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Guild Races

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Any chance on updating Guild Missions and Guild Races, Guild guild GUILD!!!

Like we have mounts now.And you know we have racetracks too.

Why is Guild stuff outdated?Please do Guild Races with mounts.

This is GUILD Wars, please don't forget about GUILD stuff in the next expansion.Right now, the solo experience is good, party experience is good, raid experience is good, WvW experience is good, PvP experience is good.

I mean cmon now we have been gifted several free pvp maps, wvw maps, fractals.........But when it comes to ...Ya know....Guild stuff...

How about that Guild experience?Guild Wars 2 babyKind of reminds me of Everquest

Everquest, you do quests in this game?Nope

Guild Wars 2, guild stuff good in this game, people really do guild missions and stuff.Guild structured pvp? Guild stuff in Guild Wars 2?Nope...World of Warcraft, you at war? Yep Alliance vs Horde. Everyone knows about the war in WoW.

I mean EQ has quests but really worth it? maybe the epic quest. not really worth doing quests, more worth camping for hours that named that drops good stuff.I mean GW2 has guild stuff but really worth it? Not as much as raids, fractals, etc etc.

I really enjoy racing.Seeing guild racing battles would be fun. Thats a dream though.Update Guild stuff, Update Guild Races.

Its 2020, we have mounts.Why is GW2 Guilds still not 2020 yetIts 2020Not 2013

Its 2020 Make Guild Races 2020Its 2020

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@Fueki.4753 said:I think Arenanet abandoned guild activities.Maybe not enough people have participated in them in them long run.Actually, they never had a guild team. Guild Missions were from the very beginning meant to be an one-time work investment, not something they intended on suporting long-term. Although it's not like they atually made a decision to abandon it - as MO at some point explained, it is just something with an extremely low priority, so there are always more important things to be done instead of it.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

This is GUILD Wars, please don't forget about GUILD stuff in the next expansion.The name of the game was only to continue the franchise. It was not supposed to be based on guilds or wars between them.

Can you show me the link of them stating the game is not supposed to be based on guilds or wars between them or is this just an opinion

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@The Greyhawk.9107 said:Well, there's the fact that they didn't bring Guild Vs Guild over from GW1.

Where did they say they would never do Guild vs Guild? Your saying its a fact. Link please or is this opinion.

Just because its not in now doesn't mean it will never be there, they probably waiting for right time to bring it in.End of Dragons rise of Guilds?More Player to Player interaction rather than Player to Environment focus?

I'd be careful saying, fact they said this, they stated this.... If they never did state it, or claim something to be fact. Misinformation to the community. So please link if they said Guild vs Guild will never come into GW2.

Speaking of Guild vs Guild, if they do bring, please between 8 to 16 players in the GvG. under 8 is not enough more than 16 is too many.Its GvG, not #esports PvP, remember that. Make with casual mindset in hand, GW1 PvP was casual, it just so happened to turned into #esports.

I'm trying to bring light to ideas, they do listen, its just timing has to be right.They seem to have been slacking with guild activities, I'm bringing up what I noticed.And I really enjoy racing, very sad no Guild races with mounts.

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@uberkingkong.8041 said:

@The Greyhawk.9107 said:Well, there's the fact that they didn't bring Guild Vs Guild over from GW1.

Where did they say they would never do Guild vs Guild? Your saying its a fact. Link please or is this opinion.

Just because its not in now doesn't mean it will never be there, they probably waiting for right time to bring it in.End of Dragons rise of Guilds?More Player to Player interaction rather than Player to Environment focus?

I'd be careful saying, fact they said this, they stated this.... If they never did state it, or claim something to be fact. Misinformation to the community. So please link if they said Guild vs Guild will never come into GW2.

Speaking of Guild vs Guild, if they do bring, please between 8 to 16 players in the GvG. under 8 is not enough more than 16 is too many.Its GvG, not #esports PvP, remember that. Make with casual mindset in hand, GW1 PvP was casual, it just so happened to turned into #esports.

