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Trading Post - add confirmation when sell price too high

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Trading Post should have confirmation when sell price is set too high.Listing fee is immediately taken, so choosing wrong price by mistake, can make you lose some gold.

When buying something expensive from Merchant, there is a confirmation pop-up.Similar should be for selling on TP, based on static price or average of sell prices for a given item.

Or there could be a 30 seconds listing fee free cancel.

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I don't think I have ever done this. Either: I sell for immediate sale because the difference is so low, or I think the price is falling anyway, or I list it for the lowest offering or I decide I don't want to sell it for that price and just save it for later.

I think the far more prevalent thing is hitting okay before the price loads in. Have not done that myself but I have seen loads of complaints about it.

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@Obtena.7952 said:What determines if the sell price is 'too high'?As in post - average price of listed sell offers would be ok. Or constant value above the cheapest price.If you enter above average it probably never sell.For example: if the cheapest sell is 1 gold, you want to sell for 80 silver, and by mistake enter 80 gold. Or just mix digits.It happens - you can check gw2tp.com and see that sell lists very often ends with very high sell offers for cheap items.

@PseudoNewb.5468 said:So like, ask 5x bid warning? in case of being off by a factor of 10 by typo?Yes, exactly something like that.

@Linken.6345 said:There should be less confirmation pop ups not moreOf course, but this would be only for clear mistakes, so if you enter normal sell price there wouldn't be any change.And if there shouldn't be confirmation here, then there is no reason to put confirmation for Merchant with much cheaper goods.It just not consistent.

@Game of Bones.8975 said:BTW, how do you phonetically pronounce your name?It's automatically generated random name for automatically migrated old Guild Wars 1 accounts. Can't be changed by user. You can only try asking support to change it, but it doesn't matter for me.

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@DD39C89C-1C46-4F28-BDB7-49C86BA96CAD said:

@Obtena.7952 said:What determines if the sell price is 'too high'?As in post - average price of listed sell offers would be ok. Or constant value above the cheapest price.If you enter above average it probably never sell.For example: if the cheapest sell is 1 gold, you want to sell for 80 silver, and by mistake enter 80 gold. Or just mix digits.It happens - you can check
and see that sell lists very often ends with very high sell offers for cheap items.

So if something will probably never sell because it's 'above average' .. .why do we need more nannying when the price is set?

I don't get this proposal ... why would a player need a confirmation? Do you not trust yourself to set the price you want to sell for? How much hand holding do you need?

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@"Obtena.7952" said:I don't get this proposal ... why would a player need a confirmation? Do you not trust yourself to set the price you want to sell for? How much hand holding do you need?

Of course I don't trust, I make typos. And I see you too edited your post, so it's normal to want to correct things.Without auto check, you need manually double check if everything is correct before accepting. With auto check, you would only correct rare mistakes.

It's normal data auto checking and it's normally invisible if you enter correct values. "Hand holding" are rather those many in-game pop-ups tips which are annoying, because those too often inform about obvious things and appear too much and I would gladly turn them off.

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@DD39C89C-1C46-4F28-BDB7-49C86BA96CAD said:

@"Obtena.7952" said:I don't get this proposal ... why would a player need a confirmation? Do you not trust yourself to set the price you want to sell for? How much hand holding do you need?

Of course I don't trust, I make typos. And I see you too edited your post, so it's normal to want to correct things.Without auto check, you need manually double check if everything is correct before accepting. With auto check, you would only correct rare mistakes.

It's normal data auto checking and it's normally invisible if you enter correct values. "Hand holding" are rather those many in-game pop-ups tips which are annoying, because those too often inform about obvious things and appear too much and I would gladly turn them off.

Well it's not checking .. because the system doesn't know what you want to sell for. It can't read your mind.

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Just allow for an optional hard limit (where someone can set "x gold" as limit for the fee) in the options. Problem solved. People that don't need it wouldn't be forced to use it.

I mean there is soo much useless confirmation elsewhere. (Having to tape the name to delete some "valuable" skin that already got unlocked and I just don't want to use the skin item - can use wardrobe system if needed - and want to free up space. Salvaging confirmation on cheap exotics.)

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@"kharmin.7683" said:Who or what determines "clear mistakes"?That's kinda been my question which has yet to be answered. How is this supposed to work?It was answered even in the first post, take average price or multiply the cheapest.Proposed options are even less visible then hard limit for expensive items at Merchant when confirmation is always needed.


