aids.NO to buffing gs, its strong as kitten alreadyNO to buffing axe, its strong weapon.The rest I dont care about, but dont buff whats already strong.

Something can be strong and still have weak/underperforming skills. Hundred Blades is an underperforming skill. Unless you're suggesting Warrior GS should Have a Bad Skill on the bar? Just seems spiteful honestly. Warrior isn't in a good way right now. Also Healing Signet isn't aids, its quite underwhelming now. Non-MMR users suffered for MMR and Healing Signet spellbreakers' past deeds. And Axe is strong, but again you're being hysterical, Axe burst should be rewarded and its not even very high damage now, restoring the might on a hard to land melee skill is fair.

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@Exedore.6320 said:No more unblockable power creep!

Hello Guardian.

Jokes aside, Backbreaker is a 130 range skill with a 1 second cast time and an enormous telegraph animation (it's also on a long cooldown). It's called BACKBREAKER. It now does no damage. It needs compensation and Unblockable makes sense for the skill thematically and balance wise. You should have to Think about what you're blocking and learn over time what can't be blocked.

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@ProverbsofHell.2307 said:

@Tayga.3192 said:About natural healing: if it gives barrier before casting, would interrupting it put it to full cd instead of 5s? Because it should. Otherwise you could self interrupt for 2500 barrier per 5 second.

Yeah it would go on full CD. I feel like it should be a burst heal, high reward high risk, to be honest I even considered making the heal even higher, in the 14k region, but I didn't want to scare people too much.

Thanks for clarifying.

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@ProverbsofHell.2307 said:

@Tayga.3192 said:About natural healing: if it gives barrier before casting, would interrupting it put it to full cd instead of 5s? Because it should. Otherwise you could self interrupt for 2500 barrier per 5 second.

Yeah it would go on full CD. I feel like it should be a burst heal, high reward high risk, to be honest I even considered making the heal even higher, in the 14k region, but I didn't want to scare people too much.

@Leonidrex.5649 said:NO to buffing healing signet, its aids.NO to buffing gs, its strong as kitten alreadyNO to buffing axe, its strong weapon.The rest I dont care about, but dont buff whats already strong.

Something can be strong and still have weak/underperforming skills. Hundred Blades is an underperforming skill. Unless you're suggesting Warrior GS should Have a Bad Skill on the bar? Just seems spiteful honestly. Warrior isn't in a good way right now. Also Healing Signet isn't aids, its quite underwhelming now. Non-MMR users suffered for MMR and Healing Signet spellbreakers' past deeds. And Axe is strong, but again you're being hysterical, Axe burst should be rewarded and its not even very high damage now, restoring the might on a hard to land melee skill is fair.

4 amazing skills are balanced off 1 shitty one, its how it is. If you wanna have HB as a good skill other skills need to eat a nerf.Dont buff the strongest skills please.Also dont buff brain dead skills like healing signet -.-there is no spite here, GS is ran by almost every War build, buffing it in any way shape or form can be problematic.

you are missing the point entirely.warrior is not weak, warrior is fine and strong. By buffing strong weapons like GS/AXE you can make warrior broken.IF you want to buff warrior buff shit skills that nobody uses, like bow/hammer/rifle.Force people off GS so they have to sacrifice something for the buffs, if you buff axe now its GS + axe/shield and its straight buff Poggers.Buffing shit like LB/Rifle/warhorn and whatever leaves gs/axe strong and opens up possibilities of NEW builds being good.Diversity is good, making broken builds not so much.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Tayga.3192 said:About natural healing: if it gives barrier before casting, would interrupting it put it to full cd instead of 5s? Because it should. Otherwise you could self interrupt for 2500 barrier per 5 second.

Yeah it would go on full CD. I feel like it should be a burst heal, high reward high risk, to be honest I even considered making the heal even higher, in the 14k region, but I didn't want to scare people too much.

@Leonidrex.5649 said:NO to buffing healing signet, its aids.NO to buffing gs, its strong as kitten alreadyNO to buffing axe, its strong weapon.The rest I dont care about, but dont buff whats already strong.

Something can be strong and still have weak/underperforming skills. Hundred Blades is an underperforming skill. Unless you're suggesting Warrior GS should Have a Bad Skill on the bar? Just seems spiteful honestly. Warrior isn't in a good way right now. Also Healing Signet isn't aids, its quite underwhelming now. Non-MMR users suffered for MMR and Healing Signet spellbreakers' past deeds. And Axe is strong, but again you're being hysterical, Axe burst should be rewarded and its not even very high damage now, restoring the might on a hard to land melee skill is fair.

