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What Canthan themed legend would you like to see?


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Since it feel that the theme of the expansion lean toward "water" I'd say:

  • Kanaxai (he was already proficient in influencing other back in GW. Since it's related to nightmares I'd love to get some of the Nightmare tower's effects added to an e-spec.)
  • Hanasha Coralfin (The naga priest that saved her specie from shiro's death wail. That would introduce some ralying skills to the revenant... PvP players would hate it.)
  • A legendary luxon's turtle (Would make me laugh. Would make laugh even more if it gave skills similar to the norn's skills)
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@"Xca.9721" said:Please nothing with summons, I don´t want to have another Kalla fiesta

100% agree. Though, sadly, there are a lot more people who want their "true Ritualist" spec; which in their eyes is spirit spamming (probably the most boring way to play Ritualist).

@"Darnir.5038" said:Hanasha Coralfin (The naga priest that saved her specie from shiro's death wail. That would introduce some ralying skills to the revenant... PvP players would hate it.)

Had no idea this character existed, and am kinda disappointed about that; but now that I know she exists I want her as the next legend. The "Devil" on our shoulder telling us/rooting us on in killing all the humans. Though given what is on the wiki about her I feel like they'd shoe horn her into a support/healer spec while I'm pretty sure at this point most people want a true power spec. If they do it like they did with Renegade, though, and make it Power/Support with a good split between the two it'd be fine.

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@Vyriis.6258 said:

@"Xca.9721" said:Please nothing with summons, I don´t want to have another Kalla fiesta

100% agree. Though, sadly, there are a lot more people who want their "true Ritualist" spec; which in their eyes is spirit spamming (probably the most boring way to play Ritualist).

@"Darnir.5038" said:Hanasha Coralfin (The naga priest that saved her specie from shiro's death wail. That would introduce some ralying skills to the revenant... PvP players would hate it.)

Had no idea this character existed, and am kinda disappointed about that; but now that I know she exists I want her as the next legend. The "Devil" on our shoulder telling us/rooting us on in killing all the humans. Though given what is on the wiki about her I feel like they'd shoe horn her into a support/healer spec while I'm pretty sure at this point most people want a true power spec. If they do it like they did with Renegade, though, and make it Power/Support with a good split between the two it'd be fine.

Nostalgia is blinding people to the complications of Revenant's design that would make a "Ritualist" a terrible idea for them. Its not a good nostalgia either as the people pushing for it don't have an accurate look at what the ritualist was in GW1 or why it could never be properly served by a spec like revenant. I myself love the Ritualist and would love to see it return to Guild Wars 2. However, It needs to be served properly and the closest any profession gets to serving it properly is the necromancer. And even then I'm more interested in Acquiring Missing Elements of necromancer than trying to recapture a whole other class from the first game.

As it stands from my perspective, Keep Ritualist in the past with Monk, Paragon and Dervish. As much as I'd love to see Monk, Dervish and Ritualist in GW2, I wouldn't want them as Elite specializations. And I'd rather them stay dead than revived as a hollow version of their former selves like Necromancer had become.

I want to see the selfish damage spec for Revenant. We have 2 support specs with Renegade and Herald when Revenant is supposed to envoke that sort of lone warrior character and in both cases they're support. Give me the Selfish warrior of the mists who bends both good and evil to their will. I don't want yet ANOTHER support spec.

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No minions or summons or any support related spec. It needs to be a power focused individual damage spec with maybe a hybrid melee-ranged weapon that is greatsword. Legend should have a cheap 600 range teleport kinda like jaunt and some kind of upkeep skill that makes it so incoming attacks might miss. Or have an upkeep skill that makes the rev shadowstep towards targets upon using a melee attack. Also a stun break that grants evasion. Color of energy bar would be gray and f skill would change based on weapon equiped or energy remaining or something

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@"Lily.1935" said:Nostalgia is blinding people to the complications of Revenant's design that would make a "Ritualist" a terrible idea for them. Its not a good nostalgia either as the people pushing for it don't have an accurate look at what the ritualist was in GW1 or why it could never be properly served by a spec like revenant. I myself love the Ritualist and would love to see it return to Guild Wars 2. However, It needs to be served properly and the closest any profession gets to serving it properly is the necromancer. And even then I'm more interested in Acquiring Missing Elements of necromancer than trying to recapture a whole other class from the first game.

Personally, if anything, it's nostalgia that tells me that Ritualist as a Revenant elite wouldn't work. Ritualist was, possibly, the profession that allowed for the most diversity of builds before considering secondary professions of all the GW1 professions, having a wide variety of distinct skill types (some particular to the ritualist, some general) and able to slot in to a wide range of roles (healing, protection, regular damage, armour-ignoring damage, control, buffing damage of allies, condition removal). Revenant, by contrast, is probably the profession with the least ability to customise its build. While it'd be unfair to say that you can pretty much derive the rest of a revenant's build just off the legends, it's not all that far off.

Trying to squeeze ritualist into revenant is trying to squeeze all that ritualist entailed into what is effectively one skill bar. Three (fixed) utility skills, one elite, one heal, five (or less) weapon skills, and up to four skills on function keys. That's it. And, by the revenant's design, it's going to spend a lot of time swapping into a core legend, and unless that legend is Ventari (and I don't think revenant really needs another support-oriented elite, which any elite designed to work with Ventari is likely to default to becoming), it's not going to feel much like a ritualist at all after swapping.

