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early game content turns new players away from the game

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@Astralporing.1957 said:

@"Hesione.9412" said:Given that I still haven't got the achievement
I'm not sure that players understand breaking the defiance bar is needed.That one is problematic, because the breakbar is tuned so high it's practically impossible to break with using class cc skills alone. You need to have a significant number of players using the bomb skill from gliding in order to be able to deal enough breakbar damage (when i say significant number, i mean somewhere between 25 to 50% of all players, depending of how efficient the glider attacks would be - see further on that).

Another problem is that the timing is so tight, you need to be either at the launchpad or already in the air when the breakbar appears in order to be in time. If you start running to launchpad when you see the first sign of breakbar phase starting, you will be too late. Which requires people checking the timer. Which, again, gets compolicated, because timer is not constant - it gets affected by the length of each healing crystal spawn phase (basically, the internal, invisible timer for breakbar phases stops when crystals appear, and starts again only once they all get destroyed, which takes a variable amount of time).

That's why it's next to impossible to see the breakbar broken ina normal, pug attempt. You generally only see that when there's enough discord-coordinated players involved to take care of that part of mechanic.

You sure it cant be done with the new legion waystation?

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@"Astralporing.1957" said:That's why it's next to impossible to see the breakbar broken ina normal, pug attempt. You generally only see that when there's enough discord-coordinated players involved to take care of that part of mechanic.

What's with people claiming you need discord for everything? As I said a few posts above -all that was needed was a commander that told people they want to go for the achievement and then maybe writing "now" in case you want to be extra-safe with people knowing when to bomb the bar.

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Depends. Back then I found it nice. At release. When I came back 2019 mid (stopped end 2013) and started a new revenant later beginning 2010 ... I still enjoyed leveling normally and getting used to the new class/profession.

The low level map also takes into account that you do not have high level gear. (Someone pushing the char to 80 getting exos and then starting from low level map to do story and map completions ... will steamroll a lot more than someone that constantly has outdated gear - when not always upgrading every few levels while leveling normally.)

It also is a lot about exploration and stuff. For the challenge you probably really want some high level meta events and bossers (or better raids, fractals and so on).

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@Linken.6345 said:

@"Hesione.9412" said:Given that I still haven't got the achievement
I'm not sure that players understand breaking the defiance bar is needed.That one is problematic, because the breakbar is tuned so high it's practically impossible to break with using class cc skills alone. You need to have a significant number of players using the bomb skill from gliding in order to be able to deal enough breakbar damage (when i say significant number, i mean somewhere between 25 to 50% of all players, depending of how efficient the glider attacks would be - see further on that).

Another problem is that the timing is so tight, you need to be either at the launchpad or already in the air when the breakbar appears in order to be in time. If you start running to launchpad when you see the first sign of breakbar phase starting, you will be too late. Which requires people checking the timer. Which, again, gets compolicated, because timer is not constant - it gets affected by the length of each healing crystal spawn phase (basically, the internal, invisible timer for breakbar phases stops when crystals appear, and starts again only once they all get destroyed, which takes a variable amount of time).

That's why it's next to impossible to see the breakbar broken ina normal, pug attempt. You generally only see that when there's enough discord-coordinated players involved to take care of that part of mechanic.

You sure it cant be done with the new legion waystation?

I got the Smash the Dragon achievement when people used EMPs. Since that time, I haven't had any more progress towards finishing No-Fly Zone. In all times, I have been playing with random people, none of us in a squad.

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The limited access to varied skills does suck for the new player experience. GW2 looks like every boring MMO that you just repeatedly push a button over again for the first ten hours. It changes when you actually fill in all your skills.

Except when you put points into all the tracks at once, then you're just not going to have fun.

Maybe players should have access to easy skill resets and maybe more points to start with.

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Personal opinion: if the core leveling is too easy, you need to be unorthodox. That is to say, the meta gameplay loop is likely going to make standard content infantile which is why I always have a "serious build" and an "experimental build" at the least. The experimental build is usually looking at some facet of the game or profession that is unknown or "subpar" to me and making an attempt to explore and make that facet shine. Understandably, you're not going to make anything amazing but at the least you can gain an appreciation of something you would otherwise not use or give a greater purpose in improving less meta parts of the game.

Some might see that as just handicapping yourself but I see it more like using the game for the sandbox it is.

Homing in on the newer player experience, that's going to rely more on the bulk of players. Maybe have an option to force the content to scale higher for vet players (a feature you can disable in options) so it's more likely you'll see those low level contents scaled as if 5-15 players are around when there are only 2-3. That doesn't necessarily make the content harder but it would make it more entertaining.

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gw2 early game is more about exploration, i spend near 6 months completing all maps, tried 1 map everyday.

the problem is that game UI and rewards dont emphasize much that, i remenber at time, the side bar spam LS1 stuff and "fall tournament" i just ignored that.

For some reason the game exploration remembered me zelda, the game was almost about reach some spots and do the hearts.

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Run dungeons with appropriate leveled toons without the OP builds and the downscaled stats. It's plenty challenging at times just running people through with your high level. It can actually be comical if they are inexperienced. Having a party of 100% offense oriented "meta" builds face roll mobs in .5 seconds is not fun and speaks more about how ANET has dropped the ball making any stat other than power/ferocity/precision meaningless completely pointless.

I only play this game because the characters are nice to look at and the artwork is quite good. As far as balance goes this game has never had any from day 1 and it's only gotten worse. It's quite boring in all honesty and I just tend to play around open world most of the time.

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I can only speak for my personal experience. I have been playing since launch but my wife recently decided to try the game out. She played Wow (including raids and heroic dungeons) for over ten years. She found the GW2 starting experience good although parts seemed complicated to her. The combat felt about right for her. As she adjusted, we moved to higher level zones and other content that has kept her engaged. As an observation, I do a lot of mapping with new characters and I am okay with the open world stuff.

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