I'm trying to bring light to ideas, they do listen, its just timing has to be right.They seem to have been slacking with guild activities, I'm bringing up what I noticed.And I really enjoy racing, very sad no Guild races with mounts.

Seeing as how WvW got no major updates for like 8 years, you're very optimistic in thinking GvG will ever happen, let alone soon. :tongue: If they're waiting for the right time, the right time came and passed like 10 times now. They don't need to wait, we're ready.It's not that we don't want it, it's just that Anet hasn't been very attentive to PvP and WvW much compared to PvE, so expecting something major like GvG is a bit naive.

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@Veprovina.4876 said:

@The Greyhawk.9107 said:Well, there's the fact that they didn't bring Guild Vs Guild over from GW1.

Where did they say they would never do Guild vs Guild? Your saying its a fact. Link please or is this opinion.

Just because its not in now doesn't mean it will never be there, they probably waiting for right time to bring it in.End of Dragons rise of Guilds?More Player to Player interaction rather than Player to Environment focus?

I'd be careful saying, fact they said this, they stated this.... If they never did state it, or claim something to be fact. Misinformation to the community. So please link if they said Guild vs Guild will never come into GW2.

Speaking of Guild vs Guild, if they do bring, please between 8 to 16 players in the GvG. under 8 is not enough more than 16 is too many.Its GvG, not #esports PvP, remember that. Make with casual mindset in hand, GW1 PvP was casual, it just so happened to turned into #esports.

I'm trying to bring light to ideas, they do listen, its just timing has to be right.They seem to have been slacking with guild activities, I'm bringing up what I noticed.And I really enjoy racing, very sad no Guild races with mounts.

Seeing as how WvW got no major updates for like 8 years, you're very optimistic in thinking GvG will ever happen, let alone soon. :tongue: If they're waiting for the right time, the right time came and passed like 10 times now. They don't need to wait, we're ready.It's not that we don't want it, it's just that Anet hasn't been very attentive to PvP and WvW much compared to PvE, so expecting something major like GvG is a bit naive.

2 new maps.Balance

Thats what community asks for, thats what they get.

Ask for something specific, be supportive about it, you'll probably get it.Saying they as in someone from GW2 said they'll never do it, misinforming public that they said it will never happen, or even saying no major updates in 8 years.

8 years ago, all 3 borderlands was the same. Now you have a desert borderland. Thats pretty big. Thats what you all ask for and support.Start being supportive of ideas rather doom and gloom.

@lokh.2695 said:Guilds are abandoned content. Sry m8.

They said they abandoned it? They claim they aint doing anything about it?Or they say SOON? Or they say maybe in the future? Or they say nothing at all?Timing has to be right, who knows, maybe End of Dragons means Beginning of Guilds

Yeah, player based tournament, just like Fashion, player based fashion contests.Nothing about "Anet employee says 'guilds aint gonna happen'"

You guys are trying hard for doom and gloom.How about some positivity.Like what you'd like, expanded ideas on this. Wishful thinking.

You watch the Netflix series, 2006, "The Secret"it says a lot about"if you believe you can, if you believe you cannot you cannot"

starts believing, and quit with this doom and gloom.If all you talk about is wishful thinking, man good ol days, gvg so fun, guild races so fun, guild this and that so fun. Nothing but guilds, such fun stuff about guilds.

Postitive thinking scenarioAnet employees come in and look at forums "hmmm no doom and gloom, nonstop chatter about guilds guilds guilds"Anet boss "whats the status?"Anet employees "guilds guilds guilds"Anet boss "what about?"Anet employees "thats all they talk about and interested in"Anet boss "ok, so nobody complaining about balance"ANet employees "nope just guilds gilds guilds"Anet boss "ok, lets do some guild stuff then"

Start being positiveThink positiveWhen you think negative you get negative. Think positive get positive.

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@"uberkingkong.8041" said:Start being positiveThink positiveWhen you think negative you get negative. Think positive get positive.

