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Quick list of Warrior trait/skills that Anet really needs to look at IMO


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@Sobx.1758 said:

@Warlord.9074 said:Rifle is ok.

@Psycoprophet.8107 call him a warrior hater!No? uh, ok... :disappointed:

I agree with him tho. Ok isn't the bar I want weapon or skills to be set at regardless of class in question.I want this to be a great game with increasing population where classes have great weapons and great skills :)If a weapon is just ok that just means it could should be improved to improve enjoyment and effectiveness of use.

Based on his post as a whole saying "it's ok" is equivalent to "it doesn't need buffs". Which is what I said and subsequencially was told I must be against warrior as a whole. Now apparently "you agree with it", good job. :D

Being ok definitely doesn't translate to useless nor does it mean couldn't use improvement. If something is ok in my books means its useable or passable but not good, again not a bar that should be set.Regardless in a month be interesting to see what classes/builds are more represented in higher tier play, or should I say over represented lol.I think most of us know who the small handful of classes/builds that it will be but we shall see in time :)

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@RabbitUp.8294 said:I think rifle should get a similar change to ele Lava Axe. Every time you use a rifle skill, your next AA fires two bullets. Then balance the weapon around more sustained damage, instead of meme oneshots.

More sustained damage throughout the kit is definitely the way to go vs meme one shots which are usually the reason a class gets overly nerfed in the first place.

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For sword MH, I AA and skill 2 are fine. Skill 3 needs much faster animation. Still weird skill for a primarily condi weapon. At least make the above 50% part deal more damage. Burst needs to be reworked into an instant skill. Flurry and fucking self root don’t work, at all.

I am not a warrior main. But warrior as a whole is hard locked into axe in PvE and GS in PvP. It is class with the least number of useless weapons. Ironically considering it has the largest number of weapons.

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@otto.5684 said:For sword MH, I AA and skill 2 are fine. Skill 3 needs much faster animation. Still weird skill for a primarily condi weapon. At least make the above 50% part deal more damage. Burst needs to be reworked into an instant skill. Flurry and kitten self root don’t work, at all.

I am not a warrior main. But warrior as a whole is hard locked into axe in PvE and GS in PvP. It is class with the least number of useless weapons. Ironically considering it has the largest number of weapons.

Don't you mean the most useless weapons?

Final thrust needs 3 bleeds above 50% target hp and at least 1/2 s cast preferably 1/4.

Flurry needs to be unrooted, made quicker, and deal more bleeds.

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@Sobx.1758 said:

@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Final thrust needs 3 bleeds above 50% target hp and at least 1/2 s cast preferably 1/4.

True that it could use something more above 50%, as well as lower cast time.

Would 3 stacks of bleed be enough you think?

Flurry needs to be unrooted, made quicker, and deal more bleeds.

Why does it need to be unrooted, when it immobs anyway?

So you can move out of red circles of death while still using the skill. Or if someone cleared the immobilize and you want to stay on target while still using the skill.

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@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Final thrust needs 3 bleeds above 50% target hp and at least 1/2 s cast preferably 1/4.

True that it could use something more above 50%, as well as lower cast time.

Would 3 stacks of bleed be enough you think?

Actually I don't know :D

Flurry needs to be unrooted, made quicker, and deal more bleeds.

Why does it need to be unrooted, when it immobs anyway?

So you can move out of red circles of death while still using the skill. Or if someone cleared the immobilize and you want to stay on target while still using the skill.

Remove immobilize and unroot the cast? :p

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@Sobx.1758 said:

@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Final thrust needs 3 bleeds above 50% target hp and at least 1/2 s cast preferably 1/4.

True that it could use something more above 50%, as well as lower cast time.

Would 3 stacks of bleed be enough you think?

Actually I don't know :D

Flurry needs to be unrooted, made quicker, and deal more bleeds.

Why does it need to be unrooted, when it immobs anyway?

So you can move out of red circles of death while still using the skill. Or if someone cleared the immobilize and you want to stay on target while still using the skill.

Remove immobilize and unroot the cast? :p

Keep the immobilize and remove the root☺️

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@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Final thrust needs 3 bleeds above 50% target hp and at least 1/2 s cast preferably 1/4.

True that it could use something more above 50%, as well as lower cast time.

Would 3 stacks of bleed be enough you think?

Actually I don't know :D

Flurry needs to be unrooted, made quicker, and deal more bleeds.

Why does it need to be unrooted, when it immobs anyway?

So you can move out of red circles of death while still using the skill. Or if someone cleared the immobilize and you want to stay on target while still using the skill.

Remove immobilize and unroot the cast? :p

Keep the immobilize and remove the root

I'll go now, bye. :mrgreen:

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I'm sure this has been said a hundred times but hundred blades needs to no longer root you in place when you use it, and do more than just tickle enemies.And yes, the play on words was intended.GS is one of the most satisfying weapons to use on warriors, at least aesthetically, but right now the low damage it gives and the lack of mobility it offers while you're performing your rotation (that being just 100b's when its off CD and then autos) is insanely frustrating to accidentally cancel or have mobs move away from you and feel you wasted your most damaging skill, which is arguably just a feather dusting with full zerker setup. So on top of the moving while it's channeling, either a cast speed increase or a damage increase would really be appreciated.

Dual axe is great, but having an alternative power dps weapon would be nice again.

