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Suggestion/update for Skyscale

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@Veprovina.4876 said:

@"Mil.3562" said:A definite NO

The Skyscle is already the most used mount in the game and it needs a buff?

In PVE, the Warclaw is the most useless and least used and ANet should be working on her instead. Unlike all the other seven mounts, the poor kitty has no speciality skill and her mobility is also the slowest.

It's like having a new Longbow in the game but with only half the range and dps of the rest of the LBs.Well done.

The Warclaw was never meant to be competing with the pve mounts. They allowed it in pve, so people could strut around the cities with blinged skins.

That doesn't mean they can't give it a niche feature.Maybe something useful to the Commanders in PvE.Not sure what that would be, but it's no competition to other mounts if Warclaw has niche PvE uses.

in my opinion, the most they can do (without breaking balance vs other mounts) is give it
. this ability functions where people without the mount can run faster as long as they stay near the warclaw user. also good for mentors/commanders to help lead mount-less newbies in pve starter zones. giving the warclaw other abilities in pve doesnt seem fair to wvw people or may break balance with other mounts

Yeah, something like that! Maybe also some features that would only be useful to AND usable by a commander of a 10+ squad. That's extremely niche and doesn't interfere with other mounts at all. EDIT: Also wouldn't be unfair to WvW people if only Commanders could use those abilites. You have to WvW for a commander tag anyway and Warclaw has it's own different WvW use... With this, it'll just have a niche use in PvE as well.

EDIT 2: Something like - a Commander can summon Warclaw in combat and get access to skills like "Tactics roar" - highlights all CC skills on each player's skill bar that's in squad. They don't have to use them, nor are they influenced in any way except, people get clearer view of CC skills for when they need to break the bar. De-summons the warclaw after use. Niche, extremely niche, doesn't mess with other mounts or WvW people.Like, how many times commanders spam "CC" in chat and people have no idea what that is. Use a warclaw, roar, every player gets their CC skills highlighted (if they have any slotted). Helpful only to a commander and squad, doesn't make other mounts useless.

EDIT3: But this is a Skyscale thread, so i won't go further off topic with this. Maybe i'll brainstorm this later and make a new thread, we can continue the debate there maybe.

Just sayin': One doesn't really have to participate in WvW for Badges of Honor; one acquires enough Badges of Honor to purchase a Commander Tag at 1000 AP.

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

@"Mil.3562" said:A definite NO

The Skyscle is already the most used mount in the game and it needs a buff?

In PVE, the Warclaw is the most useless and least used and ANet should be working on her instead. Unlike all the other seven mounts, the poor kitty has no speciality skill and her mobility is also the slowest.

It's like having a new Longbow in the game but with only half the range and dps of the rest of the LBs.Well done.

The Warclaw was never meant to be competing with the pve mounts. They allowed it in pve, so people could strut around the cities with blinged skins.

That doesn't mean they can't give it a niche feature.Maybe something useful to the Commanders in PvE.Not sure what that would be, but it's no competition to other mounts if Warclaw has niche PvE uses.

in my opinion, the most they can do (without breaking balance vs other mounts) is give it
. this ability functions where people without the mount can run faster as long as they stay near the warclaw user. also good for mentors/commanders to help lead mount-less newbies in pve starter zones. giving the warclaw other abilities in pve doesnt seem fair to wvw people or may break balance with other mounts

Yeah, something like that! Maybe also some features that would only be useful to AND usable by a commander of a 10+ squad. That's extremely niche and doesn't interfere with other mounts at all. EDIT: Also wouldn't be unfair to WvW people if only Commanders could use those abilites. You have to WvW for a commander tag anyway and Warclaw has it's own different WvW use... With this, it'll just have a niche use in PvE as well.

EDIT 2: Something like - a Commander can summon Warclaw in combat and get access to skills like "Tactics roar" - highlights all CC skills on each player's skill bar that's in squad. They don't have to use them, nor are they influenced in any way except, people get clearer view of CC skills for when they need to break the bar. De-summons the warclaw after use. Niche, extremely niche, doesn't mess with other mounts or WvW people.Like, how many times commanders spam "CC" in chat and people have no idea what that is. Use a warclaw, roar, every player gets their CC skills highlighted (if they have any slotted). Helpful only to a commander and squad, doesn't make other mounts useless.

EDIT3: But this is a Skyscale thread, so i won't go further off topic with this. Maybe i'll brainstorm this later and make a new thread, we can continue the debate there maybe.