I agree with the sentiment, however as players we can only control the message we send the devs. The devs ultimately decide what they work on and that doesn't always align with what the player base is telling them they want. If you search through the forums you will find a great many requests for change that have been heavily supported but have never seen the light of day. That doesn't mean a specific request will never happen, but when you look at the overall scope, it does mean that most will never happen.


Have a look at what the devs have told us they are working on or planning to launch, and then consider how old some of the references are....

I would like to see Guild events updated for 2020, like Racing, Missions in HoT and PoF (EoD?), or competitive modes but, I also want new specs, balance updates, new PvE content, updates to festivals, etc etc... They could do a Guild only patch but, if you are thinking like the devs, what do you cut in order to assign resources to something like this?

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@uberkingkong.8041 said:

@lokh.2695 said:Guilds are abandoned content. Sry m8.

They said they abandoned it? They claim they aint doing anything about it?Or they say SOON? Or they say maybe in the future? Or they say nothing at all?Timing has to be right, who knows, maybe End of Dragons means Beginning of GuildsThey have stopped talking about guild ccontent years ago and when they do speak about it they mean a handfull of decorations. Nothing has been changed about the Guild Halls since HoT and nothing besides decorations has been added since PoF(->ONE<- new Guild Hall). Before that? Well, they implemented Guild Missions in 2012...maybe fixed some things in the early years, I don't remember...but nothing of notice was added/changed between release and HoT that brought a huge rework of Guilds, mainly to implement Guild Halls. Guilds can't be monetized as well as skins or maybe a home instance, so they abandoned it.

Who knows is always a weak argument, or at least an argument that won't win you anything. Sure, I don't know what the next Xpac will bring, maybe it's playable tengu, land spears, player housing, fishing and guild centric. Do you know? I assume you don't. So we can stop arguing right there, none of us knows anything. Maybe the Cathan expansion will revolve around Keg Brawl, build your team and participate in Fifa/Madden'21...erm GuildWars2... Maybe we'll skip the whole fighting dragons and helping the innocent part and skip right into open world PvP, all day every day and it will be the only way to 1)advance the story, 2)get rewards, 3)unlock elites and 4)did I mention it might just be a full player loot system to appease the more hardcore crowd that's coming in with the steam release. Who knows, right? I sure don't, do you? Maybe in Cantha it's all about playing cardgames on your raptor. Who knows, maybe End of Dragons means beginning of old school Track'N'Field coming to GW2.

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@lokh.2695 said:

@lokh.2695 said:Guilds are abandoned content. Sry m8.

They said they abandoned it? They claim they aint doing anything about it?Or they say SOON? Or they say maybe in the future? Or they say nothing at all?Timing has to be right, who knows, maybe End of Dragons means Beginning of GuildsThey have stopped talking about guild ccontent years ago and when they do speak about it they mean a handfull of decorations. Nothing has been changed about the Guild Halls since HoT and nothing besides decorations has been added since PoF(->ONE<- new Guild Hall). Before that? Well, they implemented Guild Missions in 2012...maybe fixed some things in the early years, I don't remember...but nothing of notice was added/changed between release and HoT that brought a huge rework of Guilds, mainly to implement Guild Halls. Guilds can't be monetized as well as skins or maybe a home instance, so they abandoned it.

Who knows is always a weak argument, or at least an argument that won't win you anything. Sure, I don't know what the next Xpac will bring, maybe it's playable tengu, land spears, player housing, fishing and guild centric. Do you know? I assume you don't. So we can stop arguing right there, none of us knows anything. Maybe the Cathan expansion will revolve around Keg Brawl, build your team and participate in Fifa/Madden'21...erm GuildWars2... Maybe we'll skip the whole fighting dragons and helping the innocent part and skip right into open world PvP, all day every day and it will be the only way to 1)advance the story, 2)get rewards, 3)unlock elites and 4)did I mention it might just be a full player loot system to appease the more hardcore crowd that's coming in with the steam release. Who knows, right? I sure don't, do you? Maybe in Cantha it's all about playing cardgames on your raptor. Who knows, maybe End of Dragons means beginning of old school Track'N'Field coming to GW2.

I already know, its Cantha.You should know too, they hint and its predictable.

