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NA matchup just got messed up. 1up 1down randomly applied mid-week???


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@"Svarty.8019" said:You can watch Raymond Lukes' grovelling apology here: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/641384478Over..

and over again.

15 mins in they're talking about firebrands and whether or not they're top healers, then goes to talk about stability and other classes like maybe tempest.... for the love of wvw, please, don't give stability to other heavy sustain classes, the boon balls are bad enough as is.

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@Sleepwalker.1398 said:

@Vova.2640 said:So yeah we randomly went up to T1. All objectives reset like they do on reset. It is as if reset happened just now.

The thing is, the score itself did not reset. We inherited the score SBI(the losing server that dropped to T2 now) had in T1 for the current week.

So a partial reset happened where matchups got changed, but the scores remained the same.

That's a pretty messed up bug right there.................

Apparently SBI tanked to hard and confused everything must be Devs playing on SBI

Why would sbi tank though? It's just the start of the week.

We weren't tanking. We just don't have PPT guilds on SBI, so we lost the guilds trying to keep the borderlands capped, and now basically entirely get points from fights. Our new pugs aren't used to fighting with our commanders, aren't as comped up, so we are losing a few fights we otherwise wouldn't have. For two months we had a bunch of people putting in a lot of work getting meta builds and being as diverse as possible, and now are going back to the days of having a kitten ton of people not using meta builds, not understanding how to fight in a group, etc.

A lot of us did want to go to T2, but no one was actively trying to get there. HoD relies on siege so hard that they build it in open field fights, BG commanders dodge Indo as hard as they can while their pugs sit on siege and camp 3+ dragon banners everywhere you go. T1 just isn't fun ATM, so we didn't care that we where losing. We weren't dodging, tanking, or whatever. We just aren't going to focus on PPT when we want fights. Yeah, we might cap a borderland when everyone is dodging us, trying to force them to fight us, but no one on SBI logs in to cap keeps being defended by 5 people. That's our last resort in trying to get people to stop dodging us, not something we actively find fun. We care about fights, not points.

Are you the spokesperson for the server?So many well prepped excuses lol. Was the sun in your eyes too?

It's not excuses, it's what happened. We can't hang with servers that PPT, cause we don't PPT. You know you can check out KD ratios on the servers, right? We aren't losing fights, we just aren't capping stuff.

So you chose to play one part of the game mode and complain that other don't go oh lets do that too and just fight that zerg all night and ignore objectives. Bg wasn't dodging you it's how they play not everyone feels like fighting the same blob 35 times in a row. You can keep your K/D nice and high by not ever trying to take stuff and spend all night jumping the 2 other servers fighting each other or chasing down smaller zergs. That don't make you a fight server

I'm not complaining. I'm explaining why we are dropping and that it's not some intentional plan, or some coordination with Anet devs or any other weird conspiracy theory. Most of us want fights, not PPT. That's all. It's not a complaint, or excuse, we just don't have PPT now, but the end result is we don't mind if we drop to T2.

No one's chasing down smaller zergs, and our actual commanders never jump in a ongoing fight unless it happens to us first. Most of our commanders use Indo's server for comms, and there's no requirement to join. Join the server and listen in. You don't need to make assumptions about how we run, you can hear the comms for yourself, which absolutely don't match the idea of us that you created yourself.

So what's the reason for tanking tier 2?


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@Jayden Reese.9542 said:

@Vova.2640 said:So yeah we randomly went up to T1. All objectives reset like they do on reset. It is as if reset happened just now.

The thing is, the score itself did not reset. We inherited the score SBI(the losing server that dropped to T2 now) had in T1 for the current week.

So a partial reset happened where matchups got changed, but the scores remained the same.

That's a pretty messed up bug right there.................

Apparently SBI tanked to hard and confused everything must be Devs playing on SBI

Why would sbi tank though? It's just the start of the week.

We weren't tanking. We just don't have PPT guilds on SBI, so we lost the guilds trying to keep the borderlands capped, and now basically entirely get points from fights. Our new pugs aren't used to fighting with our commanders, aren't as comped up, so we are losing a few fights we otherwise wouldn't have. For two months we had a bunch of people putting in a lot of work getting meta builds and being as diverse as possible, and now are going back to the days of having a kitten ton of people not using meta builds, not understanding how to fight in a group, etc.

A lot of us did want to go to T2, but no one was actively trying to get there. HoD relies on siege so hard that they build it in open field fights, BG commanders dodge Indo as hard as they can while their pugs sit on siege and camp 3+ dragon banners everywhere you go. T1 just isn't fun ATM, so we didn't care that we where losing. We weren't dodging, tanking, or whatever. We just aren't going to focus on PPT when we want fights. Yeah, we might cap a borderland when everyone is dodging us, trying to force them to fight us, but no one on SBI logs in to cap keeps being defended by 5 people. That's our last resort in trying to get people to stop dodging us, not something we actively find fun. We care about fights, not points.

