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Legendary armory

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:It's weird the amount of wishful thinking on a feature that has almost no impact to the general population. How many people do you think possess enough legendary items to take advantage of such a thing? If any sort of development around a Legendary Armory exists, it better be free or come with some massive benefit to people with not-legendary items.

The legendary armor should be the first legendary to craft for every player which wants to stay in the game for a while. Is arguably at least x10 times more useful than legenday weapons because those can largely change from class, build and use, whereas having an armor with swappable stats, runes and infusions is huge. Is also farily cheap to obtain (mine from PvP cost me ~1800 gold coins, albeit the tokkens take me year and half) or you can pay more but get the pieces faster in WvW or PvE. I'm already saving tokens for the second (done) and third (will finish this autumn) legendary armors, waiting to see the exact implementation before chosing between having one of each (heavy, mid & light) or going with 3 heavies if the implementation ends being horrible (because I play heavies 99% of the time). The template system already is garbage compared to the one present in Daiblo III (and I'm talking about functionality, not even taking the cost in consideration) and is fully broken with some classes (keeps destroying my predefined loadouts in my Revenants almost every time I enter in PvP).

In this game even the most casual "I only enter to do the daily" player is able to craft one legendary each two years, so I would asume that this will have a huge relevance. And for sure the announcement freezed any effort from me into crafting new ascended armors...

Maybe that's all true. Maybe a casual could do what you what you say. I'm just questioning the concept of a legendary armory and how beneficial that is to the playerbase. I would find it a REALLY hard sell to pay for a feature as part of an expansion that fixes a broken one for a fraction of the population or doesn't give me any benefit.You might as well argue how beneficial LS achievements is. Only a fraction of the population will complete them and they certainly dont benefit me.

The simple fact about the legendary armoury is that we need it to fix equipment templates. Its a problem Anet has created. Right now legendary armor use is practically restricted to 1 character since unequipping breaks all your templates. Its a problem Anet should fix.

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@"Funky.4861" said:Ascended is only a waste if you intend to go for legendary gear. It's cheaper and easier to acquire and is stat-swappable

Plus it's easier to handle in the current state of "Templates":

  • It's all saved in the Equipment Storage, so it doesn't take up inventory space like it used to
  • It's faster to swap to a different ascended weapon that's in your inventory than to have to select a legendary piece via Equipment Storage and change its stats and upgrades
  • When you to the aforementioned, you don't have to waste time restoring the previous (legendary) weapon's stats and upgrades, which are lost upon unequip, but can simply swap back to the other (ascended) weapon, with its stats and upgrades intact

So, ascended sets are currently more convenient and faster to swap than legendary gear. GG.

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@Dawdler.8521 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:It's weird the amount of wishful thinking on a feature that has almost no impact to the general population. How many people do you think possess enough legendary items to take advantage of such a thing? If any sort of development around a Legendary Armory exists, it better be free or come with some massive benefit to people with not-legendary items.

The legendary armor should be the first legendary to craft for every player which wants to stay in the game for a while. Is arguably at least x10 times more useful than legenday weapons because those can largely change from class, build and use, whereas having an armor with swappable stats, runes and infusions is huge. Is also farily cheap to obtain (mine from PvP cost me ~1800 gold coins, albeit the tokkens take me year and half) or you can pay more but get the pieces faster in WvW or PvE. I'm already saving tokens for the second (done) and third (will finish this autumn) legendary armors, waiting to see the exact implementation before chosing between having one of each (heavy, mid & light) or going with 3 heavies if the implementation ends being horrible (because I play heavies 99% of the time). The template system already is garbage compared to the one present in Daiblo III (and I'm talking about functionality, not even taking the cost in consideration) and is fully broken with some classes (keeps destroying my predefined loadouts in my Revenants almost every time I enter in PvP).

In this game even the most casual "I only enter to do the daily" player is able to craft one legendary each two years, so I would asume that this will have a huge relevance. And for sure the announcement freezed any effort from me into crafting new ascended armors...

Maybe that's all true. Maybe a casual could do what you what you say. I'm just questioning the concept of a legendary armory and how beneficial that is to the playerbase. I would find it a REALLY hard sell to pay for a feature as part of an expansion that fixes a broken one for a fraction of the population or doesn't give me any benefit.You might as well argue how beneficial LS achievements is. Only a fraction of the population will complete them and they certainly dont benefit me.

Except this isn't a discussion about the benefit of LS achievements.

