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Condi Rev & Resistance Redesign


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Resistance : All conditions applied on you, or already applied are halved in duration.

Personally I wouldn't mind the absurd uptime on resistance on condi rev if the effects of it didn't completely negate half of the damage spectrum, including soft cc such as immob. Not to mention that in demon stance you don't even have to think, you press your heal or any utility and boom, mega resistance uptime because of demonic defiance. I'd rather see the effects of the boon itself change rather than condi rev getting nerfed into the dirt by drastically changing every trait regarding resistance. I honestly wouldn't mind fighting it if I could actually land an immob, but simply because of res they can just have sloppy mindless reaction time and rotations because they know one boon will save them.

And in A-net speak changing one boon instead of reworking several traits should be easier on you anyways. My suggested change would still make resistance a very strong skill, and something you can more widely use on all classes since the effects are not as mindlessly potent. Please consider this.


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resistance is fair considering theres things like stealth and complete dmg immunity like distortion or evade frames that can be chained or barriers. Resistance can be corrupted , removed, interupted etc. you cant remove distortion, stealth or evade frames. Condi rev needs to be in the meta so things like burn guard and condi thief, condi mes dont plague the game. Condi rev will be weaker vs power dmg after patch. If crev was weak to power and weak to condi it would be useless since its also the lowest damage condi build of all builds. A crev cant 100-0 someone like any other condi spec can.

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@"Skyronight.6370" said:resistance is fair considering theres things like stealth and complete dmg immunity like distortion or evade frames that can be chained or barriers. Resistance can be corrupted , removed, interupted etc. you cant remove distortion, stealth or evade frames. Condi rev needs to be in the meta so things like burn guard and condi thief, condi mes dont plague the game. Condi rev will be weaker vs power dmg after patch. If crev was weak to power and weak to condi it would be useless since its also the lowest damage condi build of all builds. A crev cant 100-0 someone like any other condi spec can.

you speak as if crev doesnt happen to have dodges, blocks and "invulerabilities" lolIn fact, good crev can avoid most conditions simply by dodging and blocking, resist they get is just to ensure that no matter how bad they fuck up against cbuild they still have several things to fall back on.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@"Skyronight.6370" said:resistance is fair considering theres things like stealth and complete dmg immunity like distortion or evade frames that can be chained or barriers. Resistance can be corrupted , removed, interupted etc. you cant remove distortion, stealth or evade frames. Condi rev needs to be in the meta so things like burn guard and condi thief, condi mes dont plague the game. Condi rev will be weaker vs power dmg after patch. If crev was weak to power and weak to condi it would be useless since its also the lowest damage condi build of all builds. A crev cant 100-0 someone like any other condi spec can.

you speak as if crev doesnt happen to have dodges, blocks and "invulerabilities" lolIn fact, good crev can avoid most conditions simply by dodging and blocking, resist they get is just to ensure that no matter how bad they kitten up against cbuild they still have several things to fall back on.

Any good class can dodge things. How is it exclusive to revenant ?

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@"Trigr.6481" said:Resistance : All conditions applied on you, or already applied are halved in duration.

Personally I wouldn't mind the absurd uptime on resistance on condi rev if the effects of it didn't completely negate half of the damage spectrum, including soft cc such as immob. Not to mention that in demon stance you don't even have to think, you press your heal or any utility and boom, mega resistance uptime because of demonic defiance. I'd rather see the effects of the boon itself change rather than condi rev getting nerfed into the dirt by drastically changing every trait regarding resistance. I honestly wouldn't mind fighting it if I could actually land an immob, but simply because of res they can just have sloppy mindless reaction time and rotations because they know one boon will save them.

And in A-net speak changing one boon instead of reworking several traits should be easier on you anyways. My suggested change would still make resistance a very strong skill, and something you can more widely use on all classes since the effects are not as mindlessly potent. Please consider this.


The issue is condi rev and rev in general is balanced around resistance as it's condi "removal". It doesn't really have condi cleanse, it's why power rev is awful to play right now.

However, I think one single build being unplayable is better than every match being 40% of a single build, so I'm all for gutting resistance.