4 amazing skills are balanced off 1 kitten one, its how it is. If you wanna have HB as a good skill other skills need to eat a nerf.Dont buff the strongest skills please.Also dont buff brain dead skills like healing signet -.-there is no spite here, GS is ran by almost every War build, buffing it in any way shape or form can be problematic.

you are missing the point entirely.warrior is not weak, warrior is fine and strong. By buffing strong weapons like GS/AXE you can make warrior broken.IF you want to buff warrior buff kitten skills that nobody uses, like bow/hammer/rifle.Force people off GS so they have to sacrifice something for the buffs, if you buff axe now its GS + axe/shield and its straight buff Poggers.Buffing kitten like LB/Rifle/warhorn and whatever leaves gs/axe strong and opens up possibilities of NEW builds being good.Diversity is good, making broken builds not so much.

Sorry I'm trying not to get irritated but what is this drivel you're saying to me right here? "Don't buff the strongest skills please". I'm asking for a buff to Hundred Blades. You saying that's a strong skill? It's literally, GARBAGE. You can't even outcleave Rez % ticks with this skill.

Also by the way since you didn't read, I did suggest changes to other Warrior weapons. Also you clearly are NOT in a position to discuss Warrior. You even tried to say Rifle is bad even though it's in a fine place right now which is why I didn't recommend any changes to it.

Don't reply to me if you're just going to go around in circles... I already had to repeat myself here.

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@ProverbsofHell.2307 said:

@Tayga.3192 said:About natural healing: if it gives barrier before casting, would interrupting it put it to full cd instead of 5s? Because it should. Otherwise you could self interrupt for 2500 barrier per 5 second.

Yeah it would go on full CD. I feel like it should be a burst heal, high reward high risk, to be honest I even considered making the heal even higher, in the 14k region, but I didn't want to scare people too much.

@Leonidrex.5649 said:NO to buffing healing signet, its aids.NO to buffing gs, its strong as kitten alreadyNO to buffing axe, its strong weapon.The rest I dont care about, but dont buff whats already strong.

Something can be strong and still have weak/underperforming skills. Hundred Blades is an underperforming skill. Unless you're suggesting Warrior GS should Have a Bad Skill on the bar? Just seems spiteful honestly. Warrior isn't in a good way right now. Also Healing Signet isn't aids, its quite underwhelming now. Non-MMR users suffered for MMR and Healing Signet spellbreakers' past deeds. And Axe is strong, but again you're being hysterical, Axe burst should be rewarded and its not even very high damage now, restoring the might on a hard to land melee skill is fair.

4 amazing skills are balanced off 1 kitten one, its how it is. If you wanna have HB as a good skill other skills need to eat a nerf.Dont buff the strongest skills please.Also dont buff brain dead skills like healing signet -.-there is no spite here, GS is ran by almost every War build, buffing it in any way shape or form can be problematic.

you are missing the point entirely.warrior is not weak, warrior is fine and strong. By buffing strong weapons like GS/AXE you can make warrior broken.IF you want to buff warrior buff kitten skills that nobody uses, like bow/hammer/rifle.Force people off GS so they have to sacrifice something for the buffs, if you buff axe now its GS + axe/shield and its straight buff Poggers.Buffing kitten like LB/Rifle/warhorn and whatever leaves gs/axe strong and opens up possibilities of NEW builds being good.Diversity is good, making broken builds not so much.

Sorry I'm trying not to get irritated but what is this drivel you're saying to me right here? "Don't buff the strongest skills please". I'm asking for a buff to Hundred Blades. You saying that's a strong skill? It's literally, GARBAGE. You can't even outcleave Rez % ticks with this skill.

Also by the way since you didn't read, I did suggest changes to other Warrior weapons. Also you clearly are NOT in a position to discuss Warrior. You even tried to say Rifle is bad even though it's in a fine place right now which is why I didn't recommend any changes to it.

Don't reply to me if you're just going to go around in circles... I already had to repeat myself here.

