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why make ppl can duo in rank?


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It's an mmo. Honestly it is insane that we are limited to duo queues. I play online games so that I can play with friends, not solo. People would be in an uproar if you weren't allowed to queue with friends for fractals or raids, but for PvP it is fine? Honestly the whole setup for Ranked and Unranked is backwards as hell. Most of the issues in Ranked PvP stem from the fact that you have no control over who you play with aside from the one friend that you're allowed. This system is what allows the infestation of bots, afk players, toxic players, and trolls to plague Ranked PvP.

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I want to be able to play pvp with my friends. Don't have any? Find a guild and duo queue yourself.If duo queue ever gets removed from ranked i leave pvp and I know im not alone. Pvp population is already stretched thin enough as it is.

If they made a separate solo queue and a party queue, I could live with it but finding a match could take longer.

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To be real gw2 pvp goes to die after they left esl. But with this duo/solo que thing they give it a suicide shot. They simply remove organised pvp guilds. Let you loose the controle over the map most of the time and made it horrible for some builds get played out side of ats. Best step would be ... bring in 5v5 ranked and remove or left duo/solo que as it is.

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