Are you the spokesperson for the server?So many well prepped excuses lol. Was the sun in your eyes too?

It's not excuses, it's what happened. We can't hang with servers that PPT, cause we don't PPT. You know you can check out KD ratios on the servers, right? We aren't losing fights, we just aren't capping stuff.

So you chose to play one part of the game mode and complain that other don't go oh lets do that too and just fight that zerg all night and ignore objectives. Bg wasn't dodging you it's how they play not everyone feels like fighting the same blob 35 times in a row. You can keep your K/D nice and high by not ever trying to take stuff and spend all night jumping the 2 other servers fighting each other or chasing down smaller zergs. That don't make you a fight server

I'm not complaining. I'm explaining why we are dropping and that it's not some intentional plan, or some coordination with Anet devs or any other weird conspiracy theory. Most of us want fights, not PPT. That's all. It's not a complaint, or excuse, we just don't have PPT now, but the end result is we don't mind if we drop to T2.

No one's chasing down smaller zergs, and our actual commanders never jump in a ongoing fight unless it happens to us first. Most of our commanders use Indo's server for comms, and there's no requirement to join. Join the server and listen in. You don't need to make assumptions about how we run, you can hear the comms for yourself, which absolutely don't match the idea of us that you created yourself.

Saying you were being dodged sounded like complaining and I was just giving you tips on how to keep your k/d nice and high since you actually used that as some type of bar that measures you vs other servers. Mag has a 1.6-1.8 and rots in t3 t4 all the time but mag also don't take chances and try and take t3 stuff and babysits smc all day so that's another way to keep k/d nice and high and then say your a fight server.

It's not complaining, it's what it is. It's a statement of fact.

No, I used that as a bar as us not losing fights. We kill more than we die. Also, we hit t3 stuff all the time. We aren't going to hold it and defend it, but we hit it.

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My eternity worth advise.

If you like fights split your blob. :) Have two coms hitting both servers. You'll have more fun and kill more. Because you're not many the other teams blob will fight you still, but I believe you can outwit and out play.

I say this to all servers who can man 35 atleast in coms. Have two groups pls. :3 you will enjoy it. Don't over blob so you have something to fight haha

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@Sovereign.1093 said:My eternity worth advise.

If you like fights split your blob. :) Have two coms hitting both servers. You'll have more fun and kill more. Because you're not many the other teams blob will fight you still, but I believe you can outwit and out play.

I say this to all servers who can man 35 atleast in coms. Have two groups pls. :3 you will enjoy it. Don't over blob so you have something to fight haha

I would agree. However, it’s hard to field two commanders.

People young cat so hard that they chase off new comms trying to learn.

There are many that would try, but it consistently gets bogged down in absolutes.

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@Strider Pj.2193 said:

@Sovereign.1093 said:My eternity worth advise.

If you like fights split your blob. :) Have two coms hitting both servers. You'll have more fun and kill more. Because you're not many the other teams blob will fight you still, but I believe you can outwit and out play.

I say this to all servers who can man 35 atleast in coms. Have two groups pls. :3 you will enjoy it. Don't over blob so you have something to fight haha

I would agree. However, it’s hard to field two commanders.

People young cat so hard that they chase off new comms trying to learn.

There are many that would try, but it consistently gets bogged down in absolutes.

Of course it's hard. Who says fun things are easy. But again it's up to people. Do you want your fights or want to cap structures? Either way is fine. No one is required to participate after all

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@Strider Pj.2193 said:

@Sovereign.1093 said:My eternity worth advise.

If you like fights split your blob. :) Have two coms hitting both servers. You'll have more fun and kill more. Because you're not many the other teams blob will fight you still, but I believe you can outwit and out play.

I say this to all servers who can man 35 atleast in coms. Have two groups pls. :3 you will enjoy it. Don't over blob so you have something to fight haha

I would agree. However, it’s hard to field two commanders.

People young cat so hard that they chase off new comms trying to learn.

There are many that would try, but it consistently gets bogged down in absolutes.

His viewpoint is from playing during Sea timezone.When he doesn't face a handful of disorganized pugs he faces multiple big guilds stacked on one side against him.Always been that way for the early birds.

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@LetoII.3782 said:

@Sovereign.1093 said:My eternity worth advise.

If you like fights split your blob. :) Have two coms hitting both servers. You'll have more fun and kill more. Because you're not many the other teams blob will fight you still, but I believe you can outwit and out play.

I say this to all servers who can man 35 atleast in coms. Have two groups pls. :3 you will enjoy it. Don't over blob so you have something to fight haha

I would agree. However, it’s hard to field two commanders.