If ritualist as an elite specialisation is really going to even be a thing, it really needs to be based on a regular profession which already has some ritualist-like features so it has that opportunity to mix and match between what's in the elite specialisation and what's in the core profession to get that feel of build versatility. Necromancer works well - honestly, there's not much mechanically in the necromancer that I couldn't see working as ritualist instead, although ritualist would likely have had different visuals. Guardian works, but I don't think it works as well since core guardian still has a melee focus (but not as much as core revenant!) and shouts weren't really a ritualist thing. Ranger, possibly with the pet replaced by some kind of spirit familiar, sits somewhere in between.

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@draxynnic.3719 said:

@"Lily.1935" said:Nostalgia is blinding people to the complications of Revenant's design that would make a "Ritualist" a terrible idea for them. Its not a good nostalgia either as the people pushing for it don't have an accurate look at what the ritualist was in GW1 or why it could never be properly served by a spec like revenant. I myself love the Ritualist and would love to see it return to Guild Wars 2. However, It needs to be served properly and the closest any profession gets to serving it properly is the necromancer. And even then I'm more interested in Acquiring Missing Elements of necromancer than trying to recapture a whole other class from the first game.

Personally, if anything, it's nostalgia that tells me that Ritualist as a Revenant elite
work. Ritualist was, possibly, the profession that allowed for the most diversity of builds before considering secondary professions of all the GW1 professions, having a wide variety of distinct skill types (some particular to the ritualist, some general) and able to slot in to a wide range of roles (healing, protection, regular damage, armour-ignoring damage, control, buffing damage of allies, condition removal). Revenant, by contrast, is probably the profession with the
ability to customise its build. While it'd be unfair to say that you can pretty much derive the rest of a revenant's build just off the legends, it's not all that far off.

Trying to squeeze ritualist into revenant is trying to squeeze all that ritualist entailed into what is effectively one skill bar. Three (fixed) utility skills, one elite, one heal, five (or less) weapon skills, and up to four skills on function keys. That's it. And, by the revenant's design, it's going to spend a lot of time swapping into a core legend, and unless that legend is Ventari (and I don't think revenant really needs another support-oriented elite, which any elite designed to work with Ventari is likely to default to becoming), it's not going to feel much like a ritualist at all after swapping.

If ritualist as an elite specialisation is really going to even be a thing, it really needs to be based on a regular profession which already has some ritualist-like features so it has that opportunity to mix and match between what's in the elite specialisation and what's in the core profession to get that feel of build versatility. Necromancer works well - honestly, there's not much mechanically in the necromancer that I couldn't see working as ritualist instead, although ritualist would likely have had different visuals. Guardian works, but I don't think it works as well since core guardian still has a melee focus (
but not as much as core revenant!
) and shouts weren't really a ritualist thing. Ranger, possibly with the pet replaced by some kind of spirit familiar, sits somewhere in between.

Visually they're not too different from Necromancer. Both are calling the dead and it would likely be a mild color swap for necromancer like they did with scourge. So turquoise skills instead of green. Which is already in their color palette. The idea if the visual design of Dead lights for Ritualist could work but it's not quite on necro now.

Either way. I'm still of the opinion that Rev needs selfish spec with a Villain and necromancer needs to fill in the missing gaps of it's own past such as the blood mage or the minion master spec before further going off into specs that don't relate to them. Since reaper has a lot of Dervish elements and Scourge has a lot of ritualist elements.

I'm considering making a fan design for a Revenant elite spec. Like maybe Svanir. But its hard to say. I want a powerful and selfish damage type spec. So we'll see if I can get around to it.

Rev can embody any class they want given their lore. And I somewhat feel that should be either embraced or ignored in favor of playing with boss monster type skills almost along the lines of a sort of blue mage.

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@Lily.1935 said:

@Lily.1935 said:Nostalgia is blinding people to the complications of Revenant's design that would make a "Ritualist" a terrible idea for them. Its not a good nostalgia either as the people pushing for it don't have an accurate look at what the ritualist was in GW1 or why it could never be properly served by a spec like revenant. I myself love the Ritualist and would love to see it return to Guild Wars 2. However, It needs to be served properly and the closest any profession gets to serving it properly is the necromancer. And even then I'm more interested in Acquiring Missing Elements of necromancer than trying to recapture a whole other class from the first game.

Personally, if anything, it's nostalgia that tells me that Ritualist as a Revenant elite
work. Ritualist was, possibly, the profession that allowed for the most diversity of builds before considering secondary professions of all the GW1 professions, having a wide variety of distinct skill types (some particular to the ritualist, some general) and able to slot in to a wide range of roles (healing, protection, regular damage, armour-ignoring damage, control, buffing damage of allies, condition removal). Revenant, by contrast, is probably the profession with the
ability to customise its build. While it'd be unfair to say that you can pretty much derive the rest of a revenant's build just off the legends, it's not all that far off.

Trying to squeeze ritualist into revenant is trying to squeeze all that ritualist entailed into what is effectively one skill bar. Three (fixed) utility skills, one elite, one heal, five (or less) weapon skills, and up to four skills on function keys. That's it. And, by the revenant's design, it's going to spend a lot of time swapping into a core legend, and unless that legend is Ventari (and I don't think revenant really needs another support-oriented elite, which any elite designed to work with Ventari is likely to default to becoming), it's not going to feel much like a ritualist at all after swapping.