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@Kulvar.1239 said:

@"Skyronight.6370" said:resistance is fair considering theres things like stealth and complete dmg immunity like distortion or evade frames that can be chained or barriers. Resistance can be corrupted , removed, interupted etc. you cant remove distortion, stealth or evade frames. Condi rev needs to be in the meta so things like burn guard and condi thief, condi mes dont plague the game. Condi rev will be weaker vs power dmg after patch. If crev was weak to power and weak to condi it would be useless since its also the lowest damage condi build of all builds. A crev cant 100-0 someone like any other condi spec can.

you speak as if crev doesnt happen to have dodges, blocks and "invulerabilities" lolIn fact, good crev can avoid most conditions simply by dodging and blocking, resist they get is just to ensure that no matter how bad they kitten up against cbuild they still have several things to fall back on.

Any good class can dodge things. How is it exclusive to revenant ?

any good class has also perma resistance to top it off, oh wait

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Somehow arenanet manage to kill every healthy condi build with pushing things like condi rev, condi thief (old one and new one idk which one is more braindead build) aswell as old mirage (1 dodge mirage should gain some love for their weapons which was nerfed in meantime). For ppl which think almost perma resistance is fine because no condi cleanse its almost same like saying its ok for mirage to have perma distortion vs power because only 1 dodge. Condi rev should stay in game but not with this resistance uptime and even nerfing it for 1 and half sec instead of 2 for malyx for each utility would help other condi builds come out because this way its like jack of all trades and facerolling proffesion.

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@CroTiger.7819 said:Somehow arenanet manage to kill every healthy condi build with pushing things like condi rev, condi thief (old one and new one idk which one is more braindead build) aswell as old mirage (1 dodge mirage should gain some love for their weapons which was nerfed in meantime). For ppl which think almost perma resistance is fine because no condi cleanse its almost same like saying its ok for mirage to have perma distortion vs power because only 1 dodge. Condi rev should stay in game but not with this resistance uptime and even nerfing it for 1 and half sec instead of 2 for malyx for each utility would help other condi builds come out because this way its like jack of all trades and facerolling proffesion.

Can you provide a build link that has perma resistance while still doing damage ?

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Majority of player forget that the more they dump at once on anything with Resistance, the more that Resistance is efficient.

Herald Condition has bad damage but again, majority forget the more they dump at once to it, the more damage it gets to transfer.

The idea that it's a faceroll build literally comes from the fact everyone else plays a faceroll build.


@Tayga.3192Core Condition Revenant can already punish Herald Condition by having more Energy to Boon Rip, that Scourge trait is only adding more to the table for people to realize that stripping it is all that takes. Mesmers could already do it.

@"Leonidrex.5649"Last in, first out. Doesn't matter if it's permanent or not. Easier to strip in that case because of the application and even then, no such thing as permanent on Herald Condition, Core Condition Mallyx can have permanent for the whole cycle of the stance but that's because the sustain is entirely different without Infuse Light, if Herald dies out and Jalis becomes the main attraction, people will whine permanent Stability, they already do to me and it's funny because I have the repeat the Last in, First out, Stability pulses and can be easily removed. Spellbreakers are one of the most disorienting classes to play against because they "spellbreak", should with enough CC they have no problem with Herald either.

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@Shao.7236 said:@Kulvar.1239

Majority of player forget that the more they dump at once on anything with Resistance, the more that Resistance is efficient.

Herald Condition has bad damage but again, majority forget the more they dump at once to it, the more damage it gets to transfer.

The idea that it's a faceroll build literally comes from the fact everyone else plays a faceroll build.


@Tayga.3192Core Condition Revenant can already punish Herald Condition by having more Energy to Boon Rip, that Scourge trait is only adding more to the table for people to realize that stripping it is all that takes. Mesmers could already do it.

