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Toxic players - on own team!


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As the title says. I've not received any salty whispers from the enemy for probably over a year now. Been corpse jumped on occasionally that's it. I play daily, though it can vary from ten minutes to a few hours. But in that time I've received more salty whispers from my own server.

I had one guy whisper me twice in rapid succession LMAO. You're useless! He was a weaver who every single time I saw him he was downed by his opponent. I even saved him from being finished at one point - I blocked him so not sure if tried to whisper any further. But I had done nothing to earn his spite? Apart from not being able to res him in the keep we was defending because we was outnumbered 20 to 1?

Today - Spawn SW alpine camp. Three enemies in there, I was on my own atop the hill above the camp (not spawn side) waiting to see if anybody would show up to defend. I already lost to the three enemies moments ago so knew I couldn't be able to defeat them alone. A mirage pops up from spawn side. Attacks them briefly. Runs towards me, I was just about to run in to help when he sends a whisper. COME ON! Then another Are you a bot or something?! Of course I was about to reply which meant I took my eyes off the three enemies players who had capped the camp and were on me I of course died another whisper This community sucks! I just told him to get lost. He replied get good I go to reply to find the mouthy coward had blocked me! WTF?! You mouth off and are to cowardly to let me reply! I've never even seen the player before, so no reason to have earned his spite? Reported him though in the end as he sent one final whisper in capitals before I blocked him back calling me ****ING TRASH - lovely.

Seriously I'm not massively affected by it but its a game and why people have the need to mouth off without a truly good reason, especially when they are on your own team! It does act as an distraction though, as I think over and over to myself why did they get like that?! I'm on FOW, so stuck with Gankdara (don't really like them at all quite toxic on there - we always get lumbered with them on FOW) at present. Before with Riverside it was a lot nicer. A bit hard to understand at times. But I would received several whispers from German players - all friendly, even in chat they were happy to welcome us when we first linked.

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I routinely watch people pick fights and then die. If you want me to join in, message me first. I am not going to join in your yolo when i may or may not know things about your opponents that you do not.

Also, i am a huge fan of people respecting 1v1 and 1v2s etc. Maybe you don't want help. Ask first. Don't get mad after the fact.

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There are players like this everywhere. A good in-game friend of mine (who no longer seems to be playing recently), I told them not to answer back and just ignore, because most likely their messages were meant to provoke a reaction, whilst others were lashing out because of their own inability to forecast a fight and were looking for someone to unload and blame without looking in the mirror. I say just shrug it off as if it never happened and you will be happier.

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Well with the Weaver I did ignore him. Just proved myself through actions. Saving him from being finished a few times mainly. But yeah the camp one was a right nasty one. Thing is I'm on a zerker Longbow Ranger. Super squishy and very reliant on my skills to hit. The south camps are bugged as you know with invisible obstructs combined with knowing I'd already lost badly to the enemies in there and with lag thrown in. I knew I wouldn't win alone, especially in there. A Mirage at my side, we could of stood a chance but he literally poked them then ran up at me hurling abuse. And he then ran away from them leaving me to be pounced upon... But yeah not to badly effected, just more perplexed really. As usually you expect salt from the enemy, not your supposed allies.

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Haha, I've had some pretty weird messages myself - my favourite one was when an enemy was killed by some other people, and I just happened to pass by (those guys that killed him were already fairly far away and it was obvious I wasn't part of it) but I was the one who received the salty message :PIf you can look past all of it, it can be pretty entertaining, which is why I happen to like the wild wild west vibe of WvW because nothing is sacred. As long as you take none of it personally, it's just another day in wvw. As a side note, behaviour like this also happens in other games and I've been chased by allied players that want to message me to death and scream on the mic. I find the ones that block you after messaging the most hilarious, as if they wanted to get the last word in without giving you a chance to reply in the first place.

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lol. The classic scenario is that there's something like a 3v3 and 2 people want to range but 1 person decides to go hurrr i must hit stuff thus instantly explodes.

There's nothing wrong about this, but people don't seem to pick up mobility or escape skills. At least try flanking the enemy.

In the end, it's their fault for assuming their teammates are psychic.

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Years ago , i was playing a venomshare thief.

Back in the days when you could mightstack your team with it.

Got flamed by the enemy commander like 1 or 2 times while my own server screamed at me to stop using a cancer/unfair build.