Its like WWE.You should know whose going to win.

It aint like WCW or WWF, where who knows whose going to win. Goldberg 178 AND 0, vs DDP, he might lose his streak. GOLDBERG vs Hogan, he might lose his streak, who knows.

This game is like WWE, its roman reigns, you know whose gonna win.You should know the next expansion is Cantha.

End of dragons. Usually with an ending is a beginning. That means beginning of something else.

Cantha is humanoid zones.Very real possibility of guilds.It brought 15v15It brought a lot of tension between humanoids.

Very possible GvG content will be included.Very possible Guild races will be included

Humanoid expansion, brings very possibility of Guild like things to it.

Its not a wasteland, its not volancic, monstery, dragony, etc.Its humanoidy, and part of being a humanoid is Guilds.

Mages GuildFighters GuildDark BrotherhoodThieves GuildHouse HlaaluHouse TelvanniHouse RedoranMorag Tongetc etc etc

Humanoid stuff, also comes along with Humanoid guilds like things.

Think positive my friends.

I'd like for them to not forget about racing though. Thats why I'm bringing it up. Nothing is set in stone now. This is the time for ideas.Sure Cantha IS HAPPENING, but what comes along with it, be GvG, races, etc. That isn't set in stone.

Just like ROMAN REIGNS is going to win, but how he will win, what type of matchup, etc. not set in stone...Better yet, its Wrestlemania, Undertaker... You know hes going to be there, you know he is going to win. Matchup, etc etc etc. not set in stone. Predictable.Just like GW2, predictable.

Just like WWE GW2 gives you some teasers.I know 2020 people want in writing what is happening, imagination and faith is lacking.

Back in my days of gaming, you don't need someone to tell you its happening. YOU KNOW IT they know it EVERYBODY KNOWS it. No need "can I get a confirm on this"

Like the hearings "can I get a confirmation that you will provide this" "Can I get a confirmation that you will support this" "Can I get you to confirm publicly you will do this"

Back in my days, you know Cantha is coming. ITS COMING, people talk about it. They don't talk about "can I get confirmation that it is coming"

We all know its coming, lets start fantasying what we would like to have in it.For me, GUILD RACES, being able to REP my guild without having to have someone go into guild window and turn on that guild races are starting (thats how they have Guild PvP, its dumb, let me rep my guild and give them points for just being me and playing PvP, not have someone turn it on and having to PvP serious, which nobody does)

GW Factions aka Cantha is nothing but Guild type stuff.Start believing start fantasying its coming!!!!!

Like the movie on netflix The Secret, think positive, think how its going to happen, think good things, even when its not looking good, keep thinking good.You think bad, bad things happen.

What would be VERY AWESOME, is GTA 3 SAN ANDRES style Cantha.

Guilds fighting for territory. Guild alliances. OPEN WORLD PvP.Some Runescape WILDERNESS in it, you go into GW2 Cantha SAN ANDRES type zone aka the neighborhoods up for battle, ANYBODY from rivaling factions can take you out.

MMMM thinking positiveA zone set aside Open WORLD PVP, GTA 3 Andres style with Runescape Wilderness style as in its not a zone, its part of the main world still, there is PvE stuff in it. TEAM based aka GUILDS.MMMMIf its like fortnite, building stuff inside it.Putting that new tradeskill to use, building fancy buildings, making my neighborhood stylish and defending stylish neighborhood from rivaling non allied guilds.MMMM HMMM MMMMM!!!

I'm loving GW2 Cantha I'm fantasying about.

Oh heck ya, I forgot about racing.Oh heck ya more, I forgot about roller beetle smashing through there buildings and letting EM KNOW our guild is in da houseOh heck ya more, a bunch of guildies and I running over people, downing them, killing them with our roller beetlesOh heck ya side missions in this zone, involving racing and roller beetles.Oh heck ya, when I destroy stylish stuff from other people, I collect materials just like in Fortnite

HEck yaI'm ready for this expansion I'm dreaming about.I'm ready for CANTHA

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We all know we're going too Cantha because it has been confirmed.GW2 takes playce centuries after GW1, that's enough time for any writer to fill with world/civilisation/culture changing events. GW2 Cantha does not need to have anything in common with GW1 Cantha. 250 years is long enough to turn a eerdant jungle into a wasteland, it's enough time for empires to rise, fall and be rebuilt again.

