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Strongest 1 vs 1 class Post Patch?


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@"EremiteAngel.9765" said:I find it hard to believe that 50% of the voters still chose Thief.Are they really that oppresive?Three of them attacked me for 5 minutes and failed to kill until a 4th DH joined in.


Makes more sense than voting Warrior... forreal, u joking? Warrior is the weakest profession right now.

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Until its deleted it will be voted the best regardless what the polls subject is due bias against it. How this community roles, instead if answering honestly they just answer what class they dislike and for what? Do they think itl somehow lead to their desired agenda? Lol

Freaking hilarious, totally the only class this has ever happened to.

Mesmers can rest in pieces, I mean in peace, now that they don't have to look behind their backs at the constant nerf cries to chop off their limbs.

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@Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

@"EremiteAngel.9765" said:I find it hard to believe that 50% of the voters still chose Thief.Are they really that oppresive?Three of them attacked me for 5 minutes and failed to kill until a 4th DH joined in.

Until its deleted it will be voted the best regardless what the polls subject is due bias against it. How this community roles, instead if answering honestly they just answer what class they dislike and for what? Do they think itl somehow lead to their desired agenda? Lol

2 minute fight, what EXACTLY is your point here? That nobody should ever lose?

Now, time to follow the suit of most people that answer "in videos/pictures" and never respond again to prove you don't actually have a point :D

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@Sobx.1758 said:

@"EremiteAngel.9765" said:I find it hard to believe that 50% of the voters still chose Thief.Are they really that oppresive?Three of them attacked me for 5 minutes and failed to kill until a 4th DH joined in.

Until its deleted it will be voted the best regardless what the polls subject is due bias against it. How this community roles, instead if answering honestly they just answer what class they dislike and for what? Do they think itl somehow lead to their desired agenda? Lol

2 minute fight, what EXACTLY is your point here? That nobody should ever lose?

Now, time to follow the suit of most people that answer "in videos/pictures" and never respond again to prove you don't actually have a point :D

Ppl said that Thief is not a good 1v1 class .The god tier player in that video disproves you .,What i can say further ?:P

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@Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

@"EremiteAngel.9765" said:I find it hard to believe that 50% of the voters still chose Thief.Are they really that oppresive?Three of them attacked me for 5 minutes and failed to kill until a 4th DH joined in.

Until its deleted it will be voted the best regardless what the polls subject is due bias against it. How this community roles, instead if answering honestly they just answer what class they dislike and for what? Do they think itl somehow lead to their desired agenda? Lol

2 minute fight, what EXACTLY is your point here? That nobody should ever lose?

Now, time to follow the suit of most people that answer "in videos/pictures" and never respond again to prove you don't actually have a point :D

You know , i really remeber a mathemetician guy called Cynz , 5 years ago :PYou kinda remind him :P

I don't know who that is, but I assume I should feel insulted :D

And i loved him for supporting the powrcreep and then bailing away for Overwatch :PHe did the exaxt saemt thing as the other person . Support Powercreed>whine about it>leave for a while> said he didnt support and it was the company fault

Where exactly did I support power creep? (unless you're just describing that person without any relevance to me, at which point.. I'm not sure why tbh :D )

You said that Thief is not a good 1v1 class .

When? Where?I didn't -and neither did the person you answered to with that video. So let me ask again -what was your point there as a responce to that post?

The god tier player in that video disproves you .,What i can say further ?:P

Start with rereading the post you answered with that video, because your claim about him (not me) claiming "thief is not a good 1v1 class" seems to be a lie.Then continue with explaining how that video was relevant here. :)

Unironically, a "plus" from me for actually answering, I appreciate. But you see how that answer is actually a lie, right?

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@"Sobx.1758" said:Start with rereading the post you answered with that video, because your claim about him (not me) claiming "thief is not a good 1v1 class" seems to be a lie.Then continue with explaining how that video was relevant here. :)

PPl said that thief is not good in 1v1There is the fact ::)What can i say ? The video speaks for itself :P

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@Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

@"Sobx.1758" said:Start with rereading the post you answered with that video, because your claim about him (not me) claiming "thief is not a good 1v1 class" seems to be a lie.Then continue with explaining how that video was relevant here. :)

PPl said that thief is not good in 1v1There is the fact ::)What can i say ? The video speaks for itself :P

Ok, thanks for answering. :D

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@Sobx.1758 said:

@Sobx.1758 said:Start with rereading the post you answered with that video, because your claim about him (not me) claiming "thief is not a good 1v1 class" seems to be a lie.Then continue with explaining how that video was relevant here. :)

PPl said that thief is not good in 1v1There is the fact ::)What can i say ? The video speaks for itself :P

Ok, thanks for answering. :D

No problemI need a sparring mate for a few days ,. now that Psycophrophet is on break :P

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@Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

@"EremiteAngel.9765" said:I find it hard to believe that 50% of the voters still chose Thief.Are they really that oppresive?Three of them attacked me for 5 minutes and failed to kill until a 4th DH joined in.

