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Is there a class that can beat Guardian 1 vs 1?


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Why no one has mentioned a condi Scourge yet? It seems that these guys can counter a guard if they play with more selfish builds? At least that was a case yesterday in unranked when a Scourge from the opposite team killed our bunker guard two times on a point.

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@Sifu.9745 said:Why no one has mentioned a condi Scourge yet? It seems that these guys can counter a guard if they play with more selfish builds? At least that was a case yesterday in unranked when a Scourge from the opposite team killed our bunker guard two times on a point.

FunnyAs I play scourge I see guardian I think, hes dead meat.

Also, playing as guardian, I see any necro, I think hes dead meat.

Playing either of them, if I see an Elementalist, I think, this is gonna be a long fight.

Meanwhile thieves probably see Elementalist and think PREY.

Guess thats how balance works.

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@Ronald McDonald.8165 said:

@Avatar.3568 said:Probably some mesmer builds too

Would love to know which mesmer builds beat guardian. Guardian is just as tough a match up for mesmer as thief is, if not harder.

My 2 cents as a power mesmerI target heavily dh. Traps just don't work if I keep my distance and pop them with clones. Additionally, they are much glassier, and don't like being bursted from stealth. If I couldn't pop my clones on the traps, test of faith would be really problematicI target heavily firebrands. It takes more than one burst, but they eventually go down; and even if they don't, there's not much a firebrand can do to punish you, just teleport away.Core guardians, however, are much tankier and dish out much more damage with burning. Unless there's some real luck going on, core guards defeat me without any real risk. Just survive the initial burst (via aegis\prot\some random block) and start smashing buttons, that's how it works.

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@uberkingkong.8041 said:

@"Sifu.9745" said:Why no one has mentioned a condi Scourge yet? It seems that these guys can counter a guard if they play with more selfish builds? At least that was a case yesterday in unranked when a Scourge from the opposite team killed our bunker guard two times on a point.Guess thats how balance works.

Let me explain to you how balance works.


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@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

@"Sifu.9745" said:Why no one has mentioned a condi Scourge yet? It seems that these guys can counter a guard if they play with more selfish builds? At least that was a case yesterday in unranked when a Scourge from the opposite team killed our bunker guard two times on a point.Guess thats how balance works.

Let me explain to you how balance works.


This is some quality meme?? ??
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@Terrorhuz.4695 said:

@Avatar.3568 said:Probably some mesmer builds too

Would love to know which mesmer builds beat guardian. Guardian is just as tough a match up for mesmer as thief is, if not harder.

My 2 cents as a power mesmerI target heavily dh. Traps just don't work if I keep my distance and pop them with clones. Additionally, they are much glassier, and don't like being bursted from stealth. If I couldn't pop my clones on the traps, test of faith would be really problematicI target heavily firebrands. It takes more than one burst, but they eventually go down; and even if they don't, there's not much a firebrand can do to punish you, just teleport away.Core guardians, however, are much tankier and dish out much more damage with burning. Unless there's some real luck going on, core guards defeat me without any real risk. Just survive the initial burst (via aegis\prot\some random block) and start smashing buttons, that's how it works.

Was speaking more of core as that is what you see 90%+ of the time. A good DH is about just as tough as a good core (a big difference between a good and bad DH), most of the good DHs don't run many or any traps. If you miss the dodge on tether or you stealth but the DH had you targeted and uses tether then you lose out on stealth which is a big part of mesmer survivability. Most people running Firebrand these days are just bad.

The only thing mesmer really counters are just bad players which is why it is pretty strong class until climbing through Plat.

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Many builds can beat guard on point but it requires allot of time to cycle through all of their defenses and the risk of getting into 1v2 grows and usually these builds do not fair well in 1v2, so if the guard is not winning he can go on the defensive and pull a draw, which is a win if he holds the node. Pretty sure that is why decap builds got popular.

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The issue isn't what spec can kill this build - because quite frankly many specs can.

The actual problem is the time it would take to do it.

Condi rev for example doesn't have a hard time with this build at all but it would be a longer fight which generally isn't worth it.

Your time would be better served going to another node to capture it unless you +1d the guard.

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@Sifu.9745 said:Ok let's take a break from killing bunker guards. Another question is what build can kill a core burning Guardian with Carrion Amulet 1 vs 1? And, please, just don't say it's a Ranger.

mmmm...Not trying to be snobbish, but literally almost any build with a bit of cleanse given that the player knows the basics of kiting and not facetanking.

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Rangers and anything with a lot of CC. Most guardians have little to no stability. Yes, we have blocks, but we can only block so much. So bring knock backs, knock downs, stuns, dazes, etc.

Chill can also really screw with us if we don't have a condi cleanse readily available. We rely on spamming skills to stay alive. A lot of skills we use gives us heals, aegis and/or protection, but if we can't spam skills, we drop fast because our health pool is the lowest in the game. We really need or heals, aegis and blocks to stay alive and we can only get those if we can use our skills.

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@ollbirtan.2915 said:

@Sifu.9745 said:Ok let's take a break from killing bunker guards. Another question is what build can kill a core burning Guardian with Carrion Amulet 1 vs 1? And, please, just don't say it's a Ranger.

mmmm...Not trying to be snobbish, but literally almost any build with a bit of cleanse given that the player knows the basics of kiting and not facetanking.

Not in unranked PvP. No idea about ranked, cause i don't play it. I created a lvl 2 guardian two or three days ago just to get some fun in PvP and been playing core condi builds (because Firebrand codi sucks) and , o boy, i destroy everything with zero effort, including Rangers. Rangers drops super fast, if not Druid spec. Burst dmg is just insane and almost no one cleanse my burning: i guess people don't play condi cleanses in unranked. Anyway, i am done with condi guard: no challenge, it's just way to easy destroying everything 1 vs 1. I feel like a cheater.

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