People young cat so hard that they chase off new comms trying to learn.

There are many that would try, but it consistently gets bogged down in absolutes.

His viewpoint is from playing during Sea timezone.When he doesn't face a handful of disorganized pugs he faces multiple big guilds stacked on one side against him.Always been that way for the early birds.

Yeah... Not sure what can be done about that timezone.

As a side note, it’s what keeps me from wanting tournaments or rewards for ‘winning’ once alliances hits...

It would be too easy for an ‘alliance’ of SEA players to effectively determine the majority of outcomes.

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@Rakan Buuyon.8576 said:

@Vova.2640 said:So yeah we randomly went up to T1. All objectives reset like they do on reset. It is as if reset happened just now.

The thing is, the score itself did not reset. We inherited the score SBI(the losing server that dropped to T2 now) had in T1 for the current week.

So a partial reset happened where matchups got changed, but the scores remained the same.

That's a pretty messed up bug right there.................

Apparently SBI tanked to hard and confused everything must be Devs playing on SBI

Why would sbi tank though? It's just the start of the week.

We weren't tanking. We just don't have PPT guilds on SBI, so we lost the guilds trying to keep the borderlands capped, and now basically entirely get points from fights. Our new pugs aren't used to fighting with our commanders, aren't as comped up, so we are losing a few fights we otherwise wouldn't have. For two months we had a bunch of people putting in a lot of work getting meta builds and being as diverse as possible, and now are going back to the days of having a kitten ton of people not using meta builds, not understanding how to fight in a group, etc.

A lot of us did want to go to T2, but no one was actively trying to get there. HoD relies on siege so hard that they build it in open field fights, BG commanders dodge Indo as hard as they can while their pugs sit on siege and camp 3+ dragon banners everywhere you go. T1 just isn't fun ATM, so we didn't care that we where losing. We weren't dodging, tanking, or whatever. We just aren't going to focus on PPT when we want fights. Yeah, we might cap a borderland when everyone is dodging us, trying to force them to fight us, but no one on SBI logs in to cap keeps being defended by 5 people. That's our last resort in trying to get people to stop dodging us, not something we actively find fun. We care about fights, not points.

Are you the spokesperson for the server?So many well prepped excuses lol. Was the sun in your eyes too?

It's not excuses, it's what happened. We can't hang with servers that PPT, cause we don't PPT. You know you can check out KD ratios on the servers, right? We aren't losing fights, we just aren't capping stuff.

So you chose to play one part of the game mode and complain that other don't go oh lets do that too and just fight that zerg all night and ignore objectives. Bg wasn't dodging you it's how they play not everyone feels like fighting the same blob 35 times in a row. You can keep your K/D nice and high by not ever trying to take stuff and spend all night jumping the 2 other servers fighting each other or chasing down smaller zergs. That don't make you a fight server

I'm not complaining. I'm explaining why we are dropping and that it's not some intentional plan, or some coordination with Anet devs or any other weird conspiracy theory. Most of us want fights, not PPT. That's all. It's not a complaint, or excuse, we just don't have PPT now, but the end result is we don't mind if we drop to T2.

No one's chasing down smaller zergs, and our actual commanders never jump in a ongoing fight unless it happens to us first. Most of our commanders use Indo's server for comms, and there's no requirement to join. Join the server and listen in. You don't need to make assumptions about how we run, you can hear the comms for yourself, which absolutely don't match the idea of us that you created yourself.

So what's the reason for tanking tier 2?


Yeap, our PPT commander that was away for few days beginning of the week logged in in the last 2 or so days a PPT'ed the fuck out of everything and sent us to tier 1.

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@Jayden Reese.9542 said:

@Vephar.8475 said:Yup. I'm on SBI and being linked with EB is dragging us down. EB has zero PPTers so we're dropping to T3 most likely. I miss you, FC.

Yeah maybe stop acting like you a fight sever then and do some ppt instead of hoping the server you get linked with will. I mean if fighting Mag this week doesn't show you how far from a fight server you are the idk what will.

No such thing as a fight server. And Mag especially is not one. Just stacked .

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@Sleepwalker.1398 said:

@Vova.2640 said:So yeah we randomly went up to T1. All objectives reset like they do on reset. It is as if reset happened just now.

The thing is, the score itself did not reset. We inherited the score SBI(the losing server that dropped to T2 now) had in T1 for the current week.

So a partial reset happened where matchups got changed, but the scores remained the same.

That's a pretty messed up bug right there.................

Apparently SBI tanked to hard and confused everything must be Devs playing on SBI

Why would sbi tank though? It's just the start of the week.