Until its deleted it will be voted the best regardless what the polls subject is due bias against it. How this community roles, instead if answering honestly they just answer what class they dislike and for what? Do they think itl somehow lead to their desired agenda? Lol

Allow me to comment on the duel.The necro was pretty good on Scourge. Mostly knew what he was doing.But he made one big mistake.He didn’t try to close the distance on the thief throughout the fight.This allowed the thief to go in and out repeatedly at his own pace.

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@EremiteAngel.9765 said:

@EremiteAngel.9765 said:I find it hard to believe that 50% of the voters still chose Thief.Are they really that oppresive?Three of them attacked me for 5 minutes and failed to kill until a 4th DH joined in.

Until its deleted it will be voted the best regardless what the polls subject is due bias against it. How this community roles, instead if answering honestly they just answer what class they dislike and for what? Do they think itl somehow lead to their desired agenda? Lol

Allow me to comment on the duel.The necro was pretty good on Scourge. Mostly knew what he was doing.But he made one big mistake.He didn’t try to close the distance on the thief throughout the fight.This allowed the thief to go in and out repeatedly at his own pace.

The thief most of the time did Dancing Dagger (criple) , so he wouldnt have gove very farDont his auto slow too ?

But yeah ... theres some goddam teanagers these days rather than go study , makes our live missery with their skills..Get of my lawn !

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@Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

@EremiteAngel.9765 said:I find it hard to believe that 50% of the voters still chose Thief.Are they really that oppresive?Three of them attacked me for 5 minutes and failed to kill until a 4th DH joined in.

Until its deleted it will be voted the best regardless what the polls subject is due bias against it. How this community roles, instead if answering honestly they just answer what class they dislike and for what? Do they think itl somehow lead to their desired agenda? Lol

Allow me to comment on the duel.The necro was pretty good on Scourge. Mostly knew what he was doing.But he made one big mistake.He didn’t try to close the distance on the thief throughout the fight.This allowed the thief to go in and out repeatedly at his own pace.

The thief most of the time did Dancing Dagger (criple) , so he wouldnt have gove very farDont his auto slow too ?

Hmm maybe but by not moving to the thief starting position of inflitrator strike, the necro is allowing the thief to freely cast infiltrator return and wait at zero pressure.

But the necro already did well. It is not easy to fight mobile classes as Scourge.

You would need to be a god tier Scouge like @"Helly.2597" to pull off wins against strong opponents.

Check out his Scourge roaming videos. He has killed Deadeyes and even good Soulbeasts back before the nerf patch.


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@EremiteAngel.9765 said:

@EremiteAngel.9765 said:I find it hard to believe that 50% of the voters still chose Thief.Are they really that oppresive?Three of them attacked me for 5 minutes and failed to kill until a 4th DH joined in.

Until its deleted it will be voted the best regardless what the polls subject is due bias against it. How this community roles, instead if answering honestly they just answer what class they dislike and for what? Do they think itl somehow lead to their desired agenda? Lol

Allow me to comment on the duel.The necro was pretty good on Scourge. Mostly knew what he was doing.But he made one big mistake.He didn’t try to close the distance on the thief throughout the fight.This allowed the thief to go in and out repeatedly at his own pace.

The thief most of the time did Dancing Dagger (criple) , so he wouldnt have gove very farDont his auto slow too ?

Hmm maybe but by not moving to the thief starting position of inflitrator strike, the necro is allowing the thief to freely cast infiltrator return and wait at zero pressure.

But the necro already did well. It is not easy to fight mobile classes as Scourge.

You would need to be a god tier Scouge like @"Helly.2597" to pull off wins against strong opponents.

Check out his Scourge roaming videos. He has killed Deadeyes and even good Soulbeasts back before the nerf patch.

If the necro was running , the thief would simply stick to his back and auto attack+slow .If if the Necro turn occassioanly , he would get self-slowed (moving backwards in reduced speed) .

Buff necro

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Well, let's see... for spontaneous stuff:

Self-healing Eles are still doing surprisingly well. I'm unsure of exactly how good they still are, but they are very good. I'm having a bit too much success facerolling it.

Condition Revs are completely broken. Well stronger than many other disliked condi builds like Guard- or Ele burn builds or Necro builds.

Deadeye is still broken on a conceptual level with all that overabundance of stealth and utilities that covers weaknesses since the trait remakes.Condition Deadeye is even more broken since condition and stealth is also broken as a concept letting damage tick when stealthed.Even hybrid Deadeye is pretty broken now on things like Grieving with PP/R.

