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Should dps meters get banned?

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@TrOtskY.5927 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:IMO, if a DPS meter/checker were needed to complete content in GW2, then Anet would have provided one. That's not to say that many players get a lot out of the 3rd party add-in; I'm sure that they do.

Dude there are raids with DPS checks.

Dude, who is asking for DPS?

If a DPS check were required for the content, then ANet would have implemented something to enable that functionality. I'm not saying that the players themselves aren't using a third-party tool to establish their own criteria.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:IMO, if a DPS meter/checker were needed to complete content in GW2, then Anet would have provided one. That's not to say that many players get a lot out of the 3rd party add-in; I'm sure that they do.

Dude there are raids with DPS checks.

Dude, who is asking for DPS?

If a DPS check were required for the content, then ANet would have implemented something to enable that functionality. I'm not saying that the players themselves aren't using a third-party tool to establish their own criteria.

I don't understand what you are saying, this whole thread is about DPS.

Do you even know what an enrage timer is?

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@SeikeNz.3526 said:

While playing Guild Wars 2, you must respect the rights of others and their rights to play and enjoy the Game. To this end, you may not defraud, harass, threaten, embarrass or cause distress and/or unwanted attention to other players. This includes posting insulting, offensive, or abusive comments about players, repeatedly sending unwanted messages, reporting players maliciously, attacking a player based on race, sexual orientation, religion, heritage, etc. Hate speech is not tolerated.

so people using arc dps to harass bad players is a bannable offense, it's insulting and offensive.

You may not modify any part of the Guild Wars 2 client or server software. Also, you may not modify any part of the official Guild Wars 2 websites, other than the official Guild Wars 2 Wiki in accordance with its terms and conditions.

it's not an in game feature to see other people dps, even if it's not cheating it's used to harm people.

Using arcdps to check your own dps is a thing, now to check people dps just because they are doing 2k less dps than you and harassing them is another.

so anet should follow the rules and start banning people using it.

fun fact
: people say the game don't have trinity, it's worse than that, the game is all about dps and healers, anet made alot of prefix to items and people want just to force vipers/zerk/harrier.

i saw people harassing others on fractals just because they did "low dps" even if the fractal was done without a death and was easy, it should be a bannable offense.

Let's take another look at that rule, why don't we?

While playing Guild Wars 2, you must respect the rights of others and their rights to play and enjoy the Game.

A bit closer now.

you must respect the rights of others and their rights to play and enjoy the Game.

This works both ways. Why should a group of 9 have to put up with 1 person who does not respect their time?

nothing like picking texts out of context to read what you want, nice try

Nice try what? I am just saying it works both ways. Not attacking you, calm down

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i love how people make assumptions if someone is against them, "he want to be carried", "your dps is too low", "You need to learn to play", "you refuse to learn",i use arcdps to check my dps and im against it, because everyone that use it against other people are toxic and most of time the bad ones.

people go glass cannon to get more dps, because they can't do mechanics, so they need to kill it fast before they die, 90% of the times the dps chat talkers are the ones failling mechanics, not evading boss hits, making the party die to ress him and trash talking about how the dps is low and that's why it's failling.

one time a guy started trash talking about how my friend dps was too low, i was using it too, i don't know if his arcdps was bugged or what but my friend was doing more dps than him, we just kicked him without thinking.

what me and my friends do when someone talk about dps? we kick them at the last boss just like they deserve, i hope more people start doing this so we can get a better community.

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@"kharmin.7683" said:If a DPS check were required for the content,

"Many encounters include an enrage timer: if the encounter isn't finished by the time it runs out, the incoming damage will greatly increase." https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Raid

This is a DPS check. It's explicitly designed with the expectation that a group will wipe soon after it triggers, putting a fairly hard cap on how long the encounter will last.

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@Sinful Mustache.3589 said:The only weird thing about dps meters for me is that anet introduced some kind of it with training golem, but you must pay 300g to use it (if you dont have friends to tag up).300g is insane cost for basic feature like training rotations

You don't need a tag to enter the Special Forces Training Area. You can make a squad without having a tag.

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@"SeikeNz.3526" said:i love how people make assumptions if someone is against them, "he want to be carried", "your dps is too low", "You need to learn to play", "you refuse to learn",i use arcdps to check my dps and im against it, because everyone that use it against other people are toxic and most of time the bad ones.

people go glass cannon to get more dps, because they can't do mechanics, so they need to kill it fast before they die, 90% of the times the dps chat talkers are the ones failling mechanics, not evading boss hits, making the party die to ress him and trash talking about how the dps is low and that's why it's failling.

one time a guy started trash talking about how my friend dps was too low, i was using it too, i don't know if his arcdps was bugged or what but my friend was doing more dps than him, we just kicked him without thinking.

what me and my friends do when someone talk about dps? we kick them at the last boss just like they deserve, i hope more people start doing this so we can get a better community.