Just sayin': One doesn't really have to participate in WvW for Badges of Honor; one acquires enough Badges of Honor to purchase a Commander Tag at 1000 AP.

True. I kinda misremembered that you also have to be a certain rank for Commander's compendium, but i guess everyone can be a commander so it doesn't matter.Still, You have to "do" at least some WvW, so while you're at badges collection, you're going to do Warclaw in the meantime, or vice versa, while you're doing Warclaw collections, you're going to get enough badges for the book so...

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@LucianDK.8615 said:

@Dante.1508 said:Only real use for the birb is birb specific flying challenges, as well super long distance flying that have room to swoop down and back up for superspeed flying, something which isnt available in a great many maps, cutting down on the usefulness on it.

This is probably one of the biggest misconceptions of griffon's usage. For anything longer than extremely short distances (like 3 or 4 skyscale dashes), the griffon is faster and better. You don't need super dash to use the griffon. As long as you don't need to go up, the griffon is the better choice even for short distance. The skyscale's only ideal uses are if you need to go up higher/further than the springer, or if you need to travel very short distance on uneven terrain.

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@BlueJin.4127 said:

@Dante.1508 said:Only real use for the birb is birb specific flying challenges, as well super long distance flying that have room to swoop down and back up for superspeed flying, something which isnt available in a great many maps, cutting down on the usefulness on it.

This is probably one of the biggest misconceptions of griffon's usage. For anything longer than extremely short distances (like 3 or 4 skyscale dashes), the griffon is faster and better. You don't need super dash to use the griffon. As long as you don't need to go up, the griffon is the better choice even for short distance.

The biggest issue I have with the birb is that it loses height as you fly. I can count on many instances where Ive flown to something and missing it because I had sunk too low. And the majority of the maps caters far better to the skyscale in what movement that is needed. And also that the birb lacks precision due to its momentum when trying to land on a small spot. Like a certain tiny floating rock with a bloodstone crystal node in bloodstone fen. Or a vista in the same zone that was difficult to reach. The skyscale is just far more useful for general exploration. Ive tried to use the birb again, it just feels weak in usefulness compared to the skyscale.

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@LucianDK.8615 said:

@Dante.1508 said:Only real use for the birb is birb specific flying challenges, as well super long distance flying that have room to swoop down and back up for superspeed flying, something which isnt available in a great many maps, cutting down on the usefulness on it.

This is probably one of the biggest misconceptions of griffon's usage. For anything longer than extremely short distances (like 3 or 4 skyscale dashes), the griffon is faster and better. You don't need super dash to use the griffon. As long as you don't need to go up, the griffon is the better choice even for short distance.

The biggest issue I have with the birb is that it loses height as you fly. I can count on many instances where Ive flown to something and missing it because I had sunk too low. And the majority of the maps caters far better to the skyscale in what movement that is needed. And also that the birb lacks precision due to its momentum when trying to land on a small spot. Like a certain tiny floating rock with a bloodstone crystal node in bloodstone fen. Or a vista in the same zone that was difficult to reach. The skyscale is just far more useful for general exploration. Ive tried to use the birb again, it just feels weak in usefulness compared to the skyscale.

Skyscale loses altitude as well as it flies, and even more than Birb when you deplete its stamina.But it's more precise, that's true, i have no problem landing on said spot in Bloodstone Fen (though i don't have the Birb, i only know of its use due to borrowing).I should really sink in 250 gold and get it lol... Oh well, i'm cheap... :tongue:

So while i don't exactly know fully how the Birb functions, from what little i know flying it unmastered in the borrowed instances of its collection, Skyscale is definitely more versatile, but mastered Birb looks like more fun. :smile:

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Having had my skyscale for over a week now, I honestly have to say that it has some pretty extreme limitations with regards to endurance, but those limitations CAN be easily worked around and, in my opinion, SHOULD be present because if they were not, there would be no reason at all to use any other mount. It takes a bit of planning to get my skyscale to certain locations and I find that to be rather fun. I do recommend to anyone planning to get one, to also plan on maxing out both the masteries for the skyscale and the Crystal Champion. They go a LONG way towards making the skyscale worthwhile to use.

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@Eraden.8740 said:Having had my skyscale for over a week now, I honestly have to say that it has some pretty extreme limitations with regards to endurance, but those limitations CAN be easily worked around and, in my opinion, SHOULD be present because if they were not, there would be no reason at all to use any other mount. It takes a bit of planning to get my skyscale to certain locations and I find that to be rather fun. I do recommend to anyone planning to get one, to also plan on maxing out both the masteries for the skyscale and the Crystal Champion. They go a LONG way towards making the skyscale worthwhile to use.

