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Will EoD add a new type of mount to work toward?

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@Zuldari.3940 said:

@Biziut.3594 said:Dark and gloomy Echovald Forest and enormous labyrynth of slums in Kaineng city. It's just shouts for a spider mount. (with an option to toggle it off and some free skin that do not look like a spider for arachnofobhic)

I would so love a spider that climbs! but looking at the old GW they had landships maybe a landship or an airship. But I would rather have a spider or bat. As for people saying oh well EoD wont get mounts because they are a PoF feature. Yeah cat is out of the bag and the horses have left the barn, they can still add in new features and a mount. I mean here we are in Icebrood saga using HoT features like mushrooms and leylines.

Reputedly the initial concept of the skyscale was a spider. But they thought it wouldnt be received well, or triggering people with arachnophobia. So we got the skyscale, the wall clinging/jumping being the legacy of the spider.

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@LucianDK.8615 said:Reputedly the initial concept of the skyscale was a spider. But they thought it wouldnt be received well, or triggering people with arachnophobia. So we got the skyscale, the wall clinging/jumping being the legacy of the spider.

but like, theres already so much worse than spiders in this game. and theres already spiders in the game. and scorpions. did you know scorpions are also arachnids?

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@"Substance E.4852" said:The likelihood of us getting any kind of new mount after they dumped the powercreep dragon on us is slim

There's any number of gimmick mounts they could conjure up but they know full well no one is going to use said gimmick mounts outside of areas they're forced to

Everyone just just mains the dragon because it can do everything and Anet is addicted to making maps where 50% of the area is valleys and cliffs making the rollerbeetle sub optimal

The only way to make a general use mount that people will want to pick over the dragon is to just say "kitten it" and give us a WoW tier flying mount

Actually, if I liked the way the gimmicky mount looked ... I would us it everywhere where I DIDN'T need a specific one. I don't think I'm alone in that opinion either.

Not a point against you but I'd still say that you're in the overwhelming minority on that one given how many people you'll see "dragon up" in any map meta event despite it being the hardest to obtain mount by a massive margin

It can fly (sort of) and is a dragon

I can't think of anything that would have broader appeal than that in a high fantasy game when it comes to things you ride

Asking for new mount types is like asking for new underwater weapon skins

Yes, some people will use them and absolutely love them. Most, however, won't touch them

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@Substance E.4852 said:

@Substance E.4852 said:The likelihood of us getting any kind of new mount after they dumped the powercreep dragon on us is slim

There's any number of gimmick mounts they could conjure up but they know full well no one is going to use said gimmick mounts outside of areas they're forced to

Everyone just just mains the dragon because it can do everything and Anet is addicted to making maps where 50% of the area is valleys and cliffs making the rollerbeetle sub optimal

The only way to make a general use mount that people will want to pick over the dragon is to just say "kitten it" and give us a WoW tier flying mount

Actually, if I liked the way the gimmicky mount looked ... I would us it everywhere where I DIDN'T need a specific one. I don't think I'm alone in that opinion either.

It can fly (sort of) and is a dragon

I can't think of anything that would have broader appeal than that in a high fantasy game when it comes to things you ride

You might not be able to think of it, but what is broadly appealing doesn't mean new mounts are off the table. If there isn't a specific need for a mount, then it makes sense people are going to use the mount that appeals to them the most. That's not by default the Skyscale.

Yes, some people will use them and absolutely love them. Most, however, won't touch them

You don't know if that's true.

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I don't want new mounts.

Three reasons.

  1. Why risk destroying a practically perfect system? Mounts are probably the most sacred thing in GW2. With recent "new content" I don't really have faith the devs can improve on the current balance and system of the mounts. If something is introduces that messes with the current system too much, it would be a riot among players.

  2. We don't need new mounts. We have land, sea, and air covered well. There may possibly be room for a 100% underwater mount...but I'd say this is not needed unless EoD introduces new underwater mechanics.

  3. I'd rather have EoD introduce a new mind-blowing expansion mechanic like how gliding was introduced in HoT or mounts in PoF. Honestly, depending on how much resources Anet really has for the expac I'd just be happy with really well made elite specs and good maps and stories than content that will find its way to the gates of oblivion after a few months.

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@VladimaBlack.5618 said:

@LucianDK.8615 said:Reputedly the initial concept of the skyscale was a spider. But they thought it wouldnt be received well, or triggering people with arachnophobia. So we got the skyscale, the wall clinging/jumping being the legacy of the spider.

but like, theres already so much worse than spiders in this game. and theres already spiders in the game. and scorpions. did you know scorpions are also arachnids?

Arachnophobia is about real world creatures and an irrational fear of them. Like many phobias, the panic attacks that it can generate are no joke. I think it very unlikely that ANet will ever add spiders as a mount for that very reason.

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