If ritualist as an elite specialisation is really going to even be a thing, it really needs to be based on a regular profession which already has some ritualist-like features so it has that opportunity to mix and match between what's in the elite specialisation and what's in the core profession to get that feel of build versatility. Necromancer works well - honestly, there's not much mechanically in the necromancer that I couldn't see working as ritualist instead, although ritualist would likely have had different visuals. Guardian works, but I don't think it works as well since core guardian still has a melee focus (
but not as much as core revenant!
) and shouts weren't really a ritualist thing. Ranger, possibly with the pet replaced by some kind of spirit familiar, sits somewhere in between.

Visually they're not too different from Necromancer. Both are calling the dead and it would likely be a mild color swap for necromancer like they did with scourge. So turquoise skills instead of green. Which is already in their color palette. The idea if the visual design of Dead lights for Ritualist could work but it's not quite on necro now.

Either way. I'm still of the opinion that Rev needs selfish spec with a Villain and necromancer needs to fill in the missing gaps of it's own past such as the blood mage or the minion master spec before further going off into specs that don't relate to them. Since reaper has a lot of Dervish elements and Scourge has a lot of ritualist elements.

I'm considering making a fan design for a Revenant elite spec. Like maybe Svanir. But its hard to say. I want a powerful and selfish damage type spec. So we'll see if I can get around to it.

Rev can embody any class they want given their lore. And I somewhat feel that should be either embraced or ignored in favor of playing with boss monster type skills almost along the lines of a sort of blue mage.

Actually spellbreaker uses alot of dervish abillities and is closer to using flash enchantments

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@Laila Lightness.8742 said:

@Lily.1935 said:Nostalgia is blinding people to the complications of Revenant's design that would make a "Ritualist" a terrible idea for them. Its not a good nostalgia either as the people pushing for it don't have an accurate look at what the ritualist was in GW1 or why it could never be properly served by a spec like revenant. I myself love the Ritualist and would love to see it return to Guild Wars 2. However, It needs to be served properly and the closest any profession gets to serving it properly is the necromancer. And even then I'm more interested in Acquiring Missing Elements of necromancer than trying to recapture a whole other class from the first game.

Personally, if anything, it's nostalgia that tells me that Ritualist as a Revenant elite
work. Ritualist was, possibly, the profession that allowed for the most diversity of builds before considering secondary professions of all the GW1 professions, having a wide variety of distinct skill types (some particular to the ritualist, some general) and able to slot in to a wide range of roles (healing, protection, regular damage, armour-ignoring damage, control, buffing damage of allies, condition removal). Revenant, by contrast, is probably the profession with the
ability to customise its build. While it'd be unfair to say that you can pretty much derive the rest of a revenant's build just off the legends, it's not all that far off.

Trying to squeeze ritualist into revenant is trying to squeeze all that ritualist entailed into what is effectively one skill bar. Three (fixed) utility skills, one elite, one heal, five (or less) weapon skills, and up to four skills on function keys. That's it. And, by the revenant's design, it's going to spend a lot of time swapping into a core legend, and unless that legend is Ventari (and I don't think revenant really needs another support-oriented elite, which any elite designed to work with Ventari is likely to default to becoming), it's not going to feel much like a ritualist at all after swapping.

If ritualist as an elite specialisation is really going to even be a thing, it really needs to be based on a regular profession which already has some ritualist-like features so it has that opportunity to mix and match between what's in the elite specialisation and what's in the core profession to get that feel of build versatility. Necromancer works well - honestly, there's not much mechanically in the necromancer that I couldn't see working as ritualist instead, although ritualist would likely have had different visuals. Guardian works, but I don't think it works as well since core guardian still has a melee focus (
but not as much as core revenant!
) and shouts weren't really a ritualist thing. Ranger, possibly with the pet replaced by some kind of spirit familiar, sits somewhere in between.

Visually they're not too different from Necromancer. Both are calling the dead and it would likely be a mild color swap for necromancer like they did with scourge. So turquoise skills instead of green. Which is already in their color palette. The idea if the visual design of Dead lights for Ritualist could work but it's not quite on necro now.

Either way. I'm still of the opinion that Rev needs selfish spec with a Villain and necromancer needs to fill in the missing gaps of it's own past such as the blood mage or the minion master spec before further going off into specs that don't relate to them. Since reaper has a lot of Dervish elements and Scourge has a lot of ritualist elements.

I'm considering making a fan design for a Revenant elite spec. Like maybe Svanir. But its hard to say. I want a powerful and selfish damage type spec. So we'll see if I can get around to it.

Rev can embody any class they want given their lore. And I somewhat feel that should be either embraced or ignored in favor of playing with boss monster type skills almost along the lines of a sort of blue mage.

Actually spellbreaker uses alot of dervish abillities and is closer to using flash enchantments

Haven't played much Spellbreaker. I was more thinking of feel. But could be. Warrior is my weakest point in knowledge about the professions.

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Cantha wise, Vizu and daggers. Name it Legendary Assassin Stance II.

Realistically this class needs greatsword. One of the norn heroes of Jora or Asgeir Dragonrender would be nice, I know they used sword/shield but Kalla used a greatsword. If they suddenly become intent on properly honoring the weapon the character actually used, just use Balthazar, it would make the most sense considering recent events.

