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The new infusion

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@JUN YANG.4328 said:i rather try my luck on crystal or chak infusion . this infusion tells me this is a pay to win game. :( good work anet.

What exactly are you winning when you'd have this infusion? What advantages is it going to have on you that others will not even climb close to, unless they also spend 600 bucks? Does it add +10 000 DPS? Am I missing something?

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@CashCow.9548 said:

@JUN YANG.4328 said:i rather try my luck on crystal or chak infusion . this infusion tells me this is a pay to win game. :( good work anet.

What exactly are you winning when you'd have this infusion? What advantages is it going to have on you that others will not even climb close to, unless they also spend 600 bucks? Does it add +10 000 DPS? Am I missing something?

The pay to win is way too overused. People forget what it really is. You are right, an infusion wins you nothing..

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Everything is always expensive when it first comes out. If you want it right now, ofc you'll have to pay up.Imo, this has prob been the single most effective thing they've done that gets gold out from the people with millions and to the average player.

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@Virdo.1540 said:Its still new. The price for mats will fall eventually.

the prices for the Crystallized blood will certainly fall once supply begins to meet the demand.however the cost/supply/demand of Ectoplasm has remained pretty stable for a while now and it's still nearly 2000g, even if the cost of the blood falls to half its current value we're still looking at a 4000g sink

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@Parasite.5389 said:

@"Virdo.1540" said:Its still new. The price for mats will fall eventually.

the prices for the Crystallized blood will certainly fall once supply begins to meet the demand.however the cost/supply/demand of Ectoplasm has remained pretty stable for a while now and it's still nearly 2000g, even if the cost of the blood falls to half its current value we're still looking at a 4000g sink

Probably the most accurate comparison would be to the Koda's Warmth Enrichment. (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Koda%27s_Warmth_Enrichment), which according to the Wiki costs 397g to complete (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Koda%27s_Blessing)

The new infusion is far more flashier to be sure, but is that their justification for the much higher cost? Sure, ANET cannot control the cost of Ecto the way they can Icy Runestones, but it doesn't take much to figure out what the average cost of an Ecto would be over time.

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