3 pages of explanations, but you still cant get the point.The most toxic source here are you personally.Your posts are ridiculous nonsense and a proof for everyone reading this to kick you immediately for good

@Rhiannon.1726 said:You don't need a tag to enter the Special Forces Training Area. You can make a squad without having a tag.Oh, i didnt know that. Ok then, my bad

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@TrOtskY.5927 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:IMO, if a DPS meter/checker were needed to complete content in GW2, then Anet would have provided one. That's not to say that many players get a lot out of the 3rd party add-in; I'm sure that they do.

Dude there are raids with DPS checks.

Dude, who is asking for DPS?

If a DPS check were required for the content, then ANet would have implemented something to enable that functionality. I'm not saying that the players themselves aren't using a third-party tool to establish their own criteria.

I don't understand what you are saying, this whole thread is about DPS.

Do you even know what an enrage timer is?

@ASP.8093 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:If a DPS check were required for the content,

"Many encounters include an enrage timer: if the encounter isn't finished by the time it runs out, the incoming damage will greatly increase."

This is a DPS check. It's explicitly designed with the expectation that a group will wipe soon after it triggers, putting a fairly hard cap on how long the encounter will last.Thanks to you both for helping me to understand. I don't raid, so no, I didn't know that this was a thing. HOWEVER, my point still stands (even if it is my opinion). If this stage that you both mention is a check on the party's DPS, and IF a DPS monitoring system were REQUIRED to pass this check, then Anet would have implemented one. Having a third party tool certainly would help at this stage, sure, but it isn't required.
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@kharmin.7683 said:

Thanks to you both for helping me to understand. I don't raid, so no, I didn't know that this was a thing. HOWEVER, my point still stands (even if it is my opinion). If this stage that you both mention is a check on the party's DPS, and IF a DPS monitoring system were REQUIRED to pass this check, then Anet would have implemented one. Having a third party tool certainly would help at this stage, sure, but it isn't required.

A DPS monitoring system is not required to complete a raid, but it helps a lot to understand why you fail a raid.So instead of failing again and again and getting angry at the scourge (because necros never do good dps), you just look at ArcDPS and realize that your scourge is quite good and your beloved tempest forgot to remove his wvw healing gear.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:IMO, if a DPS meter/checker were needed to complete content in GW2, then Anet would have provided one. That's not to say that many players get a lot out of the 3rd party add-in; I'm sure that they do.

Dude there are raids with DPS checks.

Dude, who is asking for DPS?

If a DPS check were required for the content, then ANet would have implemented something to enable that functionality. I'm not saying that the players themselves aren't using a third-party tool to establish their own criteria.

I don't understand what you are saying, this whole thread is about DPS.

Do you even know what an enrage timer is?

@ASP.8093 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:If a DPS check were required for the content,

"Many encounters include an enrage timer: if the encounter isn't finished by the time it runs out, the incoming damage will greatly increase."

This is a DPS check. It's explicitly designed with the expectation that a group will wipe soon after it triggers, putting a fairly hard cap on how long the encounter will last.Thanks to you both for helping me to understand. I don't raid, so no, I didn't know that this was a thing. HOWEVER, my point still stands (even if it is my opinion). If this stage that you both mention is a check on the party's DPS, and IF a DPS monitoring system were REQUIRED to pass this check, then Anet would have implemented one. Having a third party tool certainly would help at this stage, sure, but it isn't required.

Using the status quo as an explanation for a myriad of (non)decisions made by Anet over the years is not really a great argument. The idea that only Anet know what the game needs, or that they would only work on those needed things automatically means anything they don't think of, is a bad idea (by your logic, not mine)

If that were the case, we wouldn't have QoL threads or even have a suggestions forum.

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@"kharmin.7683" said:Thanks to you both for helping me to understand. I don't raid, so no, I didn't know that this was a thing. HOWEVER, my point still stands (even if it is my opinion). If this stage that you both mention is a check on the party's DPS, and IF a DPS monitoring system were REQUIRED to pass this check, then Anet would have implemented one. Having a third party tool certainly would help at this stage, sure, but it isn't required.

It's not required. However, Anet has generally decided to tolerate third-party tools, and it's one of the better third-party tools.