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@"meri.9187" said:Realistically this class needs greatsword.

Really getting tired of seeing people say "Revenant needs Greatsword". Revenant shouldn't be forced into another "Big weapon heavy hitter" role; they should remain as a heavy yet swift combatant. Nothing we currently have for weapons, aside from our slow ranged hammer, plays into the role of a lumbering heavy class and I, personally, would prefer to keep it that way.

One of the norn heroes of Jora or Asgeir Dragonrender would be nice, I know they used sword/shield but Kalla used a greatsword.

It's never actually stated what Kalla used in life. She's depicted with a Greatsword in her statue, but that doesn't mean that was her weapon of choice. The Shortbow could have also been a callback to her Grandsir, Pyre Fierceshot, who was a Ranger in GW1. It's also noted in one of her voice lines that she's not against using other weapons (When acquiring Scrochrazors Fist - Kalla: "A mace? For me? I can get behind that. Blunt. Solid. Hits you in the face.").

If they suddenly become intent on properly honoring the weapon the character actually used, just use Balthazar, it would make the most sense considering recent events.

Also getting tired of people suggesting Balthazar. As cool as it would be to use a greatsword like Balth does, we can't use him as a legend for the same reasons we can't use Joko, Eir, Trahearne, Vlast, or any of the other characters who have died in "recent events"; they have died in recent events. If a new player were to stumble across someone using "Legendary Marshal stance" or "Legendary Hunter Stance" and notice they were Trahaerne or Eir it would tell them that those two characters are dead before their story gets to that point (talk about spoilers).

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@"Lily.1935" said:Nostalgia is blinding people to the complications of Revenant's design that would make a "Ritualist" a terrible idea for them. Its not a good nostalgia either as the people pushing for it don't have an accurate look at what the ritualist was in GW1 or why it could never be properly served by a spec like revenant. I myself love the Ritualist and would love to see it return to Guild Wars 2. However, It needs to be served properly and the closest any profession gets to serving it properly is the necromancer. And even then I'm more interested in Acquiring Missing Elements of necromancer than trying to recapture a whole other class from the first game.

The Ritualist, as a concept, is captured in Revenant as is. We are a class that channels the energies of beings of the past to aid us; We wield the mists, not magic. That was the concept of Ritualist in GW1. Where they differ, in play style, is Ritualist is a mid range support while Rev is front line support-bruiser, in which case I have to agree that Ritualist as a spec would be a waste on Rev.

I have to disagree, though, that Necromancer could better serve the idea of Ritualist over Revenant. If we are looking strictly at game play the only part about Necro that would be better for Rit than Rev is Spirit summoning; but looking at that Anet gave the "spirit summoning" aspect of Rit to Engineer via turrets. So for unique mechanics that leaves item spells (ashes) and weapon spells. Weapon spells functioned as single target versions of Venoms (thieves), but this mechanic could still come to Rev as us channeling the mists into our allies weapons to aid us in battle (the skills would function the same as Venoms).

I had a suggestion for Weapon Spells back when Rev first came out before we had two weapon sets; It was to have our weapon swap (or maybe f2) swap our weapon to a fragment of our currently equipped legend (A piece of jade from Shiro's Jade statue, Mallyx's tusk or claw, Ventari's Horn, and Jalis hammer [these were all to be opposite range of the weapons we got for each of them {Like Melee hammer for Jalis to support our hammer that was bad in close range. Or mid range casting for Malyx and Shiro to support their aggressive close range weapons}]). This concept could still work for a Ritualist spec for Revenant, but wouldn't work for Necromancer as they wouldn't really have a reference point to channel from.

So to slap Ritualist spec on Necromancer we're really only looking at "Channeling the mists to summon more allies", which Anet has been trying to keep away from AI skills. The weapon spell venom idea could work for them, but I feel like they could be more effective on Rev, especially with one being a pulsing upkeep. To push these into the "selfish dps" spec we could get a trait that works in the reverse of Soulbeasts stance share (Increase the effectiveness on ourselves, but no longer spreads to allies).

As it stands from my perspective, Keep Ritualist in the past with Monk, Paragon and Dervish. As much as I'd love to see Monk, Dervish and Ritualist in GW2, I wouldn't want them as Elite specializations. And I'd rather them stay dead than revived as a hollow version of their former selves like Necromancer had become.

Ritualist, Dervish, Monk, and Paragon, game play wise, have been spread across multiple classes in GW2. Anet stated this back during release. I wouldn't mind seeing a Spear chucking spec come back, but that's about all the old Paragon class can give us at this point. I'd like to see a True Scythe weapon come to the game, but we've already got Scythe styled staves with two specs that offer a melee staff variant, so don't see that happening. Dervish are also Holy warriors devoted to the Human gods (which doesn't translate into GW2 where we have multiple races who don't all believe in the human gods [This aspect is mostly taken by Rev at this point anyways channeling Legends through ourselves as Dervish did with the gods]). Monk translated into guardians and Rit mostly translated into Engi and Rev. I would like to see new ideas coming out at this point, though, instead of bringing old idea back. It's been 250 years and a lot has happened in Cantha; a lot of room for things to have developed in interesting ways.

