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We are waiting for like this cloak


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Hı Dear gw2 , Wè want a shoulder or Cloak like in this

. This is bloodborne characters and are you saw Thé shoulders. It is awesome please make like this shoulders Wè realy want it or look this half cloack,
this is awesome too. Please can you add Thé Game like this shoulders ör cloack . My English maybe a bit bad , sory for that :)
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I don't think we are waiting for anything like that. You might, but i definitely don't. If anything, the ones from @"Ashantara.8731"'s post are more to my like.Also, to be honest, the "capes" from initial post look to me more like trenchcoats. And this game doesn't really need more trenchcoats.Although i'm quite sure that medium armor designers would disagree.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@"Dawdler.8521" said:Sorry only the second one will work in GW2 because its short enough to be a buttcape.

This was more about the covered shoulders and fur part than about its length. ;)

Oh hey! Get the shoulders that are a fur mantle with a hound head, stick that on any cape, voila! (The raven feathers mantle will also work for the OP's desire).

Example: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/375715891280609285/785622690731524146/RavenCape.JPG

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@"Donari.5237" said:Oh hey! Get the shoulders that are a fur mantle with a hound head

I've had them for ages. Totally besides the point of this thread or my suggestions (if you look at the pics I posted, none of them features a hound head or other weird stuff, nor are the shoulders you suggest a cloak ;) ).

But thanks for the suggestion anyway. :) I've tried all sorts of combinations, but would really prefer a real cloak (covering shoulders etc) that looks like a classy adventurer's cloak and not all "super fancy" (or downright kitschy) like the ones we have.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@"Donari.5237" said:Oh hey! Get the shoulders that are a fur mantle with a hound head

I've had them for ages. Totally besides the point of this thread
my suggestions (if you look at the pics I posted, none of them features a hound head or other weird stuff, nor are the shoulders you suggest a cloak ;) ).

But thanks for the suggestion anyway. :) I've tried all sorts of combinations, but would really prefer a real cloak (covering shoulders etc) that looks like a classy adventurer's cloak and not all "super fancy" (or downright kitschy) like the ones we have.

grins You left the part out where I said to combine them with a cape.

Yet I agree, the capes the game offers are not cloaks, not utilitarian or practical, and lack the physics I crave. I'm glad they found a way to do even this much, but I still dream of cloaks that actually warm and protect. Would I equip them? I'm not actually sure. I tend to shy away from long term use of things that obscure the armor I've painstakingly assembled, and I find that I like seeing my characters' legs to get a better feel for jumps and positioning.

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