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Did You Want Mounts Implemented into Guild Wars 2?

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I liked that we didn't have them. It was nice seeing everyone running around everywhere and with all the waypoints, I didn't see a reason for them. In other games, they usually just looked too flashy, cluttering, and "Look what I got!" But I've warmed up to it, seeing how they've implemented them. They have purpose. I even like that we're not always able to just plow through enemies on them. I tried during the demo. Got hit too many times, raptor gone, I died.Though I'm still more excited for the new Ranger pets. 'Specially the Rock Gazelle~

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I am indifferent.I don't really see the need for them in old maps thanks to waypoints and in the new maps they are the new gating.If they provide at least some interesting things to reach, then I am okay with them.

However I have to say, they don't feel as organic as the gliders so far and even they were just thrown upon our character after one mission without any build up.

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Where is the option for "I did not have an opinion"? We did not have them before, we do now (well, will in 8 days). If you want mounts buy the expansion. If you do not (and nothing else in it attracts you) do not. I am guessing anet read what the community wanted and that informed their decision on making that the feature attraction in the expansion.

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@Menadena.7482 said:Where is the option for "I did not have an opinion"? We did not have them before, we do now (well, will in 8 days). If you want mounts buy the expansion. If you do not (and nothing else in it attracts you) do not. I am guessing anet read what the community wanted and that informed their decision on making that the feature attraction in the expansion.

I really want to add it in for those like you who don't have a preference, but I'm not sure how to edit my OP.

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When mounts were brought up a ways back I didn't see the need for them. I mean, most all classes can get nigh on perma swiftness (the only one I can't get perma swifty on while still being on the move is guard), we have wps and tps to friend. The maps weren't all that big and I felt that movement skills and wps were enough for what we had.

Once the Elona maps were leaked and I saw how big they were I felt that maybe mounts could be suited to those particular maps if they weren't cluttered with wps (like the base game ones are). I'm still hoping they don't put waypoints down every two steps (hyperbole, but you get the picture), because that'd give me more reason to ride the mounts.

I've played two other MMOs with mounts. One being ESO, the other being Tera. I didn't really like the mount management in those, and disliked that if you were hit once you were automatically dismounted (granted you could trait for more stamina in ESO, but if you were using your stamina to run and were hit while out of stamina, you were auto dismounted).

I was a bit hesitant to jump on the "mounts are a great idea for gw2" bandwagon once they were announced, but in the test weekend I found myself enjoying having one. One of the few things I didn't think about was idle animations. I understand that these are important to get the feel for your mount's "character", but at the same time why do raptors have to act like dogs? They're essentially dinosaurs, not house pets. Tip of the trade for those interested: you want an audience to like an animal character? Make it act like a dog.

49 Characters|Necro|Raider|Fractaller|PvPer|SingerSo long Treeface o7"...Kormir? I know not of whom you speak."

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@TheSlothArmada.6709 said:I'm surprised there isn't already one about this!Since mounts were announced it was obvious there was a split between those who wanted mounts and those who didn't. I think it'd be interesting to see how forum users are divided on this subject.

Mounts are unnecessary in GW2 as a means of faster travel. They are also COMPLETELY unnecessary as a PoF Mastery. They almost exactly duplicate the travel masteries from HoT. I already unlocked those Masteries and don't feel like I should have to unlock them again. I also object to the blatant copy/paste of Masteries. I mean, people normally pay for new content in an expansion, not simply reskinned old content...

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My thought process was never going to make it into a voting list. It was, "I had reservations about mounts in GW2 (due to potential frame rate or DC issues for systems that already struggle in some content) and the reduction or flat out removal of opportunity costs for speed increases in builds), and am now cautiously optimistic that they will not cause as many problems as I might have thought.

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I was open to the idea of mounts initially, but was not overly fond of the idea simply because there are many more things that I personally would rather see get those dev resources. I still feel that way. Ive seen nothing yet to indicate to me that the implementation of mounts, either in terms of cosmetics, or functionality will change my opinion. Perhaps if different skins or mount types that appeal are added later I might change my mind.

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The biggest drawback for me is the faster we move the more meaningless the exploration and maps feels smaller. Even with the few lock behind mount jumps and leaps parts(they are really not that many).I have a solution tho. I will use the mounts (at the beginning) only when I need their special skill, the rest of the time I'll run on foot. After I explored everything I will probably run a lot more on mounts, just because I already been in that area 20 times.

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I didn't want them, and based on my experience with the preview weekend (didn't enjoy the raptor, and felt that map had been made a big empty space to justify them) I still don't like the idea of them.

But mounts are something that are now a part of GW2, so weather anyone doesn't want them or doesn't like them is redundant as they aren't going anywhere, if anything we would most likely get more of them in future content.

I'm hoping that maybe I'll find ones like the skimmer type one more enjoyable.

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I was anti-mount in the sense that whenever someone asked for it in the past, I got the impression that they only wanted it for faster map travel and nothing else. Sure, these current mounts will provide that faster map travel, but they also give you new abilities that actually alter how you play in the game world in a meaningful way due to the additional movement mechanics (long jump, high jump, water gliding, blinking). I think this is the best possible direction they could have gone with mounts.

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@Malthurius.6870 said:I was anti-mount in the sense that whenever someone asked for it in the past, I got the impression that they only wanted it for faster map travel and nothing else. Sure, these current mounts will provide that faster map travel, but they also give you new abilities that actually alter how you play in the game world in a meaningful way due to the additional movement mechanics (long jump, high jump, water gliding, blinking). I think this is the best possible direction they could have gone with mounts.

I and where you are coming from, but, oddly enough, what you consider best possible direction is a significant part of what dismays me about mounts.

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