I want to see the selfish damage spec for Revenant. We have 2 support specs with Renegade and Herald when Revenant is supposed to envoke that sort of lone warrior character and in both cases they're support. Give me the Selfish warrior of the mists who bends both good and evil to their will. I don't want yet ANOTHER support spec.

Love the description of: "Channel legendary powers to slaughter foes and unleash chaos on the battlefield." Yet both of our elite specs so far have been about supporting and uniting. I want to be that chaotic warrior that is feared when it's seen on the battle field. Herald is pure support and Kalla is mostly support (even if she does allow for one of the highest condi benchmarks in game). This is one of the reasons I'd like to see someone like Xun Rao as the next legend (even though he's a human). We know little about him except Anet described him as "the biggest threat to Cantha" and he was one of the leading figures in turning the human populace of Cantha against all non-humans. There is a lot of room there to turn him into a powerful legend with a unique play style. Or even go for some unnamed to this point legend that had been terrorizing Cantha within the past 250 years. So much they can do to be interesting and fresh yet everyone wants what we've already had.

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@Vyriis.6258 said:

@"meri.9187" said:Realistically this class needs greatsword.

Really getting tired of seeing people say "Revenant needs Greatsword". Revenant shouldn't be forced into another "Big weapon heavy hitter" role; they should remain as a heavy yet swift combatant. Nothing we currently have for weapons, aside from our slow ranged hammer, plays into the role of a lumbering heavy class and I, personally, would prefer to keep it that way.

Idk dude, dual sword feels pretty slow to me with shackling wave being the main offender here. Mace is also slow af boi with 0.75 cast times

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@Vyriis.6258 said:

@"meri.9187" said:Realistically this class needs greatsword.

Really getting tired of seeing people say "Revenant needs Greatsword". Revenant shouldn't be forced into another "Big weapon heavy hitter" role; they should remain as a heavy yet swift combatant. Nothing we currently have for weapons, aside from our slow ranged hammer, plays into the role of a lumbering heavy class and I, personally, would prefer to keep it that way.

One of the norn heroes of Jora or Asgeir Dragonrender would be nice, I know they used sword/shield but Kalla used a greatsword.

It's never actually stated what Kalla used in life. She's depicted with a Greatsword in her statue, but that doesn't mean that was her weapon of choice. The Shortbow could have also been a callback to her Grandsir, Pyre Fierceshot, who was a Ranger in GW1. It's also noted in one of her voice lines that she's not against using other weapons (When acquiring Scrochrazors Fist - Kalla: "A mace? For me? I can get behind that. Blunt. Solid. Hits you in the face.").

If they suddenly become intent on properly honoring the weapon the character actually used, just use Balthazar, it would make the most sense considering recent events.

Also getting tired of people suggesting Balthazar. As cool as it would be to use a greatsword like Balth does, we can't use him as a legend for the same reasons we can't use Joko, Eir, Trahearne, Vlast, or any of the other characters who have died in "recent events"; they have died in recent events. If a new player were to stumble across someone using "Legendary Marshal stance" or "Legendary Hunter Stance" and notice they were Trahaerne or Eir it would tell them that those two characters are dead before their story gets to that point (talk about spoilers).

Nah man rev needs greatsword, it's a heavy class. And no, I don't want Balthazar either. If you want to argue with me and say you're really tired of the opinions I have, that's your own prerogative, I'm a herald main who would be just fine playing it until the game dies.

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@Vyriis.6258 said:I'd like to see a True Scythe weapon come to the game, but we've already got Scythe styled staves with two specs that offer a melee staff variant, so don't see that happening.Don't forget that Reaper's Scythe in Shroud is classified as a hammer, so we have two weapon categories that can be used for Scythes.

Dervish are also Holy warriors devoted to the Human gods (which doesn't translate into GW2 where we have multiple races who don't all believe in the human gods [This aspect is mostly taken by Rev at this point anyways channeling Legends through ourselves as Dervish did with the gods]).Dervish can easily translated into the game by the simple removal the gods aspect and focus and magic and Scythes.There are many non-human enemies in GW1 that are Dervishs.After all, Dervish was more than the Avatar gimmick.

Don't forget that all magic humans use in GW1 technically are prayers to their respective gods.Yet other races, not praying to said gods, are using the very same magic.

Dervishs use Wind and Earth prayers, which could be translated into Air and Earth magic for Elementalist.Since Elementalists already use staves, they could just get hammer and their spec skin just is a scythe.

@meri.9187 said:Nah man rev needs greatsword, it's a heavy class.It's a heavy armour class that's unique in not using the Greatchunk of unwieldiness.That's an upside to the profession.

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@"Vyriis.6258" said:

The Ritualist, as a concept, is captured in Revenant as is. We are a class that channels the energies of beings of the past to aid us; We wield the mists, not magic. That was the concept of Ritualist in GW1. Where they differ, in play style, is Ritualist is a mid range support while Rev is front line support-bruiser, in which case I have to agree that Ritualist as a spec would be a waste on Rev.

A misconception, but the revenant does use magic. Rytlock says as much that he's "Getting used to this new magic". Its Mist magic specifically, but its still very much magic. Revenant is also not calling "heroes of the past" but Any legendary spirit existing in the mists, regardless of if they're dead or currently alive. As long as they're in the mists they're accessible to the revenant's magic. In the Story the Rev Channels on Palawa Joko, who had not yet been defeated. Joko who was not dead.

