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Which mount do you like the best?


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Skyscale by far.It can do everything except water/portals.In many cases it's even much faster than raptor/jackal, because you can easily avoid enemies and get over obstacles.And best of all .. You can AFK in the air and safely chat with guild or check inventory/trading post/map and so on, without having to worry about getting attacked.One of the most frustrating things was always getting attacked just as you find the waypoint you want to travel to while browsing the map .. NO MORE! xD

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I'm not surprised that the skyscale is in the lead here. It is far and away the most versatile "multi-purpose" mount, completely replacing the griffon in that role while simultaneously enhancing the griffon in it's niche by making it easier to gain altitude to achieve the high speed dives that really make the griffon shine. It's even faster and more convenient than the jackal/raptor in most cases as well, as it can simply fly over enemies and obstacles.

Despite all of this, the only mount made more or less obsolete by the skyscale is the springer (the jackal was already made mostly redundant by the raptor). I switch mounts less often and rely on the skyscale relatively more than I did the griffon as a multi-purpose mount, but aside from springer and jackal the rest of my mounts see regular use. All in all they've done a pretty excellent job with these mounts!

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@"Mil.3562" said:Omg. The Warclaw is so useless that she is being left out in the poll. Maybe she will appear in the " Which Chair Do You Like The Best " polling?My poor kitty ;_;

This happened because when I pressed enter it did not add another poll option but instead posted it. I tried to edit the page to add another poll option but it wouldn't let me.

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It's very close for me between the Raptor, Skyscale, Roller Beetle, Skimmer, Warclaw and Griffon.

Skyscale is going to get the win just because of two factors.. freedom of movement and it's a dragon!! (I love dragons ^^)

Raptor remains my go to mount for most play though and is probably the mount I use most, plus it has the best dismount ability (AoE pull) which makes it easy to just blast a ton of AoE attacks and do huge damage before enemies have a chance to start beating on you.

The Warclaw i'm fond of for 2 reasons.

  1. It makes WvW maps far less tedious to get around and for me at least more enjoyable, no more getting screwed by ambushes because I have movement skills equipped to get around faster, plus no more falling behind zergs because you missed out on the speed buffs.Warclaw fixed both those annoying problems for me which greatly increased my enjoyment when playing this game mode.
  2. Warclaw serves as a good PvE mount if you don't want to use (or at least want to limit the use of) the PoF and Living world mounts but you still want to take advantage of the movement speed increase that mounts provide.This reasoning is also why I think Warclaw should be a core world mount accessible to everyone without needing PoF, it would also be good incentive for people to come and try out WvW content.

Skimmer has become significantly more enjoyable and appealing to me since it gained the ability to go underwater.I am a big fan of Underwater content in Gw2 and I believe this area of the game has massive untapped potential which Anet has not fleshed out yet.Ever since PoF came out and added mounts to the game an underwater mount became one of the main things I really wanted in GW2.Finally I now have one and I love it, ^^ even if don't get to use it very often due to limited underwater content, specially in newer content.

Roller Beetle and Griffon.I like these two for the same reason, Gotta go Fast!!!Bombing around on these two mounts at max speed is an absolute blast.. pun intended.The Griffon unfortunately demands a little more set up and is more punishing when you screw up and loose your speed but gives more freedom when you have room to zoom around in the air.The Beetle on the other hand is much easier to get going and recover from a screw up but requires a lot more skill, practice and map knowledge to control and use effectively.The beetle however is by far the most rewarding mount in the game to learn how to use and once you get good at using it, it does feel very satisfying when you can drift around everywhere really quickly without constantly smashing into everything xDGreat mount, great fun ^^

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@"lakka.8642" said:Warclaw because I don't have it

In contrast to others, Warclaw is super easy to get and doesn't cost an arm and a leg like most "optional" mounts like Griffon.

All you have to do is play WvW for a day or two. You don't even have to fight other players just find a commander and just PvE the keep champions while following a zerg and you'll get it in a few hours. Just activate the reward track for Warclaw and the rest of the items for it for the collection will be outright given to you as you zerg around. When you zerg, you will naturally level your Wxp and all you need is one point to unlock the reward track for Warclaw, the rest is automatic.

It's probably the easiest mount to get after the Raptor.

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