The rest of your post, well, isn't it human to play Fifa or Pinball or GTA, isn't it human to eat a lot and feel bad about oneself after, isn't it human to sometimes be tired after a boring day at work/school, isn't it human to sometimes bump your toe on a door, isn't it human to sometimes can't decide what to do next, isn't it human to wash your socks, sin't it human to pick your nose, isn't it human to sometimes have meaningless conversations over nothing at all just to pass time, isn't it human to know exactly what's holding you back and isn't it just as human to still can't help yourself, isn't it human to stay inside when the weather is bad and you don't have to go outside, isn't it human tosometimes get lost in a new place, isn't it human to breathe, isn't it human to... So many things are human nature. On the one hand it kinda defeats the purpose of a fantasy world created for escapism to recreate the world you want to escape. On the other hand, lots of human things would make a terrible game, let alone an expansion for an action oriented MMO. Would it be human for your character to need sleep/food/healthcare and the likes, sure. Would it still be GW if those systems would be added? I doubt it.

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@lokh.2695 said:We all know we're going too Cantha because it has been confirmed.GW2 takes playce centuries after GW1, that's enough time for any writer to fill with world/civilisation/culture changing events. GW2 Cantha does not need to have anything in common with GW1 Cantha. 250 years is long enough to turn a eerdant jungle into a wasteland, it's enough time for empires to rise, fall and be rebuilt again.

The rest of your post, well, isn't it human to play Fifa or Pinball or GTA, isn't it human to eat a lot and feel bad about oneself after, isn't it human to sometimes be tired after a boring day at work/school, isn't it human to sometimes bump your toe on a door, isn't it human to sometimes can't decide what to do next, isn't it human to wash your socks, sin't it human to pick your nose, isn't it human to sometimes have meaningless conversations over nothing at all just to pass time, isn't it human to know exactly what's holding you back and isn't it just as human to still can't help yourself, isn't it human to stay inside when the weather is bad and you don't have to go outside, isn't it human tosometimes get lost in a new place, isn't it human to breathe, isn't it human to... So many things are human nature. On the one hand it kinda defeats the purpose of a fantasy world created for escapism to recreate the world you want to escape. On the other hand, lots of human things would make a terrible game, let alone an expansion for an action oriented MMO. Would it be human for your character to need sleep/food/healthcare and the likes, sure. Would it still be GW if those systems would be added? I doubt it.

This game has minigames.Don't be surprised if they add pinball (doubtful, nothing to do with CANTHA but I wouldn't be surprised)(Guilds though, as GW1 calls it FACTIONS, I'm not gonna be surprised and NOT doubtful of Guild activities)

GW2,Did they add SABKeg TossRacesJumping puzzlesGlidersSubmarine Mount (hmmm minigame possibilities?)

This is NOT your traditional MMORPG, only spells, levels, quests, and zones comes with new expansion.

Before HoT, you think Gliders would be a thing.GW2 is a game that surprises you.

You need to think positive, encourage positive, keep discussion going.GW2 will surprise you

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@uberkingkong.8041 said:

@lokh.2695 said:Guilds are abandoned content. Sry m8.

They said they abandoned it? They claim they aint doing anything about it?Or they say SOON? Or they say maybe in the future? Or they say nothing at all?Timing has to be right, who knows, maybe End of Dragons means Beginning of GuildsThey have stopped talking about guild ccontent years ago and when they do speak about it they mean a handfull of decorations. Nothing has been changed about the Guild Halls since HoT and nothing besides decorations has been added since PoF(->ONE<- new Guild Hall). Before that? Well, they implemented Guild Missions in 2012...maybe fixed some things in the early years, I don't remember...but nothing of notice was added/changed between release and HoT that brought a huge rework of Guilds, mainly to implement Guild Halls. Guilds can't be monetized as well as skins or maybe a home instance, so they abandoned it.