@"Leonidrex.5649"Last in, first out. Doesn't matter if it's permanent or not. Easier to strip in that case because of the application and even then, no such thing as permanent on Herald Condition, Core Condition Mallyx can have permanent for the whole cycle of the stance but that's because the sustain is entirely different without Infuse Light, if Herald dies out and Jalis becomes the main attraction, people will whine permanent Stability, they already do to me and it's funny because I have the repeat the Last in, First out, Stability pulses and can be easily removed. Spellbreakers are one of the most disorienting classes to play against because they "spellbreak", should with enough CC they have no problem with Herald either.

spb removes boons with CC, cant CC if you have stab, and thus cant remove boonsI dont mean the revs have literal perma resistance, but they can cover their non doding/blocking/il times with resistance its just shitty game design and first in first out goes both ways, you can cover your resist with the pulsing stab carpet for example.I despise crev, its boring to fight, its low skilled build and its effective. And the fact they have several layers of def is just stupid.Cthief and Crev are whats wrong with the game, they are boring to fight, degenerate builds that are low skilled, that provide too much value for the effort put into playing them, AND they push other builds from viability. They bring nothing into the game. Similar how bunker scrapper used to work.

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@Kulvar.1239 said:

@"Skyronight.6370" said:resistance is fair considering theres things like stealth and complete dmg immunity like distortion or evade frames that can be chained or barriers. Resistance can be corrupted , removed, interupted etc. you cant remove distortion, stealth or evade frames. Condi rev needs to be in the meta so things like burn guard and condi thief, condi mes dont plague the game. Condi rev will be weaker vs power dmg after patch. If crev was weak to power and weak to condi it would be useless since its also the lowest damage condi build of all builds. A crev cant 100-0 someone like any other condi spec can.

you speak as if crev doesnt happen to have dodges, blocks and "invulerabilities" lolIn fact, good crev can avoid most conditions simply by dodging and blocking, resist they get is just to ensure that no matter how bad they kitten up against cbuild they still have several things to fall back on.

Any good class can dodge things. How is it exclusive to revenant ?

Revenant has far more get-out-of-jail cards than an average class. Same goes for holo. Low risk, high reward.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

Majority of player forget that the more they dump at once on anything with Resistance, the more that Resistance is efficient.

Herald Condition has bad damage but again, majority forget the more they dump at once to it, the more damage it gets to transfer.

The idea that it's a faceroll build literally comes from the fact everyone else plays a faceroll build.


@Tayga.3192Core Condition Revenant can already punish Herald Condition by having more Energy to Boon Rip, that Scourge trait is only adding more to the table for people to realize that stripping it is all that takes. Mesmers could already do it.

@Leonidrex.5649Last in, first out. Doesn't matter if it's permanent or not. Easier to strip in that case because of the application and even then, no such thing as permanent on Herald Condition, Core Condition Mallyx can have permanent for the whole cycle of the stance but that's because the sustain is entirely different without Infuse Light, if Herald dies out and Jalis becomes the main attraction, people will whine permanent Stability, they already do to me and it's funny because I have the repeat the Last in, First out, Stability pulses and can be easily removed. Spellbreakers are one of the most disorienting classes to play against because they "spellbreak", should with enough CC they have no problem with Herald either.

spb removes boons with CC, cant CC if you have stab, and thus cant remove boonsI dont mean the revs have literal perma resistance, but they can cover their non doding/blocking/il times with resistance its just kitten game design and first in first out goes both ways, you can cover your resist with the pulsing stab carpet for example.I despise crev, its boring to fight, its low skilled build and its effective. And the fact they have several layers of def is just stupid.Cthief and Crev are whats wrong with the game, they are boring to fight, degenerate builds that are low skilled, that provide too much value for the effort put into playing them, AND they push other builds from viability. They bring nothing into the game. Similar how bunker scrapper used to work.

crev doesn't run stab carpet

you're talking about 2 entirely different builds unless im missing something here

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Condi revs how can you defend obviously broken build like its fine. This game is dumped down pretty much so enjoy your no brain build aswell as no brain arguments like its not perma resistance its only 90% and if you count glint heal aswell so yes its good also vs power. But you know what its not broken and i think game should be played with condi revs vs condi thiefs and holowsmith so its rock scissor paper and why not play that instead. Please encourage those builds to stay forever same because ppl enjoy this meta pretty much and its so skillbased and your arguments are geting more and more amazing. Tell me that condi thief also can t stealth for most of the time and its not doing instant spike making 2 broken mechanics in 1 playstyle. I guess you clearly can t see anything beside metabatlle and whats worst anet can t provide any diversity to game and not just that they don t hotfix those builds like condi rev, condi thief and granade barrage holo (without real tradeoff) but right now we came to the point where ppl say its all fine and doesn t even have to change.