I have to disagree, though, that Necromancer could better serve the idea of Ritualist over Revenant. If we are looking strictly at game play the only part about Necro that would be better for Rit than Rev is Spirit summoning; but looking at that Anet gave the "spirit summoning" aspect of Rit to Engineer via turrets. So for unique mechanics that leaves item spells (ashes) and weapon spells. Weapon spells functioned as single target versions of Venoms (thieves), but this mechanic could still come to Rev as us channeling the mists into our allies weapons to aid us in battle (the skills would function the same as Venoms).

Spirit summoning and shroud which shroud functions as Urns would function just as well as a shroud. Or a Shroud being captured into an Urn to channel otherworldy magics. The necromancer too uses Magic from the mists. And we can prove this in game. Mechanically it has fewer complications. Revenant's Legend swapping causes some issues. That isn't to say they couldn't be specific and summon specific legends to acquire ritualist abilities. This is true, but that's true with any class for them. They have Assassin like play style with Shiro, which is neat.

Weapon spells are like conjure weapons in GW2, at least that's the flavor and it sorta doesn't work to put on an elite spec for either. But the core of what's important fits within necromancer. Not so much rev.

So to slap Ritualist spec on Necromancer we're really only looking at "Channeling the mists to summon more allies", which Anet has been trying to keep away from AI skills. The weapon spell venom idea could work for them, but I feel like they could be more effective on Rev, especially with one being a pulsing upkeep. To push these into the "selfish dps" spec we could get a trait that works in the reverse of Soulbeasts stance share (Increase the effectiveness on ourselves, but no longer spreads to allies).

Necromancer is the summoner of GW2. They don't just summon Minions but Shades. They have some Ritualist gameplay with the Scourge, and it fills much of the same role and does feel like a logical evolution of that Shamanistic totem gameplay that Ritualist was known for. I dislike the idea of moving away from AI completely and I don't think its all that true either. Soulbeast is just a highly sought after elite spec that ranger players were requesting for years. Players wanted to play without their pet and this was the closest they could get.

Ritualist, Dervish, Monk, and Paragon, game play wise, have been spread across multiple classes in GW2. Anet stated this back during release. I wouldn't mind seeing a Spear chucking spec come back, but that's about all the old Paragon class can give us at this point. I'd like to see a True Scythe weapon come to the game, but we've already got Scythe styled staves with two specs that offer a melee staff variant, so don't see that happening. Dervish are also Holy warriors devoted to the Human gods (which doesn't translate into GW2 where we have multiple races who don't all believe in the human gods [This aspect is mostly taken by Rev at this point anyways channeling Legends through ourselves as Dervish did with the gods]). Monk translated into guardians and Rit mostly translated into Engi and Rev. I would like to see new ideas coming out at this point, though, instead of bringing old idea back. It's been 250 years and a lot has happened in Cantha; a lot of room for things to have developed in interesting ways.

Ritualists are necromancers. By definition, what they do is necromancy. This isn't a "Disagree" thing its just factual. You might want to distinquish it from necromancy, but it is necromancy. They're calling spirits of the dead, using bones, skins and teeth as catalysts to connect to the after life. As the necromancer is doing now. The difference in their magic was what materials they used in GW1. In GW2, necromancer has adopted those materials into their own Rituals. Both are heavily connected to the mists as is Revenant. I Don't know if what Revenant is doing is necromancy, it could very well be but it seems Revenant is capturing memories captured in time in the Mists. Much like how the Fractals work. They summon a version of Glint, a version of Shiro, a version of Kala. But their strange spacetime bending abilities are far beyond what Ritualist and necromancer does by just communing with the dead or punching holes to the after life.

Love the description of: "Channel legendary powers to slaughter foes and unleash chaos on the battlefield." Yet both of our elite specs so far have been about supporting and uniting. I want to be that chaotic warrior that is feared when it's seen on the battle field. Herald is pure support and Kalla is mostly support (even if she does allow for one of the highest condi benchmarks in game). This is one of the reasons I'd like to see someone like Xun Rao as the next legend (even though he's a human). We know little about him except Anet described him as "the biggest threat to Cantha" and he was one of the leading figures in turning the human populace of Cantha against all non-humans. There is a lot of room there to turn him into a powerful legend with a unique play style. Or even go for some unnamed to this point legend that had been terrorizing Cantha within the past 250 years. So much they can do to be interesting and fresh yet everyone wants what we've already had.

He could be interesting. Emperor Usoku was one I was interested in. Getting access to the Dragon Empire's unique blood abilities could be cool as well.

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@Lily.1935 said:

@"Vyriis.6258" said:

The Ritualist, as a concept, is captured in Revenant as is. We are a class that channels the energies of beings of the past to aid us; We wield the mists, not magic. That was the concept of Ritualist in GW1. Where they differ, in play style, is Ritualist is a mid range support while Rev is front line support-bruiser, in which case I have to agree that Ritualist as a spec would be a waste on Rev.

A misconception, but the revenant does use magic. Rytlock says as much that he's "Getting used to this new magic". Its Mist magic specifically, but its still very much magic.

Should have been more clear with that: Not "just magic". As even without "magic" we can still utilize the mists (as Ritualists did before gifted magic by the gods). And in all fairness anything that isn't "cast fist" is magic to Rytlock.