Who knows is always a weak argument, or at least an argument that won't win you anything. Sure, I don't know what the next Xpac will bring, maybe it's playable tengu, land spears, player housing, fishing and guild centric. Do you know? I assume you don't. So we can stop arguing right there, none of us knows anything. Maybe the Cathan expansion will revolve around Keg Brawl, build your team and participate in Fifa/Madden'21...erm GuildWars2... Maybe we'll skip the whole fighting dragons and helping the innocent part and skip right into open world PvP, all day every day and it will be the only way to 1)advance the story, 2)get rewards, 3)unlock elites and 4)did I mention it might just be a full player loot system to appease the more hardcore crowd that's coming in with the steam release. Who knows, right? I sure don't, do you? Maybe in Cantha it's all about playing cardgames on your raptor. Who knows, maybe End of Dragons means beginning of old school Track'N'Field coming to GW2.

I already know, its Cantha.You should know too, they hint and its predictable.

Its like WWE.You should know whose going to win.

It aint like WCW or WWF, where who knows whose going to win. Goldberg 178 AND 0, vs DDP, he might lose his streak. GOLDBERG vs Hogan, he might lose his streak, who knows.

This game is like WWE, its roman reigns, you know whose gonna win.You should know the next expansion is Cantha.

End of dragons. Usually with an ending is a beginning. That means beginning of something else.

Cantha is humanoid zones.Very real possibility of guilds.It brought 15v15It brought a lot of tension between humanoids.

Very possible GvG content will be included.Very possible Guild races will be included

Humanoid expansion, brings very possibility of Guild like things to it.

Its not a wasteland, its not volancic, monstery, dragony, etc.Its humanoidy, and part of being a humanoid is Guilds.

Mages GuildFighters GuildDark BrotherhoodThieves GuildHouse HlaaluHouse TelvanniHouse RedoranMorag Tongetc etc etc

Humanoid stuff, also comes along with Humanoid guilds like things.

Think positive my friends.

I'd like for them to not forget about racing though. Thats why I'm bringing it up. Nothing is set in stone now. This is the time for ideas.Sure Cantha IS HAPPENING, but what comes along with it, be GvG, races, etc. That isn't set in stone.

Just like ROMAN REIGNS is going to win, but how he will win, what type of matchup, etc. not set in stone...Better yet, its Wrestlemania, Undertaker... You know hes going to be there, you know he is going to win. Matchup, etc etc etc. not set in stone. Predictable.Just like GW2, predictable.

Just like WWE GW2 gives you some teasers.I know 2020 people want in writing what is happening, imagination and faith is lacking.

Back in my days of gaming, you don't need someone to tell you its happening. YOU KNOW IT they know it EVERYBODY KNOWS it. No need "can I get a confirm on this"

Like the hearings "can I get a confirmation that you will provide this" "Can I get a confirmation that you will support this" "Can I get you to confirm publicly you will do this"

Back in my days, you know Cantha is coming. ITS COMING, people talk about it. They don't talk about "can I get confirmation that it is coming"

We all know its coming, lets start fantasying what we would like to have in it.For me, GUILD RACES, being able to REP my guild without having to have someone go into guild window and turn on that guild races are starting (thats how they have Guild PvP, its dumb, let me rep my guild and give them points for just being me and playing PvP, not have someone turn it on and having to PvP serious, which nobody does)

GW Factions aka Cantha is nothing but Guild type stuff.Start believing start fantasying its coming!!!!!

Like the movie on netflix The Secret, think positive, think how its going to happen, think good things, even when its not looking good, keep thinking good.You think bad, bad things happen.

What would be VERY AWESOME, is GTA 3 SAN ANDRES style Cantha.

Guilds fighting for territory. Guild alliances. OPEN WORLD PvP.Some Runescape WILDERNESS in it, you go into GW2 Cantha SAN ANDRES type zone aka the neighborhoods up for battle, ANYBODY from rivaling factions can take you out.

