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Please tease us some EOD contents

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@Lighter.5631 said:

@Sigmoid.7082 said:When the current saga is done.

FFXIV revealed their expansion before their story chapters were finished. I don't know why Guild Wars 2 is waiting this long.

This is not ffxiv, what they did is irrelvant.

yea, this is gw2 where the company leave its players to nothingness and void until they quit

That's a really unfair and untrue comment ... For example, Anet allowed GW2 players to experience all the elite specs prior to the release of PoF for player feedback. A Company that 'leaves it's players to nothingness and void' does not do such things. There is no reason to play the victim here. Whatever is your axe to grind, this isn't the place to do it.

As a game dev, I find Anet is actually pretty decent track record for giving us this kind of information.

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@"Ganathar.4956" said:Just wait for 2-3 weeks. They will probably show something very soon after chapter 4. Anet consider their story so very important that they will not release even the most minor spoilers. So there was never a chance that we would get real information before the saga ended, regardless of how finalized the expansion features are. Just look at PoF. It was announced less than 2 months before release, because that is when LW3 ended.

basically the "hype trailer" always come at final of LS-something, so theres no chance of reveal now while IBS still on "running";

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The finale next week will tie into EoD, they've said that since October.I think they're doing the right thing by keeping it quiet until after the saga has ended. The smartest decision is to start building hype after IBS has ended with a teaser, Which judging by their private videos on Youtube is probably what they're going to do.

After that I hope it's a steady flow of trailers for at least 2 months to give time for people outside the GW2 community to hear and get excited about the expansion. If they can get the steam release in before or close to EoD's release that'd be great too.

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I expect:

  • about 78 new currencies
  • 30+ masteries that are only for one specific map or instance
  • more complicated balancing
  • but also more maps to explore, nice things to do, bosses to kill

I don't expect:

  • a new mount, a new playable race (and I am fine with this!)
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@Galmac.4680 said:I expect:

  • about 78 new currencies
  • 30+ masteries that are only for one specific map or instance
  • more complicated balancing
  • but also more maps to explore, nice things to do, bosses to kill

I don't expect:

  • a new mount, a new playable race (and I am fine with this!)

you forgot: a crafting/rng-drop collection that costs 1000+ gold!

(they did say they'd stop doing collections like these but we'll see...)

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@Astyrah.4015 said:

@Galmac.4680 said:I expect:
  • about 78 new currencies
  • 30+ masteries that are only for one specific map or instance
  • more complicated balancing
  • but also more maps to explore, nice things to do, bosses to kill

I don't expect:
  • a new mount, a new playable race (and I am fine with this!)

you forgot: a crafting/rng-drop collection that costs 1000+ gold!

(they did say they'd stop doing collections like these but we'll see...)

I believe that they said they wouldn't put more expensive collections like the IBS ones as achievements for the LS episodes, instead they'll be added to the Collections and won't be required for the meta achievements.

There's practically no chance that they won't be adding more expensive weapon collections.

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@Frozenize.9603 said:I know it has been a rough path with all the Covid crisis and work from home. However, I would love to see Anet tease some new content from EOD. Anet has been completely silenced about EOD, all we know is some random artwork on wiki and stream. They need to throw some info out there so people can build up the hype. There is nothing wrong to build hype for the new Expansion. At the moment, we do not even know when will EOD is going to be released, there is no roadmap no info about it, and they need to keep in their mind that FFXIV is going to release their new expansion in Summer 2021 and they have a bigger market than Gw2. In the worse scenario, EOD might be delayed further into 2022 and if that happens then it will be a huge bummer because there are not many things interesting anymore.


We shouldn't even know about EoD yet.The only reason we know is cause arenanet made a communication error. After the lay offs they made an announcement they had no plans for another xpack. This was very ill received. So when they changed the plan they had to settle the dust and announce it very early. Normally they would do it much later (PoF was announced just 2 months before release).

