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PoF location almost empty all going 2 HoT

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PoF location almost empty becose all getting fun and farm in HoT. Really HoT was in 2-3 times better then PoF. 1 unique many lvl locations that not even 1 mmorpg have. Good group conent (all challenges was for groups) Meta Events hard mobs, World Bosses. What have Pof? flat location that have all MMORPG? Bountys? Lol its simple champion train booring greendy not interesting at all. Mounts? Its not a content.

Im hope for new LS and its mast have META/ Redesinged all pof location maybe 1-2 mast have at least 1 WORLD boss. hard Mods for players who have 10 fingers. Thy.

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I feel like OP is trying to communicate with us.Just kidding, ;)

But yea, I agree to some extent, Path of Fire does seem to lack a good meta event, and the event chains we have are lacklaster in results. But that doesnt mean PoF is bad, in fact, the events seem more fleshed out and depthed.

Im am mostly disapointed with the low amount of AP we can earn this expansion

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PoF was imo a far better experience than HoT content. But only for the first time. PoF content has no replayability for me, no rewarding open world group content. I can't even count how often I visited HoT maps to do the metas there over and over and they're still not too boring.

Can't imagine me doing that with any sort of PoF content.

There are still enough groups if you use the LFG tool though.

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PoF did have meta such as the Augury Rock, Serpent's Ire, Maw TormentThe problem is, the end reward is really bad that little to no people want to do it

I agree about the meta idea on LS though, currently PoF is feel so boring for meA meta that are in par or harder than Dragon's Stand mechanic would be niceWe need something that make people want to come back to do it again and again

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If HoT is of such a superior quality, how does it come that it did not force the bank Anet uses to look for another way to store or count their money, OP?

In my opinion one of the few redeeming quality of HoT is it´s replayability, combined with some rare elements of story progress and gliding. Everything else ranges from urgh(minigames, useless space in the cellar of the first map) to meh(rushed story, bloated collections) to ok(superior gliding, foes).

The first rushers who could not wait to throw money at Anet are through with PoF of course.

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Honestly idk why people complain bout maps. We gost mounts XD. Honestly yea mobs are easier than in hot. And no metas but there's gonna be more content coming in. There's already a butt load of content from hot I still haven't finished, so unless you finished everything idk why people complain. There's still raids and fractals to finish, well for me. For all we know arenanet might add metas. As far as better? Define better? It's just different. Honestly I hate hot that you have to have few people just to finish hps. And then beg people on map chat to help. But in POF u don't have to.

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@akenoyuki.8210 said:PoF did have meta such as the Augury Rock, Serpent's Ire, Maw TormentThe problem is, the end reward is really bad that little to no people want to do it

I agree about the meta idea on LS though, currently PoF is feel so boring for meA meta that are in par or harder than Dragon's Stand mechanic would be niceWe need something that make people want to come back to do it again and again

That's stretching the concept of meta. It's nowhere on the scale of a meta battle like HoT.

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Naw not as empty as it seems just maps are so bare and wide open no tress or anything. I doubt any less in PoF than hot it's an illusion of the desert a reverse mirage to be honest. I been seeing alot of people around, maybe you have got a new shard/ map instance? Though i do admit chat seems less active compared to other areas on gw2.Does not necessarily mean that its empty though, plus its still pretty new, I'd say alot haven't bought into it yet, they want to see how the new expansion plays out let some living world content drop probably see more buy into it for that stuff aswell, give it time. I think it is finally starting to grow on me, i actually enjoyed playing it last night. When i bought it i was bit dishearted, but it's slowly growing on me.

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@Ayakaru.6583 said:Im am mostly disapointed with the low amount of AP we can earn this expansion

You mean there are still people that care how much AP something has? Since you can get more AP from a daily then a huge challenge I am not interested in how much AP I have. All I know is it is somewhere north of 10k and only get briefly reminded of the exact # when I get a new chest.

