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The lag is unacceptable


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@Dawdler.8521 said:But if you played while it was lagging, wasnt it acceptable?

I didn't, I had to log off despite wanting to play. Last night I couldn't play at all at some points and had to log off too. I've always experienced lag during weekends in WvW but lately it's not even a level of lag I can tolerate. I can tolerate as much as 500ms but when we're getting into the ping thousands it's unplayable.

@Dusty Moon.4382 said:Have you used the game diagnostic to check if there is issues for you between your PC and the AWS farm? Just asking.

One should use the diagnostic FAQ from A.Net to check...

The thing is it's not just me. There's people around me who are experiencing lag simultaneously. Unless you're trying to say it's a coincidence, which seems unlikely...

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@ProverbsofHell.2307 said:

@Dawdler.8521 said:But if you played while it was lagging, wasnt it acceptable?

I didn't, I had to log off despite wanting to play. Last night I couldn't play at all at some points and had to log off too. I've always experienced lag during weekends in WvW but lately it's not even a level of lag I can tolerate. I can tolerate as much as 500ms but when we're getting into the ping thousands it's unplayable.

@Dusty Moon.4382 said:Have you used the game diagnostic to check if there is issues for you between your PC and the AWS farm? Just asking.

One should use the diagnostic FAQ from A.Net to check...

The thing is it's not just me. There's people around me who are experiencing lag simultaneously. Unless you're trying to say it's a coincidence, which seems unlikely...

If it was server lag, it would be EVERYONE. Remember when Southsun Cove was released? Everyone had lag and I mean everyone. That was the server. Have you talked EVERYONE on all three servers about the lag? I don't think so. This is the issue. Trace your ping first, then complain. There are plenty of servers/routers between you and the amazon farm.

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Because you haven't been in those kind of situations or fights, doesn't mean it's not happening.

Just watch a bunch of streams in NA or the EU in different Tiers, it is everywhere and some people are complaining about pve events lagging too.

Just look at this clip for example.https://clips.twitch.tv/ConcernedSlipperyQuailPJSalt

Reset night in the EU was also a lag fest, even with some maps locked out for certain servers.

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If it was server lag, it would be EVERYONE. Incorrect. Server lag does not in anyway apply to everyone. It depends on a numbers of factors including the server priority settings, regional capacity settings, computation and final RTT delivery etc. Generally speaking, the lagg has been seriously bad for a significant portion of the player base since Amazon Cloud and the last balance update giving peeps more condi (Calculation time affects RTT) build options

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@Dusty Moon.4382 said:

@Dawdler.8521 said:But if you played while it was lagging, wasnt it acceptable?

I didn't, I had to log off despite wanting to play. Last night I couldn't play at all at some points and had to log off too. I've always experienced lag during weekends in WvW but lately it's not even a level of lag I can tolerate. I can tolerate as much as 500ms but when we're getting into the ping thousands it's unplayable.

@Dusty Moon.4382 said:Have you used the game diagnostic to check if there is issues for you between your PC and the AWS farm? Just asking.

One should use the diagnostic FAQ from A.Net to check...

The thing is it's not just me. There's people around me who are experiencing lag simultaneously. Unless you're trying to say it's a coincidence, which seems unlikely...

If it was server lag, it would be EVERYONE. Remember when Southsun Cove was released? Everyone had lag and I mean everyone. That was the server. Have you talked EVERYONE on all three servers about the lag? I don't think so. This is the issue. Trace your ping first, then complain. There are plenty of servers/routers between you and the amazon farm.

How do you explain 50 people all experiencing the same issue, at the same time, for minutes on end, under the same in-game circumstances, repeatedly.

How do you explain that?

In fact, nobody cares how you might explain it, or attempt to debunk it, or excuse it. Nobody really cares at all what you think.

People only care what Anet has to say or do about it.

It happens without fail on occasions when 3 large groups clash, and sometimes even when only 2 do. Skill lag is a very distinct issue, especially when experienced by an entire squad at the same time.

It is a real problem and has been one for a very long time now. Recently it has been even worse.

Sadly, I don't expect either a response, or a solution from Anet. Which is a shame, because it is really spoiling their game.

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@SlitheSlivier.1908 said:Just putting it out there...i have had zero lag issues since i started playing again almost 2 months ago. The issue is probably your computer, internet, router, modem, etc.

No need to explain further.

Either u play on a low pop server in the last tier against other low pop servers or you are only roaming/small scale.

At least here in EU its impossible to play, when on both sides are 50 ppl and there is another (small) group on the map somewhere.

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I'm on ET. We were in T1 2 weeks ago. Not low pop these days. I both roam and also follow Zerg when the maps are queued up. I have no issues. Once in a while i will get slight stutter that's barely perceptible, but i just turned shadows off to fix that. It can also help to Make sure your character models are not at super high definition.Im in NA, running with 100mbps internet, and a decent computer with an older I7 processor and a gtx1080, 16gb DDR3 2400hz ram. My router is starting to go tho.

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@SlitheSlivier.1908 said:I'm on ET. We were in T1 2 weeks ago. Not low pop these days. I both roam and also follow Zerg when the maps are queued up. I have no issues. Once in a while i will get slight stutter that's barely perceptible, but i just turned shadows off to fix that. It can also help to Make sure your character models are not at super high definition.Im in NA, running with 100mbps internet, and a decent computer with an older I7 processor and a gtx1080, 16gb DDR3 2400hz ram. My router is starting to go tho.

