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What if instead....

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What if instead of new elite specs they added a whole new class? Or even 3 new classes, one for each armour class light, medium and heavy?Wonder if people would enjoy that as much as new elite specs. I know for myself i would prefer elite specs still but just thought i would throw this out there.The 3 new classes would still have elite spec of there own, lets say one each and then they could release the second elite specs later in the living world.

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I'm not at all knowledgeable on builds and balance, but even one new profession could throw a wrench into all that, let alone three. If they eventually come out and say that the recent massive balance patch, that they probably spent months working on, was in preparation for a new profession, then OK. But I don't think that's the case.

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I'm against, we have 3 professions of each class, adding One more class would imbalance that status quo, unless it was in a class of it's own, which is hard to conceptualize let alone conceptualize 3 new professions. Adding Elite Specs is done to all existing classes, it's easier to do, and maintain a sort of status quo, even if balance is hard to achieve

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I just want more useable weapons for my Thief. I don't even care if there're no Elite Spec trees for them. It's what we initially wanted from the start but Anet wanted to add more to it, which is great and all, but it seems to have created too much design work for them to be able to keep adding more.

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