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I was deceived!!!

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When I first heard about GW2 it sounded like our actions would directly affect the world as a whole. So, if we failed to stop a raiding party of grawl, they would gain power and expand their territory and influence. Or characters could steal war plans and trigger a raid on a Sons of Svanir camp while they are still ramping up for war.Was that planned, but never put into place? I know that WvW has actions affecting the territory you control in resources, but that is an instance that has no effect on the gaming world.Maybe I was only hearing what I wanted to hear.

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In a way it does and doesn't. It's not as big as you're making out to be.

Like the best example I can give is a lot of the Orr areas.In Cursed Shore, there's a waypoint/dungeon that you have no access to whatsoever if you allow the Risen to come in and take control.To get control back, you need a group to take them out once again, and if nothing is done... the Risen stays there forever and just take on more of the map the less people are on the map.

But other than that, it's not like "They keep taking until there is no more." It's more of "This instance has people either doing one or the other, making the enemy forces do what they can to make it harder to travel due to so many things contested."

From the way you describe in a way, that sounds more like WvW.

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@Game of Bones.8975 said:When I first heard about GW2 it sounded like our actions would directly affect the world as a whole. So, if we failed to stop a raiding party of grawl, they would gain power and expand their territory and influence. Or characters could steal war plans and trigger a raid on a Sons of Svanir camp while they are still ramping up for war.Was that planned, but never put into place? I know that WvW has actions affecting the territory you control in resources, but that is an instance that has no effect on the gaming world.Maybe I was only hearing what I wanted to hear.

Where did you hear that? What source? I'm not trying to be a smartass, i'm genuinely asking.I never heard anything remotely like what you described. Only that some events happening in the world will change the current map in a small way based on event failure or success. The Orr example is like that, but there are others around other maps too, like in Kryta with the centaurs. If you do nothing a lot of the areas are going to be packed with them and you'll have a hard time getting around without getting molested by mobs. But if people do the events, then the seraph are gonna hold the areas secure and people will get bonus events to defend those and earn more karma and xp. Citadel of Flame has that too. If nothing is done, the waypoint becomes unavailable and you have to fight your way through to the dungeon (and i don't even know if you can enter the dungeon when the flame legion takes control).

So those are just some of the events that in one way or the other influence what is happening on the map. So you weren't decieved, you probably just thought it works differently.

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@Game of Bones.8975 said:

@Endless Soul.5178 said:Joko wanted you to feel important, that's all.

Praise Joko.

Well, there are quite a few people who say I'm special.

@Endless Soul.5178 said:Joko wanted you to feel important, that's all.

Praise Joko.

Well, there are quite a few people who say I'm special.

You Little snowfake <3

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In core GW2, there are many small scale examples of what you describe. Usually they are follow the pattern: defend, if successful you denfend again later, if not you have to take the area back. The largest scale ones are the Orr temple metas... each temple is a series if assaults leadind up to the temple capture.

HoT brought this even more extreme, the entire map is a series of parallel efforts culminating in the meta. Failing one of these means you're at some sort of disadvantage during the meta. PoF has gone away from this style of gameplay though.

If you're looking for one off, completely world changing events, Anet has done that before too... e.g. destruction of Lion's Arch, corruption of Kessex hills. This was all in LS1 and everyone realized that the effort required for an event with no replayability is not worthwhile. That's why the primary story telling is done in instances now.

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The game world does react to your failures and successes occasionally, or at least, has the capability to.

For example in the Harathi Hinterlands meta event, there are two points in the chain where if you fail, the centaurs take their territory back, and you basically fail the meta event before ever reaching the boss. There is also an event chain in Gendarran fields where the centaurs are training rock dogs, if you succeed at the chain, the rock dogs will attack the centaurs and weaken them, but if you fail, rock dogs units will be added to nearby centaur attacks, making them more difficult.

Most of the Orr temple events are similar, at certain points failure means the risen gain ground and you go back in the event chain or even have to start over. The Dredgehaunt cliffs meta event is the same way. And there are also event chains throughout the game that lead to a different event upon failure or success.

In fact most of the games meta events used to be this way at launch, but a lot of them were put on specific timers, and to do that the fail conditions had to be removed so the event would be on the proper step at its appointed time. That having been said, you are right, excepting those launch meta events, and a random spattering of other events like what I've mentioned above, most of the games events don't care about success or failure and never have.

So the capability is definitely there, the devs, for some reason, just never used it much.

And I for one would appreciate a repass of core Tyria that fixes that, in fact I couldn't look it up now but I remember making a post about just this shortly after launch that got a dev response, but seemingly nothing ever came of it. :-/

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@Ayumi Spender.1082 said:

@Genesis.5169 said:GW2 used to be like that but casual people complained they couldn't get through orr so were here now.