If they at least do an adjustment on the stamina consume when leaving the ground and taking fly that only would be of great help, at least 40% of the stamina bar disappear when the scale leaves the ground =/... I really hope they do something update the mount fly hability.. When I say 'update' I mean something to IMPROVE the mount and make it better and not something to replace all the other mounts, its more like an upgrade. All mounts are useful.

Not to mention it stuck a lot, would be nice also add a buttom to use the Wall Launch skill..

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@Cuks.8241 said:I would actually nerf the Skyscale, it's to versatile and it's hard to keep up with trains without it. I would keep bunny as the ultimate heigh gain mount. Skyscale would come close or to the same height only with all masteries.

Then you have to nerf Skyscale to the point that it loses flight alltogether. The sheer fact that it can fly is what it makes so versatile and hard to keep up with, not anything else. For that reason, you can also cut Griffon's wings because they're both mostly used to glide across distances to the next objective and there's no amounts of nerfs save for grounding them that will fix that. Not that it needs fixing. Except for the Dragonfall meta, i didn't have any problems keeping up with Skyscales because that's the only meta/map that's designed with flying mounts in mind. All other metas are perfectly doable without them.

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@Veprovina.4876 said:

@"Cuks.8241" said:I would actually nerf the Skyscale, it's to versatile and it's hard to keep up with trains without it. I would keep bunny as the ultimate heigh gain mount. Skyscale would come close or to the same height only with all masteries.

Then you have to nerf Skyscale to the point that it loses flight alltogether. The sheer fact that it can fly is what it makes so versatile and hard to keep up with, not anything else. For that reason, you can also cut Griffon's wings because they're both mostly used to glide across distances to the next objective and there's no amounts of nerfs save for grounding them that will fix that. Not that it needs fixing. Except for the Dragonfall meta, i didn't have any problems keeping up with Skyscales because that's the only meta/map that's designed with flying mounts in mind. All other metas are perfectly doable without them.

I'll correct myself. It's not the versatility that I see as a problem, that's fine for what it takes to get it. It's the fact that it's a living story mount and the heights it can reach. Pretty much all other obstacles can be traversed with "vanilla" mounts and I mean Griffon included because you don't need DLC for it. But the heights it can reach is superior to the bunny which makes a big difference. You need to buy LS4 to keep up.They could introduce an alternative method of acquisition or a new mount in EOD behind a similar collection that would match.

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@Veprovina.4876 said:

@Dante.1508 said:Only real use for the birb is birb specific flying challenges, as well super long distance flying that have room to swoop down and back up for superspeed flying, something which isnt available in a great many maps, cutting down on the usefulness on it.

This is probably one of the biggest misconceptions of griffon's usage. For anything longer than extremely short distances (like 3 or 4 skyscale dashes), the griffon is faster and better. You don't need super dash to use the griffon. As long as you don't need to go up, the griffon is the better choice even for short distance.

The biggest issue I have with the birb is that it loses height as you fly. I can count on many instances where Ive flown to something and missing it because I had sunk too low. And the majority of the maps caters far better to the skyscale in what movement that is needed. And also that the birb lacks precision due to its momentum when trying to land on a small spot. Like a certain tiny floating rock with a bloodstone crystal node in bloodstone fen. Or a vista in the same zone that was difficult to reach. The skyscale is just far more useful for general exploration. Ive tried to use the birb again, it just feels weak in usefulness compared to the skyscale.

Skyscale loses altitude as well as it flies, and even more than Birb when you deplete its stamina.But it's more precise, that's true, i have no problem landing on said spot in Bloodstone Fen (though i don't have the Birb, i only know of its use due to borrowing).I should really sink in 250 gold and get it lol... Oh well, i'm cheap... :tongue:

So while i don't exactly know fully how the Birb functions, from what little i know flying it unmastered in the borrowed instances of its collection, Skyscale is definitely more versatile, but mastered Birb looks like more fun. :smile:

on the hush hush.....Griffon is more fun that Skyscale. Do yourself a favor, get the Griffon, experience the pure joy of flying faster than a roller beetle, regaining massive altitude and well, realizing you went way to far....but that's what the emergency exit (Bond of Faith) is for right!

