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Remove all obstacles from PvP maps


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Its totally impossible to play game as ranger when there is 100000 obstacles in every map. Im running double bow build long/short so all i got is ranged damage and how im supposed to kill people if its perma "obstructed" when they hide behind obstacles like damn cowards? When i started play pvp it was supposed to be fighting vs other ppl and not that cowarly running behind trees and boxes like damn chicken. Can you remove those safe spaces for weak kids?.

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You don't have to play ranged ranger.

"range" in "ranger" doesn't mean "ranged" at all. You can check many dictionaries, rangers are like solo guardians of a natural place. They are natural guardians unlike guardians which are artificial guardians, while rangers are natural guardians which is why they have the druid espec which is also like a natural guardian of a natural place.

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@DanAlcedo.3281 said:But when they hide they are not on the point.

Not completelyIn legacy of the foefire map in the mine capture point you can stay behind some objectives on point so ranged skills wont hit u... Anyways i dont agree we should remove objectives dat block ranged attacks... cuz then this so called weak kids become gods in maps like colesium and u see deadeyes and double bow rangers pew pew at u from 1200 range and u dont have any safe spot to hide so u would just die...IMO hiding behind objectives from ranged burst is kind of skilled gameplay. Like ur dodging the ranged burst by not allowing it to hit

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