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Desserts are boring. It's why Tattooine sucks. You need vegetation to vary up the scenery and make the map feel more real.

Having nothing but sand and some rocks and aggro mobs everywhere without any purpose or reason makes a boring ugly experience. There is nothing to discover or see in PoF. You go from one open empty area with too many annoying aggro mobs to another open empty area with too many aggro mobs. The story is "please save all this sand and all these annoying pointless aggro mobs." "See, nobody cares".

If HoT's maps were just narrow corridors full of annoying aggro mobs, PoF maps are big open empty spaces full of annoying aggro mobs. In both cases there was nothing interesting to discover and both had too many annoying aggro mobs.

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Any time I call out an event (and pop a tag, location), I get people to join, in about the same numbers (and speed) as I did in HoT maps 3 weeks after its launch. Things are more spread out in PoF, so I think it's harder to come across people accidentally. Also, it seems the community hasn't quite gotten the hang of which chained events we like (and don't), so we're spread out for that, too. In HoT, those occur at set times, so it's easier for some to figure out what's going on and where. If we get used to PoF's less epic and less time-gated style, I'm sure we'll see more people at specific events.

tl;dr I'm not sure that PoF is as empty as the OP thinks.

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Interesting topic, but I find myself staying in PoF maps unless I need to go to one of the other locations for the dailies, though I suppose if I ever decide to move some of my alts beyond the Core content I'll be traversing HoT again(unless I just skip it and go straight to PoF, which I might). For everyone that says PoF isn't fun, I have news for you, fun is what you make of it, it isn't made for you and not everyone has the same idea of what fun is...for instance I enjoy killing all the mobs in PoF, which aren't as concentrated as people like to make it out to be, you can still go from one end of a map to the other without getting into combat.

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@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:Any time I call out an event (and pop a tag, location), I get people to join, in about the same numbers (and speed) as I did in HoT maps 3 weeks after its launch. Things are more spread out in PoF, so I think it's harder to come across people accidentally. Also, it seems the community hasn't quite gotten the hang of which chained events we like (and don't), so we're spread out for that, too. In HoT, those occur at set times, so it's easier for some to figure out what's going on and where. If we get used to PoF's less epic and less time-gated style, I'm sure we'll see more people at specific events.

tl;dr I'm not sure that PoF is as empty as the OP thinks.

I totally agree, also people moving round quicker aswell harder to catch people in globs because we all striding round on mounts getting the feel for stuff.I come accross people often trying to escape aggro, i hop off mount help em out then hop back on explore some more. It's new people are testing everything out finding what they want to kill and not kill chasing HPs or Mps maybe doing story. in 2 three months time i see there be people more in globs as they figure more and more out unless grouped you probably see em in globs anyways, squading grouping up farming events or what not.But indeed, no ghost town action, it's ok we still in PoF infancy aswell.

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I hate HoT maps. hard to navigate, annoying gates (like getting up into the canopy, or getting thrown out of the zone by the dragon), hard to tell where things are with so many levels -- there are some points that I've never figured out where they are and a few I've stumbled onto by accident. The only one I voluntarily return to is Bloodstone Fen, to farm rubies for the nice trinket/backpack. And technically, that's LS, not HoT per-se.

So I see quite a bit of activity with folks farming for blood rubies, and not so much elsewhere. I'll probably never return to HoT or LS3 content after farming what I want.

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@DebraKadabra.5278 said:

@Torolan.5816 said:The first rushers who could not wait to throw money at Anet are through with PoF of course.

Yep, the zerglings are the ones who are bored. I'm still chugging through and exploring.

naw i don't think thats why think its the type rushed through it like it was the end of the world. I learnt my lesson on that with HoT I got it blew through it with 4 chars (all i had at the time) 12hrs+ a day within a month i had to level more chars just to have something to do. i learnt from that casual or bust these expansions. If they took their time played little here little there they still be entertained.Maybe thats what you meant i just take zergs a different perspective maybe I think of world boss zergs when i hear zergs.

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