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@"iKagura.1903" said:

Majority of player forget that the more they dump at once on anything with Resistance, the more that Resistance is efficient.

Herald Condition has bad damage but again, majority forget the more they dump at once to it, the more damage it gets to transfer.

The idea that it's a faceroll build literally comes from the fact everyone else plays a faceroll build.


@Tayga.3192Core Condition Revenant can already punish Herald Condition by having more Energy to Boon Rip, that Scourge trait is only adding more to the table for people to realize that stripping it is all that takes. Mesmers could already do it.

@Leonidrex.5649Last in, first out. Doesn't matter if it's permanent or not. Easier to strip in that case because of the application and even then, no such thing as permanent on Herald Condition, Core Condition Mallyx can have permanent for the whole cycle of the stance but that's because the sustain is entirely different without Infuse Light, if Herald dies out and Jalis becomes the main attraction, people will whine permanent Stability, they already do to me and it's funny because I have the repeat the Last in, First out, Stability pulses and can be easily removed. Spellbreakers are one of the most disorienting classes to play against because they "spellbreak", should with enough CC they have no problem with Herald either.

spb removes boons with CC, cant CC if you have stab, and thus cant remove boonsI dont mean the revs have literal perma resistance, but they can cover their non doding/blocking/il times with resistance its just kitten game design and first in first out goes both ways, you can cover your resist with the pulsing stab carpet for example.I despise crev, its boring to fight, its low skilled build and its effective. And the fact they have several layers of def is just stupid.Cthief and Crev are whats wrong with the game, they are boring to fight, degenerate builds that are low skilled, that provide too much value for the effort put into playing them, AND they push other builds from viability. They bring nothing into the game. Similar how bunker scrapper used to work.

crev doesn't run stab carpet

you're talking about 2 entirely different builds unless im missing something here

you are right, instead they go glint and gain pulsing swiftness, might, regeneration and protection to cover the resistance, my bad

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leave the boon alonethink of warriors who use it too to outplay blind spamor anyone to deal with endless cripples chills and immobs in wvw that will cause your death faster than any other condition

i would be fine with crev if resistance didnt also heal them from traits. now that needs to be made to heal so much less or not at all

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@Leonidrex.5649 Anybody with Revocation will be able to deny a Jalis user in the middle of it's road with proper timing.

That goes for the same with Resistance if it's re-applied too much at once and those who don't apply it with Spirit Boon often will have it for 6(8 with FT)seconds if using Pain Absorption paired with Demonic Defiance at best. Talking about all the way? Then they also heal which is now 8(10 with FT)seconds, then you calculate the whole setup after 5 seconds if they have the Energy, that's another 4 seconds so technically 12(14 with FT)seconds in total while they have to wait another 5 seconds AND if enough Energy again for Pain Absorption before swapping for 4(6 with FT)seconds then can add another 2 or 3 seconds depending on the traits with Glint F2 (Unlikely because transfers) for a total of 16(21 with FT) seconds, then you have to deal with Glint because if they don't swap they have no Energy to gain Resistance from anything.

You think that's OP? Well they haven't achieved any damage, wasted a heal and are vulnerable to CC/Boon Strips all the way back to Glint to get all that resistance, the only reason why people would lose to that is because they facerolled conditions instead of ruining/waiting anything that could have turned the situation in their favor like NOT dishing everything out when the Revenant is CLEARLY on the defensive for conditions.

Me press buttons, me do damage, me gets conditions back because I give opportunity to transfer, me die, me wonders why, me says condi rev op. Rinse and repeat.

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@Shao.7236 said:@Leonidrex.5649 Anybody with Revocation will be able to deny a Jalis user in the middle of it's road with proper timing.

That goes for the same with Resistance if it's re-applied too much at once and those who don't apply it with Spirit Boon often will have it for 6(8 with FT)seconds if using Pain Absorption paired with Demonic Defiance at best. Talking about all the way? Then they also heal which is now 8(10 with FT)seconds, then you calculate the whole setup after 5 seconds if they have the Energy, that's another 4 seconds so technically 12(14 with FT)seconds in total while they have to wait another 5 seconds AND if enough Energy again for Pain Absorption before swapping for 4(6 with FT)seconds then can add another 2 or 3 seconds depending on the traits with Glint F2 (Unlikely because transfers) for a total of 16(21 with FT) seconds, then you have to deal with Glint because if they don't swap they have no Energy to gain Resistance from anything.

