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Absurd Tank builds everywhere

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@Spellhunter.9675 said:

@Shiyo.3578 said:100% of my games are using mind games and outsmarting my opponent to win because every single person is playing a pure bunker invincible build and just afks on the node with it.

So for a win you have to use brain? wow such a bad state of the game. Would be much better when you can just randomly smash your buttons with built in evade frames, stability etc. and dish out tons of dps.And I can guarantee there is no build which can last longer then 15 second afk standing on point vs half decent dps build.

Lmao using ur brain and gw2 pvp in same sentence is so wrong in so many ways especially now. Games a trash carry spam.meta, course can understand why players of certain classes love it.

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Okay to resolve this yes I was aware about the new mechanic of scourge because in wvw voice people already got the news that Arena.NET did again pushed out an absolute broken build. First I can't know at first encounter what build the other side has second what do you do ? if I wait he/she won't raise the barrier at best I can turn this into staring contest at worst I got killed without doing anything.

About the Daredevil I don't know maybe he/she was glitching but both they got all skills on GS in the face and yes the Daredevil wasn't even evading jut standing there.

About warrior itself I play other classes to in other modes but for warrior in general I see the trade offs for the weapons a bit harsher then with the others.I played at the beginning of the year heal warrior in pvp which was absolute great the healing was always little and after nerfs barley existing so I abandon this path.

I tried full dps with condi clean and boon corruption but found out the adrenalin generation is too low when I do so . i could get more with the one trade in the spl but then you can't crit any more.

I think it is true what most say warrior isn't good atm in pvp

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@"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:Okay to resolve this yes I was aware about the new mechanic of scourge because in wvw voice people already got the news that Arena.NET did again pushed out an absolute broken build. First I can't know at first encounter what build the other side has second what do you do ? if I wait he/she won't raise the barrier at best I can turn this into staring contest at worst I got killed without doing anything.Scourge has the worst mobility in the game and baiting barrier and shade skills while dancing around him are the absolute basics to beat it.

About the Daredevil I don't know maybe he/she was glitching but both they got all skills on GS in the face and yes the Daredevil wasn't even evading jut standing there.He can evade while just standing there. Some text, that tells you whats going on, must have popped up when you hit him. He could have either used dagger storm or his block or you triggered the auto evasion acro trait.

That said: There are sometimes synchronisation issues in the game. A character is then rendered at a different position than he actually is and you can not hit him. But that's rare.

I think it is true what most say warrior isn't good atm in pvpIf your "realizing what's going on" capability is that bad, then playing warrior has nothing to do with your bad experience.

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@Spellhunter.9675 said:And I can guarantee there is no build which can last longer then 15 second afk standing on point vs half decent dps build.

Yes, they cannot stand there for 15 seconds tanking pure DPS builds. The issue is they cover the node in AOE spam so that any high DPS build that isn't pure ranged(holosmith/deadeye) gets obliterated trying to kill them.

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The real question is how they make their balance decisions.

F.ex you had toughness amulets back in the "good" days, yet it wasn't really viable on any spec.

Then all of a sudden it is too strong on a new build. Why on earth do they decide to remove the amulet (affecting all builds) rather than undo some changes/nerf the overperforming spec until it's just semi-viable again?

It's plain logic these builds are overperforming because of protection uptime, damage reductions, overall lower power damage, inherent healing availability or power creep - all able to be brought in line without touching other builds potential. Semi - viable is good, there can only be one top pick for each profession which was used in pro-play.

This backwards logic when it comes to how to balance seems incompetent at best, but it doesn't help to point fingers or finding the resons why. It's still fixable but will requre some focus and dedication.

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@Aktium.9506 said:

@KrHome.1920 said:Scourge has the worst mobility in the gameI mean you can technically slot Wurm/Walk/Swell with Speed runes for some pretty funny juking action if you just want to troll aroundYes, - technically - as that's gimmicky, easy to anticipate, has huge cooldowns and you sacrifice your whole utility bar and rune for it. Then you have to invest in swiftness, which is the final nail in the coffin of uselessness for such a build.

If this was viable, I would play it. =)

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From what I noticed, people mash a lot without thinking and it makes everything quite easy to tank even on glass setups with some defensive traits. Maybe if people were to, idk, bait an evade or wait after an evade to actually do anything, maybe they'd be better results. I haven't had much of an issue with "tank" builds lately, most have their ways around given you play something that has the tools to dismantle.

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@Shiyo.3578 said:100% of my games are using mind games and outsmarting my opponent to win because every single person is playing a pure bunker invincible build and just afks on the node with it.I don't know why builds like this, 8 years later, are still allowed, but it's actually absurd at this point. You have to be so much smarter than them to win, which is generally easy, since they're boosted +3 divisions where their actual skill is due to their brainless tank build.

I really want tank builds hard deleted from PvP and WvW.

Complains about bunker stuff while complainig about nades holo xdd

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@wevh.2903 said:

@"Shiyo.3578" said:100% of my games are using mind games and outsmarting my opponent to win because every single person is playing a pure bunker invincible build and just afks on the node with it.I don't know why builds like this, 8 years later, are still allowed, but it's actually absurd at this point. You have to be so much smarter than them to win, which is generally easy, since they're boosted +3 divisions where their actual skill is due to their brainless tank build.

I really want tank builds hard deleted from PvP and WvW.

Complains about bunker stuff while complainig about nades holo xddWell it is simple it is also kinda bunkerish speck that deals more damage then the other "roaming" specks, so if you try to play something that can move bunkers holo comes in and spams you to death.

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