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Blind and Burn are a joke.


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Blind is massive annoying- ele scrapper holo put out so much that the match up into builds that might be able to dps them off node are still won, since they cannot hit that dps.I think burning is kindof fine- it seems to mostly be a thing because of needs to the classes that do stuff besides burn so that’s more a consequence to nerfs, now ppl just need to have burn to dps properly.Or at least that’s my opinion feel free to disagree

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I have come to the conclusion burns are fine, burning is very strong true but burning is something very damaging in real life too so it makes sense burning is a burst condition.Spamming blind is annoying but in real life when you are blind you are blind for some seconds not just your first action. So some blind spam seems fine to me.Nerfing how this conditions work may need to rework full classes and i don't know it even in that case it would make much of a difference.

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@anduriell.6280 said:I have come to the conclusion burns are fine, burning is very strong true but burning is something very damaging in real life too so it makes sense burning is a burst condition.Spamming blind is annoying but in real life when you are blind you are blind for some seconds not just your first action. So some blind spam seems fine to me.Nerfing how this conditions work may need to rework full classes and i don't know it even in that case it would make much of a difference.

U can't bring in real life and make any balance decisions based on such lol cmon so warrior hammering u on the head with a giant war hammer would only knockin down without injury/damage take, or reapers shroud 5?Imagine stabbing someone in the back or eating multiple arrows at once(rapid fire) lol those used to be extreme almost one shot from full hp damages ie more realistic bit was deemed unbalanced and hard nerfed so..

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@anduriell.6280 said:I have come to the conclusion burns are fine, burning is very strong true but burning is something very damaging in real life too so it makes sense burning is a burst condition.Spamming blind is annoying but in real life when you are blind you are blind for some seconds not just your first action. So some blind spam seems fine to me.Nerfing how this conditions work may need to rework full classes and i don't know it even in that case it would make much of a difference.

U can't bring in real life and make any balance decisions based on such lol cmon so warrior hammering u on the head with a giant war hammer would only knockin down without injury/damage take, or reapers shroud 5?Imagine stabbing someone in the back or eating multiple arrows at once(rapid fire) lol those used to be extreme almost one shot from full hp damages ie more realistic bit was deemed unbalanced and hard nerfed so..

If we'd bring real life in GW2...a single staff ele would decimate a whole zerg on his own..a single meteor storm should wipe at elast 10-20 people in one go

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@Supreme.3164 said:

@anduriell.6280 said:I have come to the conclusion burns are fine, burning is very strong true but burning is something very damaging in real life too so it makes sense burning is a burst condition.Spamming blind is annoying but in real life when you are blind you are blind for some seconds not just your first action. So some blind spam seems fine to me.Nerfing how this conditions work may need to rework full classes and i don't know it even in that case it would make much of a difference.

U can't bring in real life and make any balance decisions based on such lol cmon so warrior hammering u on the head with a giant war hammer would only knockin down without injury/damage take, or reapers shroud 5?Imagine stabbing someone in the back or eating multiple arrows at once(rapid fire) lol those used to be extreme almost one shot from full hp damages ie more realistic bit was deemed unbalanced and hard nerfed so..

If we'd bring real life in GW2...a single staff ele would decimate a whole zerg on his own..a single meteor storm should wipe at elast 10-20 people in one go

Lol that is true.

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The floodgates have open ANET its your fault for listening to all the wrong people now folks are demanding nerf to blind which is a huge mistake.

I personally believe thieves need blind since its part of their toolkit to be cunning mastermind asssasins.

I personally never had any issues with being blinded burning? yeah sure but thats probably either being bad or some classes have too easy access to stack.

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@gmmg.9210 said:The downtime between blind is maddeningly small, and the burn dps is too strong.

Sincerely a warrior.You're right. It's just also funny.

@Shrapnel.7249 said:On what? There’s no context here. Mesmer? Thief? Guard? Ranger? Engi? Warrior?!

Warrior is most likely since those other classes have multi hits that they can afford to miss a couple of.You blind a warrior and it ruins his whole week.

@Axl.8924 said:The floodgates have open ANET its your fault for listening to all the wrong people now folks are demanding nerf to blind which is a huge mistake.

We wouldn't be here if warriors did damage reliably enough to not be shut down by blind being applied every couple of seconds. Their only viable build is a damage sponge. They have the tools to remove the blind, but any damage delivered for doing that correctly just reminds the opponent to be slightly more aware of how they chain blind for the rest of the fight.

Also weakness.

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Warrior is the only class I've played where fighting a class with a lot of blinds is so oppressive. Imo the problem lies in the loss of damage on cc's. When I'm on warrior and I time my cc or catch a thief off guard or any class the immediately stunbreak and arnt punished at all other than the loss of a stunbreak. If opponent has no stunbreak a block, barrier or whatever can be applied by the time 2-3 hits of 100 blades goes off, again barely punished. Half of warriors burst damage before the feb patch was from had cc preceeding the rest of the burst and now that's gone on top of the blanket dps nerf all skill got. If I'm on warrior and I time a well timed hard cc that has plenty of tells and connect with the thief resulting in decent damage even if they successfully had used blind on my a few times thru the fight at least when I caught them it was punishing to the thief and the fights seemed more fair. Yeah blinds in general are really effective vs war but I think it's a problem more to do with warriors current state vs some classes access to blinds.Burns are only really a issue from guards as the occur mostly passively which is not healthy for the game.

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