The simple fact about the legendary armoury is that we need it to fix equipment templates. Its a problem Anet has created. Right now legendary armor use is practically restricted to 1 character since unequipping breaks all your templates. Its a problem Anet should fix.

Agreed ... I didn't say we don't need a fix, but don't pretend like the armory is the ONLY way to fix this problem.

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@"Obtena.7952" said:Except this isn't a discussion about the benefit of LS achievements.Its not but that still doesnt make an argument of "its not beneficial to me therefor no one has any need of it" very sensible.

Agreed ... I didn't say we don't need a fix, but don't pretend like the armory is the ONLY way to fix this problem.

Well they dont seem to have any intentions for fixing the templates or it would have already happened.

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@"Buran.3796" said:

In this game even the most casual "I only enter to do the daily" player is able to craft one legendary each two years, so I would asume that this will have a huge relevance. And for sure the announcement freezed any effort from me into crafting new ascended armors...

I have no desire to craft legendary armor. For me, the only benefit is the aesthetics of it, which quite frankly are not a big selling point for me. Legendary armor is not relevant at all to me as a casual player and for the others in my small group of friends.

I have made a few ascended weapons and picked up trinkets here and there. Those are more than sufficient for me to complete content.

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@Dawdler.8521 said:

@"Obtena.7952" said:Except this isn't a discussion about the benefit of LS achievements.Its not but that still doesnt make an argument of "its not beneficial to me therefor no one has any need of it" very sensible.

Sure it is ... the impact a feature has on the playerbase is DEFINITELY of consideration when Anet decides to develop that feature.

Agreed ... I didn't say we don't need a fix, but don't pretend like the armory is the ONLY way to fix this problem.

Well they dont seem to have any intentions for fixing the templates or it would have already happened.

That's just being too assuming. We don't know what the fix is. Even in concept, we don't know what a legendary armory is.

The bottom line here is that whatever the fix is ... it better be free and it better be pretty cheap because there is no way that introducing a 'legendary armory' is a selling point in a game where it's being introduced to fix a problem for a select few portion of players.

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@Buran.3796 said:

@"Obtena.7952" said:It's weird the amount of wishful thinking on a feature that has almost no impact to the general population. How many people do you think possess enough legendary items to take advantage of such a thing? If any sort of development around a Legendary Armory exists, it better be free or come with some massive benefit to people with not-legendary items.

The legendary armor should be the first legendary to craft for every player which wants to stay in the game for a while.Too bad then that the legendary armor is one that requires participation in content huge majority of players don't play.

In this game even the most casual "I only enter to do the daily" player is able to craft one legendary each two yearsNo, because most of those players do
play SPvP or WvW. Or if they do, they do it so sporadically that obtaining legendary armor from those modes is not realistic for them.

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@"Astralporing.1957" said:

Too bad then that the legendary armor is one that requires participation in content huge majority of players don't play.

Are you sure about that? Because when ANet relased the WvW mount no one needed for PvE, the servers had full cap maps for weeks, and the PvP forum is by far the second largest segment of this forum in terms of topics and coments (and lately have been full of players asking about how to get Trascendence). I'm not saying that every player in the game "must" craft a legendary armor, but if they plan to devote some serious time in the game, is by far the best investment they could do: ascended trinkets are ultra easy to obtain from Bittersweet/Bjora farming, but replacing runes and stats in your armor every time ANet shakes the meta deleting/nerfing old combos (celestial, nomad...) or implementing new ones more efficient (viper, diviner...) is a pain. A legendary armor in your main makes your character immune to changes in the meta, essentially, whereas not having one means vertical grinding every time a major expansion or stat-driven new content is released

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@Buran.3796 said:

@"Astralporing.1957" said:

Too bad then that the legendary armor is one that requires participation in content huge majority of players don't play.

Are you sure about that?

Yes.Because when ANet relased the WvW mount no one needed for PvE, the servers had full cap maps for weeksThose were mostly PvE players, and they stopped playing right after they got the mount. The difference was that the mount was really easy and fast to obtain. It took few days tops, with some people getting it on teh same day.So, sure, it is easy to get PvE players play WvW (and SPvP) for something that can be obtained relatively easy and fast, but that's one-time thing. More longterm and engaging participation (and both SPvP and especially WvW legendary require that) is something else however. Most PvE players are
going, for example, to put enough hours in WvW every week to get past wooden reward tier. That would significantly cut into their PvE time.

and the PvP forum is by far the second largest segment of this forum in terms of topics and coments (and lately have been full of players asking about how to get Trascendence).So? Forums are hardly representative. If you went by the forums, PvE breakdown would show Raids to be most popular, with Fractal CMs being second and anything else being far, far behind - and obviously that does not represent the situation.

