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Buff warrior

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How about nerfing core ranger a tad which can make warrior a decent sidenoder again? Seriously, how is ranger GS basically axe/shield/warrior GS combined? They either need to nerf ranger (which is going to happen) or completely change the clunkiest weapons in game (GS and Axe on warrior). I've main'd it for years and the pathing on GS sucks, it's only really useful for the 3 and maybe the 5? 2 is only cleave unless you land a hard CC.

How about gutting the 5min CDs on Defense and giving warrior barrier and protection instead?

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@Lighter.5631 said:

@"Burnfall.9573" said:Buff Warrior Profession for what? No Thank You!!

-build included-

wow amazing, full signet axe/axe what is this 2012? better nerf.

...what kind of answer is this? The dmg doesn't count because axe and signet and not 2012?You could have picked a low hanging fruit and at least say that it's pvp subforum, not a wvw one, but instead you chose to show you have no response to a video I guess. :x

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@Lighter.5631 said:

@"Burnfall.9573" said:Buff Warrior Profession for what? No Thank You!!

-build included-

wow amazing, full signet axe/axe what is this 2012? better nerf.

...what kind of answer is this? The dmg doesn't count because axe and signet and not 2012?

it's called a sarcasm because that whole video is a meme

You're a meme.


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@Sobx.1758 said:

@"Burnfall.9573" said:Buff Warrior Profession for what? No Thank You!!

-build included-

wow amazing, full signet axe/axe what is this 2012? better nerf.

...what kind of answer is this? The dmg doesn't count because axe and signet and not 2012?

it's called a sarcasm because that whole video is a meme

You're a meme.


true, that's what i am when i play warrior

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@Sobx.1758 said:

@"Burnfall.9573" said:Buff Warrior Profession for what? No Thank You!!

-build included-

wow amazing, full signet axe/axe what is this 2012? better nerf.

...what kind of answer is this? The dmg doesn't count because axe and signet and not 2012?You could have picked a low hanging fruit and at least say that it's pvp subforum, not a wvw one, but instead you chose to show you have no response to a video I guess. :x

I give you the answer they can't give : they can't play anything on warrior outside the 25 perma might passive sustain mender/burst "never dodge/face tank" powercreep which was nerfed couple of mega patches ago. You can't really blame them though...

For years , around 80% of wars mains have been carried by Healing signet so never learnt to use active heal skills so...less decision making plus their passive sustain was so high that never needed to dodge anything , you basically would face these wars that not a single time during the fight..would press the dodge button...not once, just pure facetanking.

Unless now they bring that back...they wouldn't know what to do with warrior...bull's charge in and things must die...if not..the sky is falling

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This is the sort of warrior they want these players :


I would be more inclined to agree with any buff suggestions if they were reasonable......but these wars main expect to load 3 offensive traitlines and still the have the sustain of a bruiser while having 0 investment in healing power, basically dmg and free sustain.

They keep crying about rangers...when all rangers run WS+MM for a +1 burst role or WS+NM for a bruiser role..either way they invest in defensive traitlines they don't get free sustain! These wars mains now come and want to use : strength - discipline + spellbreaker....do uber dmg plus the sustain to facetank builds that not only invest in healing power but also defensive traitlines....that sheer arrogance

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@"Arheundel.6451" said:This is the sort of warrior they want these players :


I would be more inclined to agree with any buff suggestions if they were reasonable......but these wars main expect to load 3 offensive traitlines and still the have the sustain of a bruiser while having 0 investment in healing power, basically dmg and free sustain.

They keep crying about rangers...when all rangers run WS+MM for a +1 burst role or WS+NM for a bruiser role..either way they invest in defensive traitlines they don't get free sustain! These wars mains now come and want to use : strength - discipline + spellbreaker....do uber dmg plus the sustain to facetank builds that not only invest in healing power but also defensive traitlines....that sheer arrogance

Wow man, you reaaaally don't like warrior. Why is that ?

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@Chaarliee.2307 said:

@"Arheundel.6451" said:This is the sort of warrior they want these players :

I would be more inclined to agree with any buff suggestions if they were reasonable......but these wars main expect
to load 3 offensive traitlines and still the have the sustain of a bruiser while having 0 investment in healing power
, basically dmg and free sustain.

They keep crying about rangers...when all rangers run WS+MM for a +1 burst role or WS+NM for a bruiser role..either way they invest in
defensive traitlines
they don't get free sustain! These wars mains now come and want to use : strength - discipline + spellbreaker....do uber dmg plus the sustain to facetank builds that not only invest in healing power but also defensive traitlines....that sheer arrogance

Wow man, you reaaaally don't like warrior. Why is that ?

He doesnt seem to like anything that isnt ranger. If I had to guess judging by his extreme bias and his tendency to use completely irrelevant, outdated or misleading videos, he is just the burnfall of ranger.