That even overlooks some of core issues like the amount of control and utility Thief has even on good-old setups like S/P where skills have bonus cripple, bonus imob, bonus stun and spammable daze. Even if not every skill on the bar damages, the resource system gives you way too much control and balance between control and damage. Then again, S/P is not too egregious, it's mostly just a fun aside, denoting how even the stuff not usually considered broken is still something few other classes can hope to have, while we're talking about all the ridiculous stuff with stealth, stealth-reach and stealth-condi combinations. Personally I wouldn't roam on anything but a Thief right now, for that purpose it is leaps and bounds beyond.

For more organized duelling? Eles are still going to be a pain to cut through, Revs are powerful etc. Even the other classes mentioned (Necro, Guard) can come up as counter-builds for various classes here so it's not like Thieves reign supreme in 1v1, at least not with some gentlemanly rules implied regarding distances and resets etc. Even Warriors may remain okay-ish for duel stuff with all their cleanses even if they have lost a fair bit of edge. The same could be said for Boonbeasts and Mirages. They have lost a good bit of edge and they are certainly not the best, but they remain decent enough when adapted a bit.

So, the best duelists? Well, Rev, Thief, Necro, possibly still Ele. That's what it has felt like so far. I don't really like duelling though, so I'm not too invested.

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@Sobx.1758 said:

@Yasai.3549 said:Why Engi?It's because they are the only other Profession with access to Stealth on demand, and with no special conditions.

Mesmer? Ranger?

With engineer, rocket boots, slick shoes and a smoke field and you're disengaged as in gone; especially with gadgeteer.

I laugh when I throw up my photon wall (reflects projectiles above 50 heat) and rangers knock themselves back with a longbow shot, then kill themselves with their own arrows when they rapid fire.

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@archmagus.7249 said:

@Yasai.3549 said:Why Engi?It's because they are the only other Profession with access to Stealth on demand, and with no special conditions.

Mesmer? Ranger?

With engineer, rocket boots, slick shoes and a smoke field and you're disengaged as in gone; especially with gadgeteer.

I laugh when I throw up my photon wall (reflects projectiles above 50 heat) and rangers knock themselves back with a longbow shot, then kill themselves with their own arrows when they rapid fire.

I think you missed the context of my response.

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@"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:To be honest I have no idea at this point. I've been roaming mostly on power Rev and all these condi matchups are a pain in the kitten, but it was never the build's strength to begin with so it doesn't come as a surprise. Gonna slit my wrists soons with all these burn Guards kitten out burns left and right. Condi Rev is dumb atm but is far from the best 1v1 class due to it having clear counters that are rather easy to exploit. Thief feels impossible to kill now due to not being able to pressure them enough anymore while they are CC'd. Thank god that Pistol Whip FotM kitten passed quickly though. Vault still chunks, but thankfully I haven't seen too many double staff monkeys around. Conversely, every Warrior I have fought thus far has been far easier to kill compared to pre-patch unless they are running some dumb immortal build. Necro feels significantly harder to kill and is honestly a harder matchup now for me, and I am not counting the core Signet build because they aren't worth the time trying to fight. Boonbeast is still Boonbeast, mindless and skilless as ever, though the burstier builds are much more fun to fight now that I don't get instanuked. Ancient Seeds can DiaF. Mesmer seems okay I guess. I try not to engage them because 95% of the time they are running TB on either Mirage or core PU, so trying to kill them is often futile. Power doesn't seem too hot right now on it though. Engi (Holo specifically) feels much easier than before because of the corona nerf. I can CC them a whole lot. Most fellow power Revs just flop unfortunately, but I still see the occasional good one out there. Offhand sword burst is still cheese, just not quite so stinky. Jalis feels great, Shiro feels kneecapped but still okay, and Staff 5 feels like the dirtiest booty you've ever tasted. On the topic of Rev, howbout Ventari? Just kidding. As a self-admitted centaurophile, I have hung up the spec for the first time since I started playing the class. Sadness. Deep sadness.

TLDR: I have no idea. My experience is completely biased because it is mostly through the lens of one build on one class because I suck at everything else in the game. I have barely 1v1'd at all since the patch and honestly I just don't see them happen much at all unless they are impromptu. With all that said, I do hope burn Guards get nuked from orbit and I hope ANet permanently deletes Deadeye from the game.

Pretty much my experience as well, so I don't think I can vote.

I've had 1 v 1's here and there but nothing stands out at the moment, which is a good thing IMO. It means everything is on a roughly even playing field with everything either having an obvious counter or at minimum, being manageable rather than oppressive. Condi Mirage used to be one of the most forgiving and versatile roaming builds but has now become very manageable with anyone who couldn't play it skillfully dropping it for something else.