MMMM thinking positiveA zone set aside Open WORLD PVP, GTA 3 Andres style with Runescape Wilderness style as in its not a zone, its part of the main world still, there is PvE stuff in it. TEAM based aka GUILDS.MMMMIf its like fortnite, building stuff inside it.Putting that new tradeskill to use, building fancy buildings, making my neighborhood stylish and defending stylish neighborhood from rivaling non allied guilds.MMMM HMMM MMMMM!!!

I'm loving GW2 Cantha I'm fantasying about.

Oh heck ya, I forgot about racing.Oh heck ya more, I forgot about roller beetle smashing through there buildings and letting EM KNOW our guild is in da houseOh heck ya more, a bunch of guildies and I running over people, downing them, killing them with our roller beetlesOh heck ya side missions in this zone, involving racing and roller beetles.Oh heck ya, when I destroy stylish stuff from other people, I collect materials just like in Fortnite

HEck yaI'm ready for this expansion I'm dreaming about.I'm ready for CANTHA

So once again it turned out to be about PvP, eh? Just let it rot as it is unable to bring anything positive to a game. Since this seems to be a thing in all MMO forums to try and get some invasion/open world PvP, shouldn't you all be aware already that it would be dumb for the developers to try to strong-arm it into their game? The hint can't get more obvious as the reasons have been explained so many times already. Just accept it.

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@Yggranya.5201 said:

@lokh.2695 said:Guilds are abandoned content. Sry m8.

They said they abandoned it? They claim they aint doing anything about it?Or they say SOON? Or they say maybe in the future? Or they say nothing at all?Timing has to be right, who knows, maybe End of Dragons means Beginning of GuildsThey have stopped talking about guild ccontent years ago and when they do speak about it they mean a handfull of decorations. Nothing has been changed about the Guild Halls since HoT and nothing besides decorations has been added since PoF(->ONE<- new Guild Hall). Before that? Well, they implemented Guild Missions in 2012...maybe fixed some things in the early years, I don't remember...but nothing of notice was added/changed between release and HoT that brought a huge rework of Guilds, mainly to implement Guild Halls. Guilds can't be monetized as well as skins or maybe a home instance, so they abandoned it.

Who knows is always a weak argument, or at least an argument that won't win you anything. Sure, I don't know what the next Xpac will bring, maybe it's playable tengu, land spears, player housing, fishing and guild centric. Do you know? I assume you don't. So we can stop arguing right there, none of us knows anything. Maybe the Cathan expansion will revolve around Keg Brawl, build your team and participate in Fifa/Madden'21...erm GuildWars2... Maybe we'll skip the whole fighting dragons and helping the innocent part and skip right into open world PvP, all day every day and it will be the only way to 1)advance the story, 2)get rewards, 3)unlock elites and 4)did I mention it might just be a full player loot system to appease the more hardcore crowd that's coming in with the steam release. Who knows, right? I sure don't, do you? Maybe in Cantha it's all about playing cardgames on your raptor. Who knows, maybe End of Dragons means beginning of old school Track'N'Field coming to GW2.

I already know, its Cantha.You should know too, they hint and its predictable.

Its like WWE.You should know whose going to win.

It aint like WCW or WWF, where who knows whose going to win. Goldberg 178 AND 0, vs DDP, he might lose his streak. GOLDBERG vs Hogan, he might lose his streak, who knows.

This game is like WWE, its roman reigns, you know whose gonna win.You should know the next expansion is Cantha.

End of dragons. Usually with an ending is a beginning. That means beginning of something else.

Cantha is humanoid zones.Very real possibility of guilds.It brought 15v15It brought a lot of tension between humanoids.

Very possible GvG content will be included.Very possible Guild races will be included

Humanoid expansion, brings very possibility of Guild like things to it.

Its not a wasteland, its not volancic, monstery, dragony, etc.Its humanoidy, and part of being a humanoid is Guilds.

Mages GuildFighters GuildDark BrotherhoodThieves GuildHouse HlaaluHouse TelvanniHouse RedoranMorag Tongetc etc etc

Humanoid stuff, also comes along with Humanoid guilds like things.