And this is why I am not against changes for warhorn/rifle/sword/lb/mace/hammer ETC ETC.buffing ANY GS skill is buffing META warrior. that can be made overpowered.GS has 4 AMAZING skills that are offset by 1 garbage one.If you fail to understand that then there is nothing we can talk about, go buff strongest weapons becouse " hurr durr it has 1 bad skill" EVERY class has garbage skill on weapons, and there is reason for that. Good players can find ways to make use of garbage skills, gives them an edge.everyone can use good skills. having 5 of them on every weapon set is whats wrong with the game.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Tayga.3192 said:About natural healing: if it gives barrier before casting, would interrupting it put it to full cd instead of 5s? Because it should. Otherwise you could self interrupt for 2500 barrier per 5 second.

Yeah it would go on full CD. I feel like it should be a burst heal, high reward high risk, to be honest I even considered making the heal even higher, in the 14k region, but I didn't want to scare people too much.

@Leonidrex.5649 said:NO to buffing healing signet, its aids.NO to buffing gs, its strong as kitten alreadyNO to buffing axe, its strong weapon.The rest I dont care about, but dont buff whats already strong.

Something can be strong and still have weak/underperforming skills. Hundred Blades is an underperforming skill. Unless you're suggesting Warrior GS should Have a Bad Skill on the bar? Just seems spiteful honestly. Warrior isn't in a good way right now. Also Healing Signet isn't aids, its quite underwhelming now. Non-MMR users suffered for MMR and Healing Signet spellbreakers' past deeds. And Axe is strong, but again you're being hysterical, Axe burst should be rewarded and its not even very high damage now, restoring the might on a hard to land melee skill is fair.

4 amazing skills are balanced off 1 kitten one, its how it is. If you wanna have HB as a good skill other skills need to eat a nerf.Dont buff the strongest skills please.Also dont buff brain dead skills like healing signet -.-there is no spite here, GS is ran by almost every War build, buffing it in any way shape or form can be problematic.

you are missing the point entirely.warrior is not weak, warrior is fine and strong. By buffing strong weapons like GS/AXE you can make warrior broken.IF you want to buff warrior buff kitten skills that nobody uses, like bow/hammer/rifle.Force people off GS so they have to sacrifice something for the buffs, if you buff axe now its GS + axe/shield and its straight buff Poggers.Buffing kitten like LB/Rifle/warhorn and whatever leaves gs/axe strong and opens up possibilities of NEW builds being good.Diversity is good, making broken builds not so much.

Sorry I'm trying not to get irritated but what is this drivel you're saying to me right here? "Don't buff the strongest skills please". I'm asking for a buff to Hundred Blades. You saying that's a strong skill? It's literally, GARBAGE. You can't even outcleave Rez % ticks with this skill.

Also by the way since you didn't read, I did suggest changes to other Warrior weapons. Also you clearly are NOT in a position to discuss Warrior. You even tried to say Rifle is bad even though it's in a fine place right now which is why I didn't recommend any changes to it.

Don't reply to me if you're just going to go around in circles... I already had to repeat myself here.

And this is why I am not against changes for warhorn/rifle/sword/lb/mace/hammer ETC ETC.buffing ANY GS skill is buffing META warrior. that can be made overpowered.GS has 4 AMAZING skills that are offset by 1 garbage one.If you fail to understand that then there is nothing we can talk about, go buff strongest weapons becouse " hurr durr it has 1 bad skill" EVERY class has garbage skill on weapons, and there is reason for that. Good players can find ways to make use of garbage skills, gives them an edge.everyone can use good skills. having 5 of them on every weapon set is whats wrong with the game.

There is no written rule stating that a weapon cant have all good viable skills and not be OP. Theres a good reason why people ask for qol improvements to 100 blades and because the other gs skills are good doesn't mean 100 blades needs to remain a garbage skill that has only use when a opponent is hard cc'd long enough or if the warrior has quickness to speed thru the long cast time. It was good for cleaving but those days are gone for reasons we should all kno by now. But I agree with u rifle could definitely use a little love along side bow and sword. Hammer would be fine if some damage was returned to a skill or two on it even if it meant losing a bit of cc

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Tayga.3192 said:About natural healing: if it gives barrier before casting, would interrupting it put it to full cd instead of 5s? Because it should. Otherwise you could self interrupt for 2500 barrier per 5 second.

Yeah it would go on full CD. I feel like it should be a burst heal, high reward high risk, to be honest I even considered making the heal even higher, in the 14k region, but I didn't want to scare people too much.

@Leonidrex.5649 said:NO to buffing healing signet, its aids.NO to buffing gs, its strong as kitten alreadyNO to buffing axe, its strong weapon.The rest I dont care about, but dont buff whats already strong.