I see lots of Burn Guards of all types ( core, DH, FB )Boonbeast lives on but feels a lot less oppressive, even if still forgiving.Thieves are still common with many shifting toward D/P builds. Deadeye still deserves to be hated.Necros and Reapers have mostly become a fight of commitment that can't be bursted. Most Scourges are easier fodder than ever. ( Most = some exceptions apply ).Rev's have almost entirely shifted to Condition builds while still being mostly Power in zergs.Mesmers seem less common but still manage to be obnoxious. Mirage retains an impressive amount of mobility even with 1 dodge, mind you that means they need to slot an extra utility for doing so.Warrior is much easier to deal with while still being very strong if played well. Berserker is a meme. Spellbreaker is more in line with core in terms of damage now while also being a better duelist.Engi has some decent Power builds with Explosives allowing it to compete. Prot Holo is still annoying but a lot easier to punish. DPS Scrapper gets more scary the more people are around but is pretty well a puppy 1 v 1.Any type of Fresh Air Ele is a lot less scary than before, they actually have to choose between doing damage and being immune to it while also being unable to 100 - 0 literally anything in existence. S/D Weaver is still a pain but not immortal unless they're Water.

Anything I didn't mention ( Chrono, Daredevil, Druid, etc. ) I either haven't seen enough to say or they can be roughly in line with their elite specs if running something similar ( eg. core boon Ranger ).

My least favorite thing to fight is still Dragonhunter. I still think Soulbeast plateau's at a low skillfloor that makes average players more scary than they should be. And I still think all forms of Mesmer have more defenses than anything should reasonably have with the amount of Stealth they have.These are all personal opinions however and I wouldn't apply those bias's to an actual discussion of balance. Just stating that despite the changes I still find these things to be true. S/D Weaver is no longer one of my least favorite things to fight though, so that's good. It can actually be killed even if it spends 75% of it's time evading.

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@"EremiteAngel.9765" said:I find it hard to believe that 50% of the voters still chose Thief.Are they really that oppresive?Three of them attacked me for 5 minutes and failed to kill until a 4th DH joined in.


Beside fact that necro is tanky, theres noway a proper thief has problem smashing necro down the floor..i can rape ur green bar down in no time ull get it maybe half way up when ur HP is going down the drain and after ur dead..

u see we could also just attack when ur not in that greenish bar shit (forgot name) i mean we can stealth and wait it out? ;)

thief isnt exactly about dmg tbh, its more about choose ur moments if u want pure raw dmg and smash that into people faces ur better off on ranger/warrior/holo as these 3 do far better when comes to banging down people with raw dmg.

ah voted thiefs just because they won last time, even tho i strongly disagree that thief is best 1v1, but whatever :D.

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@knite.1542 said:

Why Engi?It's because they are the only other Profession with access to Stealth on demand, and with no special conditions.

I guess rangers and mesmers don't count.

Ranger has to use combo fields or land an arrow. Still decent amount of projectile blocks, various classes have blinds, some have aegis. Yea it's not an easy arrow/skill to dodge I'll give you that, but at least it relies on actually hitting so there's counter play. As for the smokefield, it's fairly obvious when they are going to cast it so if you have reveal slotted it's very easy to deny them that opportunity.

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People voting thief have no idea. They are a gank class. And you only vote for them because YOU can't kill them. That doesn't make them a good 1vs1 class. They have by design the advantage to pick their fights and disengage. But running away like a scared little kitten doesn't make them good at 1vs1. And the fights they do win are against random scrubs. If a thief gets caught, he is dead.Are they annoying? Yes. Are they the best 1vs1 class? Hell no.

Necro is strong right now, but only because he can be played by a braindead coma patient. Stay still and facetank everything.

All this 1vs1 kitten just sounds like you wanna know which class you should play that has the most carry potential because you lack skill.Every class can be equally good at 1vs1. And as others already said, the circumstances where a 1vs1 might happen can vary, giving you an advantage or disadvantage.It also depends on build and gear. You can't just say X is better than Y.

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@"Mauzi.5892" said:People voting thief have no idea. They are a gank class. And you only vote for them because YOU can't kill them. That doesn't make them a good 1vs1 class. They have by design the advantage to pick their fights and disengage. But running away like a scared little kitten doesn't make them good at 1vs1. And the fights they do win are against random scrubs. If a thief gets caught, he is dead.Are they annoying? Yes. Are they the best 1vs1 class? Hell no.

Necro is strong right now, but only because he can be played by a braindead coma patient. Stay still and facetank everything.

All this 1vs1 kitten just sounds like you wanna know which class you should play that has the most carry potential because you lack skill.Every class can be equally good at 1vs1. And as others already said, the circumstances where a 1vs1 might happen can vary, giving you an advantage or disadvantage.It also depends on build and gear. You can't just say X is better than Y.Inb4 "you only say necro because you cant kill them".

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