We weren't tanking. We just don't have PPT guilds on SBI, so we lost the guilds trying to keep the borderlands capped, and now basically entirely get points from fights. Our new pugs aren't used to fighting with our commanders, aren't as comped up, so we are losing a few fights we otherwise wouldn't have. For two months we had a bunch of people putting in a lot of work getting meta builds and being as diverse as possible, and now are going back to the days of having a kitten ton of people not using meta builds, not understanding how to fight in a group, etc.

A lot of us did want to go to T2, but no one was actively trying to get there. HoD relies on siege so hard that they build it in open field fights, BG commanders dodge Indo as hard as they can while their pugs sit on siege and camp 3+ dragon banners everywhere you go. T1 just isn't fun ATM, so we didn't care that we where losing. We weren't dodging, tanking, or whatever. We just aren't going to focus on PPT when we want fights. Yeah, we might cap a borderland when everyone is dodging us, trying to force them to fight us, but no one on SBI logs in to cap keeps being defended by 5 people. That's our last resort in trying to get people to stop dodging us, not something we actively find fun. We care about fights, not points.

Are you the spokesperson for the server?So many well prepped excuses lol. Was the sun in your eyes too?

It's not excuses, it's what happened. We can't hang with servers that PPT, cause we don't PPT. You know you can check out KD ratios on the servers, right? We aren't losing fights, we just aren't capping stuff.

So you chose to play one part of the game mode and complain that other don't go oh lets do that too and just fight that zerg all night and ignore objectives. Bg wasn't dodging you it's how they play not everyone feels like fighting the same blob 35 times in a row. You can keep your K/D nice and high by not ever trying to take stuff and spend all night jumping the 2 other servers fighting each other or chasing down smaller zergs. That don't make you a fight server

I'm not complaining. I'm explaining why we are dropping and that it's not some intentional plan, or some coordination with Anet devs or any other weird conspiracy theory. Most of us want fights, not PPT. That's all. It's not a complaint, or excuse, we just don't have PPT now, but the end result is we don't mind if we drop to T2.

No one's chasing down smaller zergs, and our actual commanders never jump in a ongoing fight unless it happens to us first. Most of our commanders use Indo's server for comms, and there's no requirement to join. Join the server and listen in. You don't need to make assumptions about how we run, you can hear the comms for yourself, which absolutely don't match the idea of us that you created yourself.

So what's the reason for tanking tier 2?


Yeap, our PPT commander that was away for few days beginning of the week logged in in the last 2 or so days a PPT'ed the kitten out of everything and sent us to tier 1.

If it's something you focus on, it's pretty much how you can win every match. Losing fights doesn't really matter if you have a group of people on all the maps capturing stuff constantly.

Being effectively linked with ourselves kinda fucked over any chance of us PPTing anything this link, but it doesn't seem like anyone's jumping ship because of it. On the bright side, there was some very interesting outnumbered keep holds last week against TC. While it's annoying when EBG is outnumbered like 13 hours a day, it does encourage people to attack us, which means our roamers don't need to look very hard for fights.

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@Jayden Reese.9542 said:

@"Vephar.8475" said:Yup. I'm on SBI and being linked with EB is dragging us down. EB has zero PPTers so we're dropping to T3 most likely. I miss you, FC.

Yeah maybe stop acting like you a fight sever then and do some ppt instead of hoping the server you get linked with will. I mean if fighting Mag this week doesn't show you how far from a fight server you are the idk what will.

The problem is we just don't have the people for PPT.

I get it, we the big bad boogie mans. Indo came to town and put BG in their place, so now everyone has something to prove. However, the people that joined Indo on SBI, didn't really join to make SBI T1, or the best, or anything server pride related. They joined to play with Indo.

Indo plays on three servers. SBI, FSP, and most importantly, EB. Our link ATM is, wait for it.... EB. That means that EB is effectively a dead server right now, since their "on paper" numbers are something like 50+ higher than they actually are. We get no coverage from EB, because that coverage is just SBI players in the first place. You need to keep in mind SBI was also a dead server before Indo came here.

In order for us to PPT when the main bulk of the server isn't playing on SBI, we need something to fill the gaps. We don't have that with this link. We are generally outnumbered on EBG and the BLs outside of NA prime, where the other servers have at least something of a force. Last week was effectively TC sending a map queue to our keep, while 10 roamers held them off, from like 12am to about when Indo got back on. We have just enough people to half focus on not losing absolutely everything on one map.

Also, your comment is logically incorrect. If we are a fight server, what the shit does that have to do with PPT? Look at T1 right now, it's HoD and TC getting farmed by BG. Does that make them fight servers now? People who get one pushed and can't keep a positive KDR? We aren't in T3 cause we lost fights, we are in T3 cause we couldn't PPT.

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@Jayden Reese.9542 said:

@"Vephar.8475" said:Yup. I'm on SBI and being linked with EB is dragging us down. EB has zero PPTers so we're dropping to T3 most likely. I miss you, FC.