You think that's OP? Well they haven't achieved any damage, wasted a heal and are vulnerable to CC/Boon Strips all the way back to Glint to get all that resistance, the only reason why people would lose to that is because they facerolled conditions instead of ruining/waiting anything that could have turned the situation in their favor like NOT dishing everything out when the Revenant is CLEARLY on the defensive for conditions.

Me press buttons, me do damage, me gets conditions back because I give opportunity to transfer, me die, me wonders why, me says condi rev op. Rinse and repeat.

clearly l2p issue on my part and everyone else, better bow down before all those revs that I keep seing in my games, better gamers all of them loland expecting sigil of revocation to actually remove resist when it matter is actually delusional.What it comes down to is the fact that you have to counter their build AND outplay them to stand a chance in killing them.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Shao.7236 said:@Leonidrex.5649 Anybody with Revocation will be able to deny a Jalis user in the middle of it's road with proper timing.

That goes for the same with Resistance if it's re-applied too much at once and those who don't apply it with Spirit Boon often will have it for 6(8 with FT)seconds if using Pain Absorption paired with Demonic Defiance at best. Talking about all the way? Then they also heal which is now 8(10 with FT)seconds, then you calculate the whole setup after 5 seconds if they have the Energy, that's another 4 seconds so technically 12(14 with FT)seconds in total while they have to wait another 5 seconds AND if enough Energy again for Pain Absorption before swapping for 4(6 with FT)seconds then can add another 2 or 3 seconds depending on the traits with Glint F2 (Unlikely because transfers) for a total of 16(21 with FT) seconds, then you have to deal with Glint because if they don't swap they have no Energy to gain Resistance from anything.

You think that's OP? Well they haven't achieved any damage, wasted a heal and are vulnerable to CC/Boon Strips all the way back to Glint to get all that resistance, the only reason why people would lose to that is because they facerolled conditions instead of ruining/waiting anything that could have turned the situation in their favor like NOT dishing everything out when the Revenant is CLEARLY on the defensive for conditions.

Me press buttons, me do damage, me gets conditions back because I give opportunity to transfer, me die, me wonders why, me says condi rev op. Rinse and repeat.

clearly l2p issue on my part and everyone else, better bow down before all those revs that I keep seing in my games, better gamers all of them loland expecting sigil of revocation to actually remove resist when it matter is actually delusional.What it comes down to is the fact that you have to counter their build AND outplay them to stand a chance in killing them.

@Shao.7236 said:@Leonidrex.5649 Anybody with Revocation will be able to deny a Jalis user in the middle of it's road with proper timing.

That goes for the same with Resistance if it's re-applied too much at once and those who don't apply it with Spirit Boon often will have it for 6(8 with FT)seconds if using Pain Absorption paired with Demonic Defiance at best. Talking about all the way? Then they also heal which is now 8(10 with FT)seconds, then you calculate the whole setup after 5 seconds if they have the Energy, that's another 4 seconds so technically 12(14 with FT)seconds in total while they have to wait another 5 seconds AND if enough Energy again for Pain Absorption before swapping for 4(6 with FT)seconds then can add another 2 or 3 seconds depending on the traits with Glint F2 (Unlikely because transfers) for a total of 16(21 with FT) seconds, then you have to deal with Glint because if they don't swap they have no Energy to gain Resistance from anything.

You think that's OP? Well they haven't achieved any damage, wasted a heal and are vulnerable to CC/Boon Strips all the way back to Glint to get all that resistance, the only reason why people would lose to that is because they facerolled conditions instead of ruining/waiting anything that could have turned the situation in their favor like NOT dishing everything out when the Revenant is CLEARLY on the defensive for conditions.

Me press buttons, me do damage, me gets conditions back because I give opportunity to transfer, me die, me wonders why, me says condi rev op. Rinse and repeat.

clearly l2p issue on my part and everyone else, better bow down before all those revs that I keep seing in my games, better gamers all of them loland expecting sigil of revocation to actually remove resist when it matter is actually delusional.What it comes down to is the fact that you have to counter their build AND outplay them to stand a chance in killing them.