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@mercury ranique.2170 said:

@Frozenize.9603 said:I know it has been a rough path with all the Covid crisis and work from home. However, I would love to see Anet tease some new content from EOD. Anet has been completely silenced about EOD, all we know is some random artwork on wiki and stream. They need to throw some info out there so people can build up the hype. There is nothing wrong to build hype for the new Expansion. At the moment, we do not even know when will EOD is going to be released, there is no roadmap no info about it, and they need to keep in their mind that FFXIV is going to release their new expansion in Summer 2021 and they have a bigger market than Gw2. In the worse scenario, EOD might be delayed further into 2022 and if that happens then it will be a huge bummer because there are not many things interesting anymore.


We shouldn't even know about EoD yet.The only reason we know is cause arenanet made a communication error. After the lay offs they made an announcement they had no plans for another xpack. This was very ill received. So when they changed the plan they had to settle the dust and announce it very early. Normally they would do it much later (PoF was announced just 2 months before release).

The EOD news was crucial. What do you think the forum would look like if nothing had been announced and we were left with absolutely nothing after the LS.The mistake in their communication is not that they accidentally revealed something that is not yet ready, the mistake is that after that no more news came ...Only through news you get new players in. And no matter how the game is currently doing in terms of players, new players are always important.

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@Fuchslein.8639 said:

@Frozenize.9603 said:I know it has been a rough path with all the Covid crisis and work from home. However, I would love to see Anet tease some new content from EOD. Anet has been completely silenced about EOD, all we know is some random artwork on wiki and stream. They need to throw some info out there so people can build up the hype. There is nothing wrong to build hype for the new Expansion. At the moment, we do not even know when will EOD is going to be released, there is no roadmap no info about it, and they need to keep in their mind that FFXIV is going to release their new expansion in Summer 2021 and they have a bigger market than Gw2. In the worse scenario, EOD might be delayed further into 2022 and if that happens then it will be a huge bummer because there are not many things interesting anymore.


We shouldn't even know about EoD yet.The only reason we know is cause arenanet made a communication error. After the lay offs they made an announcement they had no plans for another xpack. This was very ill received. So when they changed the plan they had to settle the dust and announce it very early. Normally they would do it much later (PoF was announced just 2 months before release).

The EOD news was crucial. What do you think the forum would look like if nothing had been announced and we were left with absolutely nothing after the LS.The mistake in their communication is not that they accidentally revealed something that is not yet ready, the mistake is that after that no more news came ...Only through news you get new players in. And no matter how the game is currently doing in terms of players, new players are always important.

The mistake was they told us there where no plans for an xpack. That was rectified. After that no mistakes where made. It will be ready when it is ready. I do not have to remind you how bad it is to announce something that turns out very differently. I am very happy they only communicate information about products they are going to releade and in the way it is announced (still upset about Amazon LOTR)

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@mercury ranique.2170 said:

@Frozenize.9603 said:I know it has been a rough path with all the Covid crisis and work from home. However, I would love to see Anet tease some new content from EOD. Anet has been completely silenced about EOD, all we know is some random artwork on wiki and stream. They need to throw some info out there so people can build up the hype. There is nothing wrong to build hype for the new Expansion. At the moment, we do not even know when will EOD is going to be released, there is no roadmap no info about it, and they need to keep in their mind that FFXIV is going to release their new expansion in Summer 2021 and they have a bigger market than Gw2. In the worse scenario, EOD might be delayed further into 2022 and if that happens then it will be a huge bummer because there are not many things interesting anymore.


We shouldn't even know about EoD yet.The only reason we know is cause arenanet made a communication error. After the lay offs they made an announcement they had no plans for another xpack. This was very ill received. So when they changed the plan they had to settle the dust and announce it very early. Normally they would do it much later (PoF was announced just 2 months before release).

The EOD news was crucial. What do you think the forum would look like if nothing had been announced and we were left with absolutely nothing after the LS.The mistake in their communication is not that they accidentally revealed something that is not yet ready, the mistake is that after that no more news came ...Only through news you get new players in. And no matter how the game is currently doing in terms of players, new players are always important.