Yeah maybe stop acting like you a fight sever then and do some ppt instead of hoping the server you get linked with will. I mean if fighting Mag this week doesn't show you how far from a fight server you are the idk what will.

The problem is we just don't have the people for PPT.

I get it, we the big bad boogie mans. Indo came to town and put BG in their place, so now everyone has something to prove. However, the people that joined Indo on SBI, didn't really join to make SBI T1, or the best, or anything server pride related. They joined to play with Indo.

Indo plays on three servers. SBI, FSP, and most importantly, EB. Our link ATM is, wait for it.... EB. That means that EB is effectively a dead server right now, since their "on paper" numbers are something like 50+ higher than they actually are. We get no coverage from EB, because that coverage is just SBI players in the first place. You need to keep in mind SBI was also a dead server before Indo came here.

In order for us to PPT when the main bulk of the server isn't playing on SBI, we need something to fill the gaps. We don't have that with this link. We are generally outnumbered on EBG and the BLs outside of NA prime, where the other servers have at least something of a force. Last week was effectively TC sending a map queue to our keep, while 10 roamers held them off, from like 12am to about when Indo got back on. We have just enough people to half focus on not losing absolutely everything on one map.

Also, your comment is logically incorrect. If we are a fight server, what the kitten does that have to do with PPT? Look at T1 right now, it's HoD and TC getting farmed by BG. Does that make them fight servers now? People who get one pushed and can't keep a positive KDR? We aren't in T3 cause we lost fights, we are in T3 cause we couldn't PPT.

Listen dude Sbi was a bandwagon not a big bad boogie man. You got to stack and win for a bit no biggie happens 15 times over and over but the instant you start losing it was our links fault or this server dodging our zergs so yeah it just sounded sad. Then you were like but but our k/d so we a fight server not a ppt. You don't have to be a fight server to have a high K/d there are many ways making it absolutely no bearing on if you are good or not. Like Mag loses sometimes with a 1.6 or BG keeps there high cause night capping then good even coverage the rest of the day allowing them to defend t3 stuff and they also don't push yolo into garrys and ebg keeps putting a dent in it. Mag completely abandons their bl and farms 20 feet from smc all day again so K/D means nothing for the most part. Now you say you put BG in it's place I guess you mean BG w/o a link while you had one and were like 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 3rd in hours for the 5 timezones. Well done. No one even thinks of SBI I just don't like a 4 month bandwagon who then falls complaining over why you dropping tiers and only blames thier new link while they run around with a .8 k/d going but but ebay isn't ppt for us so now we losing.

Funny hearing BG call another server a bandwagon, that's gold.

I'm not blaming or complaining. I'm telling you how it is. Indo doesn't PPT, he wants fights. EK looks for fights. EP hardly even captures things, and mainly stays in the open fields. I don't know the inner workings of Sin, but it doesn't seem like they make much of an effort to PPT either. Dog is more of a SBI guild rather than something organized, and mainly only tags up to get roamers together. There you have it. You have basically all the guilds on SBI, and anything near organized is generally out looking exclusively for fights. EB has nothing to offer, because they are more dead than SBI was until Indo came back, and SBI was dead.

You can talk all you want, we hit keeps. Don't you remember? You guys made a post here about just how unfair it was when we took and held your EBG keep. We don't shy away from them. The commanders we have are all veteran fight commanders. I know, you're sad cause they left BG, but it doesn't change the fact that these commanders focus on fights, not PPT, for a couple hours a night.

Again, not complaining. It is how it is. No one's leaving the server, so I don't mind a bad link. Just if next time, come up with better excuses than some conspiracies about Anet employees and favoritism if we beat you again.

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@"Svarty.8019" said:You can watch Raymond Lukes' grovelling apology here: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/641384478Over..

and over again.ohoh was looking for that link :)

Tks for the link i was missing this live since i really wanted to listen the FB comment, just a side note:

Idk what to say about firebrand i always felt its a weak class that gets stronger when stacked to actually make it worthy to use just like scourge design both need to be stacked....reason players stack them since alot of stuff stacks rather than be limitited in stackin same effects like we had in gw1.

Jalis can have basicly perma stability, and herald/ventari has stronger heals than FB but FB is more like a "all rounder" builded, so its easy to add it to teams also has more self sustain ovetime than rev as supporter wich gets strong effects when tuned to those effects, the revenant can be tuned for the strongest regen in game, perma alicrity, perma stability(also fury prot and might), some effects that can be removed and quite some condi cleanses(more than most think actually ventari elite can remove total of 50 condis but its very hard to use).

IMO main issue is players assuming meta is the only way to play(hoping it carries their low effort with a easy win) but meta meants the simpliest way to find a way to overperform and try to overhelm with same classes and builds rather than inovate to better builds than suposed meta.