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@NorthernRedStar.3054 said:What can warriors do? They can't kill a condi rev; power rev does their job, but better, and they bring no utility to compete with weavers and tempest.

Solution: nerf condi, nerf power rev (gently, but nerf regardless) and bring down CC (a notch).

Can anybody kill a condi rev? How do you fight against a constant 10 AoE torment stacks plus burning and poison?

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@anduriell.6280 said:

@NorthernRedStar.3054 said:What can warriors do? They can't kill a condi rev; power rev does their job, but better, and they bring no utility to compete with weavers and tempest.

Solution: nerf condi, nerf power rev (gently, but nerf regardless) and bring down CC (a notch).

Can anybody kill a condi rev? How do you fight against a constant 10 AoE torment stacks plus burning and poison?

This is true as well lol I like rev a lot but condi rev is on lvs of condi thiefs as far as being to effective except condi rev is less one dimensional compared to thief and is more useful in more situations.

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@anduriell.6280 said:

@"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:What can warriors do? They can't kill a condi rev; power rev does their job, but better, and they bring no utility to compete with weavers and tempest.

Solution: nerf condi, nerf power rev (gently, but nerf regardless) and bring down CC (a notch).

Can anybody kill a condi rev? How do you fight against a constant 10 AoE torment stacks plus burning and poison?

my question to Anet is, you specifically gave these Professions specific roles; not decided by the players

Revenant is a Soldier Profession-offensive meleehttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/RevenantNecromancer is a Scholar Profession-condition supporthttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Necromancer

when was it ok for a Soldier Profession to play a Scholar Profession and to excel it?

why have you tolerate it for so long?

why haven't you taken any actions to align Professions to their specific roles?

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@Burnfall.9573 said:

@"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:What can warriors do? They can't kill a condi rev; power rev does their job, but better, and they bring no utility to compete with weavers and tempest.

Solution: nerf condi, nerf power rev (gently, but nerf regardless) and bring down CC (a notch).

Can anybody kill a condi rev? How do you fight against a constant 10 AoE torment stacks plus burning and poison?

my question to Anet is, you specifically gave these Professions specific roles; not decided by the players

Revenant is a Soldier Profession-offensive melee
Necromancer is a Scholar Profession-condition support

when was it ok for a Soldier Profession to play a Scholar Profession and to excel it?

why have tolerate it for so long?

why haven't you taken any actions to align Professions to their specific roles?

All classes are a type of soldier be it a martial or scholar soldier. Rev is a hybrid of the two.The devs idea of throwing out the wholly trinity sounds great on paper but is a balance nightmare. The play how u want on any class doesn't work. If every class was great at one role and mediocre at the others the classes would be far easier to balance with in that role in relation to the rest of the roster. Players simply pic the classes of the role they enjoy most, no need to have the option to build for varying degrees of effectiveness for every role, it complicates the balance doing so far more than what these devs are capable of. Having classes for specific roles, queuing for 5 man team where there is 2 spots for dps and tanks and 1 spot for a healer would lead to far less class stacking and far more strategic gameplay, unfortunately gw2 is not that game.People will argue that it's better to have complete freedom to play with any team comp any way u like etc but the current state of gw2 is what that looks like and pvp population speaks for itself.Good example of why on rare ocassions people need to be saved from themselves or what they think they want when in reality it isn't.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:What can warriors do? They can't kill a condi rev; power rev does their job, but better, and they bring no utility to compete with weavers and tempest.

Solution: nerf condi, nerf power rev (gently, but nerf regardless) and bring down CC (a notch).

Can anybody kill a condi rev? How do you fight against a constant 10 AoE torment stacks plus burning and poison?

my question to Anet is, you specifically gave these Professions specific roles; not decided by the players

Revenant is a Soldier Profession-offensive melee
Necromancer is a Scholar Profession-condition support

when was it ok for a Soldier Profession to play a Scholar Profession and to excel it?

why have tolerate it for so long?

why haven't you taken any actions to align Professions to their specific roles?

All classes are a type of soldier be it a martial or scholar soldier. Rev is a hybrid of the two.The devs idea of throwing out the wholly trinity sounds great on paper but is a balance nightmare. The play how u want on any class doesn't work. If every class was great at one role and mediocre at the others the classes would be far easier to balance with in that role in relation to the rest of the roster. Players simply pic the classes of the role they enjoy most, no need to have the option to build for varying degrees of effectiveness for every role, it complicates the balance doing so far more than what these devs are capable of. Having classes for specific roles, queuing for 5 man team where there is 2 spots for dps and tanks and 1 spot for a healer would lead to far less class stacking and far more strategic gameplay, unfortunately gw2 is not that game.People will argue that it's better to have complete freedom to play with any team comp any way u like etc but the current state of gw2 is what that looks like and pvp population speaks for itself.Good example of why on rare ocassions people need to be saved from themselves or what they think they want when in reality it isn't.

quite unfortunately so

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