You are confusing fps/graphics lag with skill lag. They are not the same thing.

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EU Gandara/Vabbi link is clownfiesta. Queues up to 110 on reset, 50 man queues on every border every evening, yet population is a fraction of it was, commanders struggle to get 40 people on tags, when it was normal to have 60-80 and have skillag only in three way SM fights.

And skillag is just unbearable. EVERY SINGLE DAY. Any three way fight that involves even medium sized zergs devolves into cleave fiesta for whole map. And thanks to the voice comms and chat, I know that everybody is affected.

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I mean yeah, the Borderlands play alot like Stonemist fights nowadays, it's barely playable.

That Clip I posted earlier is just the worse I've seen it, even in a two way fight though, because of the Perma condis and skills getting stuck.

The minimum you would have, is a bit of rubberbanding and skill lag. It might help to post more videos and clips around, so they know it's an issue, it's whether if they can is the question.

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Lag applies differently to my group. Some of them don't lag while I do. It's because I'm in Philippines and they're in other parts of the world.

But people similarly situated with me feel the same lag because of the geographical location or similar internet isp.

Lag does exist. When it does not, my team runs super paper ensuring each push kills the enemy in 2 seconds. Because we dodge, we don't get hurt. But other than thaT if we lag. Oh we try to be as minstrel as possible so we don't accidentally die for failing to dodge.

It's hard to play this way and I don't want to get used to it.

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that's right, demand they listen to your pleas. curse their name and plague the forums with vicious remarks of retribution. they will definitely cave.

nah but really, I feel you. wvw lag has gotten so bad I can't even play it anymore. I wonder what the hell anet is working on cuz it definitely ain't any problems we got.

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I just want to throw this out there...

I'm on SoS (NA) and this weekend was the most lag free experience I've personally had in years, including 3 way blob fights in SMC on reset. (Well... "2.5" way blob SMC fights. Our blob was a little small compared to the enemy.) Anyway, I didn't notice anyone complaining about the lag either in map or team chat during my weekend WvW romp.

Conversely, the reset before this one (April 24-26) -- GOOD LAWD :astonished: - the lag was horrendous! :rage: It was like many folks here described above. So, for me, it's been rather hit or miss lately.

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In the last reset, the 3 zergs match at SMC. I was so lagged that couldn´t activate any skill/command. The fun part is that I could stay in the middle of the fight and didn´t die.The advantage of being on a server that is not full is that the lag issue usually happens only in the first hours after reset. On normal days I don´t experience major lags most of the time.

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people who say they dont have lag, u dont play wvw its not the people pc its not people internet..every1 "lags" as in skills dont go off they dont lag as in cant move or rubberband all over the place..so internet as problem is out of question and u dont need to route anything to w/e server anet is using.and for people who think its fps lag and u need to remove x or y graphics.. comon people the requirements to play gw2 is so low a 400$ pc would already run this game like a charm.

the lag is because theres 1000 of "keypresses" being send to server while server (for example and easy to explain) can only handle 250 key presses a second.so 250 things go off in 1 second > another 1000 keypresses have been send this mean 1750 things left to be done(repeat this for a while and u have more shit in queue for server to be done then server could possibly handle) while this shit is only building up and not going lower untill 1 zerg dies and preasure is taking off the server..

the problem is so simple yet anet refuses to fix it cus who cares WvW and sPvP some useless side "events" for anet pve is where its at

create monster name : huahuacreate monster HP : 50,000,000create monster skin: Drakecreate monster skill: useskill X 100 < 75; useskill y 75 < 50; useskill x&y 50 < 25; useskill z 25 < 0

guys we released new raid/strike mission the new raid name is huahua and is a very big ass HP punchbag with no brain it just requires u to learn his skill rotation and dodge at the right moment and u basically get free loot every time u do the instance, enjoy.

see doing PvE stuff is easy just gotta create some skins for a npc or just stretch out old npc's to make them look bigger so they must hit harder :D slap some HP on it take some random skills from old npc's and u got new raid >.<

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@Sovereign.1093 said:Lag applies differently to my group. Some of them don't lag while I do. It's because I'm in Philippines and they're in other parts of the world.

But people similarly situated with me feel the same lag because of the geographical location or similar internet isp.

Lag does exist. When it does not, my team runs super paper ensuring each push kills the enemy in 2 seconds. Because we dodge, we don't get hurt. But other than thaT if we lag. Oh we try to be as minstrel as possible so we don't accidentally die for failing to dodge.

It's hard to play this way and I don't want to get used to it.

EU is pretty much from all over the place, i dont know where anet got there servers located but i guess in germany, i dont wanna bash germans or w/e but german servers in generally have been so bad ever since i started gaming which is for good 17 years already?

anyway the point is germans are lagging just as bad as me from netherlands and so are people from greece and spain and even from finland all at same time, pretty sure u got people from all corners and from center of EU yet every1 lags :p has nothing to do with ur location

Anet server is just big fat bottle neck for WvW.

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Once again to all people, it is not ISP related. EU servers were always mixed construct, and when you have 50+ people that leave in dozen or so countries experiencing the same skillag... Lets say it is on Anet part to fix that. WvW is still listed on GW2 website as part of the game right near the Personal Story. And it is the part of the game that I bought into or anyone new would do.

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