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@Rakan Buuyon.8576 said:I'm not blaming or complaining. I'm telling you how it is. Indo doesn't PPT, he wants fights. EK looks for fights. EP hardly even captures things, and mainly stays in the open fields.

If fights are what ur after, then why dodging tier 1?Many times all i see is break keep walls, go inside and bully random pugs with your boon train and then say we looking for fights in tier 3 and 4.Pretty evident with the tanking cos last week your server didn't make many attempts against AR even.

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@Jayden Reese.9542 said:

@"Vephar.8475" said:Yup. I'm on SBI and being linked with EB is dragging us down. EB has zero PPTers so we're dropping to T3 most likely. I miss you, FC.

Yeah maybe stop acting like you a fight sever then and do some ppt instead of hoping the server you get linked with will. I mean if fighting Mag this week doesn't show you how far from a fight server you are the idk what will.

The problem is we just don't have the people for PPT.

I get it, we the big bad boogie mans. Indo came to town and put BG in their place, so now everyone has something to prove. However, the people that joined Indo on SBI, didn't really join to make SBI T1, or the best, or anything server pride related. They joined to play with Indo.

Indo plays on three servers. SBI, FSP, and most importantly, EB. Our link ATM is, wait for it.... EB. That means that EB is effectively a dead server right now, since their "on paper" numbers are something like 50+ higher than they actually are. We get no coverage from EB, because that coverage is just SBI players in the first place. You need to keep in mind SBI was also a dead server before Indo came here.

In order for us to PPT when the main bulk of the server isn't playing on SBI, we need something to fill the gaps. We don't have that with this link. We are generally outnumbered on EBG and the BLs outside of NA prime, where the other servers have at least something of a force. Last week was effectively TC sending a map queue to our keep, while 10 roamers held them off, from like 12am to about when Indo got back on. We have just enough people to half focus on not losing absolutely everything on one map.

Also, your comment is logically incorrect. If we are a fight server, what the kitten does that have to do with PPT? Look at T1 right now, it's HoD and TC getting farmed by BG. Does that make them fight servers now? People who get one pushed and can't keep a positive KDR? We aren't in T3 cause we lost fights, we are in T3 cause we couldn't PPT.

Listen dude Sbi was a bandwagon not a big bad boogie man. You got to stack and win for a bit no biggie happens 15 times over and over but the instant you start losing it was our links fault or this server dodging our zergs so yeah it just sounded sad. Then you were like but but our k/d so we a fight server not a ppt. You don't have to be a fight server to have a high K/d there are many ways making it absolutely no bearing on if you are good or not. Like Mag loses sometimes with a 1.6 or BG keeps there high cause night capping then good even coverage the rest of the day allowing them to defend t3 stuff and they also don't push yolo into garrys and ebg keeps putting a dent in it. Mag completely abandons their bl and farms 20 feet from smc all day again so K/D means nothing for the most part. Now you say you put BG in it's place I guess you mean BG w/o a link while you had one and were like 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 3rd in hours for the 5 timezones. Well done. No one even thinks of SBI I just don't like a 4 month bandwagon who then falls complaining over why you dropping tiers and only blames thier new link while they run around with a .8 k/d going but but ebay isn't ppt for us so now we losing.

Funny hearing BG call another server a bandwagon, that's gold.

I'm not blaming or complaining. I'm telling you how it is. Indo doesn't PPT, he wants fights. EK looks for fights. EP hardly even captures things, and mainly stays in the open fields. I don't know the inner workings of Sin, but it doesn't seem like they make much of an effort to PPT either. Dog is more of a SBI guild rather than something organized, and mainly only tags up to get roamers together. There you have it. You have basically all the guilds on SBI, and anything near organized is generally out looking exclusively for fights. EB has nothing to offer, because they are more dead than SBI was until Indo came back, and SBI was dead.

You can talk all you want, we hit keeps. Don't you remember? You guys made a post here about just how unfair it was when we took and held your EBG keep. We don't shy away from them. The commanders we have are all veteran fight commanders. I know, you're sad cause they left BG, but it doesn't change the fact that these commanders focus on fights, not PPT, for a couple hours a night.

Again, not complaining. It is how it is. No one's leaving the server, so I don't mind a bad link. Just if next time, come up with better excuses than some conspiracies about Anet employees and favoritism if we beat you again.