An in-game DPS monitor would probably do more to create toxic my-way-or-the-highway culture than any third-party tool. Right now, there's very little pressure to install Arc for yourself. At worst, raid static groups may ask you to check dpsreport afterward to make sure you're not making mistakes in your rotation or boon output (this means looking at a spreadsheet on a website).

The thing you have to understand about Raids, Fractals, &c. — especially playing them with people you meet on the LFG tool — is that groups screw up and retry stuff; sometimes, repeatedly. When you get stuck, Arc is one of the tools that helps you understand why you're stuck, as a group. And again — in my experience, anyone who just wants to turn that into an ego-boosting blamestorming session was going to do that with or without a combat logger / DPS meter.

It's not just a matter of using the DPS meter to pick the proper scapegoat, either. People are smarter than that. More than once (only a handful of times, though, because most people playing this game AREN'T JERKS!), I've had to kick the person complaining loudest about "we need to do more damage!?" And no one else in the group, including folks I was quite sure were using DPS meters, complained. Then we'd pick up some other player who was better at managing the encounter mechanics or working with the group and get through whatever we were doing just fine.

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@TrOtskY.5927 said:

@"SeikeNz.3526" said:"
While playing Guild Wars 2, you must respect the rights of others and their rights to play and enjoy the Game. To this end, you may not defraud, harass, threaten, embarrass or cause distress and/or unwanted attention to other players. This includes posting insulting, offensive, or abusive comments about players, repeatedly sending unwanted messages, reporting players maliciously, attacking a player based on race, sexual orientation, religion, heritage, etc. Hate speech is not tolerated.

so people using arc dps to harass bad players is a bannable offense, it's insulting and offensive.

You may not modify any part of the Guild Wars 2 client or server software. Also, you may not modify any part of the official Guild Wars 2 websites, other than the official Guild Wars 2 Wiki in accordance with its terms and conditions.

it's not an in game feature to see other people dps, even if it's not cheating it's used to harm people.

Using arcdps to check your own dps is a thing, now to check people dps just because they are doing 2k less dps than you and harassing them is another.

so anet should follow the rules and start banning people using it.

fun fact
: people say the game don't have trinity, it's worse than that, the game is all about dps and healers, anet made alot of prefix to items and people want just to force vipers/zerk/harrier.

i saw people harassing others on fractals just because they did "low dps" even if the fractal was done without a death and was easy, it should be a bannable offense.

Let's take another look at that rule, why don't we?

While playing Guild Wars 2, you must respect the rights of others and their rights to play and enjoy the Game.

A bit closer now.

you must respect the rights of others and their rights to play and enjoy the Game.

This works both ways. Why should a group of 9 have to put up with 1 person who does not respect their time?

You didn't read further where I said the following:

@Sir Alymer.3406 said:So if you join a group and you aren't the leader, you agree to allow the leader of said group enjoy the game their way. If, for whatever reason, you don't meet their standards of play or aren't allowing them to have fun, they have every right to remove you from their group and not play with you. This is also true for you. You can make a group, squad, or otherwise and remove players as you see fit. It's your group to do with as you please.

Please read the whole post before responding to a single thing within.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@ASP.8093 said:This is a DPS check. It's explicitly designed with the expectation that a group will wipe soon after it triggers, putting a fairly hard cap on how long the encounter will last.Thanks to you both for helping me to understand. I don't raid, so no, I didn't know that this was a thing. HOWEVER, my point still stands (even if it is my opinion). If this stage that you both mention is a check on the party's DPS, and IF a DPS monitoring system were REQUIRED to pass this check, then Anet would have implemented one. Having a third party tool certainly would help at this stage, sure, but it isn't required.Third-party combat-data monitoring system is not required to pass this check. It is however very useful in understanding why your group keeps

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Also worth noting that a lot of groups try to phase-skip, which usually is essentially a different DPS check as well. This isn't a "speedrun vs. casual" thing, either, because a lot of casual groups would much rather just avoid certain complicated mechanics.

(I do chill T4 Fractal runs and I always tell the group I plan to reflect-spam my way through Snowblind. This is essentially a DPS check for the rest of the party since they need to blow through most of the ice pillar's health before I run out of Tome of Courage charges, while I just sit there parking tome and giving them some boons. To date, I have never had anyone complain about this strategy despite it very much being a "forced" DPS check. Because "chill" doesn't mean you're bad, hate teamwork, or won't take shortcuts when they're available.)

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@SeikeNz.3526 said:i love how people make assumptions if someone is against them, "he want to be carried", "your dps is too low", "You need to learn to play", "you refuse to learn",i use arcdps to check my dps and im against it, because everyone that use it against other people are toxic and most of time the bad ones.

