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Give love to Central Tyria :D

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@Taril.8619 said:

@"mindcircus.1506" said:But lets say some kind of repeatable chance at BL Keys (which seems to be your real issue here) is offered....Does me speedrunning these maps repeatedly for a chance at a key do anything other than put a single warm body on the map for a given amount of time?

You multiply that "Single warm body" by the number of people who would end up doing this, say for example, a similar number of people as show up for Daily Achievement bonuses (Even accounting for the fact that most of the time people are split between multiple zones, i.e. Do events in zone X, do JP in zone Y and do a bounty in zone Z) and you have yourself a zone that is now alive and full of players.

nope. what you get is a map that will never ever get enough caring people to complete a meta which is partly visible in silverwastes if the maguuma wastes have any gathering daily. this effect will cause a lot of frustration for central tyrian players and have the opposite effect of a map revive.

@Taril.8619 said:I've been able to fuel several full sets of armour from Orr Temples, while having several hundreds of thousands left over just from map completion rewards. Which again, is better than what players with already 100% World Completion can get from Central Tyria (They're better off doing the Repeatable Hearts from LW3/4 or better yet farming Events in a LW3/4 zone that offers the Karma upgrade)

you can convert 1000 karma to 20s. a piece of orrian karma armor is 42k karma, worth 8g 40s. so unless you have too much karma or just can't be bothered to see value in karma, this is pretty expensive gear. just saying.

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@kharmin.7683 said:Core Tyria maps are locked in time to stay as consistent with the personal story as possible. We shouldn't expect any updates.

Why center an MMO around a single-player story? Yeah, the story is great but the games about playing together, I think them not adding as much new stuff to the old maps because of single-player experience relevancy is a bad idea for the life of this game. (I understand that you can play the story multiplayer but it gets faaarr to easy when you do that)

After a few more years, were just going to have a longer list of story seasons and xpacs and a wider spread player base, which equals dead maps. I just want them to bring people back together because if they keep adding a new map each episode, eventually the games gonna feel empty even if it isn't.

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@Taril.8619 said:Then they could add more Collections and Achievements. Problem solved (Except not really, given that some maps can be quite sparse when there isn't something like an event pushing people there. Especially when Collections and Achievements are once and done for the entire account and often can be completed via rushing from point to point on a Roller Beetle...)In the last Sidestory update to the game they added 5 separate collections for the Steel Warband that each involves going back through core Tyria at points. This is before the Romance Novel collection.... which again had you going to many places in Core Tyria.Living World 4.6 Had us going to a great many places places in Core as part of the Skyscale Collection.Living World 4.4 Had us going to Core as part of the Requiem armor collection.Living World 4.3 had us going to a great many places and in core as part of the roller beetle collection.But yeah you're right.... awesome idea... 10/10 armchair design.Clearly you aren't just conflating small points,arguing semantics and ignoring facts to argue for loot creep.

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@Super Hayes.6890 said:I like the core maps as is with one exception. The difficulty is too low. I want to see it scaled up a little and only on the higher level maps. Not a major spike mind you, I'm just tired of how most enemies melt in two or three clicks. Alternatively, I'd like a challenge mission added somewhere in Orr where you defend a point against an endless onslaught of undead that is timer based. The leaderboard would show the longest survival times. That could be done without hurting the frozen in time concept. I don't see resources being devoted this direction realistically.

You can choose your own difficulty level, play in ascended, exotic, rare, masterwork, fine or white gear. Naked is also an option.

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@kharmin.7683 said:Core Tyria maps are locked in time to stay as consistent with the personal story as possible. We shouldn't expect any updates.

To be fair, a lot of the personal story is instanced and could probably function similarly to Lions Arch story chapers. That way, Anet can change events or the landscape as they like and create a true living world.

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@Ariurotl.3718 said:Nah, central Tyria is fine. Give a revamp to Southsun Cove instead. Been there recently for map completion on an alt, the place is deserted and all outposts are perpetually overrun. Give people a new reason to come back there.

the problem with southsun is that it was designed as a group-event map. In that sense it isn't different than silverwastes, dragon's stand, dragonfall. Except, it doesn't actually has the incentive to keep players around, so it's a real bad map to spend time in outside of dailies.

Most core maps aren't this way, and as such it's fine when there's only a handful of players around. Also, most of the core maps are populated by levelling players, southsun is a level 80 zone whose story segment is no longer available (ls1), so all those fresh level 80s are probably going to the maguuma wastes and skipping southsun altogether.

So, I agree that this particular map needs an overhaul.

As for the rest of core Tyria, all I really wish is more aggressive event scaling when there's several players on the map. Try doing something like Brisban wildlands event daily... it's a royal pain, many events finish before one can get credit, even if they spawn within sight. :(

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one way to get more new players with f2p accounts to buy the game is for any guild to have a few low level account holders and host a low level map completion per session.

it will also grow the roster of your guild.

the few or even 1 low level account holder(s) is needed so to track uncomplete hearts/objectives, etc.

of course, dress at your best when doing this.

that means fashion wars outfit.

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@artcreator.4859 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:Core Tyria maps are locked in time to stay as consistent with the personal story as possible. We shouldn't expect any updates.

Why center an MMO around a single-player story? Yeah, the story is great but the games about playing together, I think them not adding as much new stuff to the old maps because of single-player experience relevancy is a bad idea for the life of this game. (I understand that you can play the story multiplayer but it gets faaarr to easy when you do that)

I recall it being said that changing core maps would confuse new players as the zones would not correlate to the personal story time-wise. Kessex Hills is an example.

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@Radiobiology.6185 said:

@Super Hayes.6890 said:I like the core maps as is with one exception. The difficulty is too low. I want to see it scaled up a little and only on the higher level maps. Not a major spike mind you, I'm just tired of how most enemies melt in two or three clicks. Alternatively, I'd like a challenge mission added somewhere in Orr where you defend a point against an endless onslaught of undead that is timer based. The leaderboard would show the longest survival times. That could be done without hurting the frozen in time concept. I don't see resources being devoted this direction realistically.

You can choose your own difficulty level, play in ascended, exotic, rare, masterwork, fine or white gear. Naked is also an option.

Trying to contain how excited I am about this solution... Other people live here so naked is not really an option.

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