Think positive my friends.

I'd like for them to not forget about racing though. Thats why I'm bringing it up. Nothing is set in stone now. This is the time for ideas.Sure Cantha IS HAPPENING, but what comes along with it, be GvG, races, etc. That isn't set in stone.

Just like ROMAN REIGNS is going to win, but how he will win, what type of matchup, etc. not set in stone...Better yet, its Wrestlemania, Undertaker... You know hes going to be there, you know he is going to win. Matchup, etc etc etc. not set in stone. Predictable.Just like GW2, predictable.

Just like WWE GW2 gives you some teasers.I know 2020 people want in writing what is happening, imagination and faith is lacking.

Back in my days of gaming, you don't need someone to tell you its happening. YOU KNOW IT they know it EVERYBODY KNOWS it. No need "can I get a confirm on this"

Like the hearings "can I get a confirmation that you will provide this" "Can I get a confirmation that you will support this" "Can I get you to confirm publicly you will do this"

Back in my days, you know Cantha is coming. ITS COMING, people talk about it. They don't talk about "can I get confirmation that it is coming"

We all know its coming, lets start fantasying what we would like to have in it.For me, GUILD RACES, being able to REP my guild without having to have someone go into guild window and turn on that guild races are starting (thats how they have Guild PvP, its dumb, let me rep my guild and give them points for just being me and playing PvP, not have someone turn it on and having to PvP serious, which nobody does)

GW Factions aka Cantha is nothing but Guild type stuff.Start believing start fantasying its coming!!!!!

Like the movie on netflix The Secret, think positive, think how its going to happen, think good things, even when its not looking good, keep thinking good.You think bad, bad things happen.

What would be VERY AWESOME, is GTA 3 SAN ANDRES style Cantha.

Guilds fighting for territory. Guild alliances. OPEN WORLD PvP.Some Runescape WILDERNESS in it, you go into GW2 Cantha SAN ANDRES type zone aka the neighborhoods up for battle, ANYBODY from rivaling factions can take you out.

MMMM thinking positiveA zone set aside Open WORLD PVP, GTA 3 Andres style with Runescape Wilderness style as in its not a zone, its part of the main world still, there is PvE stuff in it. TEAM based aka GUILDS.MMMMIf its like fortnite, building stuff inside it.Putting that new tradeskill to use, building fancy buildings, making my neighborhood stylish and defending stylish neighborhood from rivaling non allied guilds.MMMM HMMM MMMMM!!!

I'm loving GW2 Cantha I'm fantasying about.

Oh heck ya, I forgot about racing.Oh heck ya more, I forgot about roller beetle smashing through there buildings and letting EM KNOW our guild is in da houseOh heck ya more, a bunch of guildies and I running over people, downing them, killing them with our roller beetlesOh heck ya side missions in this zone, involving racing and roller beetles.Oh heck ya, when I destroy stylish stuff from other people, I collect materials just like in Fortnite

HEck yaI'm ready for this expansion I'm dreaming about.I'm ready for CANTHA

So once again it turned out to be about PvP, eh? Just let it rot as it is unable to bring anything positive to a game. Since this seems to be a thing in all MMO forums to try and get some invasion/open world PvP, shouldn't you all be aware already that it would be dumb for the developers to try to strong-arm it into their game? The hint can't get more obvious as the reasons have been explained so many times already. Just accept it.

Racing is pretty much PvPInstead of killing each other you racing.Racing actually, is an Open World PvP too. Since you do it in the open.Only thing missing, people being able to knock you off your mount.

They do have a mechanic for it too, in the Halloween racing, some races have these things that explode if you run into them.Ability to poop one out like in Mario Kart 64 upsidedown ? Poop em out and maybe other players ram into and get knocked down.

Hmm, ultimate combo, getting someone knocked off mount, and NPC puts them into combat.

A racers nightmare, knocked off mount and then in combat.Also a racers nightmare, going off course BIG TIME, like failing/overjumping a jump and gotta backtrack

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