Don't be MAD a rev OUTSKILLED you

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@mortrialus.3062 said:

@Shao.7236 said:@Leonidrex.5649 Anybody with Revocation will be able to deny a Jalis user in the middle of it's road with proper timing.

That goes for the same with Resistance if it's re-applied too much at once and those who don't apply it with Spirit Boon often will have it for 6(8 with FT)seconds if using Pain Absorption paired with Demonic Defiance at best. Talking about all the way? Then they also heal which is now 8(10 with FT)seconds, then you calculate the whole setup after 5 seconds if they have the Energy, that's another 4 seconds so technically 12(14 with FT)seconds in total while they have to wait another 5 seconds AND if enough Energy again for Pain Absorption before swapping for 4(6 with FT)seconds then can add another 2 or 3 seconds depending on the traits with Glint F2 (Unlikely because transfers) for a total of 16(21 with FT) seconds, then you have to deal with Glint because if they don't swap they have no Energy to gain Resistance from anything.

You think that's OP? Well they haven't achieved any damage, wasted a heal and are vulnerable to CC/Boon Strips all the way back to Glint to get all that resistance, the only reason why people would lose to that is because they facerolled conditions instead of ruining/waiting anything that could have turned the situation in their favor like NOT dishing everything out when the Revenant is CLEARLY on the defensive for conditions.

Me press buttons, me do damage, me gets conditions back because I give opportunity to transfer, me die, me wonders why, me says condi rev op. Rinse and repeat.

clearly l2p issue on my part and everyone else, better bow down before all those revs that I keep seing in my games, better gamers all of them loland expecting sigil of revocation to actually remove resist when it matter is actually delusional.What it comes down to is the fact that you have to counter their build AND outplay them to stand a chance in killing them.

@Shao.7236 said:@Leonidrex.5649 Anybody with Revocation will be able to deny a Jalis user in the middle of it's road with proper timing.

That goes for the same with Resistance if it's re-applied too much at once and those who don't apply it with Spirit Boon often will have it for 6(8 with FT)seconds if using Pain Absorption paired with Demonic Defiance at best. Talking about all the way? Then they also heal which is now 8(10 with FT)seconds, then you calculate the whole setup after 5 seconds if they have the Energy, that's another 4 seconds so technically 12(14 with FT)seconds in total while they have to wait another 5 seconds AND if enough Energy again for Pain Absorption before swapping for 4(6 with FT)seconds then can add another 2 or 3 seconds depending on the traits with Glint F2 (Unlikely because transfers) for a total of 16(21 with FT) seconds, then you have to deal with Glint because if they don't swap they have no Energy to gain Resistance from anything.

You think that's OP? Well they haven't achieved any damage, wasted a heal and are vulnerable to CC/Boon Strips all the way back to Glint to get all that resistance, the only reason why people would lose to that is because they facerolled conditions instead of ruining/waiting anything that could have turned the situation in their favor like NOT dishing everything out when the Revenant is CLEARLY on the defensive for conditions.

Me press buttons, me do damage, me gets conditions back because I give opportunity to transfer, me die, me wonders why, me says condi rev op. Rinse and repeat.

clearly l2p issue on my part and everyone else, better bow down before all those revs that I keep seing in my games, better gamers all of them loland expecting sigil of revocation to actually remove resist when it matter is actually delusional.What it comes down to is the fact that you have to counter their build AND outplay them to stand a chance in killing them.

Don't be MAD a rev OUTSKILLED you

I know, I should have find a gap in their blocks/dodges to burst them down, then interrupt their IL and instantly remove resistance with my revocation.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Shao.7236 said:@Leonidrex.5649 Anybody with Revocation will be able to deny a Jalis user in the middle of it's road with proper timing.