Revenant is also not calling "heroes of the past" but Any legendary spirit existing in the mists, regardless of if they're dead or currently alive. As long as they're in the mists they're accessible to the revenant's magic. In the Story the Rev Channels on Palawa Joko, who had not yet been defeated. Joko who was not dead.

I didn't say "Heroes of the past", I specifically said "Beings". "...but any legendary 'spirit' existing in the mists..." Right, "spirit" being the operative word there. We do channel Joko, but only for a moment as we can't bind his energy to us for too long as he's still living.

I have to disagree, though, that Necromancer could better serve the idea of Ritualist over Revenant. If we are looking strictly at game play the only part about Necro that would be better for Rit than Rev is Spirit summoning; but looking at that Anet gave the "spirit summoning" aspect of Rit to Engineer via turrets. So for unique mechanics that leaves item spells (ashes) and weapon spells. Weapon spells functioned as single target versions of Venoms (thieves), but this mechanic could still come to Rev as us channeling the mists into our allies weapons to aid us in battle (the skills would function the same as Venoms).

Spirit summoning and shroud which shroud functions as Urns would function just as well as a shroud. Or a Shroud being captured into an Urn to channel otherworldy magics. The necromancer too uses Magic from the mists. And we can prove this in game. Mechanically it has fewer complications. Revenant's Legend swapping causes some issues. That isn't to say they couldn't be specific and summon specific legends to acquire ritualist abilities. This is true, but that's true with any class for them. They have Assassin like play style with Shiro, which is neat.

You're right; Shroud "could" act like an urn and then summon spirits, but why would you want it to? Shroud can go in so many different and unique ways; why would you want to simply turn it into an urn or as a proxy to summon more spirits? This would also make it feel like Desert Shroud again as it would most likely not put you into an actual shroud and you'd be throwing out stationary allies. And no, the Necromancer does not use magic from the mists, they can use spirits but not from the mists itself. Spirits, and traces there of, remain on the physical plain and can be tapped into via death magic. The only time we see Necromancers tapping into the mists is through actual rituals.

Weapon spells are like conjure weapons in GW2, at least that's the flavor and it sorta doesn't work to put on an elite spec for either. But the core of what's important fits within necromancer. Not so much rev.

Actually if we're going with more of a Conjure weapon idea over a Venom like idea I think they would fit fine with either. They could work as the f ability for Rev. f2: Splinter Weapon. f3: Wailing Weapon. f4: Nightmare Weapon. Each one could summon a ghostly weapon in hand that has limited uses and can be traited (Weapons of the Three Forges) to drop copies on the ground for allies or yourself to pick up. Or just throw them on Necro as simple conjure utilities with similar appearance to their GW1 counterparts.

So to slap Ritualist spec on Necromancer we're really only looking at "Channeling the mists to summon more allies", which Anet has been trying to keep away from AI skills. The weapon spell venom idea could work for them, but I feel like they could be more effective on Rev, especially with one being a pulsing upkeep. To push these into the "selfish dps" spec we could get a trait that works in the reverse of Soulbeasts stance share (Increase the effectiveness on ourselves, but no longer spreads to allies).

Necromancer is the summoner of GW2. They don't just summon Minions but Shades. They have some Ritualist gameplay with the Scourge, and it fills much of the same role and does feel like a logical evolution of that Shamanistic totem gameplay that Ritualist was known for. I dislike the idea of moving away from AI completely and I don't think its all that true either. Soulbeast is just a highly sought after elite spec that ranger players were requesting for years. Players wanted to play without their pet and this was the closest they could get.

You're right; Necromancer currently fills in some of the missing Ritualist Gameplay, which is why we don't really need it. Not sure why you're bringing up this point when we're both in agreement that that aspect of Rit doesn't need to come to GW2 as it's already here. The totem style of gameplay is met in several areas; it's the other functions of Ritualist that I want, item and weapon spells, that I believe could work on either Rev or Necro, but not Necro more so than Rev; could go either way.

Soulbeast wasn't the first step in moving away from AI. Ranger spirits used to move with the player, was removed. Guardian weapons used to move with the player and attack on their own, was removed. They have stated they don't want too many AI related skills in the game.

Ritualist, Dervish, Monk, and Paragon, game play wise, have been spread across multiple classes in GW2. Anet stated this back during release. I wouldn't mind seeing a Spear chucking spec come back, but that's about all the old Paragon class can give us at this point. I'd like to see a True Scythe weapon come to the game, but we've already got Scythe styled staves with two specs that offer a melee staff variant, so don't see that happening. Dervish are also Holy warriors devoted to the Human gods (which doesn't translate into GW2 where we have multiple races who don't all believe in the human gods [This aspect is mostly taken by Rev at this point anyways channeling Legends through ourselves as Dervish did with the gods]). Monk translated into guardians and Rit mostly translated into Engi and Rev. I would like to see new ideas coming out at this point, though, instead of bringing old idea back. It's been 250 years and a lot has happened in Cantha; a lot of room for things to have developed in interesting ways.