I don't believe anyone has used that argument, but you do you, boo.

@SeikeNz.3526 said:people go glass cannon to get more dps, because they can't do mechanics, so they need to kill it fast before they die, 90% of the times the dps chat talkers are the ones failling mechanics, not evading boss hits, making the party die to ress him and trash talking about how the dps is low and that's why it's failling.

What? They go DPS because it's needed. Enrage timers exist in raids and strikes. Both serve as DPS checks and, in fractals, most people don't want to spend 3 or more hours doing all of them (Which is what you'd get if everyone went tanky or self sustain.)

@SeikeNz.3526 said:one time a guy started trash talking about how my friend dps was too low, i was using it too, i don't know if his arcdps was bugged or what but my friend was doing more dps than him, we just kicked him without thinking.

what me and my friends do when someone talk about dps? we kick them at the last boss just like they deserve, i hope more people start doing this so we can get a better community.

Ah yes, because telling someone to shut up about it is so much harder to do than to be a butt and simply kick at the last boss after they put forth all the effort to get through the content with you.

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@"ASP.8093" said:Also worth noting that a lot of groups try to phase-skip, which usually is essentially a different DPS check as well. This isn't a "speedrun vs. casual" thing, either, because a lot of casual groups would much rather just avoid certain complicated mechanics.

SeikeNz.3526 blames others for that they learn to, and work on, skipping mechanics instead of...bravely dealing with all those, facetanking with toughness builds, dodging, etc etc =)It is okay to be wrong for newbie. What is NOT okay is being completely ignorant newbie and not listening to veterans who try to educate him.Well, it is his own problem. Let them go enjoy their brilliant off-meta self-made tactics

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@SeikeNz.3526 said:one time a guy started trash talking about how my friend dps was too low, i was using it too, i don't know if his arcdps was bugged or what but my friend was doing more dps than him, we just kicked him without thinking.

So ArcDPS helped you identify the actual problem and then fix the situation quickly, and that's bad? :shrug:

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@Sir Alymer.3406 said:

@"SeikeNz.3526" said:"
While playing Guild Wars 2, you must respect the rights of others and their rights to play and enjoy the Game. To this end, you may not defraud, harass, threaten, embarrass or cause distress and/or unwanted attention to other players. This includes posting insulting, offensive, or abusive comments about players, repeatedly sending unwanted messages, reporting players maliciously, attacking a player based on race, sexual orientation, religion, heritage, etc. Hate speech is not tolerated.

so people using arc dps to harass bad players is a bannable offense, it's insulting and offensive.

You may not modify any part of the Guild Wars 2 client or server software. Also, you may not modify any part of the official Guild Wars 2 websites, other than the official Guild Wars 2 Wiki in accordance with its terms and conditions.

it's not an in game feature to see other people dps, even if it's not cheating it's used to harm people.

Using arcdps to check your own dps is a thing, now to check people dps just because they are doing 2k less dps than you and harassing them is another.

so anet should follow the rules and start banning people using it.

fun fact
: people say the game don't have trinity, it's worse than that, the game is all about dps and healers, anet made alot of prefix to items and people want just to force vipers/zerk/harrier.

i saw people harassing others on fractals just because they did "low dps" even if the fractal was done without a death and was easy, it should be a bannable offense.

Let's take another look at that rule, why don't we?

While playing Guild Wars 2, you must respect the rights of others and their rights to play and enjoy the Game.

A bit closer now.

you must respect the rights of others and their rights to play and enjoy the Game.

This works both ways. Why should a group of 9 have to put up with 1 person who does not respect their time?

You didn't read further where I said the following:

@Sir Alymer.3406 said:So if you join a group and you aren't the leader, you agree to allow the leader of said group enjoy the game their way. If, for whatever reason, you don't meet their standards of play or aren't allowing them to have fun, they have every right to remove you from their group and not play with you. This is also true for you. You can make a group, squad, or otherwise and remove players as you see fit. It's your group to do with as you please.

Please read the whole post before responding to a single thing within.

Fair enough, but given this context I can't see how you can be against others wanting to use a tool to their advantage

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@TrOtskY.5927 said:

@"SeikeNz.3526" said:"
While playing Guild Wars 2, you must respect the rights of others and their rights to play and enjoy the Game. To this end, you may not defraud, harass, threaten, embarrass or cause distress and/or unwanted attention to other players. This includes posting insulting, offensive, or abusive comments about players, repeatedly sending unwanted messages, reporting players maliciously, attacking a player based on race, sexual orientation, religion, heritage, etc. Hate speech is not tolerated.

so people using arc dps to harass bad players is a bannable offense, it's insulting and offensive.

