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Collections Requiring WvW, Mists, etc.

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So I am trying to finish out the crafting achievement from the core game. As I looked at options, the spoon collection seemed reasonable, then I get to the one that is a random drop in WvW and another drops in the Mists. These are two areas I do not do. I have no desire to do WvW and just do not have the time for Mists. Yet, most of the collections with mastery points require these. Can ANet please do something to help? My suggestion would be to make the random drop items for collections sellable on the Market. I know some of these would be very expensive, but gold all of us can get. Other MMOs allow collectables to be sold.

Or give us enough mastery points to finish the crafting with out having to go outside the Core game or Expansion packs PVE content.

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@"sasoefje.6708" said:So I am trying to finish out the crafting achievement from the core game. As I looked at options, the spoon collection seemed reasonable, then I get to the one that is a random drop in WvW and another drops in the Mists. These are two areas I do not do. I have no desire to do WvW and just do not have the time for Mists. Yet, most of the collections with mastery points require these. Can ANet please do something to help? My suggestion would be to make the random drop items for collections sellable on the Market. I know some of these would be very expensive, but gold all of us can get. Other MMOs allow collectables to be sold.

Or give us enough mastery points to finish the crafting with out having to go outside the Core game or Expansion packs PVE content.

WvW is pve, look here, it's even stated by arenanet directly

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Usually you get the spoons within like... An hour of each game mode, and both drop from NPCs. For the WvW spoon, just join on a commander tag and follow along for a bit; for fractal spoon, grab some buddies (or nice PUGs) and do a few low level fractals. You might discover you like one or both of those modes by doing so, which is what I believe is the main thrust of including those spoons.

In terms of making them purchaseable... I don't think it's necessary. There are PLENTY of mastery points available in core Tyria to complete the mastery tracks. It's just that without branching into those modes you need to do a LOT more work.

Best case - you find you like the modes. Worst case you get the collection items and MPs but never have to touch either mode again (until you start crafting any legendaries from gen 1). You can do it!

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Dunno. I loathe fractals so rarely do them, but I do a LOT of wvw and have only gotten one commander's spoon, and a fair amount of Tequatl and have only gotten one special spoon from that, so perhaps fractals are different? I do few enough fractals that I couldn't even swear to getting a single broken spoon from them.

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Have you ever done dungeons? If so then you can do Fractals of the Mists. At tier 1 they're very short, simple dungeons and actually take less time and effort than the normal dungeon paths, and if you just want the spoon there's no need to go above tier 1. (I've got it, and I've never done anything higher than fractal level 20, which I only did once for a collection.)

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That reminds me that I need the fractals as well. Even though I usually don't play such game modes I need it for one of the cats. :D (Other than that I got almost all other ones.)

Now if it is for the mastery points only: If you don't want all for completion but just enough to get all the masteries ... then it should be enough to get all the others. There are tons that don't require play with groups. When I unlock everything I will have 3 or so left. And I did not touch fractals, dungeons, etc. (Most I got from Living World Season 2 map and story insances, the core mastery insights in Tyria an dthe other small stuff + diving.)

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I am opposed to Anet altering the game because some players don't want to play a particular thing. Want the achievement or shiney? Jump through Anets hoops. Don't want to play something, then don't and not worry about that AP point or shiney. I hate fractals, despise them, so I don't do them. I'll never get those AP points (though I have the vast majority of everything else) and I'm ok with that.

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@kharmin.7683 said:Not sure that's true? I've gotten the Fractal Spoon twice (once on two different characters)That was how it was in the beginning when that achievement was introduced, but it got changed several years ago to drop broken spoons once you get the collectible one.Not sure why you got the second fractal spoon - you should not be able to do it.

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@Wisty.4135 said:Usually you get the spoons within like... An hour of each game mode, and both drop from NPCs. For the WvW spoon, just join on a commander tag and follow along for a bit; for fractal spoon, grab some buddies (or nice PUGs) and do a few low level fractals.