Something can be strong and still have weak/underperforming skills. Hundred Blades is an underperforming skill. Unless you're suggesting Warrior GS should Have a Bad Skill on the bar? Just seems spiteful honestly. Warrior isn't in a good way right now. Also Healing Signet isn't aids, its quite underwhelming now. Non-MMR users suffered for MMR and Healing Signet spellbreakers' past deeds. And Axe is strong, but again you're being hysterical, Axe burst should be rewarded and its not even very high damage now, restoring the might on a hard to land melee skill is fair.

4 amazing skills are balanced off 1 kitten one, its how it is. If you wanna have HB as a good skill other skills need to eat a nerf.Dont buff the strongest skills please.Also dont buff brain dead skills like healing signet -.-there is no spite here, GS is ran by almost every War build, buffing it in any way shape or form can be problematic.

you are missing the point entirely.warrior is not weak, warrior is fine and strong. By buffing strong weapons like GS/AXE you can make warrior broken.IF you want to buff warrior buff kitten skills that nobody uses, like bow/hammer/rifle.Force people off GS so they have to sacrifice something for the buffs, if you buff axe now its GS + axe/shield and its straight buff Poggers.Buffing kitten like LB/Rifle/warhorn and whatever leaves gs/axe strong and opens up possibilities of NEW builds being good.Diversity is good, making broken builds not so much.

Sorry I'm trying not to get irritated but what is this drivel you're saying to me right here? "Don't buff the strongest skills please". I'm asking for a buff to Hundred Blades. You saying that's a strong skill? It's literally, GARBAGE. You can't even outcleave Rez % ticks with this skill.

Also by the way since you didn't read, I did suggest changes to other Warrior weapons. Also you clearly are NOT in a position to discuss Warrior. You even tried to say Rifle is bad even though it's in a fine place right now which is why I didn't recommend any changes to it.

Don't reply to me if you're just going to go around in circles... I already had to repeat myself here.

And this is why I am not against changes for warhorn/rifle/sword/lb/mace/hammer ETC ETC.buffing ANY GS skill is buffing META warrior. that can be made overpowered.GS has 4 AMAZING skills that are offset by 1 garbage one.If you fail to understand that then there is nothing we can talk about, go buff strongest weapons becouse " hurr durr it has 1 bad skill" EVERY class has garbage skill on weapons, and there is reason for that. Good players can find ways to make use of garbage skills, gives them an edge.everyone can use good skills. having 5 of them on every weapon set is whats wrong with the game.

What's amazing about Bladetrail? Ultra slow projectile that can't even be thrown at an upward z-axis trajectory? What's amazing about Rush? A clunky 1200 gap closer that often bugs out and goes in the wrong direction, that locks you completely into the animation making you a sitting duck, I mean you're literally a sitting duck during Rush animation. And need I say how ridiculous it is to call an auto attack amazing? So what we have is ONE "amazing" skill in Whirlwind Attack, which while good isn't anywhere near as loaded as some other skills in the game. But I'm not even here to ask for buffs to Bladetrail and Rush, because they aren't absolutely terrible unlike Hundred Blades.

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@Psycoprophet.8107GS war is fine as is, there is no reason to buff it. expecially since throwing developement time for something trivial like this that has big chance to backfire is just not good time investment.I get it, HB sucks, but it sucks for a reason. reason is that the rest of the skills are bonkers, AA is amazing, F1 is amazing, gs3 is amazing, gs4 is kinda filler but its a good skill when used properly, gs 5 is amazing too ( they could fix the fucking bug on this thing tho ).GO and buff SHIT weapons to create more options, and not waste time buffing strong weapons, bast case scenario is that nothing changes. worst is war becomes broken.

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@ProverbsofHell.23071 Gs 1 is amazing becouse it has good coof along with ALOT of extra stats that war gets, meaning it hits more then other classes can hit with basic attacks, making it amazing basic attack. I have been hit upwards of 12k with GS 1 from BRUISER warriors prepatch, after all the nerfs its proparly about 3k+ hits, its alot more then other classes.2 HB sucks, there is no way about it, expecially since GS1 spam is strong itself making HB less good.3 GS 3 is one of the strongest weapon skills in the game, nuff said.4 GS 4 is only as bad as its user, if used right you can force it to double tap, for good damage, use it as a filler at medium range that cant be sidestepped. it deals good chunk of damage, its good skill.5 Rush is buggy, but it deals alot of fucking damage, provides alot of mobility on low cooldown, its amazing skill.

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