@"Luthan.5236" said:Just allow for an optional hard limit (where someone can set "x gold" as limit for the fee) in the options. Problem solved. People that don't need it wouldn't be forced to use it.

I mean there is soo much useless confirmation elsewhere. (Having to tape the name to delete some "valuable" skin that already got unlocked and I just don't want to use the skin item - can use wardrobe system if needed - and want to free up space. Salvaging confirmation on cheap exotics.)Exactly. There is a lot confirmations for trivial things, but suddenly on TP we can't make mistakes. Inconsistency is the worst.

 There is plenty options for warning about too high price, some already mentioned above, which won't affect normal selling.Summary:

  • There could be a 30 seconds listing fee free cancel.
  • Or allow setting personal limit for transaction fee.
  • Or check average sell price, it's not individual because above average price won't sell, so most likely nobody want to set it that high (take middle or multiply cheapest by 5x).
  • It can be even static text warning after entering above average price (the same as now, there is obvious info that "item will be held until one buys it", which instantly appears when sell price is higher then first buy offer).
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Please no more confirmations to make sure that I'm meaning to do what I'm trying to do.

Any system like this needs to be optional and an opt in. Meaning that if you are prone to typos and do not have the patience to double check before you hit sell/buy, then you have to be the one to go turn on the option.

I should not have to opt out of such a system nor should I have to deal with it being mandatory.

It's not that hard and doesn't take too long to make sure you're selling/buying at the price you intended to.

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@"Henry.5713" said:Take some responsiblitity for your own actions. The support is already wasting a ton of time on people and their silly mistakes. Mistakes which include hastely clicking through all of these tedious confirmation boxes they can't be bothered with.

The thing is: He want a confirmation box because he thinks it would be important for him in this situation. (If it were optional it would not bother others.)The other confirmations get clicked away too fast (I do that as well) cause they are useless in most cases.

There is one for every cheap exotic item. You might accidentally destroy one with a valuable infusion or salvage a precursor because you just are used to salvaging the cheap ones that sell for 30-60 silver and everything gets a warning. Solution to make the confirmation boxes more valuable: Make the warning like "this is a valuable precursor" or "this item contains a valuable upgrade" - and make them only apper then. (All other exotics no warning. Nowadays with 2g daily reward nobody cares about 60 silver from some cheap exotics anymore.)

Then of course an additonal checkbox (optional) for selling at TP could be added. (Allowing to set your own fee limit for when the box appears. Can be client-side check. Would be easiest to do it there in the options.)

Also: I never really understood the "you can buy this item only 1 times per day per account are you sure you want to buy it now?" I mean ... if we are talking about checkboxes ... that one probably is the most useless. Nobody cares. Account bound stuff. Cheap currency. (If the currency was expensive I'd care about spending the currency not about being able to buy it only a limited amount of times. The limit would make sense if stuff was soulbound to a specific char bound so you'd get in on the correct char.)

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@"Seera.5916":Confirmations should be smart and optional. That's why proposed option would show only with above average price.How often do you try sell something with price above middle of sell list on TP? Do you really scroll half of that list and choose high price on purpose? If no, then you would never see that warning about high price.

And what's about info which is shown now "Item(s) will be held until a buyer agrees to trade" which instantly appears when sell price is set higher then first buy offer. It's ok or no? Proposed warning could be in the same place when price would be set above average.

 @Luthan.5236:Exactly, I'm all about customization and smart confirmations which can't appear every time.I would turn off warning about salvaging every exotic weapon, or confirmation for limited buy items etc.Warnings should be only for selected things - dev can choose for which special items or allow user to select this in options.

It would be a good thing to have in options checkboxes to turn off every warning.

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And I would like to remind that currently after every sale we have to confirm this pop-up:

SuccessYour item has been listed for sale. You can view the order status or cancel the order in the Transactions tab.Close

 This thread was meant to be discussion how to make TP confirmations better, and could also go to mention other interface parts with similar functionality. But quite a few didn't read whole post asking answered question, some just wrote "no" without real arguments and without commenting current in-game confirmations. But anyway good that some got the point.

Looks like the problem is that there is too much confirmations and mentioning them is like a red flag for bull. Some devs put confirmations almost everywhere just in case because some users don't read everything, but carefully designing when to show warning takes time, so too often confirmation is shown every time. But this makes users not read even more.

The best would be smart confirmations shown only in some rare conditions, but this takes time to design.The easiest solution would be to have confirmations almost everywhere as is now - but each with option to turn it on/off.

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