Also I am aware I referenced GS having a lack of mobility despite the two high mobility moves, but they're not exactly part of your main rotation since more often than not they put your out of position. Great in PvP though, all things considered

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@BladeSternly.8643 said:I'm sure this has been said a hundred times but hundred blades needs to no longer root you in place when you use it, and do more than just tickle enemies.And yes, the play on words was intended.GS is one of the most satisfying weapons to use on warriors, at least aesthetically, but right now the low damage it gives and the lack of mobility it offers while you're performing your rotation (that being just 100b's when its off CD and then autos) is insanely frustrating to accidentally cancel or have mobs move away from you and feel you wasted your most damaging skill, which is arguably just a feather dusting with full zerker setup. So on top of the moving while it's channeling, either a cast speed increase or a damage increase would really be appreciated.

Dual axe is great, but having an alternative power dps weapon would be nice again.

Also I am aware I referenced GS having a lack of mobility despite the two high mobility moves, but they're not exactly part of your main rotation since more often than not they put your out of position. Great in PvP though, all things considered

This has been said about 100b since day 1. It was actually one of the first things I thought of during release week as I was trying out the weapon for the first time. It either needs a MUCH faster channel, or for the root to be removed. At this point I'd take an entirely new skill that has similar DPS in its place if that would be easier to implement. The animation of 100b is what might keep them from unrooting it though. If they added quickness to GS somewhere then the current 100b could be more bearable (F1 would be good, I'd gladly replace the fury for a 2s/3s/4s quickness duration). That and increase the radius of the effect to 180 at least and let it hit 5 enemies. Its a big weapon, that is not an unrealistic expectation.

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@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

@BladeSternly.8643 said:I'm sure this has been said a hundred times but hundred blades needs to no longer root you in place when you use it, and do more than just tickle enemies.And yes, the play on words was intended.GS is one of the most satisfying weapons to use on warriors, at least aesthetically, but right now the low damage it gives and the lack of mobility it offers while you're performing your rotation (that being just 100b's when its off CD and then autos) is insanely frustrating to accidentally cancel or have mobs move away from you and feel you wasted your most damaging skill, which is arguably just a feather dusting with full zerker setup. So on top of the moving while it's channeling, either a cast speed increase or a damage increase would really be appreciated.

Dual axe is great, but having an alternative power dps weapon would be nice again.

Also I am aware I referenced GS having a lack of mobility despite the two high mobility moves, but they're not exactly part of your main rotation since more often than not they put your out of position. Great in PvP though, all things considered

This has been said about 100b since day 1. It was actually one of the first things I thought of during release week as I was trying out the weapon for the first time. It either needs a MUCH faster channel, or for the root to be removed. At this point I'd take an entirely new skill that has similar DPS in its place if that would be easier to implement. The animation of 100b is what might keep them from unrooting it though. If they added quickness to GS somewhere then the current 100b could be more bearable (F1 would be good, I'd gladly replace the fury for a 2s/3s/4s quickness duration). That and increase the radius of the effect to 180 at least and let it hit 5 enemies. Its a big weapon, that is not an unrealistic expectation.

I just feel like it's never coming. :(

Don't they read Warrior forums? There's been so many great suggestions..

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@ProverbsofHell.2307 said:

@BladeSternly.8643 said:I'm sure this has been said a hundred times but hundred blades needs to no longer root you in place when you use it, and do more than just tickle enemies.And yes, the play on words was intended.GS is one of the most satisfying weapons to use on warriors, at least aesthetically, but right now the low damage it gives and the lack of mobility it offers while you're performing your rotation (that being just 100b's when its off CD and then autos) is insanely frustrating to accidentally cancel or have mobs move away from you and feel you wasted your most damaging skill, which is arguably just a feather dusting with full zerker setup. So on top of the moving while it's channeling, either a cast speed increase or a damage increase would really be appreciated.

Dual axe is great, but having an alternative power dps weapon would be nice again.

Also I am aware I referenced GS having a lack of mobility despite the two high mobility moves, but they're not exactly part of your main rotation since more often than not they put your out of position. Great in PvP though, all things considered

This has been said about 100b since day 1. It was actually one of the first things I thought of during release week as I was trying out the weapon for the first time. It either needs a MUCH faster channel, or for the root to be removed. At this point I'd take an entirely new skill that has similar DPS in its place if that would be easier to implement. The animation of 100b is what might keep them from unrooting it though. If they added quickness to GS somewhere then the current 100b could be more bearable (F1 would be good, I'd gladly replace the fury for a 2s/3s/4s quickness duration). That and increase the radius of the effect to 180 at least and let it hit 5 enemies. Its a big weapon, that is not an unrealistic expectation.

I just feel like it's never coming. :(

Don't they read Warrior forums? There's been so many great suggestions..

They only listen when mass swaths of forum posters QQ about something being OP, unless its about Firebrand then they plug their ears.

We are pretty much guaranteed a Defense rework, at least partially, when the Dev team gets rolling. Last Stand and Defy Pain were gutted entirely in anticipation of the dev team reworking them, and I suspect Shield Mastery is the same with the 1s of might on a block.

Lets hope that Strength gets some dead traits fixed and that Arms gets its own rework. I'd be down with Forceful Greatsword replacing 100Blades with a new skill, or an updated version while the Dev team has some warrior core trait lines in for repair.

Things that I'd like to see:More access to Protection and Retaliation in the core lines.More anti kiting in the core lines.Added effects onto CC's in the core lines, things like Body Blow, but sans the useless condi stacks. In fact change Body Blow so that it transfers condis to the CC'd target.Remove the roots from 100B, Flurry, and Kill Shot.Make Shouts affect 10 ppl with Vigorous Shouts.Make Phalanx Strength affect 10 ppl and to grant more than just might, even if its just a subset of boons.

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