You may not modify any part of the Guild Wars 2 client or server software. Also, you may not modify any part of the official Guild Wars 2 websites, other than the official Guild Wars 2 Wiki in accordance with its terms and conditions.

it's not an in game feature to see other people dps, even if it's not cheating it's used to harm people.

Using arcdps to check your own dps is a thing, now to check people dps just because they are doing 2k less dps than you and harassing them is another.

so anet should follow the rules and start banning people using it.

fun fact
: people say the game don't have trinity, it's worse than that, the game is all about dps and healers, anet made alot of prefix to items and people want just to force vipers/zerk/harrier.

i saw people harassing others on fractals just because they did "low dps" even if the fractal was done without a death and was easy, it should be a bannable offense.

Let's take another look at that rule, why don't we?

While playing Guild Wars 2, you must respect the rights of others and their rights to play and enjoy the Game.

A bit closer now.

you must respect the rights of others and their rights to play and enjoy the Game.

This works both ways. Why should a group of 9 have to put up with 1 person who does not respect their time?

You didn't read further where I said the following:

@Sir Alymer.3406 said:So if you join a group and you aren't the leader, you agree to allow the leader of said group enjoy the game their way. If, for whatever reason, you don't meet their standards of play or aren't allowing them to have fun, they have every right to remove you from their group and not play with you. This is also true for you. You can make a group, squad, or otherwise and remove players as you see fit. It's your group to do with as you please.

Please read the whole post before responding to a single thing within.

Fair enough, but given this context I can't see how you can be against others wanting to use a tool to their advantage

I don't like the tool. I don't like how it breaks on every update or just randomly. I don't care for it causing crashes in my game. I'd rather ANet design content to bring out the best in players instead of fostering this community of uber casuals that get offended at the mere mention of anything requiring more effort than setting auto attack and afking.

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@"SeikeNz.3526" said:i love how people make assumptions if someone is against them, "he want to be carried", "your dps is too low", "You need to learn to play", "you refuse to learn",i use arcdps to check my dps and im against it, because everyone that use it against other people are toxic and most of time the bad ones.

people go glass cannon to get more dps, because they can't do mechanics, so they need to kill it fast before they die, 90% of the times the dps chat talkers are the ones failling mechanics, not evading boss hits, making the party die to ress him and trash talking about how the dps is low and that's why it's failling.

one time a guy started trash talking about how my friend dps was too low, i was using it too, i don't know if his arcdps was bugged or what but my friend was doing more dps than him, we just kicked him without thinking.

what me and my friends do when someone talk about dps? we kick them at the last boss just like they deserve, i hope more people start doing this so we can get a better community.

You could kick anyone soing more than 5k dps as rhey are automaticly toxic

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@SeikeNz.3526 said:

While playing Guild Wars 2, you must respect the rights of others and their rights to play and enjoy the Game. To this end, you may not defraud, harass, threaten, embarrass or cause distress and/or unwanted attention to other players. This includes posting insulting, offensive, or abusive comments about players, repeatedly sending unwanted messages, reporting players maliciously, attacking a player based on race, sexual orientation, religion, heritage, etc. Hate speech is not tolerated.

so people using arc dps to harass bad players is a bannable offense, it's insulting and offensive.

You may not modify any part of the Guild Wars 2 client or server software. Also, you may not modify any part of the official Guild Wars 2 websites, other than the official Guild Wars 2 Wiki in accordance with its terms and conditions.

it's not an in game feature to see other people dps, even if it's not cheating it's used to harm people.

Using arcdps to check your own dps is a thing, now to check people dps just because they are doing 2k less dps than you and harassing them is another.

so anet should follow the rules and start banning people using it.

fun fact
: people say the game don't have trinity, it's worse than that, the game is all about dps and healers, anet made alot of prefix to items and people want just to force vipers/zerk/harrier.

i saw people harassing others on fractals just because they did "low dps" even if the fractal was done without a death and was easy, it should be a bannable offense.

Let's take another look at that rule, why don't we?

While playing Guild Wars 2, you must respect the rights of others and their rights to play and enjoy the Game.

A bit closer now.

you must respect the rights of others and their rights to play and enjoy the Game.

This works both ways. Why should a group of 9 have to put up with 1 person who does not respect their time?

nothing like picking texts out of context to read what you want, nice try

So why not make anet remove abillity to kick or leave force ppl to do play with they got no matter

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