Skyscale and Griffon, like many GW2 things, has a fairly high skill ceiling. The first few days of using Skyscale I was stuck on everything, having to reset before climbing up stuff, running out of endurance but, those limitations do not prevent you from having a lot of mobility and speed. Just like combat, using the Skyscale I am preplanning my path and what I am going to do before I get there. It means looking for areas of opportunity to exploit the value of Skyscale rather than assuming it is just going to 'do the thing' for you.

If you want to be really next level, try finding ways to use a combination of Skyscale or Griff into Bond of Faith into Gliding into Griff or Skyscale again. This is fun to practice, but also can be used tactically in game.

@forevergamer.7653 said:

@Eraden.8740 said:Having had my skyscale for over a week now, I honestly have to say that it has some pretty extreme limitations with regards to endurance, but those limitations CAN be easily worked around and, in my opinion, SHOULD be present because if they were not, there would be no reason at all to use any other mount. It takes a bit of planning to get my skyscale to certain locations and I find that to be rather fun. I do recommend to anyone planning to get one, to also plan on maxing out both the masteries for the skyscale and the Crystal Champion. They go a LONG way towards making the skyscale worthwhile to use.

If they at least do an adjustment on the stamina consume when leaving the ground and taking fly that only would be of great help, at least 40% of the stamina bar disappear when the scale leaves the ground =/... I really hope they do something update the mount fly hability.. When I say 'update' I mean something to
the mount and make it
not something to replace all the other mounts
, its more like an upgrade. All mounts are useful.

The stamina loss should only be when 'jumping' or 'popping' with the Skyscale. When I first got the Skyscale I found myself holding the Space bar (elevate) a lot when I didn't need to. It created a situation where I was hooking and then popping all the time killing my Stamina. By stopping myself holding/hitting Space Bar all the time and only when needed, combined with learning new pathing to suit the Skyscale I found the issues I had similar to yours went away.

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@forevergamer.7653 said:

@Eraden.8740 said:Having had my skyscale for over a week now, I honestly have to say that it has some pretty extreme limitations with regards to endurance, but those limitations CAN be easily worked around and, in my opinion, SHOULD be present because if they were not, there would be no reason at all to use any other mount. It takes a bit of planning to get my skyscale to certain locations and I find that to be rather fun. I do recommend to anyone planning to get one, to also plan on maxing out both the masteries for the skyscale and the Crystal Champion. They go a LONG way towards making the skyscale worthwhile to use.

If they at least do an adjustment on the stamina consume when leaving the ground and taking fly that only would be of great help, at least 40% of the stamina bar disappear when the scale leaves the ground =/...

The thing is that there's just no need to.

I really hope they do something update the mount fly hability.. When I say 'update' I mean something to IMPROVE the mount and make it better and not something to replace all the other mounts, its more like an upgrade. All mounts are useful.

And as such, I hope they don't. It's already the most versatile anyways. If you want to buff it, you DO want it to replace the mounts despite pretending you don't.

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@"forevergamer.7653" said:If they at least do an adjustment on the stamina consume when leaving the ground and taking fly that only would be of great help, at least 40% of the stamina bar disappear when the scale leaves the ground =/...Not sure what you're doing but if you're leaving the ground via double-tapping jump, that's only 20-25% of the bar.yGC4E1r.jpgWhich seems perfectly reasonable to me.

The skyscale's bread and butter is if you're starting off high as height stamina is less of an issue there, but you still have the ability to get higher than the springer allows if you put a bit of work into it and use the mount bonds. You can also go higher vertically than the springer can jump, albeit slightly slower yet with more precision and the option to add 50% more height to that even in open air.

The skyscale is for uneven terrain, not open areas, and in uneven terrain it's fantastic and stamina is rarely an issue given how many ways there are to replenish it fully or temporarily. How quickly it grabs things sometimes could be adjusted, sure, but stamina use is in the sweet spot.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As I see it, theres simply not enough places for the griffon to shine over the skyscale. The dragon is simply far more effective on most maps. And the springer have no more use, since the skyscale is far more precise in getting up and staying there.  Unlike the springer that often need quite high precision to get up on high small ledges. The skyscale is just superior.  The only reason I havent unbound the bunny is for the few instances that needs button stomping to progress something.

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skyscale is fine as it is.


though something i'd like updated for skyscale is for the mount to print a telegraph/marker (visible to owner only) on the ground/floor after you press the attack skill so you know a few seconds in advance where the aoe is going to land.


this however becomes a non-issue once you get used to estimating how to position the attack though but it may help new skyscale owners.



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