I'm not Bg never have been just addressing the put BG in their place. Like everything you say is complaining but you say your not complaining. You just brought up how you are outnumbered like over the past couple months the other server weren't outnumbered by you. Maybe BG can borrow all your excuses the next thread they make. Don't worry you tech can't lose in t4 so the steak will end but to help you out to beat mag stay out of ebg and take their BL esp at NA prime

Again, it's not complaining. It's what it is. Saying facts are not complaining. I'm not all that bothered by it, it's just what it is. People wanted to know why we where losing, and I said why. Complaining would be saying it negatively or wanting some change, I'm just saying what's going on. We have a couple hours during NA with coverage, we lost our PPT guilds with the link, and we are linked with ourselves, those are the facts.

Also, why dodge NA prime? That's when SBI is active.

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@Sleepwalker.1398 said:

@Rakan Buuyon.8576 said:I'm not blaming or complaining. I'm telling you how it is. Indo doesn't PPT, he wants fights. EK looks for fights. EP hardly even captures things, and mainly stays in the open fields.

If fights are what ur after, then why dodging tier 1?Many times all i see is break keep walls, go inside and bully random pugs with your boon train and then say we looking for fights in tier 3 and 4.Pretty evident with the tanking cos last week your server didn't make many attempts against AR even.

We aren't dodging anything. Also T1 isn't really a fight tier ATM. HoD gets one pushed by pugs, and BG avoids us like the plague. We wanted to stay T2, but it didn't happen just cause we don't have the PPT to stay there. We didn't want to hit 3, cause Mag is just an unorganized cloud fight with no real guilds, it's just how it went.

Yeah, if we are hitting an EBG keep, we are going to farm it first.

Then you don't pay much attention, cause we mainly went after AR last week cause TC doesn't really have anything that doesn't get one pushed. The roamer blob might have gone after TC, but that's mainly cause they would bring a map queue when we are outnumbered, and fail to take the keep over and over. All the organized guilds went for AR.

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@"Vephar.8475" said:Yup. I'm on SBI and being linked with EB is dragging us down. EB has zero PPTers so we're dropping to T3 most likely. I miss you, FC.

Uhhh no. Having a population that is actually balanced with everyone else is "dragging you down". Going from full bandwaggon server + very high link to full + medium (as it should be). Now that you don't have twice the population as most servers, it's no longer easy KDR and perma T1. It's okay, it happens. Most players here have been around long enough to see plenty of bandwaggons and it was predictable.

@Rakan Buuyon.8576 said:I get it, we the big bad boogie mans. Indo came to town and put BG in their place, so now everyone has something to prove.

Nobody hates SBI. Nobody even cares lol. Like I said people have seen this pattern so many times now. Bandwaggon happens, server and link gets super stacked (because host server is full). Relinks happen and the bandwaggon's population is finally balanced. Bandwaggon moves on to the next flavor of the month server.

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@Jayden Reese.9542 said:

@"Vephar.8475" said:Yup. I'm on SBI and being linked with EB is dragging us down. EB has zero PPTers so we're dropping to T3 most likely. I miss you, FC.

Yeah maybe stop acting like you a fight sever then and do some ppt instead of hoping the server you get linked with will. I mean if fighting Mag this week doesn't show you how far from a fight server you are the idk what will.

The problem is we just don't have the people for PPT.

I get it, we the big bad boogie mans. Indo came to town and put BG in their place, so now everyone has something to prove. However, the people that joined Indo on SBI, didn't really join to make SBI T1, or the best, or anything server pride related. They joined to play with Indo.

Indo plays on three servers. SBI, FSP, and most importantly, EB. Our link ATM is, wait for it.... EB. That means that EB is effectively a dead server right now, since their "on paper" numbers are something like 50+ higher than they actually are. We get no coverage from EB, because that coverage is just SBI players in the first place. You need to keep in mind SBI was also a dead server before Indo came here.

In order for us to PPT when the main bulk of the server isn't playing on SBI, we need something to fill the gaps. We don't have that with this link. We are generally outnumbered on EBG and the BLs outside of NA prime, where the other servers have at least something of a force. Last week was effectively TC sending a map queue to our keep, while 10 roamers held them off, from like 12am to about when Indo got back on. We have just enough people to half focus on not losing absolutely everything on one map.

Also, your comment is logically incorrect. If we are a fight server, what the kitten does that have to do with PPT? Look at T1 right now, it's HoD and TC getting farmed by BG. Does that make them fight servers now? People who get one pushed and can't keep a positive KDR? We aren't in T3 cause we lost fights, we are in T3 cause we couldn't PPT.