Remember, most casuals don't post on forums at all (most don't even read them). That heavily skews forum representation towards players that are more hardcore, and/or dedicated to some niche content.

I'm not saying that every player in the game "must" craft a legendary armor, but if they plan to devote some serious time in the game, is by far the best investment they could doI don't disagree on the theory. It's just that in practice most players will never play enough raids, SPvP or WvW to get even one set. The ones currently in game are simply not for them. Unlike legendary weapons, which are something "mainstream" casual crowd can work on as a byproduct of normally playing the game, with only very occasional, (and very short) forays in other content (mainly to wvw, for gift of battle).

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@Buran.3796 said:

@"Astralporing.1957" said:

Too bad then that the legendary armor is one that requires participation in content huge majority of players don't play.

Are you sure about that? Because when ANet relased the WvW mount no one needed for PvE, the servers had full cap maps for weeks, and the PvP forum is by far the second largest segment of this forum in terms of topics and coments (and lately have been full of players asking about how to get Trascendence). I'm not saying that every player in the game "must" craft a legendary armor, but if they plan to devote some serious time in the game, is by far the best investment they could do: ascended trinkets are ultra easy to obtain from Bittersweet/Bjora farming, but replacing runes and stats in your armor every time ANet shakes the meta deleting/nerfing old combos (celestial, nomad...) or implementing new ones more efficient (viper, diviner...) is a pain. A legendary armor in your main makes your character immune to changes in the meta, essentially, whereas not having one means vertical grinding every time a major expansion or stat-driven new content is released

When anet released wvw leggy armor, queues were high for a week or two. When pvers realised they have to grind for endless weeks for their shiny, they left reeeally fast.

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@Voltekka.2375 said:

@"Astralporing.1957" said:

Too bad then that the legendary armor is one that requires participation in content huge majority of players don't play.

Are you sure about that? Because when ANet relased the WvW mount no one needed for PvE, the servers had full cap maps for weeks, and the PvP forum is by far the second largest segment of this forum in terms of topics and coments (and lately have been full of players asking about how to get Trascendence). I'm not saying that every player in the game "must" craft a legendary armor, but if they plan to devote some serious time in the game, is by far the best investment they could do: ascended trinkets are ultra easy to obtain from Bittersweet/Bjora farming, but replacing runes and stats in your armor every time ANet shakes the meta deleting/nerfing old combos (celestial, nomad...) or implementing new ones more efficient (viper, diviner...) is a pain. A legendary armor in your main makes your character immune to changes in the meta, essentially, whereas not having one means vertical grinding every time a major expansion or stat-driven new content is released

When anet released wvw leggy armor, queues were high for a week or two. When pvers realised they have to grind for endless weeks for their shiny, they left reeeally fast.

When it comes to WvW armor it's actually years. Especially for people who never played WvW and don't have bonus pips for skirmish reward track. Most won't finish gold, let alone max out the tickets for the week and i'm sure people that were interested in the mode for the rewards quickly realized this and left.

@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:I bet the legendary armory will be a reward for a collection. Said collection will require soulbinding 6 pieces of legendary armor, 2 legendary rings, 2 legendary accessories, 1 legendary backpack, 1 legendary amulet, and 1 legendary weapon.

Just to be extra evil only Conflux not Slumbering Conflux will count thus forcing more people into raids to get the legendary ring from there and only Transcendence not Slumbering Transcendence will count thus forcing people into ATs.

To be fair, when you're grinding for Conflux, you'll probably get that one emblem of the avenger anyway, if not 10 of them. Same for PvP, when you're grinding for time gated stuff, it's within the realm of possibility to get that 20 wins. I already have like 70 emblems in my bank that i wish you could exchange for skirmish tickets but that's not the point. The point is - if you got to slumbering versions, the shiny version isn't really that hard to make. I mean, you need 6-7 weeks of hardcore WvW for the skirmish tickets. If you don't kill 100 people in that time for the emblem, then how are you even playing lol. :tongue:

That said - i understand the post was sarcastic, and i really hope they don't do that lol. :tongue:

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