Ritualists are necromancers. By definition, what they do is necromancy. This isn't a "Disagree" thing its just factual. You might want to distinquish it from necromancy, but it is necromancy. They're calling spirits of the dead, using bones, skins and teeth as catalysts to connect to the after life. As the necromancer is doing now. The difference in their magic was what materials they used in GW1. In GW2, necromancer has adopted those materials into their own Rituals. Both are heavily connected to the mists as is Revenant. I Don't know if what Revenant is doing is necromancy, it could very well be but it seems Revenant is capturing memories captured in time in the Mists. Much like how the Fractals work. They summon a version of Glint, a version of Shiro, a version of Kala. But their strange spacetime bending abilities are far beyond what Ritualist and necromancer does by just communing with the dead or punching holes to the after life.

Not sure why you brought this point up here, but I don't refute it. Necromancy and Ritualism are closely connected, though not entirely the same. But, by definition, they are not the same either. What Necromancers do is Ritualism, but what Ritualists do goes beyond Necromancy. As necromancers perform rituals to manipulate materials of death around them (blood/death magic) but they don't connect directly to the mists (outside of actual rituals to connect to the mists). Ritualists tap directly into the mists and use that energy (mist magic) in their rituals to bind the spirits directly to their will. Wasn't simply what materials were used but the base of the magic itself and the actual depth of said magic. What Revenants are doing is technically "necromancy" in that they are communing with the dead, but they then take it further by pulling their power directly from the mists; something Necromancers don't do.

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@Fueki.4753 said:

@Vyriis.6258 said:I'd like to see a True Scythe weapon come to the game, but we've already got Scythe styled staves with two specs that offer a melee staff variant, so don't see that happening.Don't forget that Reaper's Scythe in Shroud is classified as a hammer, so we have two weapon categories that can be used for Scythes.

Didn't count Reaper as it's a class specific mechanic. You're right, though; it is still there.

Dervish are also Holy warriors devoted to the Human gods (which doesn't translate into GW2 where we have multiple races who don't all believe in the human gods [This aspect is mostly taken by Rev at this point anyways channeling Legends through ourselves as Dervish did with the gods]).Dervish can easily translated into the game by the simple removal the gods aspect and focus and magic and Scythes.And this has happened; with Revenant. Not the dress wearing scythe swinging profession, but it removed the God aspect and we have the melee, magic based, staff stance to go with it.There are many non-human enemies in GW1 that are Dervishs.The whole point of PvE in GW1 was to get people ready for PvP. So it wouldn't be logical to not put Dervish skills on enemies simply because of their theme. Same goes with creatures using Ritualists urns while they don't have any connection to the humans related to those skills.After all, Dervish was more than the Avatar gimmick.Earth Prayer represented the body while Wind Prayer represented the soul/mind. Mysticism the connection between the two and the gods (faith). A lot of what the Dervish were was based around the human connection with the gods, which translated to GW2 with the only Dervish we see being human. Dervish, as a name and appearance, were taken from the Muslim religion to begin with, so deviating probably isn't going to happen.

Don't forget that all magic humans use in GW1 technically are prayers to their respective gods.Yet other races, not praying to said gods, are using the very same magic.They aren't prayers, though. Humans have patron gods that they associate with their magic, but they don't draw their power from praying to their gods. Dervish are the only ones that directly pray (thematically) for their power. Though they can increase their power by praying it isn't necessary to do so.

And again: PvE mobs are there to train players for end game PvP. And magic wasn't something new that the gods had gifted to the entirety of Tyria; Magic had existed on Tyria long before the gods had arrived. So to say that all magic derives from the Gods is false.

Dervishs use Wind and Earth prayers, which could be translated into Air and Earth magic for Elementalist.Since Elementalists already use staves, they could just get hammer and their spec skin just is a scythe.

Elementalist could get hammer/scythe, but it still wouldn't be Dervish. Also don't believe anet will give Ele hammer as they already have their lightning hammer counjur.

@"meri.9187" said:Nah man rev needs greatsword, it's a heavy class.It's a heavy armour class that's unique in not using the Greatchunk of unwieldiness.That's an
to the profession.This. Revenant is a heavy armor class with a light play style, just like Necro is a light class with a heavy play style. The armor class doesn't mean that's how they should play. A lot of people keep equating Revenant to a Death Knight, but I much prefer the idea of a Mists Assassin and the "Greatchunk of Unwieldiness" just does not suit that at all.

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@"Vyriis.6258" said:What Revenants are doing is technically "necromancy" in that they are communing with the dead, but they then take it further by pulling their power directly from the mists; something Necromancers don't do.

Well, that's not quite true. The necromancer is pulling magic from the mists. As far as we can tell, much of their magic is using the threads of death connecting Tyria to the underworld and realm of torment to fuel their magic. What we see in game isn't quite expressed too clearly so we can only speculate based on in game descriptions and evidence given to us by characters and lore.

Necromancy seems to have a connection to the realm of torment and underworld which you can tell by looking at their minions. Stygian , which are partially formed Demon spawn look identical to the minions the necromancer summons. It would seem that the energies the necromancer is calling on are from the mists, a specific part of the mists but this is speculation. But it can't be ruled out that the necromancer's magic isn't connected to the mists because there is evidence that it most certainly is. Ghastly Breach the scourge elite is "breaching" the realm of torment as the skill describes it. So they are able to pull directly from the mists in cannon. How much of their magic requires this connection to the underworld and realm of torment? I'm not entirely sure.

Necromancers have more questions than answers. As do Revenants. It would be nice to explore both of their respective magics further.

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