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Is PvP still fun?

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I find the current pvp fun for couple matches here and there but ultimately leads to frustration on my part. Others enjoy it especially if their mains happen to be one of the few that are broken right now. My view tho is a game should be for enjoyment not fristrating due to lack of balance and support so I moved on mostly.Try it though for yourself though as u may love it.

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Naah, go for it. :smile:

There are still outliers which are not addressed for a long time (looking at you, rev). But condi rev keeps power rev a little in check, so we got that going I guess.

There are two problematic contition builds, mostly condi rev. Thief got nerfed, will see how this play out with their braindead P/D builds. But yes, you should grab some condi cleanses.Condi necro is fine, burn guard might be problematic in lower brackets, never had serious problems with them with my troll builds.

Don't play warrior though. Mesmer is weak too, but... not sure which one is worse. Neither have anything close to meta, but... if you have fun, play them.

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@Rankomonaut.4708 said:Hey, I'm currenlty interested to check out pvp again.I stopped with PoF back then.

Seeing many posts regarding the balance leaning towards condis do shake my will to really get into it again.Should they?

try it i guess ?I personally find the meta disgusting and boring, bunch of bunker classes on top of supports that keep them alive and the only thing you can kill is a sidenoder that falls asleep during his duel or roaming thief that penta dodges for funbut if you a fan of necro or rev I bet you would have much fun I guess, those are so busted you can make any spec work

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Don't not play because of condi bunkering. It's not the actual meta. It's just most people commenting here don't know how to counter these builds. The majority of builds in gold 3 and above are power builds. The balance is overall the best it's been since pre-HoT vanilla. Personally, I'm quite sickened by the Conquest mode, but that's just burnout.

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I made it 4 matches before saying f it lol. Balance is gbage and ranking is gbage, far to dependent on good teammates. Unless u duo q or are able to reliably carry at least 3 but more often 4 players that play like bots or may actually be bots u are gonna have a bad time. Not huge deal as already dropped this pos game few months ago as a main mmo but figured f it pop in and do few matches, glad I did as it reinforced why I dropped it.

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If ur new it may not be so bad but if uve played for yrs and ur winning outnumbered fights on thief of all classes yet ur teammates cant kill anything losing to players ur wrecking with ease cuz ur teammates are new is tilting even though it's not their fault but the fact it effects ur ranking is ridiculous, just like the dev team.

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@"Fueki.4753" said:Too much CC and too little defense against it.Bunkers are everywhere!Conditions damage is still running rampant.

To me, PvP hasn't been fun since the big February "balance" patch.

hasn't been fun since HoT with the power creeps

the big coefficient balance reined in the power side, but like you said, Condi and bunkers needs to take a look.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:I made it 4 matches before saying f it lol. Balance is gbage and ranking is gbage, far to dependent on good teammates. Unless u duo q or are able to reliably carry at least 3 but more often 4 players that play like bots or may actually be bots u are gonna have a bad time. Not huge deal as already dropped this pos game few months ago as a main mmo but figured f it pop in and do few matches, glad I did as it reinforced why I dropped it.

I'm in a similar boat. Not really happy, but I'm climbing. Placements were horrific, so I've been steadily climbing into gold 3, hoping to hit plat 2 again. I'm spamming an off-meta side noder build.

My suggestion is to pick a role, work out a good build (doesn't have to be meta), and just carry in that role. By doing one thing really well, you can actually win games. Side-node, +1, or teamfight. Imo, an elite side-noder wins soloq the easiest.

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@mistsim.2748 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:I made it 4 matches before saying f it lol. Balance is gbage and ranking is gbage, far to dependent on good teammates. Unless u duo q or are able to reliably carry at least 3 but more often 4 players that play like bots or may actually be bots u are gonna have a bad time. Not huge deal as already dropped this pos game few months ago as a main mmo but figured f it pop in and do few matches, glad I did as it reinforced why I dropped it.

I'm in a similar boat. Not really happy, but I'm climbing. Placements were horrific, so I've been steadily climbing into gold 3, hoping to hit plat 2 again. I'm spamming an off-meta side noder build.

My suggestion is to pick a role, work out a good build (doesn't have to be meta), and just carry in that role. By doing one thing really well, you can actually win games. Side-node, +1, or teamfight. Imo, an elite side-noder wins soloq the easiest.