Listen dude Sbi was a bandwagon not a big bad boogie man. You got to stack and win for a bit no biggie happens 15 times over and over but the instant you start losing it was our links fault or this server dodging our zergs so yeah it just sounded sad. Then you were like but but our k/d so we a fight server not a ppt. You don't have to be a fight server to have a high K/d there are many ways making it absolutely no bearing on if you are good or not. Like Mag loses sometimes with a 1.6 or BG keeps there high cause night capping then good even coverage the rest of the day allowing them to defend t3 stuff and they also don't push yolo into garrys and ebg keeps putting a dent in it. Mag completely abandons their bl and farms 20 feet from smc all day again so K/D means nothing for the most part. Now you say you put BG in it's place I guess you mean BG w/o a link while you had one and were like 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 3rd in hours for the 5 timezones. Well done. No one even thinks of SBI I just don't like a 4 month bandwagon who then falls complaining over why you dropping tiers and only blames thier new link while they run around with a .8 k/d going but but ebay isn't ppt for us so now we losing.

Funny hearing BG call another server a bandwagon, that's gold.

I'm not blaming or complaining. I'm telling you how it is. Indo doesn't PPT, he wants fights. EK looks for fights. EP hardly even captures things, and mainly stays in the open fields. I don't know the inner workings of Sin, but it doesn't seem like they make much of an effort to PPT either. Dog is more of a SBI guild rather than something organized, and mainly only tags up to get roamers together. There you have it. You have basically all the guilds on SBI, and anything near organized is generally out looking exclusively for fights. EB has nothing to offer, because they are more dead than SBI was until Indo came back, and SBI was dead.

You can talk all you want, we hit keeps. Don't you remember? You guys made a post here about just how unfair it was when we took and held your EBG keep. We don't shy away from them. The commanders we have are all veteran fight commanders. I know, you're sad cause they left BG, but it doesn't change the fact that these commanders focus on fights, not PPT, for a couple hours a night.

Again, not complaining. It is how it is. No one's leaving the server, so I don't mind a bad link. Just if next time, come up with better excuses than some conspiracies about Anet employees and favoritism if we beat you again.

I'm not Bg never have been just addressing the put BG in their place. Like everything you say is complaining but you say your not complaining. You just brought up how you are outnumbered like over the past couple months the other server weren't outnumbered by you. Maybe BG can borrow all your excuses the next thread they make. Don't worry you tech can't lose in t4 so the steak will end but to help you out to beat mag stay out of ebg and take their BL esp at NA prime

Again, it's not complaining. It's what it is. Saying facts are not complaining. I'm not all that bothered by it, it's just what it is. People wanted to know why we where losing, and I said why. Complaining would be saying it negatively or wanting some change, I'm just saying what's going on. We have a couple hours during NA with coverage, we lost our PPT guilds with the link, and we are linked with ourselves, those are the facts.

Also, why dodge NA prime? That's when SBI is active.

Only cause you losing. Now you will lose to sos just because they nightcap you if you weak during the night/morning now Mag usually grabs smc and just farms the side that puts up a resistance or shows a zerg while allowing their entire BL to get capped and if you chose upgraded. You almost never earn positive points going zerg vs zerg against them. Maybe you guys can at that time but if you can't you gain way more off their BL then they can even farming ebg. Just advice as you need to adjust if winning matters so these excuses that are facts not complaining.

I keep telling you no one cares about winning. You don't think Indo knows how to lock down a T1 victory? It would require calling people to PPT all day every day, and that's not what he's about. That's why it's not done. It's why he has multiple alts. He, like the other commanders we have, want fights, if there's none on SBI, then they swap to EU or their NA2 accounts. Everyone knows we need PPT and coverage if we want to stay up in the tiers, but no one joined this server to make SBI T1. Again, it's what it is.

We go positive on Mag fights with our commanders, but that's not saying much. It's to be expected, and what should happen. Mag doesn't really have commanders, just lots of people playing on their own.

No one's looking for advice on how to T1, no one's complaining about not being T1. Again, I'm just explaining to people who accuse us of intentionally tanking, dodging, or are just pain curious to what's going on, as to what's going on.

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@SWI.4127 said:

@"Vephar.8475" said:Yup. I'm on SBI and being linked with EB is dragging us down. EB has zero PPTers so we're dropping to T3 most likely. I miss you, FC.

Uhhh no. Having a population that is actually balanced with everyone else is "dragging you down". Going from full bandwaggon server + very high link to full + medium (as it should be). Now that you don't have twice the population as most servers, it's no longer easy KDR and perma T1. It's okay, it happens. Most players here have been around long enough to see plenty of bandwaggons and it was predictable.

@Rakan Buuyon.8576 said:I get it, we the big bad boogie mans. Indo came to town and put BG in their place, so now everyone has something to prove.

Nobody hates SBI. Nobody even cares lol. Like I said people have seen this pattern so many times now. Bandwaggon happens, server and link gets super stacked (because host server is full). Relinks happen and the bandwaggon's population is finally balanced. Bandwaggon moves on to the next flavor of the month server.

It looks balanced on paper. Until you realize that EB was made a medium server from being SBIs alt server. Make a free account and put it on EB so you can see for yourself. I think you'll see things a little differently.

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