The mistake was they told us there where no plans for an xpack. That was rectified. After that no mistakes where made. It will be ready when it is ready. I do not have to remind you how bad it is to announce something that turns out very differently. I am very happy they only communicate information about products they are going to releade and in the way it is announced (still upset about Amazon LOTR)

Well, they're not supposed to lie, of course. But if we live in a time where no news is better than fake news ... k. Then you must have a lot of trust in Anet.

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If Anet is guilty of one thing, is that they have always been kinda secretive about everything they do.Wish they were a bit more transparent, and yes, that includes a bit more info on the expansion.

If you look to the neighborhood, most of the "populated mmorpgs" always show plenty of stuff only months after anouncements like expansions or patches. Since EoD teaser we have gotten nothing but radio silence i honestly think is a bad thing from all perspectives: Player base, expectatives, press, marketing, profits and game design even.

We should have already SOME information. The only reason for this level of secrecy is not "we are working in something amazing", that is never the case in this industry and only keeping silent to build up "hype" is an awful practice that leads only to failure and alienation of the playerbase. Usually the reason behind long silences is more like: "We are having issues."

Just comparing to my other MMORPG i play a lot, FFXIV. I know their resources are not even comparable. But they even have a dedicated website with plenty of information already of their expansion, ofc, most of us that have played XIV for a long while know what to expect and those are basically "non-news" for us. But in the case of Anet and GW2, i don't think they are allowed that luxury: In this industry, in this market, what this game needs a lot more is press coverage and news making and keeping it silent is doing nothing for those things.

Please Anet, open up. Or tell NCsoft to open up. Probably the ones calling the shots tbh.

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@Frozenize.9603 said:

@"ugrakarma.9416" said:and if they dont even started?hype = setup yourself for dissapointment.

im very favor of delayed content released with quality than we have again "DRM's", or Kourna again, or ....

Hype is always a key element to boost up sales. Your expectation might not reach but at least they could have a great sale number and that is what Anet needs at the moment

Guild wars 2 will generate good sales just as last time it did, POF saw the largest sales yet for gw2

It's important however the content they show us is finished enough to sell the idea,

Look at WoW SL for a good example of this. If ideas and concepts aren't finished enough prior showing it generally spreads concern.

You have to remember they're unlikely to show EoD stuff prior the finale of the icebrood saga. Which as far as I'm aware releases today. Which likely means in about 2 weeks we will see EoD teasers.

Considering how small Anet is. Covid and things would have set them back alot harder then most companies. Working from home likely took them longer to get going also.

Hopefully in 2 weeks we will see some more stuff on EoD.

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@Daddy.8125 said:

@"ugrakarma.9416" said:and if they dont even started?hype = setup yourself for dissapointment.

im very favor of delayed content released with quality than we have again "DRM's", or Kourna again, or ....

Hype is always a key element to boost up sales. Your expectation might not reach but at least they could have a great sale number and that is what Anet needs at the moment

Guild wars 2 will generate good sales just as last time it did, POF saw the largest sales yet for gw2

It's important however the content they show us is finished enough to sell the idea,

Look at WoW SL for a good example of this. If ideas and concepts aren't finished enough prior showing it generally spreads concern.

You have to remember they're unlikely to show EoD stuff prior the finale of the icebrood saga. Which as far as I'm aware releases today. Which likely means in about 2 weeks we will see EoD teasers.

Considering how small Anet is. Covid and things would have set them back alot harder then most companies. Working from home likely took them longer to get going also.

Hopefully in 2 weeks we will see some more stuff on EoD.

The Icebrood Saga finale does not release today; that's on the 27th.

As far as sales go, Core release was highest, then Heart of Thorns release, then Path of Fire release.

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

@"ugrakarma.9416" said:and if they dont even started?hype = setup yourself for dissapointment.

im very favor of delayed content released with quality than we have again "DRM's", or Kourna again, or ....

Hype is always a key element to boost up sales. Your expectation might not reach but at least they could have a great sale number and that is what Anet needs at the moment

Guild wars 2 will generate good sales just as last time it did, POF saw the largest sales yet for gw2

It's important however the content they show us is finished enough to sell the idea,

Look at WoW SL for a good example of this. If ideas and concepts aren't finished enough prior showing it generally spreads concern.

