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Unranked needs hidden mmr


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PvP's population is dwindling. We need an influx of new players to help replace the players that are leaving. I don't believe that pvp's balance is beyond repair, but the game mode needs more dev support. As a player fresh to pvp, imagine loading into a game and your first impression is that you get curb stomped by Plat+ players. You queue again and now you're matched with plat+ vs a team of bronze. You win, but you don't feel like you contributed. Frustrating losses and unsatisfying wins.

Hidden mmr for unranked isn't going to solve all of pvp's problems, but it would be a step in the right direction for the game mode. Moreover, it would not take much effort to impliment in relation to the improvement it would bring.

Add hidden mmr to unranked.

...Also buff staff ele

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Like others have said, I'm pretty sure there IS a hidden MMR for unranked - however, it gives up on finding a more suitable match faster than the ranked matchmaker, and given how few people queue unranked these days (in the past cycle, we had one day that didn't have either ranked mode active. ONE DAY), the odds are against it ever finding a good match.

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@draxynnic.3719 said:Like others have said, I'm pretty sure there IS a hidden MMR for unranked - however, it gives up on finding a more suitable match faster than the ranked matchmaker, and given how few people queue unranked these days (in the past cycle, we had one day that didn't have either ranked mode active. ONE DAY), the odds are against it ever finding a good match.There is also the fact that most people just meme around unranked, doing random shit. Also the baby tantrums are more common there and that giving up mentality is even more annoying, like it doesn't matter that you are losing unranked you are there to PVP, have fun and learn something.

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@Tayga.3192 said:It already has hidden mmr, tested on 4 accounts + my main.

I don‘t know it for sure, but my experience has shown me it doesn‘t have an effective mmr. I mostly place plat. When I decide to test some new builds and enter unranked it occurred more than enough times that I got people who didn‘t even own the expansions in the same games where I played against Goku and Zan. Also you can literally feel the difference in skill when comparing what you see in plat to what you see in unranked. It‘s a whole different world. If an effective hidden mmr for unranked was a thing there would be no such felt difference in skill. A working hidden mmr would definitely decrease frustration among players, but would probably at the same time make us wait longer in q for the right match up

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That's frustrating for both sides, but that's a low population problem. Even a perfect matchmaker won't be able to solve that in a finite amount of time.Not so long ago unranked (and ranked) was proposing decent match quality (besides balance, just talking about player level) but MM cannot cope anymore.

On the "hidden" side ... i'd actually like to have it visible team-wise. Not as trashtalk material, but out of curiosity; and because I will be more encline to forgive a silver player making silver mistakes than a "potential platinum" one.

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@snoow.1694 said:

@Kondor.2904 said:Unranked uses the same system as ranked, the only difference is that unranked starts expanding the mmr search bracket after 2 mins in the q, while ranked does after 5 mins.

Is that true?


@Ben Phongluangtham.1065 said:

The unranked matchmaker is pretty much the same as the ranked matchmaker. It just has a configuration difference in that it starts widening the skill rating search after 2 minutes instead of after 5.Additionally, when the season is running, unranked population is lower, so its much more likely to have to pull from a wider range than in ranked.

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