Honor was something important and playing venomshare was considered cheesing a fight.

Yes really.

Flame got so bad, had to change class after 4 days.

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@DanAlcedo.3281 said:Years ago , i was playing a venomshare thief.

Back in the days when you could mightstack your team with it.

Got flamed by the enemy commander like 1 or 2 times while my own server screamed at me to stop using a cancer/unfair build.

Honor was something important and playing venomshare was considered cheesing a fight.

Yes really.

Flame got so bad, had to change class after 4 days.

Try that now and ud be most useless person in the zerg lol not to mention that honor is extinct as everyone these days bandwagons to the handful of op specs and builds the most braindead = rewarding builds they can. That's basically all gw2 pvp these days.I'd like to see stats on most used class/builds lol I'd bet on fb,necro,rev and weavers would be double every other class right now

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Recently had a mesmer in pvp from an opposing team whisper "what the **** was that" when I tried to 1v1 him.

I thought he noticed I hit a lag spike and felt like I was jumping all over the place and my skills weren't working, so I replied lag. But then he went off about me being a crap player and not knowing my class. I readily admitted that was probably part of the problem and I suck at the class. I was playing engineer and have been struggling finding a good build for it and being consistently effective.

But he continued to insult me, telling me how bad I am, and how at least I know my place, and how he could beat me anytime. Even though I readily admitted it was probably true (thinking I can't seem to kill a mesmer on my own to save my life no matter what class I play), he just kept at it

Only got him to shut up when I said "I am a 51 year old woman. Now you can go brag to all your friends that you beat an old lady today"

My take away is that some people like to stir the pot and keep at it to get a rise out of you. It isn't that they are trying to be helpful, question your skills, issue a challenge, they just feel like being mean and targeted you that day. And yes, I will continue to inflict my engineer on people until I get my 200 wins -- less than 50 to go. Only I will probably turn whisper off in chat.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:I'd like to see stats on most used class/builds lol I'd bet on fb,necro,rev and weavers would be double every other class right

lol now...

Ok u know I meant more so than the normal average lol

I would say what you meant was, even the ROAMERS are only using FB, Necro, Rev and Weaver now :+1:

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@Turkeyspit.3965 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:I'd like to see stats on most used class/builds lol I'd bet on fb,necro,rev and weavers would be double every other class right

lol now...

Ok u know I meant more so than the normal average lol

I would say what you meant was, even the ROAMERS are only using FB, Necro, Rev and Weaver now :+1:

Lol pretty much

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about toxicness... it's kinda one big issue. if you go as kitten into pvp group as people go into wvw, you'd be insulted way worse. in raids or hightier fractals you'd not even be able to enter the group before getting kicked. Wvw could be competitive, but many people don't play it competitive. some do, others not, other medicore, others hard refuse to play anything useful, others just hunt bags (sniperclasses with barely use in groups)

@Turkeyspit.3965 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:I'd like to see stats on most used class/builds lol I'd bet on fb,necro,rev and weavers would be double every other class right

lol now...

Ok u know I meant more so than the normal average lol

I would say what you meant was, even the ROAMERS are only using FB, Necro, Rev and Weaver now :+1:

this is exactly the problem, you wrote it. it's now the roamerS. not one. usually u have at least three roamers at your camps, often even several thiefs.

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Hahaha I had a same experiencw with a weaver, dont know if the same one. Wheb I see a really toxic player I sometimes act like i dont know english and speak some gibberish. Three days ago I met a weaver that is extremely annoying and toxic. After a brief conversation that was both rude and offensive, I startrd to use in game quotes only whenever he whispered. Example:

  • why tf you ddnt rez me noob
  • Maybe I was the illusion all along.
  • omg trash go to pve
  • Everything unfolded as I knew It would.

Eventually he gave up. And I had some fun.

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@alain.1659 said:Hahaha I had a same experiencw with a weaver, dont know if the same one. Wheb I see a really toxic player I sometimes act like i dont know english and speak some gibberish. Three days ago I met a weaver that is extremely annoying and toxic. After a brief conversation that was both rude and offensive, I startrd to use in game quotes only whenever he whispered. Example:

  • why tf you ddnt rez me noob
  • Maybe I was the illusion all along.
  • omg trash go to pve
  • Everything unfolded as I knew It would.

Eventually he gave up. And I had some fun.

I like going the non sequitur route

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