I hear yeah but rolled do thief, went close and capped then to help mid and by time get there whole teams wiped with 4 enemies on node and their thief on way only thing can do is go far for decap. Killed the thief that followed me than met with two more while low on hp cuz the don't need to be mid cuz they now know our teams skill level. So I disengage and go to plus mid to find but within a min or so now it's me vs 3 of em cuz my teammates all died and the 2 left I'm fighting soon to be 3 so disengage back to side nodes etc. I never died, never lost a 1v1 and won one 1v2 in the match and I'm no place player so its tilting finding it pretty easy to down any of them 1v1 and even sometimes not so easy 1v2 yet lose the match cuz my teammates are new and getting wrecked leaving me outnumbered everywhere I go within sec. Then at end have top offense, defense and kills but u lose tons of rank cuz ur teammates were new. Not saying its anyone's fault their new it's just how its effects ur placement. Any rant over, made it to placement match 4 and I'm good, it took any little inclination to play the season again.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Rankomonaut.4708 said:Hey, I'm currenlty interested to check out pvp again.I stopped with PoF back then.

Seeing many posts regarding the balance leaning towards condis do shake my will to really get into it again.Should they?

try it i guess ?I personally find the meta disgusting and boring, bunch of bunker classes on top of supports that keep them alive and the only thing you can kill is a sidenoder that falls asleep during his duel or roaming thief that penta dodges for funbut if you a fan of necro or rev I bet you would have much fun I guess, those are so busted you can make any spec work

Agreed.Nearly every single person is playing a bunker spec at mid to low ratings because it's easy, cannot be punished, and borderline brainless.The game is far too slow paced right now, and it gets boring fighting nothing but unkillable players all match long.

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Yes, PvP is still fun. Basically there was a huge balance patch for PvP in february that reduced damage across the board. Healing and sustain were reduced in the same way. It was very necessary at that point. Pre-patch you would burst someone down in 2 or 3 hits. Now there are a few builds that have so much sustain they overshadow the rest of them. And they aren't very fun to fight against. But by and large the game felt a lot better - before everyone and their moms gravitated towards condi rev. The next big balance patch will probably fix that. It'll be out some time this month (the usual cadence has been every 3 or 4 months for years now).

So, while the PvP's still recommendable these forums aren't. They're full of negativity and condescending comments towards the developers. The devs have been very consistent with putting out smaller balance fixes every couple of weeks. They're making true on that promise and it already is a real boon for PvP. Still, you'll see the same bunch of forum dwellers complain incessantly. As per usual. Now that we get smaller patches more consistently they cry for bigger ones because "Anet promised" (they didn't).

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Absolutly no, there are just cancer-build-abusers or extremly bad players or bots.In my opinion wvw is a hundred times more balanced, because you have possibilites to make balanced builds, which are not completly dependend on op specs.

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No, it really isn't fun any more. If you're playing holo or rev, you'll fit right in as most people are playing just that.You get a balance patch and it knocks a few other professions up or down the power spectrum; you get a balance patch to equalize that, you knock a few professions up or down the power spectrum; etc. etc. etc. Same old story for the past 7 years.

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I'm still having fun. I mainly play off meta builds and core rev. I've started prioritizing movement, stunbreaks, and cleanse more in my builds because we're in a condi-CC focused meta. One of the more fun builds I stumbled across is hybrid scourge with spectral walk, sand swell, and trail of anguish. It's got a good bit of damge and self peel while giving out plenty of barrier.

Core Rev is my go-to when I want to give a big fat middle finger to all the CC and Condi spam going around because Jallis road and Mallyx with all middle traits and rune of Res is very diffiuclt to condi burst or stunlock. It lacks in damage, and mobility is on the low end, but it's a fun build that I've been playing alongside a buddy on wells reaper. Call to Anguish into Chilled to the Bone on top of reaper wells is a nasty combo.

A few other builds I've been messing around with are Scepter FA tempest (easily tops healing and damage every match while having very good stunbreaks and cleanse),An OG Support Firebrand build, and trapper DH.

Getting together with friends, theory crafting builds and combos, testing, refining. I'm having fun atm.

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