Usually is not always :) I had a guildie that could not get the fractal spoon. She was with us on many many fractal runs, hour upon hour, week upon week. The rest of us got multiple spoons, she never got one, it was a running joke in our guild to link spoons to her. I think it took a year or two before she got it. And I, as I wrote above, did a ton of WvW when the spoon collection first came out, never got the spoon until something like week six this year of going for Warlord's Armor boxes (with a hiatus of several years in which I did not touch WvW and one tiny factor in not touching it was believing the spoon would never drop for me).

Not trying to discourage the OP, but RNG can have some nasty outliers and if you're not prepared for that you can get very frustrated.

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@Astralporing.1957 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:Not sure that's true? I've gotten the Fractal Spoon twice (once on two different characters)That was how it was in the beginning when that achievement was introduced, but it got changed several years ago to drop broken spoons once you get the collectible one.Not sure why you got the second fractal spoon - you should not be able to do it.

Well, it was on a different character. Maybe that's how?

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I guess my point with the spoon collection is that all but three of the spoons you buy from vendors. So it seems that buying them is not considered bad. Yes, I know you have to complete the heart for some of them, but that is not hard. If that is the case, then why not allow the last three to be sold on the trading post. My opinion is that there are way too many things that we destroy that should be sellable. And if it helps us complete a collection, then so what. I still have to take time to earn the gold to buy it.

And for very causal players - like I might have 1 hr twice week - getting some masteries is hard. Just the right timing that the world boss is popping, that there is enough to complete (that happened last night with Triple Trouble). Why make it harder by putting some in areas that some of us will never see. BTW, I did try LFG for Mists last night. Only 1 group with a level 21 run.

Just my opinion.

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@sasoefje.6708 said:I guess my point with the spoon collection is that all but three of the spoons you buy from vendors. So it seems that buying them is not considered bad. Yes, I know you have to complete the heart for some of them, but that is not hard. If that is the case, then why not allow the last three to be sold on the trading post. My opinion is that there are way too many things that we destroy that should be sellable. And if it helps us complete a collection, then so what. I still have to take time to earn the gold to buy it.

And for very causal players - like I might have 1 hr twice week - getting some masteries is hard. Just the right timing that the world boss is popping, that there is enough to complete (that happened last night with Triple Trouble). Why make it harder by putting some in areas that some of us will never see. BTW, I did try LFG for Mists last night. Only 1 group with a level 21 run.

Just my opinion.

Because some things should require players to go outside of their comfort zone. And for me, WvW and PvP are out of my comfort zone and I tolerate WvW long enough to do what I need to do for what I want from WvW.

There are more mastery points available than are currently required to fully max out things so players can avoid some masteries if they so choose.

No collection is required in order to have the best gear or best set up. So it's just fine if some collections require you to play multiple areas.

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@Donari.5237 said:Not trying to discourage the OP, but RNG can have some nasty outliers and if you're not prepared for that you can get very frustrated.

True enough. Mine took about 2 weeks of casual playing to get each maybe an hour in each mode a day for 10 or so days off and on. Though I noticed I got the WvW spoon much easier when in a K-train than when just solo roaming or flipping camps.

Fractals... I was working on ad infi and got it after a boss, so I wasn't specifically grinding for it. If I was just focusing on the spoon it likely would have been much worse.

But yeah, RNG does have an effect, but I'd say your friend's case is an extreme outlier... Unfortunately.

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  • 8 months later...

@Astralporing.1957 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:Not sure that's true? I've gotten the Fractal Spoon twice (once on two different characters)That was how it was in the beginning when that achievement was introduced, but it got changed several years ago to drop broken spoons once you get the collectible one.Not sure why you got the second fractal spoon - you should not be able to do it.

Got a third one last night.

EDIT: My spouse is doing the achievement. Too bad these are account bound. :(

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