That goes for the same with Resistance if it's re-applied too much at once and those who don't apply it with Spirit Boon often will have it for 6(8 with FT)seconds if using Pain Absorption paired with Demonic Defiance at best. Talking about all the way? Then they also heal which is now 8(10 with FT)seconds, then you calculate the whole setup after 5 seconds if they have the Energy, that's another 4 seconds so technically 12(14 with FT)seconds in total while they have to wait another 5 seconds AND if enough Energy again for Pain Absorption before swapping for 4(6 with FT)seconds then can add another 2 or 3 seconds depending on the traits with Glint F2 (Unlikely because transfers) for a total of 16(21 with FT) seconds, then you have to deal with Glint because if they don't swap they have no Energy to gain Resistance from anything.

You think that's OP? Well they haven't achieved any damage, wasted a heal and are vulnerable to CC/Boon Strips all the way back to Glint to get all that resistance, the only reason why people would lose to that is because they facerolled conditions instead of ruining/waiting anything that could have turned the situation in their favor like NOT dishing everything out when the Revenant is CLEARLY on the defensive for conditions.

Me press buttons, me do damage, me gets conditions back because I give opportunity to transfer, me die, me wonders why, me says condi rev op. Rinse and repeat.

clearly l2p issue on my part and everyone else, better bow down before all those revs that I keep seing in my games, better gamers all of them loland expecting sigil of revocation to actually remove resist when it matter is actually delusional.What it comes down to is the fact that you have to counter their build AND outplay them to stand a chance in killing them.

Are you going to say that before the feb patch we never needed to counter anything at all?

If you say so, delusional is a big word when everyone did the exact same thing with Annulment. As if it's really hard to have weapon buff that can be timed on swap to strip a boon that is re-applied constantly in a predictable manner. Because of course you would bother to know mechanics and 3 seconds is just way too spammy covering that small Resistance with buncha boons when the earlier opportunities were applied constantly up to 21 seconds of what could be an useless sponge.

Totally don't wanna wait for FT to pop or EP to be used because yes revs can absolutely be in Glint and Mallyx at the same time, infinite stunbreaks with Resistance.

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@Shao.7236 said:

Are you going to say that before the feb patch we never needed to counter anything at all?

If you say so, delusional is a big word when everyone did the exact same thing with Annulment. As if it's really hard to have weapon buff that can be timed on swap to strip a boon that is re-applied constantly in a predictable manner. Because of course you would bother to know mechanics and 3 seconds is just way too spammy covering that small Resistance with buncha boons when the earlier opportunities were applied constantly up to 21 seconds of what could be an useless sponge.

Totally don't wanna wait for FT to pop or EP to be used because yes revs can absolutely be in Glint and Mallyx at the same time, infinite stunbreaks with Resistance.

Man don t try to defend obviously broken designs. That build alone killed fun and creativity for any healthy condi build to come out without massive boon removals (not even just condi build but power too). It should still counter condi builds ( there is no gap for condis to hit almost and if you go glint you can take condis converted to heal and go back malyx) but right now its strong vs power aswell while having above avarage dmg than any other tank. Don t compare it to condi thief and granade holos because that should also be nerfed and don t call ppl delusional when you trying to defend condi rev because thats tragedy already.

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@CroTiger.7819 said:

Are you going to say that before the feb patch we never needed to counter anything at all?

If you say so, delusional is a big word when everyone did the exact same thing with Annulment. As if it's really hard to have weapon buff that can be timed on swap to strip a boon that is re-applied constantly in a predictable manner. Because of course you would bother to know mechanics and 3 seconds is just way too spammy covering that small Resistance with buncha boons when the earlier opportunities were applied constantly up to 21 seconds of what could be an useless sponge.

Totally don't wanna wait for FT to pop or EP to be used because yes revs can absolutely be in Glint and Mallyx at the same time, infinite stunbreaks with Resistance.

Man don t try to defend obviously broken designs. That build alone killed fun and creativity for any healthy condi build to come out without massive boon removals (not even just condi build but power too). It should still counter condi builds ( there is no gap for condis to hit almost and if you go glint you can take condis converted to heal and go back malyx) but right now its strong vs power aswell while having above avarage dmg than any other tank. Don t compare it to condi thief and granade holos because that should also be nerfed and don t call ppl delusional when you trying to defend condi rev because thats tragedy already.

I play power core revenant and herald condition is the least of my worries anytime there is one. They're easy to control and rely too much on whether people are reckless or not.

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