I kept hearing Orr was much worse before, but I didn't expect it to be like that bad.Have some people that just refuse to ever go there now while I actually am okay going back there every so often.

I remember original Orr and yeah ... it was tough but like ... what it is now is a joke to the way it used to be LOL


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@Ayumi Spender.1082 said:

@Genesis.5169 said:GW2 used to be like that but casual people complained they couldn't get through orr so were here now.

I kept hearing Orr was much worse before, but I didn't expect it to be like that bad.Have some people that just refuse to ever go there now while I actually am okay going back there every so often.

Orr was fine it just required people to actually pay attention to how they ran and not auto run on the map like you did in the rest of tyria, i really believe folks just want every map to be queensdale, or more recently like lake doric.

Actually yeah Lake doric is pretty much the state of the game atm.

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@Genesis.5169 said:

@Genesis.5169 said:GW2 used to be like that but casual people complained they couldn't get through orr so were here now.

I kept hearing Orr was much worse before, but I didn't expect it to be like that bad.Have some people that just refuse to ever go there now while I actually am okay going back there every so often.

Orr was fine it just required people to actually pay attention to how they ran and not auto run on the map like you did in the rest of tyria, i really believe folks just want every map to be queensdale, or more recently like lake doric.

Actually yeah Lake doric is pretty much the state of the game atm.

Now I'm curious. Really need to start playing Living World one day to get access to those maps.

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@onevstheworld.2419 said:

If you're looking for one off, completely world changing events, Anet has done that before too... e.g. destruction of Lion's Arch, corruption of Kessex hills. This was all in LS1 and everyone realized that the effort required for an event with no replayability is not worthwhile. That's why the primary story telling is done in instances now.

I got in after LS1 and the destruction of Lion's Arch.https://www.guildwars2.com/en/the-game/

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@Genesis.5169 said:

@Genesis.5169 said:GW2 used to be like that but casual people complained they couldn't get through orr so were here now.

I kept hearing Orr was much worse before, but I didn't expect it to be like that bad.Have some people that just refuse to ever go there now while I actually am okay going back there every so often.

Orr was fine it just required people to actually pay attention to how they ran and not auto run on the map like you did in the rest of tyria, i really believe folks just want every map to be queensdale, or more recently like lake doric.

Actually yeah Lake doric is pretty much the state of the game atm.

I played a lot of Cursed Shore back when the game first came out and the CC from random mobs was pretty mad, combined with the mob density the place was oppressive. I can understand why people complained about it, although I did like the density, the CC was somewhat annoying.

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When I started the game and arrived in Harathi Hinterlands after a day or so, there was a huge squad announcing to reclaim the area from the Centaurs now. I thought the centaurs had the area for days or even weeks and that it takes the intitiative of a guild to actually reclaim the lands. Like, if nobody does it, whya would the centaurs leave?

After a while I learned that these things are not permanent but that the centaurs can be driven out of the area several times a day, or they leave without being forced. At least for the Octovine event they use an excuse to remove the vines by having an Exalted sacrifice himself in case the event fails or is not done at all.

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Yeah, I read an article that promised dynamic world action in the game star magazine before GW2 was released. They kept their word in a certain way, and in a certain way also not. Anet is saadly unable and/or unwilling to provide events like eve online can anymore, so you arfe basically stuck with meaningless little quests and a single story told for your character alone.

Better than nothing, but still a vast dissapointment from the stuff I hoped to find then.

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@Genesis.5169 said:GW2 used to be like that but casual people complained they couldn't get through orr so were here now.

problem with orr was more the lack of people being around, than it being to hard. on my server the orr maps were pretty deserted most of the time.However, it was great if you had enough people to really do stuff on the maps.

as for the OP, there used to be this thing called living world where the world maps actually changed. and even an election where players could decide who to vote for (with voting multiple times being allowed), but nobody has seen it in years. allwe are seeing now is green stars on the map.

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Its just marketing/sales speech for what we got.

The script system in GW2 is insanely powerful - to the point they could easily flip a switch and have every Asuran turn into a mini dragon and go PvP in DR (oh how I would love to go berserk in the banking area) - but its generally used for "simple" events and timed failures of chains.

I would have loved to see more map meta events where you could literally loose the entire map to enemies if you didnt push them back but alas.

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I think your confused with Rift, the closest thing you'll find are the Heart of Thorn maps, the Orr maps that require events to cleanse temples, theres a World Boss named Taquatl that if you fail will leave the battle ground an inhospitable waste land, in Harathi Hinterlands theres an event chain where you take over enemy camps until a World Boss spawns,

Even all of that resets on a timer though.

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