You have to remember they're unlikely to show EoD stuff prior the finale of the icebrood saga. Which as far as I'm aware releases today. Which likely means in about 2 weeks we will see EoD teasers.

Considering how small Anet is. Covid and things would have set them back alot harder then most companies. Working from home likely took them longer to get going also.

Hopefully in 2 weeks we will see some more stuff on EoD.

The Icebrood Saga finale does not release today; that's on the 27th.

As far as sales go, Core release was highest, then Heart of Thorns release, then Path of Fire release.

h really? I was told PoF broke records in sales. Interesting haha. Maybe I got told some false info then I guess

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@Mortifera.6138 said:

@Sigmoid.7082 said:When the current saga is done.

FFXIV revealed their expansion before their story chapters were finished. I don't know why Guild Wars 2 is waiting this long.Ff XIV has their release schedule practically set in stone years before. This year they had some delays, but it took a global pandemic to cause that. GW2 was never able to plan (and follow up on that plan) with as much stability and predictability. But then, Anet is not Square-Enix.

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@Daddy.8125 said:

@"ugrakarma.9416" said:and if they dont even started?hype = setup yourself for dissapointment.

im very favor of delayed content released with quality than we have again "DRM's", or Kourna again, or ....

Hype is always a key element to boost up sales. Your expectation might not reach but at least they could have a great sale number and that is what Anet needs at the moment

Guild wars 2 will generate good sales just as last time it did, POF saw the largest sales yet for gw2

It's important however the content they show us is finished enough to sell the idea,

Look at WoW SL for a good example of this. If ideas and concepts aren't finished enough prior showing it generally spreads concern.

You have to remember they're unlikely to show EoD stuff prior the finale of the icebrood saga. Which as far as I'm aware releases today. Which likely means in about 2 weeks we will see EoD teasers.

Considering how small Anet is. Covid and things would have set them back alot harder then most companies. Working from home likely took them longer to get going also.

Hopefully in 2 weeks we will see some more stuff on EoD.

The Icebrood Saga finale does not release today; that's on the 27th.

As far as sales go, Core release was highest, then Heart of Thorns release, then Path of Fire release.

h really? I was told PoF broke records in sales. Interesting haha. Maybe I got told some false info then I guess

@"ugrakarma.9416" said:and if they dont even started?hype = setup yourself for dissapointment.

im very favor of delayed content released with quality than we have again "DRM's", or Kourna again, or ....

Hype is always a key element to boost up sales. Your expectation might not reach but at least they could have a great sale number and that is what Anet needs at the moment

Guild wars 2 will generate good sales just as last time it did, POF saw the largest sales yet for gw2

It's important however the content they show us is finished enough to sell the idea,

Look at WoW SL for a good example of this. If ideas and concepts aren't finished enough prior showing it generally spreads concern.

You have to remember they're unlikely to show EoD stuff prior the finale of the icebrood saga. Which as far as I'm aware releases today. Which likely means in about 2 weeks we will see EoD teasers.

Considering how small Anet is. Covid and things would have set them back alot harder then most companies. Working from home likely took them longer to get going also.

Hopefully in 2 weeks we will see some more stuff on EoD.

The Icebrood Saga finale does not release today; that's on the 27th.

As far as sales go, Core release was highest, then Heart of Thorns release, then Path of Fire release.

Do you also have evidence for this or are we just throwing stats around again ^^''.And the question is, are these sales numbers big enough to ensure that enough sells that enough will stay in the end and continue to finance the game so that after EOD not only Gem-shop updates come?

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It's easy enough to look up the past sales revenue. Google Guild Wars 2 sales revenue. Some of the results point right back here to the forum.As for future sales, and whether NCSoft thinks it is enough to insure the game stays in their portfolio and the Devs continue to release content (not sure why you would think otherwise, but...), you would have to ask them.
So far, it has, even when there hasn't been an expansion release.

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